NATSUKI KILLS HER DAD?! | Doki Doki Poems and Promises (DDLC Mod)

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Holy shit! Just looking at the title and the thumbnail is enough to give me chills!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ProtectMonika ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I was going to make a John Denver joke but that thumbnail killed that in its tracks

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sarielv ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
heyyo spaghetto here and welcome to doki doki poems and promises this mod was developed by fluffy dev aka the creator of behind closed doors and the infamous mod on the run now the developer said that this is the most the mod that the most proud of so let's just check it out together you know let's just jump into it with our legs good morning a cheerful girl Sprint's towards me as I leave my house her cheeks flushed with color and eyes shining brightly she looks as though she doesn't have a care in the world which reflects in her smile as she rises in front of me and hugs me tightly hi noodle boy good morning sorry this is CRA my best friend since we left school there's never a day she's not smiling and she lights up my lessons whenever she's in them Sayuri is the kind of friend that's always there she supports you no matter what and never fails to pick you back up if you're feeling down did you read it yeah I read it so here first it refers to the flyer for the literature thing she wants me to join her at some silly club it's kind of a necessity for the start of the semester but I'd rather just use my time after school to watch some anime and relax at home I'll check it out I guess you'll be stopping by so it makes me look silly if you didn't oh my bad everyone is super excited to meet you that's if he's making cupcakes and everything I said I'll check it out dummy huh it's been a while since I've heard MC called Sayuri dummy I kind of forgot they used to call her that a lot in the original game I reach over and affectionately ruffles see where he's hair the promise of cupcakes is a tempting one thank you her mood dips for a moment as I resume walking to school when she falls into step beside me oh you've got a math test today I'm probably gonna fail I fell asleep last night while studying do you want me to run through it with you Oh would you sure thank you I wouldn't ask only I wouldn't ask you do it in a way that makes the numbers make sense and stuff I offered I often tutors they worry before tests she's a smart girl but gets easily distracted I get it hey you're up early that's a good start yeah I've been trying my best not to sleep in say where you can find it in me in the past about suffering from depression and I helped her in every way I can she used to be really low all the time and bottle it up but after having a breakdown on my doorstep I promised her that I'd do my best to keep her happy of course she felt guilty and brushed me off saying that it wasn't my problem etc but I pushed past that and I think we made we've really made progress I'm proud of you yeah you're doing really well thank you as we approach the school I see the usual flow of students washing through the gates like a river of broken dreams they they try to make their own choices aim for their own impressions but usually the current just drags them along instead I'd never tell see were you but I don't like school that much still she makes it bearable it feels like I'm the one motivating her though but in reality she's the one that keeps me going she makes me want to do my best strive for hire a chief better and the reason I'm going to this stupid club that's kind of sweet when the school day finishes I find salary and hugger softly she blushes and breathes a sigh of relief I spent my free period talking to her through the main subjects on the test and every one of them came up rather than failing as she usually do does she buckled down and powered through them she'll pass for sure I've never seen someone so happy over a dumb thing like grades well we we can tell everyone at the club how much you've helped me I'll be so proud of you me why me you're the one who just aced her math test I don't want to make a fuss about Mina though we could just focus could we just focus on the cupcakes let's just focus on the cupcakes I could have pushed it but I chose not to I liked the cupcakes are fine and those are fine let's just eat those as I fall asleep all on up a rather tiring flight of stairs I realized that I've only been in this part of school about twice still with someone so cheerful as my best friend leading me along it doesn't seem that bad of a journey come on come on I can tell how excited she is that I'm here but the desire to bail is so strong don't get me wrong I don't want to abandon her I'm just I'm just better left to my own devices I'd rather write poetry at home or compose a story on my laptop in solitude that I relate to oh my gosh nonetheless I put on my best smile and allow her to walk ahead of me as she approaches the door full of audacity she pushes it open needle boy he's our club's newest member hi I freeze up unsure what to say or do is say or he draws all the attention to me casting Acuras a cursory look at everyone before fixing my gaze on the back wall I smile uncertainly so you're the one say are you always talking about hey you better not just be here for the cupcakes welcome to the literature Club noodle boy Sayuri always says nice things about you it's wonderful to finally put a face to the name Wow all these women already know about me I wonder what's they already said hmm oh what a lovely surprise welcome oh gosh it's worse than I thought everyone here so sweet I feel like I'm trapped in a candy because this club isn't something I could put my hands up to and say no thanks it's full of ridiculously cute waving but this is all wrong I'm gonna make it fool of myself here boy allow me to introduce my friends this is Monica Yuri and the angry one is Matt Sookie and you already know me they all stare at me expectantly but after a moment the tension drops without me having to say anything they simply return to their seats I raise a brow and go to get settled by besides saiary who's riding in a pretty look pretty looking book in a pretty looking book sorry my brain just stopped working there for like 0.3 0 seconds she closes the cover as I write giving her a rather anxious smile Oh what are you writing I don't actually know I found this book on a desk one day nobody seemed to have product it claims to make wishes come true and return for promises that sounds like a hoax just like good netsuke mods or a hoax got him I thought so too but I've been writing in it every day and I think it's the reason I'm getting better I asked it to cure my depression Oh Frick say worried it's undoubtedly a place of effect but if she believes so strongly in it should I take it away from her I know it sounds too good to be true but what if it is helping I decided to buy it into the concept seems harmless enough what did you promise it in return magic has a price right I said that if I were to use it then if we're to use itself to Kimmy I wouldn't get through my depression without it how does the book say things say already takes my hand and moves moves it to the books pages she reopens the cover pressing my palm onto the page can you hear it talking to you there's just silence and I'm slightly worried for a mental health again is everything okay C or E I'm not about to play along with the idea of a magic book which talks to you you don't believe me do you I mean no I really don't it does talk I swear no swearing is a Christian Channel we are not gonna be swearing on here what are we a froz ro please don't get angry at me as a joke I believe you maybe it just likes maybe just likes you better than me I'm personifying a book this isn't how I expected today to play out nothing really like me the boys said it's probably just my imagination so you worried I said no just I said no such thing what is it this this book he claims grant wishes of course of course if there's something that could make others happy so the or he would selfishly give it up that's just the kind of person she is that exists and Sookie lasted the very idea taking the book as Saylor offers it to her she suddenly stops in place and stares at the item oh come on does she really expect me to believe ah it's a newbie trick isn't it let's all pretend this book is talking to you I had the thought I'd have thought that at this age and this intelligence they wouldn't fall to this level but it's just a bit of harmless fun I guess I'll let them have it say Yuri can I borrow this of course Thanks I guess she hears it too I bet she does I glanced at NAT Sookie she returns to her spot by what looks like a closet