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(Nattering with Nah) Oh, look at you. Why did you dress up? I'm not dressed up. This is just me being me. Did you lose more weight? No, so what is this? I'll explain, sit over here. You look younger. - What? Me? - Yea. (CHA SEOUNG WON: Actor, Model) It's all thanks to stem cells. Stem cells? (Writer Kim Dae Ju, Producer Nah Yung Suk, Writer Lee Woo Jung) This is the mic? Yea, we do have microphones. We're going cheap. You know we're not paying you, right? Yea. What are you doing? I'm here. (The writer and producer were distracted) I know you're working, but when someone's here, - say hi. - Greet him. (Hello) (Introducing the Producer and Writer) Anyway, remember me when I become a nobody. I've been sharing that a lot lately. You worry about that too? Do you... Seo Jin told me he's been anxious and agitated these days. He's anxious and agitated when at home alone doing nothing. He should take a Kiungwhan tonic. What is that? It's what kids eat when they're startled. He should take Kiungwhan, a type of Woohwangcheongsimwon. I'll tell him to. I don't have depression or feel anxious, agitated, and stuff. Oh... His lifestyle, his regimen... It's crazy. Do you spend a lot on fitness? I do. Because I don't spend money on other things. What do you seriously do? Me? You're always at home. Exactly. You only stay at home. He's always only at home. I stay at home and... How old is Ye Ni? She's a sophomore in college. - Wow. - Wow. She's in college? Yes, but it's the same. She may have gone to college, but I still have to look after her. I... You... Or maybe... Maybe I'm enabling her to rely on me. If I could be born again, I want to be his child. I want to be Ye Ni. Guess what's the worst way to reincarnate? What? Reincarnate as Ye Ni's husband. (Laughing) Imagine having CHA SEOUNG WON as your father-in-law. I'd hate it. "What are you doing?" "I think Ye Ni is on her way home." He'd be nagging all the time. You never know if she'll have a husband or not. - That's scary. - So scary. As you mentioned that, I just imagined her getting married. I hope she doesn't. I honestly don't want to think about it. - Wow. - Wow. No, you can't already be like that. I bet you thought about your daughter getting married. No, never. What? You want her to live alone forever? I'll get depressed if I start thinking about it. Thinking about her leaving me will get me depressed. That's why I don't do it. But you never know. Whatever, just don't mention it. Let's change the subject. It's upsetting. So, just imagining it - I'm upset. - made you upset right now? Yes. Wow, you're unbelievable. He's dead serious. (Changing the topic) I'm also raising two dogs these days. I've been looking after them. Don't you hate dogs? I hate them a lot. I used to hate them a lot, but... I... I can't believe you have dogs. Yes, it's been four years. I could never imagine having dogs on my bed. It was unthinkable. But now, it's a norm. They stick like glue. - To people? - Yes. Your face just changed. He hated dogs before. When we started <3 Meals A Day>... Remember when I saw Sanchae? I frowned and let out a sigh. (The Behind Stories of <3 Meals A Day>) He'd play with him for only 10 seconds. Those 10 seconds... It'd be 10 seconds if it's a friendly dog. If not, maybe 5 or 6 seconds? But it's different now that you have two? It's different. They say you raise a child with your heart and a dog with money. There's a saying like that? (Nodding) There's daycare too. Daycare for dogs. I give them rides back and forth. You were meant to be a delivery man. It's like you raising Ye Ni again. Home, work, daycare. That's the triangle of my life. You were meant to pick up and deliver things. Before it was home, work, and Ye Ni's school. Yes, but now it changed. I guess you were born to serve others. Born to serve. Do you have tteokbokki with cheese? No, no, never. I hate it. I hate having cheese on ramyeon and tteokbokki. Okay, I want to ask you this. We wanted to do a show with you. <CHA SEOUNG WON's To-go, To-go>. "To-go, please." Korea is all about delivery food with BAEMIN and Coupang apps, right? I was the pioneer in that. He was the type who always ordered things to-go. He wouldn't even have someone else pick it up. He'd do it. He'd always be waiting for a to-go order. Right. Whenever I called him, he'd always say, "I'm waiting for my to-go order." I'd think, "What on earth?" He was always picking up to-go food. Some places, I'd pick up the food in their plates and return the plates back. You know buckwheat noodles on trays? Oh... I'd plastic-wrap the buckwheat noodles with the tray. And head home holding that. Wrap it like, this, this, this. I