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(Nattering with Nah) You have a lot of gray hair now. My hair is graying too much. - Do you dye it? - Do you dye your hair? I don't. - You don't? - No. - Really? - Yes. What? How? But I've been getting more gray hair now. (Searching, Take a look) You only have a little. But it wasn't like this before. But your hair is so black. - Black as if you dyed it. - What? No way. Is it genetics? (Thinking hard) Well, I mean... My oldest brother, his hair is all gray. - But I... - Because of the black soybeans. (A pretty convincing statement) I guess it is thanks to the black soybeans. I should eat lots of black soybeans. Wow, this is... So funny. (A triumphant feat) I bet you ate it when you were young too. - Black soybeans are good for hair loss. - Right. Do you work out? He always works out. No, he runs and hikes. But I've been mixing things up these days. - Trying out different workouts? - Yes. Do you weight train? Yes, of course I do. Why do you... You always chuckle when Hae Jin says he lifts weights. Oh, weren't you talking about "wait" training? (Throwing jokes in between) Of course, I know he works out. I always remember him running all the time at Jugguldo. I mainly do cardio. - Really? - Yes. This has been a habit of mine for over 30 years. - Really? So you were always a runner? - Of course. How many km do you usually run? I usually run 7km. Didn't you run all the way from Gangnam to Yeonnam-dong before? We met at that tonkatsu place. Right, we did. Someone was drinking beer next to the shop. And I was wondering who it was because people surrounded him. - And it was Hae Jin. - I mean... What's the point of running if you're going to day drink? It's so good right after a run. I feel less guilty about my body. And I tell myself I deserve it. Since I worked out. - It's an excuse to drink. - Yes. Do you have to run hard, like panting hard? Of course, you're running! Or try holding it in. (On your mark, get set, don't breathe) I can power walk, but running to me is... You know what? Dae Ju and I've been running so that's why we do it. However, they say power-walking is the best workout. I heard there's a way to walk. - You have to walk fast. - No trudging, right? No, that's useless. You have to speed walk. To the point you're sweating. Right, you have to be sweating. So I run, I cycle sometimes, and I swim too. I like mixing all of that. That's why I don't get bored. - So there's a rotation. - These days, I love tennis. Is it fun? Yes, tennis is so much fun. I've heard this from many people. I did learn tennis a while ago, but I got a tennis elbow. The elbow brothers... SEOUNG WON and Seo Jin also injured their elbows. So I had to quit and recently started again. And I get soaked - in sweat. - It's fun, huh? It is. Since I enjoy the workout, I'm benefiting from it a lot too. Right, I heard that a lot. I'm taking a morning class. And in an hour, I'm soaked in sweat. Sometimes, I'd hang out with other people and have beer for lunch. (Beer is always in the picture) You always end up with... (=Beer) But it's good, so good. I bet it tastes like honey. Your eyes are a bit bloodshot too. You drank yesterday, huh? I did but it's probably because I just ran. How much did you drink? I... A lot. A lot? I drank a lot. Until when? (Prying hard) 12? - Only until midnight? - Yes. When did you start drinking? Early in the day. (He doesn't disappoint) Very healthy, very. You have good vision, right? Yea, but aging is no joke. My vision is pretty good but I do have presbyopia. Do you need some lutein? - I take luteins. - Yea? He's already taking it. I also take, astaxan... Something like that too. Call Seo Jin. He'll get you some right away. What's he doing these days? He... He's very busy with his personal life. - He's always on break. - He's in the States. - Watching games, right? - He's going to ball games. (Seo Jin is living out his summer plans) He's fully enjoying his single life. I guess that suits him. I have a friend who lives there. - Texas? - Yes. I... Seriously thought I was going to die. From the heat? No. From boredom. (Hae Jin was very bored) I kind of need... I need a city nearby. Must be because I lived in Seoul. You're also... - A city man? - A city boy, huh? No, no. I like being in the middle. I can't live where it's only surrounded with nature either. Is there a specific place you want to settle once you start taking fewer gigs or when