and begins eagerly writing in the book that's not to question it turning my attention back to Surrey I noticed her drawing Scrolls in the corner of her page it looks like we're just waiting for an activity to do so I guess I'll join her soon the page is filled with an assortment of spirals hey I wanna help me you write a poem for today our subject is making us happy there's things that make us happy ah sure why not I said Elena attempt to make my brain work that Sookie's point of view am I going insane a book that grants wishes is something I'd scoff at but when I touched it as if to confirm I'm not crazy I lightly touch the page again you have made your choice do you wish to revoke it no I remember softly the voice falling silent it can only be described as a soothing kind of prayer quiet and rich I swear I can only hear inside my mind as though it's my own thoughts but I know it isn't the voice promised me anything I wanted and they asked to stop my father from abusing me Oh Frick this is really got real didn't it guys well um a little bit you know Natsuki being abused it's kind of a dark topic and I can't wait to explore it again you know if this is kind of your trip isn't it guys should I have fun for a world peace or something probably but this is she was a lot closer to home the only addition was that if I use the book to change my father's behavior nobody would believe me if I told them about him in other words I can only use the book to solve my problem maybe I should think it over more before making a choice like this but it's me it's made and I'm not undoing it I mean it's a one-time thing right so would it matter if nobody believed me the book will fix everything anyway I'm just about to pass it back to say you are you when it speaks again you need to take me with you I can only influence those directly around me Oh curiously put back a few pages to see what's AR you wrote but I find the blank that's not for you to see focus on your own desire so this in theory only work if I take it home with me it's worth the try right hey Sayuri see ya see or he looks at me from across your desk a smile on your face huh can I take this home with me just her tonight sure awesome you're the best I slept the book into my bag and stopped thinking about it I guess I'll see tonight if it works new to voice point of view say Orry I'm fine like you said it's probably just a hoax she seems really upset about something that's supposed to be a prank I don't understand you've been fighting through your depression on your own dummy no book can give you strength that was all you do you think so mmm-hmm yeah you're probably right I was just being silly just in case I'll stay with you tonight if you don't mind ooh that's hot my house mess then we'll tidy it live wanna rolled up cat posters because I want to cat but mostly but most are to Croesus play now then I'll give you a cat then I'll get you a cat what what uh wait I didn't mean to she just looked so upset I want to keep her happy when I'm not around but it'll make a nice day out so why not it's my money and I want to spend it on something treating my friend yeah I'll get you a cat to keep you company of course of course I would I've gone and done it now haven't I I guess I'm I guess I got no choice thank you so much new boy my good can they bring catch the clubroom do you have a cat no then probably not but if she did I don't see why not as long as nobody here is allergic to them yes then it's settled we'll go by the Pet Shop on Saturday this is amazing I'm gonna love it no chairs and I promise boy yes will you look after it with me I decided to tease her about this it almost sounds like she's asking me out I don't know if I'm ready for that level of commitment this is all happening so fast it's very hard to keep a straight face as I continue left we'll have to have a ceremony I'm not settling for anything less you'll have to wear white won't you [Music] I'd like that I'm teasing you dummy why so mean to me because you're cute when you're flustered you know that right that was a very nice little boy ah I'll join own a cat with you say Orry I can't wait for Saturday me too as the club draws to a close I wave off the girls who were packing up their things I'm going to be staying with salary for a while we're practically neighbors so it's not that big of a deal my gaze drifts often at Sookie who seems to be muttering to herself but as but it soon returns to see Orry as she eagerly starts enthusing about kittens giving a soft smile I like your arm with mine and we can begin the long walk home so I'm gonna assume that M C and C or E are sweet on each other and it's kind of cute I like it you're gonna be seeing that you're gonna be seeing things and someone else's point of view for a while spaghetto who do you want to see first you know I you know what I'm ready for I'm ready for mmm who do I want to see you first you know what let's let's just jump head into it let's see the dark side of the story first that's Sookie's point of view I step into my house waiting for the inevitable before me my bag has hugged my chest the book resting inside hello hi it's been a while since I've seen that cursed sprite oh man it's ha me NAT Sookie's evil father oh gosh that sends a chill down my spine whoa alright fellas ready for another another one of these mods ready to beat him up again Oh Amanda behind closed doors like chopped his head off with a kitchen knife that was fun right go straight to your room I'm not dealing with you tonight father studies me for a moment and then shakes his head dismissively I'm too tired shoo in fact sleep down here so I don't have the temptation I'm going to bed Oh God so I don't have the temptation what the hell man she's your daughter uh no stop okay this mod does not need to take place in Alabama you weirdo as my father my father leaves the room and goes upstairs I pull the book from my bag and hold it in both hands even on his horse days father usually finds some way to hurt me before he retires to his room he's really too tired to do anything my relief is tangible I looked down at the book and wonder if magic really did solve my problem did you do that yes yes yes to me did you not are you satisfied how did you do it I'm an ancient relic passed down through generations my original name is melody sight teri well you can call me promises that's what it translates to anyway how I do things none of humans concern I simply like helping people promises yes so you're like a book genie I grant wishes in a way so yes all I take in return is a small price it's simply to ensure I'm not discarded after my use and that is it's not obvious my contracts have clauses which state a human cannot solve a problem they have to ask me to fix for them without my help after all I can only hope those who are really close them who are in my clothes force initi in your case I can only stop your father while I'm in your possession if after that you chose to stop him without my help I would not work so kneeling down side is like if I don't be close you can't help me correct but I promise it I promise to return you to Surrey that's not my issue human I may only say that the facts in terms of our contract I need this book more than Siri does the rest of them haven't going to hear what my father's like but it feels so bad about essentially stealing something from her though didn't little boy say something about her getting cat I'm sure that I'll keep her distracted until I think of a good reason for keeping the puck can I tell her why I'm keeping you you can but as per our contract she'll be unable to believe you I don't make the rules I just follow them right right hopefully middle boy will keep her attention as long as possible then I put the book back into my bag and hang on hang on to it a hook curling up just sleep on a couch this is nice it's certainly preferable to every other night I think I'll write a poem about it I like it when Papa's too tired to do anything okay I close my eyes and see him drift into a peaceful sleep all right well time for saying rain noodle boy perfect after securely locking up the house we make your way to say over his room she wanders inside and pops on the bed giggling softly I think she's excited I'm here and although I don't really get what's so great about myself it has been a while since I last visited we studied together in lessons she always walks to school with me but we haven't had a sleepover or been in each other's houses since we were kids sorry about the mess this is the tiniest I've ever seen your room it is well it has been a while I said I said I'm on the floor with my legs crossed looking up at see or EHD glances around the room she falls silent after that her smile fading a little so what are we calling your cat that should get her smiling again I mean I wanted to call it