bet you were faster than BAEMIN. He has a whole list of good eatouts. Where's the best gimbap place? Oneunjeong is the best. - Oh. - In Jeju Island? Yes, Oneunjeong. Here's why that place is good. Their rice, it's different. It's very glutinous. Best kalguksu place? Seoho Gimbap is good. - What? - Seoho. Seoho Gimbap's kimchi sujebi is really good. Sujebi at a gimbap place? I only get the broth of the kimchi sujebi, get noodles elsewhere, and eat it together. It's all about mixing it up. So you'd bring noodles from another place? Solmotoongee for noodles. It's a samgyeopsal place in front of my house. They serve chicken kalguksu. I don't know where they get their noodles. But it's out of this world. I love how he knows these kinds of stuff. He knows something about everything. Best samgyetang place? I say, Goryeo Samgyetang. Oh, Jin Samgyetang is good too. Best Chinese place? Chinese... These days, I've been enjoying MUTAN. MUTAN? Never heard of that place. Their Goheung webfoot octopus jjamppong is out of this world. (Very specific) - Best pork? - What? Producer Myung Han and I love naengmyeon with meat. Then you should go to Nari's House. It originally started in Itaewon. - They serve naengmyeon with meat? - Yes. That was one of the first places that served naengmyeon with meat. - Oh. - The original. The OG place. Their green onion kimchi is... - The shredded green onion. - I mean shredded green onion. So sometimes, I don't get meat there and just ask for the shredded green onions. - They do that? - Impressive. And their seasoned cucumbers are good. Oh, the thickly-cut cucumbers? Yes, that's it. It's out of this world. But they don't always have it. On days they have it, I'll get some. If not, I don't. They didn't do to-go before. But people know I can cook because they saw me cooking on TV. They trust I'm not someone who'll ruin their food even if I take it to-go. They all kind of know. (To-go for Cha) And he takes all of that food to feed Ye Ni. Goodness. - Did you know? - What? You probably won't remember. But we were shooting on an island. One day he said he had business to do in Seoul. Oh, Ye Ni's birthday? - Yes, when we were in Manje Island. - And I came back. - Exactly. - He came back after a night. Guess how long the round trip takes. From there to Seoul. I think it was about 16 hours. That's about right. Because I left in the morning but it was 10 pm when I got home. So I celebrated Ye Ni's birthday and left the next day. - Four in the morning. - You took the morning ferry. I took a ferry at 4 am from Mokpo and took 7 hours to get there on a boat. That... Where does that love for your kids and family come from? Why do you go so far? Are you saying it's an obsession or love? Of course, it's love. I'm a father too, - and I love my children too, - You go pretty far too. - But I can't do that. - Oh, no. He goes to the extreme. - Why do you - Yes? sacrifice so much? Why do you ask? People may not notice when they first see you, but you're not someone who prioritizes your desires. You push that aside. You seem like you've decided to sacrifice in this life. I mean... I told you before. That's how I've decided to live in this life. It's okay. In this life... I'll just... It's just life. I'm not saying his life is not good. Working out is the only thing you do for yourself. But everything else... "It's how I've decided to live in this life." That's always been his mindset. "I'm just going to take care of my family." That's the only thing he does. Give yourself some slack. I do. No, no, listen. Eat all you want for three days straight. And don't work out on some days. You don't even meet your friends that often. You only go to work and home. I wonder how you can do that. I mean... Do I have to meet up with my friends? Listen... What am I going to talk about with my friends at this age? - I mean, just... - You could just... You can just chat. "Let's grab a drink before heading home." - You never wanted to do that? - Look. Are you a robot? I don't have such a friend. And even if I did, what am I supposed to talk about? Talk about raising dogs and stuff. - Gosh, I can do that with... - Talk about your work. I can do it with my wife. You're not supposed to talk about work with coworkers. (Unbending) For what? Okay, here's my new routine these days. (My new routine after work) I turn my reading light on and I have books I'm reading. Goodness, this is... Then, I kick up a foot. This is going down a rabbit hole. I put my leg up - on my desk. - Your leg on your desk. Yes, I do that. That's how you break free? Then I turn the fan on low and read leaning onto the side like this. That's a routine of mine. I like it, very