Navajo Nation 1974

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[Music] the theme of this second administration will be the emerging Navajo Nation there in these next four years we will continue the program we have begun to fully develop the Navajo Nation as an important economic social and political force in the southwest and into the United States with the Navajo the hopi the Apache and the other Native American people with whom we share this continent we pledge a strengthening of old friendships as we're together combat the enemies which poverty has brought to our doorsteps to those Outsiders who have come and will come to our land in the name of economic development and technological change we offer both a greeting and a warning we need your skills we need your capital but we must remind you that this is our land and that it's destiny and its future are in our hands we say to you that your welcome will depend on how you treat us as well as how you treat our land
Channel: FootageWorld
Views: 2,699
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Navajo Nation, Navajo Code Talker
Id: thTNqa2lxwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 52sec (112 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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