something cute now singing about food so I came up with a silly name enlighten me promise me you won't laugh I won't laugh I promise I'm not a nut I promise you're just cute that's all don't say things like that I'm sure my family very happy living with us I really hope so I don't know what gendered again so I thought muffins suited both I think I think a male cat why because if you get a female and she has kittens your house will turn into a scratching post unless you have her spayed or sell the kittens which I'm sure know which I'm sure you don't want to do exactly I couldn't bear to give up such innocent little animals or harm a kitty I briefly imagined Santori covered in kittens and almost changed my mind on the idea how will be the cutest thing I've ever seen so we're asking for a male cat instead of going to the pet store why don't we go to why don't we get one of those ones that people can't look after anymore a rescue cat yeah it can come with issues are you sure I know I seem harsh by forcing your hand on some subjects but this is supposed to be a good thing I don't want it causing extra problems I think everyone deserves a second chance animals included so I like to get a kitty that everyone else has given up on why is the comb it feels so close to home ah man ouch say or he doesn't talk about her parents but the impression she gives us that they left her because they couldn't cope all right well go to a shelter instead then I glanced at the clock to see how late it's gotten salaries energy is depleted because she's tired time for bed sleepyhead before she could finish I scooped her up into my arms and softly set her down in bed pulling the covers up to her neck goodnight say Orie her eyes fall close and the gentle smile on her loves that she snuggles into the pillow goodnight I press a soft kiss to her forehead and leave her to rest well go to the next alright I guess we're going to the next day noodle boys point of view it's a lovely sunny Saturday and Surrey is just finishing her breakfast I brought her breakfast in bed which she absolutely adored that's one way to ensure she's eating properly that was some yummy thank you well it's a special treat for a special girl and a special day huh she looks up at me and confusion has she forgotten we're getting a cat Oh series squeaks as she remembers and then leaps from her bed pushing me out of the room I need to go picking my last softly as the door closes I could not have her peek at her cinnamon buns I'm sorry that's too lewd we want the video to stay monetized guys huh okay looking good haha I called up the shelter this morning and they've only got one cat left but he's very timid so she's taking him home to look after does that mean we can't have him no no it just means we'll be visiting him at her home oh well that's okay then I slept in my school uniform could have gone next door got my pajamas but I didn't want to leave say hurry home alone that sounds kind of dumb but I really do care about her taxis waiting outside are you ready ready then let's go we arrive at the house of the shelter the show through owner and she invites us in immediately introducing herself as tabby and ushering us through the living room she seems fitting come on in he's just over there I raise a brow at the feline she's motioning to a little silver cat with a white face say oh he rushes to it instantly fawning over the creature you're so cute hi it's a cat wait a minute there's a floating cat whoa I am so excited to take this cat home guys we're getting a levitating cat named muffin what more could you ask for I mean hey if I had the choice to get a levitating cat I totally would that's amazing I love it when cats levitate it's the piste come on you little demon kitty you're gonna live with us now the cat were apparently calling muffin jumps of foot and hisses at us so did he he's quite all right come now calm down these might be a nuke new-new onus tabby strokes muffin Sears causing a soft purr to emanate from the creature so cute say or he begins cooing over muffin again her eye sprite he does people he's just easily startled then I'm sniff you and get used to your scent Sara crouches and offers her handed the cat who sniffs it curiously after a moment he butts against her hand and purrs again Oh see much better let's get your paperwork sorted and you can take him home of course co release muffin and I going into the other room with tabby Oh No the demon cat we stare each other down the cat unblinking wasn't it all purring and cuddly a minute ago Wow muffin pads over to me nosing my leg he looks like he lacroix me if I touch him I ignore his actions pretending I haven't noticed him great the new cat doesn't like me well I mean I wouldn't buy a demon cat that was levitating either so that's your fault we're back all done we can take him home Sayuri notices the Wild West air town and I'm having with muffin and sighs gently do you have a problem with muffin no he just doesn't like me I mean I hate cats I'm allergic to them so I hate cats oh yeah that reminds me I like there's this girl back in high school that liked me and she always would act like a cat and I absolutely hated it because I'm allergic to them but she still did it anyway and whatever she would do it and expect me to like fawn over her being cute and stuff and like pet her and whatnot I wouldn't do it I'd be like I would totally just brush it off me like yeah whatever because all I think about when I think about cats is sneezing and coughing in my eyes burning like no other so yeah I didn't really care for that and didn't make her too happy either she crouches again taking softly to the cat talking softly to the cabin boys my best friend I really care about him he's a wonderful he's a wonderful person as if talking to a cat is going to muffin suddenly twines himself around my legs and rumbles happily say Yuri is a cat whisperer guys I found a character I hate more than that Sookie the evil demon levitating cat thank you all right then I reach down the ruffle muffins fur and he twitches his ears while he's distracted tapi skillfully grips him and puts him into a cat carrier she hands it to me and gives me a polite smile one that says it was great to meet you take the cat and leave i nod gratefully and we exit the building we return to Santa's home and head up to a room releasing nothing from his carrier whoa muffin you're sitting on the edge of the bed you're huge oh my gosh we got a giant cat look at how big he is he's as big as the bed holy cow that's amazing I love him I love him I know I hate cats but I love his design it's great I really like the triangle on his face it's cool it's a neat surprise I wonder where it came from I'll have to look at the source he curiously begins to sniff and pat around the floor and I smiled warmly and say are you happy now yes I love him thank you so much we'll need to buy food for him and place him and a place for him to sleep we really should have done that fur before I can finish there soft knocking at the door say where you hops up and bounce downstairs returning with one of her friends it's oh it's the one that looks like a first year she's small and kind of sulky hey it's not sticky the cat lamin oh there's a cat on that suitcase chest that's cool I never noticed that actually huh hi or at least she was sulky yesterday what a wonderful surprise I called round earlier Oh Frick okay I knocked something off my desk and it hit my foot and it scared the crap out of me holy geez wow I just got jump scared while playing this but there's nobody home that's because Sanibel and I went to get a cat can I see it speak of the devil muffins Lynx out from beneath the bed and wanders over to that Sookie oh wow muffins levitating again I love it I expect muffin to panic and generally freak out again but instead he just nuzzles into that Sookie's palm as she holds out a hand to pet him so cute I know I didn't just come here to see him though I wanted to ask you something yes can I stay over tonight she pulls a book from her bag and I recognize it as the magic one that CRE showed me I brought your book back of course you're welcome to stay any time oh that's sweet net Sookie's probably wanted to stay away from her dad though since you won't have the book that's Suki's point of view I couldn't keep the book for myself see or you might want it for something really important but if I sleep over here making rank wishes for both of us my father will be able to punish me when I get home and she'll get whatever she wanted from it maybe I can ask her about it even if the book won't tell me in the meantime I scooped up the cat and I stroked on its back he person and nose is my hand see are you so lucky to have someone like noodle boy who cares about her and buys her things I wish I had a cat or even someone to call my own at least I could