much. - That's your happiness? - Yes, that one block of time. And then I'd have a can of beer. So that allows you to decompress just how having drinks - with them works for me? - Yes, to me, that works. And that's how I end my day. Why does he sound like...an old man? I'm not an old man. Hey, am I doing something bad? Tell me. Is this good husband material? It's not bad. I wouldn't like to see him come home every day. This is what I asked everyone else before he got here. Let's say the world has come to an end. And only CHA SEOUNG WON, Yoo Hae Jin, and Lee Seo Jin is left. Then who would you live with? I would desperately want to live alone. No, you have to pick one. We have to marry Ji Min off. If she says she'll marry Hae Jin, this is what I'd do. I'd slap her in the face. I'd tell her not to do it. - Why? - Why? He's a great man, but he lives in his own world. So as a husband... Hey, don't even think about it. (A bestie's advice) He has to go run, go hike, go to Switzerland, have a camper van, and do so much more. If she were to marry Seo Jin? I'd reluctantly allow it, but there will be consequences. (A bestie's advice) There will be heartbreaks and... Deal with it. Let him be him, and you do you. Yes, I'll allow it if you desperately want it. But if it's CHA SEOUNG WON? That's 100% a yes. He'll do whatever it takes to keep Ji Min alive. Will you really take care of her? Until the end? Goodness, whatever. - I bet he will. - I'm doing that right now too. Right. - He's been like that for 50 years. - Yea, that is who I am. He's the best husband material. I told you. I'm a supporter of staying single. - What? - What? But you're so family-oriented. If I wasn't married until now, staying single wouldn't have been bad. - Oh, I see. - Yes, look at Hae Jin. He travels and lives his life. But if you do get married, commit to it. So don't get married if you're not going to commit? No. If you have a family to look after, you have to commit for life. That cannot be compromised. You cannot change that. So don't do it if you can't. Don't do it. But I think my life has already been panned out. Let's say I decided not to live my life as it is. Let's say I wanted to overturn my life. (Yes, go ahead) Well, how much can I overturn it? What difference will that make? I have a question. I'm the same person anyway, so the change won't be drastic. Tell me, what difference will it make? (I will live this life like this) For example, let's say out of all the time you spend for Ye Ni, your wife, your dog, and your family, you could spare just a bit of time out for yourself and decide to travel to Jordan. You could do that, but you don't. You just stay at home, act, or shoot shows with me. You're always at home when there's no work. This is off-topic, (Listen) but my family and I traveled to Japan in February and I had to come back early for a shooting. Since I'm alone, I had nobody to look after. So I should've felt free, right? But that was such a hard week for me. Look after me, then. Hey. It was a very hard week. Wow, that's interesting. I felt out of balance. It was out of your normal routine. Yes. So being alone was in fact torture? It was hard, it was torture. I tried it, but I didn't benefit from it that much. You didn't feel joy or happiness. Yes. Don't think I'm sacrificing myself for my family. Everyone feels satisfaction in different ways. Taking after my family is something that satisfies me and increases my satisfaction with life. - I see. - Anything for my family. So when that's satisfied, I can do whatever I do in a peaceful state. But if that's not satisfied, I feel very anxious. (He feels joy and comfort while taking after his family) So in a way, I'm doing it for myself. You said you were poor when you were young, right? Yes, I was really poor. It's not like we lived decently and then got poor. If you say that, you're implying you were rich before. But there was no financial gap. We were poor and got dirt poor. We were on the verge of being middle-class and then got broke. Maybe that's why he has a survival instinct. It's coming from a heart that since he suffered, he wants his family to live well. Yes, that could be a reason. You first started making money by modeling. Right. But the pay is not that great, right? No, I bet it's not that great now too. But things probably are better now. Then did you not make that much money from modeling? Well... It was better than nothing? Yea, it was better than nothing. Weren't you on the runway recently? Yes. - Right? - Yes. - That's interesting too. - What is? Yes, you are a model, but everyone knows you as an actor now. But you still model regularly. - You're on the runway. - Well, because... - Why