Naval Legends: USS Texas | World of Warships

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they were designed to be the best they met enemies face to face endured tragedies and enjoyed victories they went down in history due to the bravery of their crews and deserve to be called naval legends in this episode Texas the last dreadnought in 1906 the British battleship dreadnought was launched and naval shipbuilding changed forever long-range weapons new optics fire control systems steam turbine cemented armor this ship became a sensation in navel circles and an apple ative for the battleship class with its appearance the great naval arms race began which country would build the most powerful warship the New York class which Texas is a part of were those in the next evolution down the road they were super dreadnought they were dreadnought plus so they had bigger guns than the dreadnought did they had more armor than the dread-nots did Texas was launched in May 1912 and in two years it was completely built and fully accepted into American fleet the USS Texas was a pioneer ship in its groundbreaking history it was the first battleship to incorporate anti-aircraft guns the first ship to count US Marines among its crew and it is the first ship to become a Memorial Museum where it remains today representing the era of dreadnaughts some elements of the Texas's construction can be called quite traditional for example dreadnought harbouring was made according to the old distributed scheme where not only the central part of the hull was covered but the ends were covered as well American quality armour was considered to be the best which was essential for the battleship the armor gives you the the the defensive capability you are not only able to give out damage via your guns but you're also able to take damage so that gives you the ability to stay in the fight longer in other words it's like a heavyweight a fighter if he's able to take a punch the USS Texas his armament consisted of five major caliber gun turrets two 14-inch guns were housed within each turret according to a linear sublime scheme this decision allowed the Texas to use all of its towers for broadside engagements and two out of the five for axial engagements the guns were fourteen inches they were the largest rifle Navy rifles ever floated at that time and then she had armor to match she was able to unleash a a large volley of 14-inch volley of ten guns and take that same punch back with her armor at the time of its build the strongest warship on the face of the planet total displacement is slightly less than 32,000 tons length is more than 170 meters which is about 33 meters keel depth is over nine meters armoring main belt is up to 305 millimeters major caliber turret is 356 millimeters and 305 millimeters for conning tower armen major caliber five turret units with two guns math one on each secondary armament 16 single barreled market guns eight multipurpose artery mark 10 guns FLAC browning m2 v mg of 12.7 caliber 12 and 7 tenths of a millimeter anti-aircraft guns Aviation Group or seaplane Serta soft maximum speed is 90 knots cruising range more than 15,000 nautical miles at 10 knots in order to control the ship's fire a special ballistic calculator was used the range keeper mark one which was considered to be the best among similar devices for a long time an analogue computer mechanism processed the data about the targets position speed and atmospheric conditions and then gave the shooting parameters further improvement of navigation systems has been associated with the introduction of radar devices by the beginning of World War two Texas was first among the ships of the Atlantic Fleet to receive radar for detecting air targets this avionics equipment has improved the United States Navy's superiority in fire control systems one of the traditional solutions for Texas was the installation of a vertical four-cylinder steam engine of triple-expansion an engine for each of two propeller screws you know a top speed of maybe 25 miles an hour 20 21 knots but the reliability the durability and the efficiency of those engines was remarkable of these engines a twin built one of the most advanced reciprocating engines ever built and they currently are a nationalist or engineering landmark in and of themselves the history of the battleship Texas began with participation in occupation of the Mexican port of Veracruz in 1914 the ship was on duty in the Gulf Coast and was ready if it needed to support the Marines with fire after the mission was accomplished US troops withdrew and the USS Texas engaged in combat training in the Atlantic from the very beginning the excellent skills of the gun crew became part of the ship's identity the USS Texas battleship team has won many accuracy competitions in April 1917 the United States entered the first world war although battle scenes for the USS Texas were limited to a couple of contracts with submarines American battleships through their intimidating presence contributed to the crushing defeat of the second ride after signing the armistice Texas participated in internment of the German Navy Germans under the protection of Union squadron proceeded to the main British base at Scapa Flow more than 70 battleships and battle cruisers were in one place at the same time a fascinating majestic scene the aging Texas began a peaceful life in the mid 20s it experienced a deep modernization which took two years when these countries sat down at the Washington Naval limitation treaties they decided that they would no longer build or they