spend the night here I'll take my leave oh you're leaving well I can't sleep over with two girls people would talk I think that Jo just sailed over see her he said she's so innocent I should move away and muffin stands up in my lab and his son him of course you do of course you like the cat that hates me Wow you pink lolly still I can't help but wondering how the book man it's just not my father he wasn't nice to me nothing seemed to have changed until the small talk was over I guess it just made him more tired there's no harm in that right it's Ami's point of view I feel much better today so there Otto quickly that beater seemed it clear yesterday was awful felt quite honestly like I was dying but now I'm back to tip-top shape come to think of it I was coughing up blood and quite and him quite dire health whatever afflicted me seems more like an attack and than an illness it's something releasing did someone release a toxic gas of some kind no yeah Suki would have been affected by that maybe it was something I ate maybe someone spiked my food regardless I'm glad recovered fast it was such a shame to miss out on it last night's activities yeah noodle boys point of view finally I can not shred my voice I leaned back against the wall and I think about my day the first thing the first day of being in the literature Club was fairly calm I'm definitely going back there on Monday today was pretty fun too I got a cat for C or E it seems to hold the same temperament it's netsuke it's too late to text her now but tomorrow I might invite C or E and the rest of the girls out to do something for now I relaxed in my bed and closed my eyes wow this is great it's time for sleep let's see what tomorrow brings and that's the end of episode one of poems and promises but I'm Anakin I'm gonna keep continuing playing so expect a little bit of a jump cut here alrighty I loaded up the second episode so let's just continue on with poems and promises let's just jump back into it with our legs not quite sure the developer breaks these up into episodes I mean I guess it's makes sense if you want to release episodes till I keep you pull interested but then again it'd be nice it's like after all the episodes are out there's like a collection of them all in one mod I don't mean this is my opinion alright noodle boys point of view ah Sunday morning it should be a lazy day but I've got plans including four beautiful girls madman and possibly a cat if say Murray decides to bring him along yes yuck cats are evil I pick up my phone and I'd draft a text to her hoping she's awake by now morning sleepyhead see if your friends want to come over to the beach today it's good weather wow that sounds kind of boring morning sleepyhead want to go to the beach you can bring your friends what am i her father good morning cutie you've got is so great she the fact that I'm pretty sure every single one of us has done this before good morning cutie hope you got sunscreen because we're going to the beach now it looks like something say or he would say aside from the nickname I decided I decide on that and finally send it omitting the part about her friends that's her choice after all I don't wanted to seem like I'm just using her to get closer to them because I'm not and I think she'll just appreciate and he's spending more time with the club members after a moment a notification chimed drags my attention back sorry that sounds amazing I'll get everyone in we can't go together unless you wanted to just be us Oh oh no does she think it's a date do I want it to be date I'm sure of how to answer I conclude that the best response is pretending I haven't seen the reply I'll just act surprised when her friends show up now I wanted to delay any longer I'll throw on some clothes and head to her house when arrived at Sierra's house I find Monica URI Natsuki already there you're here I'm so excited I packed a picnic and everything say her emotions to a bulging backpack in the corner the tip of the blanket peeking out a woo notice his bulge muffin wriggles out from beneath the covers of her on her bed and leaps onto the backpack washing himself with the pot muffin I didn't know you could perch on see where he's armed like that man he must be a wizard I'm 90% sure that she'll ask to take him with us muffins the best cat ever I don't want to leave him at home can he come with us see sure I don't think there's any rules against taking cats that on beaches if you can do it with dogs then I don't see why cats are an exception I'll get his carrier I just hope he doesn't run off or drown or both savory beams and goes to grab something from her drawer as I find the cat carrier and set it down on the floor I realized that you're eating at Sookie are being rather quiet maybe it's just their way I don't really know these girls yet I turned my attention to muffin indicating his first-class travel option so do you want to get in the carrier I didn't think so at the risk of being claw 2 reprimanded I grabbed the cat and stuff him in the carrier firmly locking it luckily Senor e is too busy chatting excitedly to her friends to notice me all right everything's prepared are you ready the beach is a short walk from our street our neighborhood is kind of weird and in that turns into seaside if you venture far enough but it makes for nice days out ready a hell happened quietly as the girls chorus in unison I passed the yelling cat to see ory grab her backpack and head out the door as we ride on the soft sand see already drops and begin setting up the picnic blanket dang look at Monica's crop top I didn't expect her to wear that like whoa boy sorry oh I I didn't expect to get any bellybutton action in this video okay it's probably gonna get a seed monetize prank I really feel I briefly wonder if I should help but by the time I decide it's already neatly laid out and laden with delicious looking food I was wondering it was wonderful of you to bring us here noodle boy I was hoping to spend more time with you after all I mean we we were hoping to spend more time with you Yuri uh-huh looking deeply flustered Yuri hides her face and hurries away from me she's a little anxious around new people but she means well anyway it seems like everyone has found something to do maybe it's because we're used to working individually and with all of us here it feels like we're in the literary you mean at your club right now but that doesn't mean you can't spend time with us I look around to see what she means and realized that she's right series playing with muffin running a piece of seaweed across the floor watching him chase it she looks really happy I'm glad I got her as the stubborn creature Yuri settled by the blanket reading a book on occasion she runs her fingers through the sand and makes patterns in it and that Sookie's pouring buckets of sea water onto a spot beside her shaping the wet grains is just some kind of sculpture I should share my attention between all of them it's a good chance to get to know Sara's friends better who should I join obviously this one the hottest one I think I'd like to spend more time with Monica I wander over to an empty patch on the beach and motioned for her to join me it's so nice to finally spend some time with you noodle boy I've been writing poetry I know it's not very beachy but it's what I enjoy no it's fine I brought you all here to relax that was really nice of you would you like to see what I wrote sure the beach gentle swirls of salted bliss look below or you may miss the tiny fish which skitter by awash in an ocean sky did little smiles appear today bones Creek with anticipation and all the while we sit and play renewed determination pup sets in the sand gone with the tide if no one could see you why do you hide I've been thinking a lot about it recently thinking about what the things that humanity can easily miss time I wrote a poem about that - is it his this just gonna need to be Monica giving me her poems I know she's the club president and all but I wanted to talk to her about something she finds passion in though she finds passion in literature so can I see it you really want to I mean yeah it's nice to see how passionate you are on the subject venture time let's kill time take it by the sequential throat feeling revenge for winning gloats and it steals our lives away let's wound time putting a deadline on all of our needs and watch the second spill from newly healing wound the like gold dust and dandelion seeds let's freeze time encase it in an hourly blue midnight frost and morning do everything we want to do let's stop time put a halt on the judgmental minutes we decide when it's time to end endless moments to know a person whether they're for friend let's destroy time smash through its solid face and take its hands in ours so it never moves again and give never-ending hours let's stop the