do you do that? - Loyalty. I've been with Designer Songzio for years. I highly value loyalty in relationships. Especially those who are related to me through work. Have you known him for a long time? For 30 years. Wow. I was a model since he started his own collection as a designer. That's how we've been together. I have a hand full of people like that. They are the friends to me as we talked earlier. - I see. - I see. It's the same with you all too. We've known each other for quite a while. Right. It's already been more than eight years. I don't want to ruin relationships like this. There are times when I lack judgment. Oh, when you don't filter your words? Yes, that's when I say words and show behavior that could be piercing to someone else. I shouldn't ruin relationships like that, but it does happen. So I try very hard to obviate that. (He tries not to ruin relationships by his own mistakes) Same goes with family too. They've been with me for a long time. So being the one to crumble this relationship and damage everything we built does not seem right to me. (Family relationships require hard work too) Those words... Are very deep. Do you ever get stressed from relationships? Of course. You can't share deep relationships with everyone. Right. That's when you have to boldly get rid of it. When you're unsure? Yes, just cut it off. If not, you'll make mistakes. That's when you start lacking judgment? Yes. That's when I get ahead of myself and do things. In a bad way. - You become impatient? - Right. Yes, in that case, it's better to not see them. - Right, no need. - No need. Here's what it is. You either feel good or bad about a relationship. There's no such thing as "not bad". If you think it's "not bad", that means it's bad. It's not for you. - Right, it's just words. - You're just saying it's not bad. If you don't think it's good, it's bad for you. There's no such thing as a "not bad" relationship. Gee, I feel... His words are... He's always been like this. I'm being moved by his words. I knew he's been like this before, but I never thought it was all due to these philosophies and reasons. I never even second-guessed. But now I see it hearing him out today. Did you ever have to work for relationships? Of course. All of us... Especially young adults try so hard. They call each other and hang out from fear of missing out. All of that was very stressful for me. I bet he went through that as a newbie actor before his career took off. Yes, I did. That pressure of having to connect... There were times when I thought meeting many people and meeting them often meant things were smooth sailing. But that's not true. All you have to do as an actor is to show your character. My personality, my family relationships, my likings and dislikes, all of that talk is unnecessary. What I think about this character. How I interpret the lines. Asking what they think about the elements of my character. Connecting the dots of all that is my job. So talking with the director, all of that is possible on-site. Asking if they want to talk about it over a drink or dinner sometime? That's not a good idea. - Mhmm. - Yes. You'll probably only talk about it for 10 seconds over drinks - and do small talk. - That hits home. That makes me want to sort out my relationships. Relationships I should've ended, but never clearly defined it. It's not easy though. But you get inspired from other people too. - New people. - Yes, unexpectedly. You find inspiration from them too. - Out of a hundred people though. - Here's what I think. It's great to take what you see in others and create something out of it. But now that I've aged, showing who I am in itself is already too much. - Oh. - Wow. (Everyone exclaims in awe) Of course, I felt the same when I was young. Seeing good traits in others and blending it in my artistry? There are things I'd love to recreate. Being able to recreate it and having the ability to express it? All of that sounded great. But now, showing all of me is already hard to do. I was thinking about this on my way here. What I share here today, is that really 100% of who I am? Will I talk the way I do? I always question myself in that. - That was me doing <3 Meals A Day> too. - Right. Is this the real me? Am I showing the real me? If I do, I'm 100% confident. That's the biggest lesson I'm learning these days. Pondering on that is what I'm learning the most from. (The room is filled with the aftermath of his words) Gosh, SEOUNG WON... - He's a true adult. - Admirable. Huh? SEOUNG WON is deep. Woa, SEOUNG WON... Woa, he's really... You're sharing deep stuff today. Stop it. He did share good quotes before during interviews too. Woa, it's weird. He's a