you're retired? Or maybe it's your place now? I know. - Where? - Switzerland. Oh, you mean a different country? - Any place in the world. - No, it doesn't matter. I think I just want to live in Korea. But I do...want to travel abroad often. (Hae Jin wants to travel frequently) I think for me, the ideal ratio would be 8:2 or 7:3. - So is Korea 8? - Yes. - Out of a single year. - Me too, I like that. I was born and lived here my whole life. So I'm used to, accustomed to many things here. Tell me this. You go to Switzerland whenever you're done with a production. Yes. Tell us your typical day in Switzerland. Do you usually stay at hostels? - Yes. - There's a place you go, right? An acquaintance of mine runs a hostel in Switzerland. I stay there. When I wake up in the morning, I go run. There's a lake. (He runs in Switzerland too) I have eggs with rice for breakfast. - With soy sauce? - Yes. - Goodness, gracious. - It's tastier abroad. - You just need soy sauce. - Right, exactly. It's so good. I love soy sauce with eggs and rice. I either have that or an apple. Bottom line is, I eat something and go run. And I get soaked in sweat after the run, right? That's when I go to the lake, and... (Splash, splash) That sounds so nice. - It's out of this world. - Is the water clean? Come on, it's glacial water. You can swim in that water, and just gulp, drink it. (Stay hydrated as you swim) You're so good at acting. That was so funny. And then... Okay, so that was your morning. So I'd come back, take a shower, and then, if it's winter, I go to the ski resort. - Wow. - Wow. Yes, I go there in the morning. Or, if it's not winter, I still stay active. I'd hike a trail in the mountains, or... How many km is it? Is it steep? If you go to Zermatt, and swoosh, ski down the slope, it's Italy. (Warping locations) - Wow. - That place... It has the tallest slope in the world. So many people go there to ski. Once you get off the lift there, you see how tall it is. You get a clear view of the Alps. It's awesome. But parts of it are dangerous too. - It must be for advanced skiers. - Yes. And once you come down, there's a hotel. I'd go there and swim in the pool. Wow. - You're active all day. - I am. And in the evening, it's a small village. So I go to a steakhouse, - Oh, so there are restaurants. - or a Korean restaurant. I go there, and... (Cheers) - You eat and grab a drink. - Yes. Then go sleep and rest. - What a perfect day. - Amazing. Yes. I mostly just work out. Or keep walking. I'm not the type who travels around to go and look up places. I just like staying in a village. - A perfect way to do a month-stay. - Yes, that's why at first... Let's say I went to a pub there. at first, - the bartender and I'd be awkward. - Oh! - But later, you become buddies. - Of course, I can't talk much. (Just hi) "Oh, hey, Michael." We become close. He'd ask what I did yesterday. And I'd tell him how my day went. That's about it. If the convo gets long, I pretend I didn't hear it. (Sorry, Michael) Anyway, that's how I like traveling. Familiarizing myself with the community. There's really not much to do in that village. But there is this one big supermarket. - I love it. - What was it? I think it was called "COOP". - I heard it's big there. - Right. When I go there, I buy groceries in small portions. I could buy everything at once, but I take my time in one aisle. - I observe what's there. - I know what you mean. If I finish everything at once, there's nothing left to do. - Tomorrow, you'll check the next aisle. - Yes, yes. Meticulously, in detail. (How to do a month-stay) - You save the experiences. - Yes. You save what to see. You're doing everything I want to do these days. - I want to learn how to ski so bad. - But listen. Here's what I truly believe. "Just do it." - Right. - Yes. That is a very well-made phrase. I thought you said, "Adjust to it." I heard, "Justin Dewey". "Justin Dewey"?! Me too, the "just" came out too strong. So I was thinking something else. (LOL) That works too. I like it. - "Adjust to it." - "Adjust to it." What a good life. To Nike's price. (ROFL) There goes another dad joke. Good, right? To Nike's price! But seriously, isn't it such a good phrase? "Just do it." You just have to do it. - Right. - Right. You can't do anything when you overthink. That's why there's this saying. If you want to to go the mountains, wear your shoes. You'll be already half-done. - So, do something? - Put your shoes on. Then