moment in its prime who gives a darn about the time Monica that's a swear you've just been and from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for bad behavior one day I'll write a poem like hers I actually really did like both those poems kind of cool oh look at Monica's necklace it's like a little music note I didn't notice that full full of poem miss do you like it I'm unsure how to respond because I because I do and I don't know how to elaborate on that I do there's a swear but I like the usage of language in metaphors does that make it sound like I know what I'm talking about I wanted to go for something that makes the reader think and personify time as a physical entity an enemy of sorts maybe time is like the ocean how so it can be frozen it sweeps over you sometimes it feels like you're drowning in it I trail off unsure where I was going with that but Monica beams at me exactly you're really picking up really picking this up I'm impressed well won't see already be proud of me I saw netsuke and Cirie with the book yesterday it's none of my business but it seems to be causing somewhat of a fixation in the club you're he's asked about it too it's just a book Monica I know I know I just like to see it for myself it feels like they're excluding me I'm sure that's not the case you know what if Monica is sentient in this and she uses the book to like make us fall in love with her because that would be pretty weird either Natsuki or slavery has it at the moment so you could investigate it right now if you wanted no it's fine I'm probably just being silly I can understand you being insecure but there's no need they adore you I wouldn't go that far I feel like I'm letting them down we barely have enough members to be considered a club I'm sure everything's fine Monica honestly it seems like the club is perfect just as it is you really think so mm-hmm thank you needle boy very cool I'd love to spend more time with you but I think you should share that with everyone she's probably right but I wish I could reassure her some more anyway who should I join obviously Yuri because she likes us I think I should spend some time with Yuri the thick one I walk over to where she said settling beside her on the sand oh hyeri who wears a sweater to the beach I was just thinking about that hmm she's lying on her front hand rested beneath her chin buried in a book with deep blue cover and a gold scripture on the front I can't quite make out the title because it's flat on the sand now but I saw it earlier from a distance when she had it propped up is Mary reading the Bible noodle boy as I arrived Yuri looks up at me in surprise mind if I join you of course not I must apologize for my behavior earlier I it's ok do you mean that I do that's a relief she carefully lifts the book and sets it between us a faint smile on her lips would you like to read with me sure what's it about Yuri starts to gracefully shift into an upright position but stops my flat beside her ah that's easier she relaxes again her feet lightly lifting - softly kick at the air behind I find this the best reading position when not in company it eases the tension on my back oh you asked about the book should I give you a brief synopsis sure why not and amuses me how easily flustered she is but I choose not to comment on it she begins to recite information about the book and I notice how much her demeanor changes it's almost fascinating you see the shift personality when speaking like this all our diffidence seems to have melted away it's about an ancient relic which cursed people throughout history by taking their souls definitely not the Bible the relic was an ornate book Blanc from the cup from cover to cover it was empty so that people could fill it with their own desires there was a rumor that the book spoke to them a voice which only they could hear it promised them anything they wanted the book fell into possession of the Italian King Malachi omona hidden from history because the book was a race the book erases existence from the records he was blind in his left eye from birth an affliction which he despised he think that writing in the book which promised to solve your problems would be a good thing but it wasn't so the Kings blindness was cured he was delighted he locked the book away with his other treasures believing that it was a wonderful find until he found out that his dearest brother had mysteriously become blind in his left eye causing him to stagger out in front of a chariot and to be crushed to death beneath the horses hose overcome by grief he went to destroy the book realizing it it was the cause of this tragedy but the book was gone king malachi immediately sent an outward for the kingdom to warn of the books powers he branded it the malady site tre which means curse in latin it turned out that the book didn't cure people's problems that merely transferred them or it found a way to weaken others around it sona until death occurred it reappeared later in history this time ending up in the hands of an Egyptian princess called Sara she was an illegitimate child and her stepmother hated her a historical Cinderella sorts Sara asked the book to make her sent mother respect her and soon the Queen was bowing out of feet but this was not out of respect and said because she was gravely ill she passed away weeks later just like King Malachi Sara aimed to tear the book apart from one edit for what I had done however like before there was no sign of it whoa that's pretty dark isn't it what if not Sookie's dad dies that'd be great wait does that mean say Rory's depressions shifted on to somebody else what if Monica has depression now surely a thing like that doesn't exist it must be a fable made up by historians the most gruesome one ah I'm rambling aren't I I tend to get a little carried away sometimes it's all right I was enjoying listening with my ears ah I hate to think I was boring you do you still want to read it honestly I feel like she's read me the entire book at this point but I'd like to get closer to her so I'll give it a try yeah it might take me a while to get into it though go at your own pace I nod and wriggle a little closer to her starting to skim the text as she flips back onto the first page but reading silence for a while the sun shining down on this as we peer as we pour over the books contents a question comes to mind and I look up hey URI yes what would you what would you ask for it sooo what would you ask it for if you didn't know the consequences URI freezes up like a rabbit caught in headlights I I can't really say I've ever thought about it I'm sorry I I can't answer that I must be horrible I must be such a horrible person you're you must be so ashamed of me feeling a little guilty for fostering her my glance at Monika for help she suddenly grabs my arm and drags me away you're really affecting her today aren't you maybe you should go to one of the other members for now I want to go and reassure her that everything is okay but she doesn't look like she wants company right now guess I'll leave it be who should I joined obviously the annoying one maybe nan Suki might appreciate some company it would be unfair to leave her out even from a distance I can see her skin I could see her sand sculpture it's a large cat with seashells fries and it's up to seaweed his hair between it's sandy years its ears keep collapsing she gives a huff of frustration she's muttering to herself but I instantly catch her attention oh hi I'm building a sand cat I can see that yeah well the ears won't stay on because the sand is to try so get wetter sand I would but Monica will let me go near the sea the Paley she doesn't want to trigger anything what a flashback to my dad trying to drown me who's going to do that everyone else is busy I could you you want to help me yeah why not she says this with such disbelief do people don't usually help her out listen as I crouch time to get a small plastic bucket nearby I noticed the magic book in the sand no but I thought you gave this back I did we're sharing it all right I'm not gonna question it further they'll grow tired of this prank eventually I head down to the ocean to fill the bucket with water huh that's Sookie's point of view oh boy it is I'm actually I'm actually really enjoying this not gonna lie if the plot is really intriguing me and I love it why didn't you tell me the boys gone I just the sand from the promises and touch the first page yes I've been watching Sayuri muffin they both seem okay but I want to make sure that she's still able to use the bug for whatever she needed are you still helping sorry I am are you still helping me of course what will happen if someone else touches you please speak to them too naturally I want to help as many people as possible can I ask you something you've asked me many things well can I ask you