Four Corners National Monument - Navajo Nation

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[Music] hey all rusty are very TV welcome this is Cortez Colorado all rested up ready to rock and roll here we're gonna cut through town and then we're gonna drop down south we're gonna be saying goodbye to Colorado here in a little bit what a beautiful amazing journey I've been on going through Colorado all these little towns they're all unique ton of history very old glad I came through here this was not originally planned to my trip good coming down this direction so this was kind of the last minute change when I was up in the Dakotas I decided to do this okay well we're heading out of town I'm gonna drop south here we're still on 160 we'll be on 160 for a while yet so long Cortez but only about 40 miles maybe 50 from here or something I've wanted to see forever and we're gonna stop it's early morning to growing low after 6:00 a.m. you know me I'd like to get up get on the road early I'm not sure how well the dashcams picking up that mountain there in the left but boy that is just beautiful all right now we're rolling this is also 491 which cuts down I think all the way to New Mexico from not mistaken and look at that mountain faces that is just gorgeous well we got here casino you know we'll be crossing quite a bit of reservation land that's a pretty good-sized one they got our of ease in there okay now the sun's coming up the cuff flight it's getting this is definitely high mountain desert we're up in elevation for sure they do get snow Wow check out that rock mountain on the left okay here's we're getting there turn off here a 4.91 to go straight that takes you straight into New Mexico but we're gonna make a right actually I'm gonna stop check it out there's a little area here I want to get a picture of that mountain and we're gonna follow 160 down the four corner J we're you know check out four corners where all four states intersect we check that out that's a not quite a postcard what a launch a drone real quick there's a sign four corners we're about 20 miles away we got well ways to go look at that mountain sir the drone up near real quick see what we get up we go now there's your postcard picture look at that what a beautiful land huh down that directions in Mexico we're still in Colorado that's the direction we're heading over to four corners that's looking back up towards Cortez there's supposed to be some ancient of the canyons or something like that not be another trip very pretty land very nice very impressive okay let's get landed and let's go check out the four corners okay where we go four corners monument I've been wanting to see this thing for a long long time okay we're turning here we're on 160 now head and West will be cutting across here about oh I think 18 miles according to the phone well there ain't much out here just desert kind of rolling hills oh but hardcore desert okay here we go getting close you're ready we're leaving Colorado there's water in that river too pretty good okay that should be a sign well oh okay we just crossed I didn't see a sign welcome to New Mexico there's a Colorado sign right there in the lasso okay we're in New Mexico here it is we made it four corners monument let me pull in there a second let that guy get in what's the sign say yep four corners I'll stop on the way out get the picture the other sign okay let's go on in Navajo Nation four-corners National Monument nice cool cool cool okay looks like it's five bucks that's all right well good morning how are you this one been wanting to come here for years thank you thank you very much well here we are huh that's it that's it with all the flags right there well let me get part there's restrooms there on the left I see a couple RVs out here they got picnic area so it's kind of a day use you can spend the day out here if you want [Music] all right get ready we're gonna be traveling four states not many people here wonder what these buildings are I don't know I'd like low cubicles vendors okay check it out each state has their vendors looks like a couple of them selling jewelry here we are look we're entering in New Mexico I think goodness look at the benches they forgot ceremonies where am I New Mexico check it out look at this welcome to New Mexico [Music] now I'm gonna go over to Colorado for a minute yeah okay well heck let's shoot over to Utah all right back home Arizona here we are getting this wild huh goodness gravy too cool let me go up here and get a picture from the top yeah they got benders here selling their goodies we'll do a walk-around very well done look at this place there it is where the four states meet [Music] all right I'm gonna take you guys on a four-state tour right now okay yeah look at the little cubicles table how interesting magnets and ladies on magnets in Colorado and over here in Utah you can shop for what Braemore magnets looks like jewelry in Utah but I want gore Arizona let's see what you got in Arizona here more jewelry on eat I bet they do well I bet they think all the people that come here I bet quite a few [Music] well how unique how very very unique see what this thing says here oh it's been marked cool well let's take one last look I could keep on trucking we got miles to do today I just thought this would be a very fun stop to make [Music] okay I got a head over to New Mexico here that's where I left the van [Music] and I think when we leave here we'll shoot over to Arizona what do you think [Music] too funny well if you get a chance get out here check this out check it something to see something to photograph I seen pictures that people actually laying on the marker like they have body parts and all four states let's go I've got a rough road in here already from here I'm gonna cut into I think Arizona then we're gonna go straight south I want to connect up with i-40 that's a goal today to get down to I 40 because we're heading home on our way home boy temperatures heating up too I mean it's too early in the morning you can feel the heat gonna keep getting hotter oh well August and desert [Music] yeah there's a harsh place of weather I bet gets it they definitely get snow here too this is pretty high mountain we're way up here okay I'm pretty sure we are still in New Mexico barely I'm gonna stop here and get a picture of the sign for you then figure out a plan so next video we're heading will be heading south talk soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 39,484
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: four corners, navajo nation, new mexico, four corners monument, road trip, four corners (location), arizona (us state), navajo national monument, rv trip, rv living, travel video, four corners monument colorado, four corners monument webcam, four corners monument (location), you tube, travel vlog, rv living full time, rv living tips, travel video tips, Four Corners National Monument - Navajo Nation
Id: 4zWHyNjuncg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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