would limit the number of ships they've built they were going to build part of the results of that were that the battleship Texas replacement was scrapped and battleship Texas was need to be upgraded so between 25 and 27 she was converted from a fuel or from a coal-fired ship to a fuel hardship she had her torpedo tubes removed as originally built she could fire torpedoes those were moved in that 2527 refit she also added some more defense to herself she had blister tanks torpedo blister tanks added all of these things upgraded her made her a new ship for all intents and purposes and gave her second life with the beginning of world war two Texas was back in the ranks the USS Texas would be awarded with five combat stars for special merits the first star was awarded in 1942 for her part in Operation Torch the Allied landings in French Morocco and Algeria Texas debut in the role of ship artillery support its objectives were to take out the battery at old fort of casbah and to deter tanks which try to attack Marines and surrounding roads on which the pro-fascist Vichy regime French troops feed reinforcements in addition the battleship was conducting anti-fascist propaganda the ship's radio station continuously broadcasted messages from Allied leaders and resistance she was the only US warship to serve in all theatres of operation she was involved at the invasion of North Africa vation of southern France she was at d-day June 6 1944 and ongoing and then she eventually moved over to the Pacific where she served both Iwo Jima and Okinawa the main event in the USS Texas his career was her participation in opening a second front the landing of Allied troops in northern France in the summer of 1944 despite the enormous superiority of the anglo-american forces at sea and in the air well sheltered enemy positions on the ground or keeping Allied troopers landing on the Normandy coast under heavy fire causing heavy casualties and not allowing them to move forward Texas was able to come close to the shore and maintain direct fire from all her guns by that time Texas's armament was already far behind comparing to the latest battleships range of fire but the commander found an original solution to this problem he flooded part of the torpedo protection walls tilting the ship and increasing the elevation angle of the guns this adjustment allowed the USS Texas to strike all of her planned targets the battleship Texas with fire more than 500 rounds allowing the Allies were able to gain a foothold on the shore and expanded after landing on the Normandy coast Texas took part in capturing Cherbourg this major port was well protected in particular with a large gun battery Hamburg Texas began an artillery duel with it during which it was damaged for the first and last time during its service a German 240 millimeter shell went straight into the conning tower and destroyed all the unarmored constructions including the bridge steerer died and five more people were seriously injured the captain was lucky to survive but the ships battle capability was not significantly effective and the battleship continued its duel with the German battery soon another shell hit the living quarters of ship from the left side of the bow but it did not explode and was stuck in the cabin of one of the junior officers the shell was covered with mattresses and after the baffle leftenant stared Erland carefully removed the shell and pulled the faulty fuse minesweeper was awarded with a Bronze Star and the shell was brought back to Texas as a mascot after a battleship Texas his activity in Europe was completed it was given a small rest before being sent to the Pacific Ocean she participated in the assault on Iwo Jima and Okinawa and during preparation for its large short bout in Japan met the end of the war it was obvious that the nearly 40-year veteran battleship could not continue its service before sending the old battleship to disposition the United States Navy offered to sell them to the states whose names they bear the idea was received with great enthusiasm in Texas and on the 21st of April 1948 the state's namesake battleship of the same name was officially handed over to the authorities of the state of Texas as a ship Museum and it's a floating Museum now we are open 7 days a week we love the public to come out and explore the ship and interact with this artifact this museum in a in a very personal way you're able to to explore the ship and hopefully get the experience of what it was like to be aboard the ship Texas is a truly unique ship it came into commission before the first world war and is the only United States battleship which took part of the second world on three major theatres of war in Africa Europe and the Pacific today this armored giant is standing on eternal parking at the pier in San Joaquin tow port for sana fiying the force and naval power of the first half of the 20th century you
Channel: World of Warships Official Channel
Views: 1,057,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warships, Warships Gameplay, Wargaming, Strategy Game, MMO, Free Multiplayer, Battleships, Captain Bad Advice, Warships, ww2, world of warships video, world war 2, world war heroes, naval legends, naval legends world of warships, naval legends wows, navy documentary ww2, navy documentary,, uss texas, uss texas prop hunt, texas ship, texas ship explosion, dreadnought, uss texas history, American Texas battleship, Normandy landings, Hamburg battery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 24 2014
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