something else go on did you speak to noodle boy I did not why because that's for my contract with C or E she cannot tell anyone that I'm helping her she broke the rules bringing my second clause into effect nobody that she tells about me will believe her the same with me and Papa precisely what if someone wishes for something bad I have no bias or emotion it does not affect me if it's what they desire I bring it to fruition what if enough human your friend is returning noodle boys point of view I sit down the bucket of water on the sand causing a small slouch netsuke beams at me with her laser eyes stripping her hands into it thank you she begins to sculpt the cat's ears and gradually they take shape again her emotions are delicate and careful she creates tiny details like fur patterns and a tiny tuft atop the point of them.we - shiny stone careful they might evolve I say that without thinking but Natsuki giggles anyway at least little and some moose anyway can you find it for me another errant great she hauls out a small dent for the stone to go and I'm guessing it snows I'll have to look around I don't leave her side this time finding a small black stone just a few feet away tada I hold out the stone to her and she smiles warmly thanks the stone is gently pressed into the dent completing the sand cat it looks pretty good so what do we do now say what if you want a bucket of water on your head Oh what netsuke grins picks up the bucket of seawater and pours it over my head excuse me what the Frick I got you that seawater you just dumped it on me you stupid piece of jambalaya my mind does my when does that thing where reprocesses words after their sunken and I realized what she just said Natsuki brick yes I laugh quietly and pounce up pouncer attempting to pin her into the sand you're so dead she gives us off squeak and wriggles away from me sprinting down to the water I pursue her backing her up until her feet touched the icy ocean as the waves lapped the shore it was worth it another step forward causes another in retreat and she falls on her butt though she soon leaps back up still giggling I can't believe this Maud said the bu TT word such a bad word hey it's cold in here she suddenly rushes at me and drags me into the sea with her yeah that is cold ah this is so cold it's your own fault that's who keep playfully mocks me in a singsong voice slowly stepping deeper into the water as soon as she's waist-deep she creates a tidal wave of water with her hands and it sends it towards me splash fight I granny collect a whole mass of water nearly drenching her from head to toe so what happened to the whole thing of Natsuki having PTSD from her father nearly drowning her is that like gonna is she gonna have like a panic attack because if so then this Beach this Beach trip is really gonna suck okay now you're dead gladly she sifts in the sea floating on her back and kicks a ton of water in my face I left both hands in surrender mercy man that was fun I suddenly scooped her up in my arms and carry her back to the beach sending her gently back on the sand we lay side by side as the warm Sun beams down and slowly dry us both it feels like time stands still I look across at Natsuki and find her sounding sleep soundly sleeping hmm I don't want to leave it like this but I don't know I don't want to spend but I do want to spend time with the others reluctantly I hold my sandy butt from the ground and prepare to walk across the beach who should I join the best one I saved the best for last I'm going to go relax and say Orion muffin she's the one I've known the longest after all she's beaming brightly drawing spirals in the sand with her finger Hey I drop aside her causing her to smile her smile to widen hi it's a beautiful day isn't it I feel like I'm wrapped in sunshine thank you for bringing us here middle boy no worries I think muffin likes it here too he's spending a lot of time by the sea maybe he's fishing or something or staring at his reflection cats are kind of dumb that's not very nice well I'm sorry muffins not very nice to me okay I hate him more than netsuke I've actually I've actually liked that Sookie a lot in this mod yeah I actually have good job he'll hurt his feelings geez she really loves that fleabag huh why don't I go and check on him see if he's doing okay do you think something might be wrong with him of course not shut up noodle boy I just don't think he should be that close to the water I guess I want to play the hero that's adorable well go and save him then as I approach the edge of the beach I find the cat sitting and staring into the water Oh muffin what's wrong you're not levitating this time you're kind of worrying me muffin are you okay he looks sad hey it's oddly reminiscent of seeing stay worrying one of her depressive spells oh my gosh did say Orie give the cat depression we've got a depressed cat over here guys quick get the catnip oh my god the book gave Sayuri's cat depression oh my gosh that's hilarious but that's just silly can cats even get depressed I guess so you okay there I know I'm talking to a cat again and for some strange reason I'm growing used to it muffin dips his paw into the sea shivering and pulling back he looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders I crouched offer him a hand but he ignores it what's wrong wheel guy against my better judgment I scooped the cat and I cuddlin he doesn't protest he just lays limp in my arms this is odd usually he'd be scratching me by now I carry him back to say Ori hoping that he'll perk up again once he's back in her company as soon as we arrive he pounces say Orion begins purring at her okay I guess he's I guess his depressive episodes over the rain clouds are gone you were right he was just fishing or trying to they were too fast for him why did I lie it's what upsets me or if she knew the truth and he seems okay now I thought so hey let's take a really big whole incident okay no not okay I love doing that when I was a kid at the beach I would you literally just dig the most giant hole and we were just sitting it and then we'd shove each other in it was so much fun he doesn't justify it instead beginning to scoop up handfuls of sand and toss it behind her it takes a while since everything since every time she builds a border there's a landslide and the hole fills in again laughing softly I joined in helping your transfer the beach out of that spot and digging deeper before long we made an impressive dent in the ground deep enough to fit two people without hesitation Sara hops into it dragging me down beside her is it I don't personally see the appeal but is they wriggle to get more comfortable I realized how tight we were pressed together now that's hot it's like the beach is giving us a hug perfect opportunity to tease you know you're blushing right just that being close to you feels nice I mean no no you're right mm-hmm I like it too little boy there's something I need to tell you just as she starts to speak muffin jumps in on my head and clings there ow those claws are really sharp I flail for a moment and as for some strange reason the cat holds on for dear life Sierra reaches up and plucks him from my hair he's just remaining new he likes you yeah but the moment is lost gosh dangit muffin I crawl out of the hole Lenny say a hand is she chambers out to wonder what she wanted the same you should go spend time with the others Doodle boy I already did but this is fun I blinked twice as she practically pushes me back to the center of the beach raising a brow but I already spent time with them all say Orie just smiles brightly and then her attention Falls to pampering muffin all right who should I join it's getting late okay as the breeze turns cold I notice the girl is packing up their things and collecting in a group again they mostly stayed to their individual activities but joined at the dinner time to share the delicious sandwiches and treats that sailor he had brought I take series backpack once it's full again and watch her coax muffin into his carrier oh sure he goes in when she asks him to we check this we check that we've got everything and we head back to the cold sack once we arrive the girls all hug in part ways giving their respective gobias as they begin the walk home so here he hangs back she's waiting for me to join her want me to walk you home yes please she takes her pleasures and such simple things I really admire her we begin to the short walk to our houses once I arrived home I had straight up to my room and flopped there it was a lovely day at the beach I had a great time I'll make some food in a while and maybe do something productive but for now it's time for even a servant my favorite anime and a my I love Anna my Yvonne II servant I've never heard of that what is that when I looked that up some not-safe-for-work things showed up so