you'll be too lazy to take them off. (I agree) So when doubts creep up, just get your shoes on. Get your shoes on and then think about it at the door. That is very important. Channel Full Moon's campaign. "Adjust to it." - To Nike's price. - To Nike's price. Let's copyright that. But really. I think that's important. What if you get sick while overthinking? - Right. - Right. Don't you think? Right. - True. - If you get sick, it's all over. What if I do get sick? - That's why... - Stay healthy. You need to carve out some of your time and go to Switzerland. - Or Bukhansan. - Go to Bukhansan. Go camping, and stuff. Of course, not everyone will like you. But set your heart to do it even if someone slaps you in the face. Even if you're slapped in the face, - go out and explore places. - True. You have to enjoy life. Have you ever regretted something from <3 Meals A Day>? (Pondering) Why did I even do the show? (Hurt feelings) <3 Meals A Day>... I have no regrets doing that show. - Right? I had so much fun doing it. - Of course. Why don't we go to an island in the cold winter? I love going to islands in the winter. I like that. Let's do it again. We can do a <Manjedo Island, Again>. SEOUNG WON also mentioned a lot of his memories from Manjedo Island. - The conditions were harsh. - Because it was our first. Right. That cauldron lid flew out. And it was very windy too. I have a favorite episode with Hae Jin. You made a bank. Oh, the fish bank. We had so many days fishing nothing. So you stocked it when we did fish some. In a way, it was all playing around. Right? And people loved it so much. That's what we all want to do. It's not easy to have viewers like what you like to do. But everything fell into pieces at the time. Because it wasn't about living. It was a fantasy. - That's important. - That's true. Imagine having to live there. You just made a very important point there. Are all the cats, like Bul alive? Of course, they're all doing well. - They're doing great. - Really? - Bul and... - Sanchae, too. - Sanchae's still alive. - Really? The producers and writers still have them all. (Relieved) Bul is... Bul's got so big now. Really? And Sanchae is now... (Sanchae just turned 8) Sanchae was a baby during the show. Yes, awww... I think writers... And producers alike are amazing. How you portrayed the dogs... It was... You know what really surprised me? When I was catching mussels... (LOL) CHA, he has apnea. So in the middle of his sleep, he'd go like this. You guys added subtitles... And made it sound like "mussel". - Yes, the subtitles. - Gee. So I was so... We're so creative, right? You really are. - It's all about creativity. - Of course. And also for pets like Sanchae... "I'm the bad hound here." (Impressed) - You remember all of that. - Yes. You watched all of the episodes. I was very impressed. I wonder how you all came up with that. The original content has to be good - for us to also get more ideas. - Right, that's true... We have this picture here. This was when we were doing <Korean Hostel in Spain>. When you were inventing things. - You invented wifi. - The wifi. We still have all of these. Oh, dear. (The Atelier Signage) After the show, because of IKEYO, IKEA reached out to sponsor us. And IKEA usually doesn't do sponsorships. But for the first time! I really thought it was funny when I did it too. IKEYO? - You were proud of it. - Yes. Once it came together, I thought it was ingenious. There was another one that sounded similar to that cleaning company, CESCO. CESUCOK? (President of CESUCOK) Yes, that was in Spain too. - He's good with wordplay. - I love wordplay. - The movie title is <Honey Sweet>? - Yes. That's a unique title. Yes. A movie that's a little sweet. (Making another joke) Any upcoming productions you will start shooting? Yes, we start soon. - Soon? - Yes. (Movie Star) What's next? Romance? - Thriller? - No. It's none of that. I'm a pro. A pro? A pro-secutor. (Shutting his eyes) (Both Nouns: Pro(Professional) and Secutor) I'm kidding. I'm a prosecutor. You've been a culprit, you're now a prosecutor... He does everything. He was a king, he was a beggar... It's payback time for me. (ROFL) All of that suffering... You were always investigated. I was always the one being investigated, so I'll hunt people down this time. (HAHAHA) In <Confidential Assignment> you were a detective. Yes. And this time, a prosecutor. You might become president next. Well... - I did get a