Natural ways to remove pesticides from berries

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so now we're going to see how we can remove pesticides and toxins from berries blueberries are alone have 52 pesticide residues found on them 14 of which are dangerous neurotoxins which are brain development so never ever give these to your children unless you've removed as many of these toxins as possible and unfortunately all berries are like this berries are the worst possible foods and fruits that have so many pesticides larvicides and fungicides all over them on top of which they're irradiated so today we're going to look at how we can get these pesticides off as simply as possible so we're going to take our blueberries and this can be any kind of blueberries they're all pretty much coated with pesticides and every nasty chemical you can think of and we're going to add some spring water as always make sure you've got some nice spring water and there are plenty of it you get your blueberries floating and then we're going to add a cup of vinegar it's usually a four to one mixture with vinegar but I find with berries you don't need quite so much I just soak it a little bit more this is pretty much four to one anyway all right so we're going to go ahead and mix this up and don't worry about the vinegar taste getting into the berries because they were going to soak these for 10 to 15 minutes and then we're going to put them through a strainer and rinse them really well with some water and you won't taste the vinegar on there at all but what you will have done is removed all the toxins from there and as I said remember a lot of these are never feed berries or any other fruit to your children until you have removed as much of these pesticides herbicides fungicides everything they spray on these because there they will damage your child's intellectual development so I'll be back with my clean blueberries and show you how to remove the toxins and pesticides from other fruits they're soaking I wanted to show you this disgusting white sludge that comes off of them this was some liquid I took off after the blueberries had soaked for about 10 minutes and what I'm concerned about is those white floating particulates in there this is not something it's supposed to be coming off fruit this is all the pesticides and toxins that we have removed and you can see them floating in there disgusting so at least you know that you're not going to be digesting these and you've removed as much as possible these beautiful blueberries that have now been cleaned with vinegar and I've put them through a strainer with water and rinse them thoroughly and they are sweet and delicious and best of all most of the pesticides and the toxins have been removed I've also got because I'm making a beautiful green smoothie this morning I've got some Kiwis I've got some organic Swiss chard that I grew in my own garden and I'm particularly proud of this Swiss chard it is beautiful it's organic I just washed it off and I can't wait to put it in my smoothie I've also got some chia seeds here you can learn more about chia seeds at on my website they're a superfood and unless all got some maca powder which is also superfood if you want to learn about any of these superfoods or more smoothie recipes I'd be more than happy to show you on my website it's the master vegan calm and we go over frequently superfoods herbs and anything else that can help you live a great lifestyle see you soon
Channel: The Master Vegan
Views: 150,856
Rating: 4.7411623 out of 5
Keywords: pesticides on fruit, pesticides, toxins, fruit, produce, adhd, vegan, Food, Healthy, Natural, Berries, raw food vegan diet, Natural ways to remove pesticides from Blueberries, how to remove pesticides from BlueBerries, How to clean BlueBerries, How to clean Blueberry, BlueBerries, How to clean berries, How to make a green smoothie, how can you remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables, how to clean non organic fruit, how to clean spinach, how to clean kale, e coli on spinach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 26 2014
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