that's not cool maybe I'll even get a few episodes of kill book yeah I'm not gonna look up anything else while playing this oh man don't look that up beep oh what time is it I stopped the shrieking alarm clock instead of rubbing my eyes sleepily oh you every anime has to have the beach episode and this mod has the beach episode in it Oh time for school I said most lacking I spent most last night snacking and binge watching shows I think I passed out around two-ish sighing about them and not monotony of Mondays I dragged my uniform and head to class with class finally over I returned a little bit early at your club I arrived pretty late since the teacher held me back to talk about equations or something so everyone is already here limiting to myself to one person might seem unfair to the others I'll spend time with everyone today as I look around I notice that's the reason here hey Monica we're sorry she went home early to look after her cat apparently he's not well I'll drop by your house after the club finishes then Sookie's holding the magic book in her hands eyebrow raising as she notices me looking we're having another sleepover tonight no boys allowed with that she goes and sinks down in the corner by the closet but not Sookie if there's no boys allowed then you can't go I'm kidding you're kidding don't don't murder me please Monica wanders off to do whatever she does and I stand at the front of the club wondering who I should interact with first it's going to be I'm obviously netsuke because she has that creepy book I walk over to Natsu Keynes settle beside her and then evidently disturbing her reading oh hi NAT Sookie hi hi reading manga maybe so what if I am I like manga too it's a good fruit I love mangoes want to read together I love to she wriggles up to my side and lays the manga between us and I stare at the pages is it is this a Doki Monde Magnus [Music] oh my gosh Doki Mon oh that's clever that is very clever Doki mine gotta kill down oh I wanna be the love interest for em see if I could I just want him to love me and think I'm the best that ever one Doki Mon imma kill them oh sorry sorry you ever sit earlier so I thought you got a hatch Amal he liked it too I was worried for a second there no no need it's a pretty cool series yet is we both fall into silence as focus descends on the manga reading it writes left okay something I really really appreciate is Yuri's not reading the portrait of Markoff and Natsu Keys not reading parfait curls because if I have to play one more mud they just have us keep reading those same two books I'm gonna rip my eyeballs out and freaking eat them because I'm so sick of hearing about oh it's the portrait of Markoff well it's a concentration camp where they rip people's limbs off hey why don't you read the poppy girls with me it's about women that drama happen like finally a new book I feel netsuke lay her head on my shoulder when I pretend not to notice hey netsuke huh after a while of reading mug I noticed the Natsu kiss fallen asleep man she falls asleep so much you see like a cat to netsuke i softly nudge her but gain no response now it's okay still no response carefully laying the book down and take off my blazer and fold it into a makeshift pillow softly resting her head against it before leaving her to sleep she clearly needs the rest [Music] I'll join someone else for now it's going to be how come we can't spend time with Monica hmm I walk over to Gary's desk and sink into the seat beside her feeling any better uh yes thank you since she kind of freaked out at the beach I feel like I should put her mind at rest I liked listening do you talk about your book the question was just out of curiosity there was no pressure to answer it I've been thinking about it though I'd wish for a world where everyone was valued equally even if they did something horrible that depends on what they did it's one of life's many gray areas how so say for example you have a loaf of bread and you and to you it's a side dish but to a starving family it's a life saver would it be wrong of them to take the bread to stay alive yes I guess not but under ordinary circumstances stealing is wrong it is and that's why it's a gray area it's up to the individual to determine the cause and consequence of an action or a judge indeed sometimes people do bad things but it doesn't make it doesn't mean the bad people do you think that's accurate I mean it depends on the a gray area right he now it's rather nice to have an intelligent conversation you're in a welcome addition to the club thank you you're welcome would you like to try reading again uh I checked my watch and quickly work out how much time is left before the school closes in the club ends I'll spend time with you tomorrow I'll try spacing my time between everyone how generous of you very well I'll wait until tomorrow she took that surprisingly well I'll return to my spot at the front of the club deciding who to approach next it's going to be Monica okay I wonder where Monica was last I wonder a word where Monica's seated noticing that she's got the magic book on her desk oh no oh no oh the plot thickens more than Monica's thighs did not Sookie lend it to her glancing over at NAT Sookie I find that she's still soundly sleeping it's hard to tell but I doubt Monica would just take it without permission Monica doesn't look up she instead begins to neatly write in the book I don't want to disturb her so I stand awkwardly for a moment feeling like a lemon I checked my watch for something to do oh I must have read it wrong I've got lots of time left then I'll spend more time I spend more of it with the girls did maka asked for more time with MC hmm hopefully Monica will be available to talk soon she seems rather busy right now I'll go back to netsuke let's see if she's still sleeping oh my gosh gosh dang it you know I was really hoping that Monica was not sentient and I'm still hoping that she's not because I would like her to just be over obsessive as a normal girl not a sentient AI so let's see how that progresses I've never noticed before but Monica she's a picture of perfection now gosh here we here we go oh man this the plot lines are clashing and I love it I love it I want to spend all my time with her I don't really care about any of the other girls needle boy are you okay I'm more than okay can I sit next to you oh of course I'd love that I settle beside Monica who closes the book and smiles warmly at me it's so wonderful to be with you you're amazing I am you are how lovely you'd say needle boy would you like to read some some of my poetry Monica I could read your poetry all day thank you I look away from the love of my life is nan Sookie stands up giving a softie on hey you were supposed to be reading manga with me well now he's reading poetry with me she's perfect isn't she I guess you're acting kind of weird are you doubting my love for Monica okay no you're acting really weird so you want to finish manga or leave me alone I don't want you for once I agree with MC leave me alone I don't want you but you're both jerks now sick he grabs the magic book for Monica's desk and storms out of the room I blink twice as I regain focus oh I must have seriously spaced out looking beside me I can see Monica's expectant face when when did I sit next to her how badly did I space out I look around the classroom and find Monica staring at me with a curious expression are you okay needle boy I'm fine Oh Frick I might have down everything I did not mean to do that silly me I'm fine well it's time to pack up and go home All Right see you tomorrow Monica catch you later URI stay safe noodle boy I see rather annoyed at Sookie on my way home but I choose not to question it and was it just me or did the club atmosphere feel bit odd towards the end just a lot a bit I arrived at home yawning softly is a sink down on my bed today was pretty chilled it's quite nice at the literally at your club let's see what tomorrow brings and that's the end of episode two oh boy Monica's manipulating us that's gonna be great so I'm gonna continue episode three in this video I'm just gonna one-shot this whole mod cuz I'm having fun with it so see you in a second already time for more poems and promises now I'm recording this the next day but for you guys it's gonna be the same video so how are you guys doing today um I'm doing pretty good I got lots of sleep last night so I'm ready for more of this this tomfoolery about this book noodle bowl a spoon of view after a torturous hour of maths I dragged myself to Lorraine at your club I could happily go the rest of my life that ever again seeing something being divided my wish does not come true however as that Sookie moniker at the time are at each other's throats when I arrived as club president I should get to spend time with them - how about the book there's no way