script for that. - Oh! But I didn't do it. Really? If you become president... Edit this out. (Feeling shy) Okay, we won't include this but why did you say no? I thought hard but... It just didn't feel right? (Nope) (Knocked out) I mean, I could be a king... In periodical shows. But I... We can keep this. Let's include this. You just didn't feel right about it? It was... "Hae Jin, calm down." (LOL) (Clapping out of joy) (Clapping like a seal) "Hae Jin..." "No. Stay still." "Don't get ahead of yourself." Yea, so I really thought about it. I can totally relate. You grounded yourself back to reality. "Don't take it just because it's enticing." Whenever I get an offer, I contemplate this a lot. "Will people be persuaded when I play this role?" The mass? Yes, the public eyes. - Will they be convinced? - Yes. I bet I can't with some roles. And I think being president is one of them. I do think about it a lot. But some, I don't need to. Like playing a bandit? (Perfect mask to play a bandit) - That's a free pass? - Yes. I don't need to analyze the character. (LOL) "Okay, let's do it." (Open to the gig) (Touched) You must feel happy on your way to work for those roles. (Guilty) (Hae Jin on his way to work) Right, I have all the archives for it. (He's a prepared bandit) I played that role a lot. In <Attack the Gas Station> too. So I hated that word, "bandit". That's the only role I played. Yes, <Attack the Gas Station>, Nupchi in <Kick the Moon>, Doing such roles once in a while is fine, - but that was all I was offered. - Back in the day. I left theater to act in films. I doubted if I made the wrong decision. So I once went back to doing theater. That's... - Oh, sorry. - No problem. - Let me take this call. - Sure. Yes, hello. Yes. Can it work? Then I'll text you right away. He's busy. Let's talk about that later. - Who's it from? - Do you have a next appointment? No, it's not that. - Feel free to leave. - We got good content. - I... - What is it? I'm the RA. - RA? As in Resident Adviser? - Yes. The villa I live in... We take turns... - You have to be an RA? - We take turns. - And it's your turn? - Yes. - Is there a way to not do it? - You have to. Who am I to do that? Everyone's busy. And we're all equal residents. So what do you have to do? When it's a new month... I pay our security guy. - That's what you do? - Yes. And if someone files a complaint... A resident from the next building might complain about us not pruning. - So to cut trees? - I have to cut trees. Sometimes, when I'm about to start a movie and I'm memorizing the lines, I get a call about roofing. (Clapping) (RA Duty: Fix the roof) - How long do you have to do it? - One year. - That's quite long. - That's quite long. That's not an easy job. So funny. No wonder you're good at acting daily life struggles. Your life is closely knit to everyone's daily lives. (Role in Real Life: Villa RA) How many times have you been an RA? Is it your first time? I'm about to pass it on now. To the person living next door? Yes, next door. - So you're transferring duties? - Yes. You survived the year. (Nodding) Were you ever harshly criticized? No. You know I'm pretty bright. (LOL) (Bright Hae Jin) (Cheers to being bright) So bright. Day drinking makes me feel like I'm spending the day long. Right, you're doubling your time. What a typical talk of alcohol lovers. I feel like I earned time. Who are you drinking with tonight? I'm going to stop by an izakaya on the way home and grab some pitahaya. (LOL) - Was that a rhyme? - Yes. It sounds like... - Writer Lee? - I'm Writer Lee. Yes, Writer Lee. (I'm Lee Woo Jung Writer) I can't let myself do this. I need to wake up. That was fun. (Nattering with Nah)
Channel: 채널 십오야
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Keywords: 나영석, 나PD, 아간세, 아이슬란드간세끼, 이수근, 수근세끼, 은지원, 지원세끼, 삼시세끼, 세끼, 신효정, 나피디, 묘한이, tvN, 라끼남, 라면, 라면끼리는남자, 강호동, 양정우, 육봉선생, 6봉선생, 라면먹방, 마포멋쟁이, 마포, 멋쟁이, 송민호, 표지훈, 민호, 지훈, 피오, MINO, PO, P.O, 위너, WINNER, 송표, 표송, 패션, 패션유튜버, 패션유튜브, 삼시네세끼, 달나라공약이행프로젝트, 달나라프로젝트, 달나라, 젝스키스, 젝키, Sechs Kies, 슬의, 슬기로운하드털이, 슬의생, 신원호, 조정석, 유연석, 장겨울, hospitalplaylist, 이식당, 나홀로이식당, 나노, 우주, 김준, 어깨춤, 언제까지어깨춤을추게할거야, 규현, 조규현, 조정뱅이, 슈퍼주니어, superjunior, 슈주, 악마는정남이를입는다, 악마정남, 배정남, 출장십오야, 출장, 슬기로운캠핑생활, 캠핑생활, 슬캠, 내과박원장, 이서진, BH, BTS, 하이브, hybe, 스타쉽, starship, txt, 르세라핌, lesserafim, 세븐틴, seventeen, 지구오락실, 지락실, 토롱이
Id: -gf7aoNjt2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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