deep thinker. - And he has to work out. - Huh? I bet your life is very busy. You have a lot to do at home, a lot to do outside of home... Yea, and I have a lot to shoot. - I apologize. - For what? For saying how you're only at home. - You were busy. - I am busy. I already finished shooting two productions. What about <Believer 2>? Done. And then... - Park Hoon Jung. - From Director Park Hoon Jung. It's a movie titled <Tyrant>. It's kind of like <The Witch>. Something happens internally and I shoot a lot of guns. (Feeling proud) - Yea, and... - <War and Revolt>? We'll start shooting that soon. - Oh, you haven't yet? - It's a period drama. Is Park Chan Wook directing it? - No, he's the producer. - No, no. And the screenwriter. The screenwriting. He's the screenwriter and producer. I heard you're King Seonjo. I heard you're a villain. I am, he's a bad punk. No, I mean... It's just... You're only talking about a character. You've done many period dramas from the Joseon era. Wasn't <Blood Rain> from Joseon too? Yes. That's Dae Ju's favorite movie of yours. Yes, <Blood Rain>. - You were so cool in it. - I was so scared. I remember that film being scary. Right, it is scary. There were murders and... - Yes, tortures were shown unfiltered. - Right, it was so raw. Quartered execution and all that. Nobody filmed it before. Gluing layers of paper on faces alive too. Goodness. That was Hae Jin. - Hae Jin died like that. - Really? Yes, it was Hae Jin. - I see. - That's so cruel. He dies like this. (They also lived in the Joseon era together) Guess what Dae Ju's second favorite is. What is it? <Our Blues>. He loved seeing you as an average Joe. (Writer Kim Dae Ju's Second Favorite, <Our Blues>) You weren't a gang, a tyrant, or in a comedy genre. (He played Choi Han Soo, a diligent, selfless middle-aged father) I was surprised to see that too. The roles you do... A lot of aggressive ones. Many were aggressive roles. I thought it'd be awkward to see you placid. But it wasn't. You looked very average. (An average man in his 50s) Writer Noh Hee Kyung told me I had that. People think they would never have to feel sorry for me. But when I look at myself, sometimes I feel sorry for myself, I can be unflattering. - It's something only you know. - Yes, I do have that. (Writer Noh Hee Kyung saw the real SEOUNG WON) When I was young, living in a poor family, and all those childhood memories... They still have a major impact on my life. Even in my acting. How old are we talking about? When I was a teenager. That's when you're an adolescent. When I'm very sensitive. Because I lived such a life when I was young, I think the foundation of my acting was all formed back then. The emotions from then still have dominance over me now. When talking about acting, people say there's acting that stands firmly on the ground and acting that's slightly afloat from the ground. I'm the type that stands firmly on the ground. You're rooted. It's because I had a life like that. So I try to act firmly standing on the ground. Acting that people can resonate with. I model and all that so people think I'd meet a lot of people, but I don't. You kind of wither down, right? Yes. Are you an I? Do you know your MBTI? Oh, Ye Ni told me mine. See? I told you. He would've done it because of Ye Ni. Just guess if you were an I or E. Wait, let me ask my wife. (Focused) I bet Ye Ni made you do it. Yes. I did do it. I got a pretty good one. There's no good or bad one. (There's not?) I mean... (It provoked everyone) No, hear me out. Here's what I meant by "good". I was a type that was welcomed by most people. You were that type? He's totally an I. ESFJ. (CHA SEOUNG WON is an ESFJ) - What? What is that type? - An E? "The Gregarious Consul." - Yes, that one. - They are social and nice... This is why MBTI cannot be trusted. He doesn't meet anyone, how is he gregarious? (Crowd goes wild) (Swift hands) Hey, Ye Ni. Ask Ye Ni, this is so wrong. Daddy's shooting the show with Producer Nah. Yes, I'm shooting it right now. What was my MBTI? Right? Your mom said that too. Okay. Where are you? Did you want to tell me something? Oh, really? - Oh, my. - Okay. She just called. - Goodness. - What a precious daughter. Do you have your dogs on your lockscreen? - No. - Or flowers? No, I... I always have Ye Ni. Always Ye Ni. She's so pretty. It's Ye Ni, my Ye Ni. (Feeling shy) What's this from SKT? (He suddenly changes the topic out of shyness) Oh, I got a discount. I got a 63,000-won discount. How thankful. (Nattering with Nah) (Coming up)
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Id: 30_Z-81k5Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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