you'd want you otherwise well that's probably hung on to spend time with you Waymon both the girls stop and look at me for a moment but then go back to arguing stop this childish behavior you're embarrassing yourself I stormed over and grabbed the book holding it up so they can both see it there was a lot of mention of it just now it hits wager it's what they're fighting over then I'd wager sorry I almost sneeze there holy bananas anyways that undoubtedly gets their attention and the bickering sauce is they stare at me little boy were you fighting over this yeah but you don't know what it does I I don't care it's clear all you want it for is one reason or another and fighting over it isn't gonna help as the newest member don't mind get some decision rights or something I suppose so see or he believes it's curing her depression I don't know what you and or netsuke want with it my area seems to be not the only one involved who can I give this to without causing conflict spaghettios point of view Oh Frick well what do you think spaghetto obviously I'm gonna give it to the cat because the cat has depression now and he needs help yeah why not yeah why not I spent about half of the night in Monica's company there are so many poems written now that I've run out of words instead of a blank sheet of paper stares down stares me down which he loves every single one and I love her the words kind of descended into a very base form as time passed Mon monk Mucca Mucca Mucca I get the feeling I can't concentrate because she's on my mind noodle boy I was like spacing out again just a bit it's nice to spend time together like this isn't it it is what do you want to do now sure I feel trapped this is great no no no oh goodness what's happening I don't want this is everything okay no a leap up and sprint out of the classroom my heart pounding panting heavily for a moment I gain my breath back what on earth just happened all I can think about was Monica time seemed to stop when we were together but I wanted to spend it with Natsu key after hanging out with everyone i sided that I liked her the most yet in my head was just Monica Monica Monica I'd be happy if I never saw her again excuse me I like say Orry the most when did that Sookie become the choice it's just silence now no Monica no anything they're really spooked and feeling quite uneasy I leave the school make my way home Monica's point of view I stare at the open door in shock giving a small wine his noodle blade races through it uh what did you do to him my gaze Falls to promises the book that came into my possession a few days ago I made him desire you and reject all others as you requested but he panicked and left yes something that's never happened before I believe he fought against me in one how is that possible maybe he found a loophole do you have loopholes everything has loopholes perhaps you should try something more extreme like tying him down whoa is the book insinuating kidnapping Monica's gonna tie me up that's hot what I don't want to hurt him and then don't tie him down too tightly no absolutely not I refused to go along with something so awful you could change your wish to say making him forget that the others exist or you can make them stop existing promises I'm not gonna hurt him with my friends yet you've not even considered it hmm this sounds very familiar to Monika before they're living people of course I haven't but they're not really living are they you're the only one that's actually real that's right is it not or should I say isn't it I suppose I should modernize the way I speak it has been a long time now since my people used this tongue nonetheless if you want noodle boy to be yours she resort to greater measures in order to keep him else he'll just keep running away what wish can I make that won't hurt anyone but will get me what I want you could avoid what everyone else wished for that would certainly solve your issue I'm not doing that then give me back to someone more deserving I shan't deal with you anymore wait you can do that I can move and I can talk I can certainly refuse to associate or converse with a charlatan if I wish the book vanishes from sight and I sink down with a soft sigh it's probably better this way noodle boy would hate me if he knew I've been manipulating him well time to write another abstract poem in hopes that someone can hear me don't give the book to Monica okay I guess that happened the choice didn't matter nobody else is around so Monica can wander freely throughout the school she chooses to stay in the club room though her fear of walking into the unknown walking past her friends desks she takes a little precautions to make sure nothing bad happens confiscating Yuri's knife adding a breakfast bar to that Sookie's bag and sending an alarm once a where he's phone say or he's oh be always leaving it unlocked that girl has no idea what security is the Monica dearly cares for her friends she loves them wholeheartedly and she loves literary at your club even if all of it consists of is noodle boy picking some words and they're having to pretend they mean something she's seen the code certain words assigned to certain people but never to her own name perhaps the most real days happen when he's not even there since he's pulled into the fakery - if she had a way to change her life i way to make him pick her for once then would she take it yes she would but instead she simply has to watch her friends gain happy endings and she remains stuck in coded purgatory knowing the temptation she accessed the code once only to purposely lock herself out so no sabotage could take place this is their world - and she's not about to mess it up and a world that new - one wants to be part of maybe isn't so bad lifting her pen she smiles to herself and writes another with rhythmical cry for help pick someone else I'm sorry Monica I tried I tried I tried what a neat little detour though even though the choice didn't really matter what a nice little insert to the story I'd like I feel like that added to the story and I really appreciated that so I'm glad I made that decision man what was your ease wish I can't remember I can't remember what URIs wish was um do we even figure out URIs wish oh no we don't know URIs wish I'm gonna give it to URI because say or easing that suit but nan Sookie has her dad ah Frick Oh fine I guess that Sookie since her dad fine fine I don't want that Sookie to get hurt humming softly to herself nan Sookie enters her house and looks around she's in a much better temperament these days coming home consists of making something neat and relaxing until that time her father usually interrupts to say something bitter then retires upstairs what where he stays until morning it's rather odd today he'd have certainly heard the door so where is he papa she searches the house softly calling for him in a manner that suggests she hopes he's okay but would be fine if he didn't come to greet her in his usual menacing way finally she finds him he's upstairs on the floor of his room unmoving I knew it he was gonna die that Sookie's dad is gone she rushes suicide kneeling there can you hear me the girl reaches for her father's wrist that's really feeling for a pulse she doesn't find one no this isn't what I wanted I never want you to die just to stop hurting me see me a good dad don't leave me distraught she collapses into a sobbing mess by her father's side downstairs promises seemed to curl at the edge of its pages as though if it's smiling to itself it promptly disappears having gained what it came for don't give the book to netsuke what do any of these choices matter middle boys point of view I decided against giving the book than that Sookie but she forgave me for it as kind of an apology I invited her to my house to watch Doh keema anime she accepted and now we're both my room staring oculi at each other your room is nice don't sound so surprised I cleaned it up for you really mm-hmm well my own rooms pretty messy so there's no need fun thank you as messy as savories messier speaking of sorry she's not letting me sleep over today says she's really sick and isn't one anyone to bother with it she seemed fine at school I know it's odd I hope she's okay me too anyway the enemy all set up sweet I settled on my bed pat the spot beside me and to my surprise she settles there too we watched the show in silence for a while and I noticed her giggling like a little kid okay the team pocket really just turn his to embers pic of me when he was distracted I'm honestly impressed but the look over there method actually worked you think that with all those gym badges he'd know better power doesn't equal experience just restarting the boot strength isn't always the best way to win you've got to be smart too we continue watching members peek at me electrocute in the entire area and then I faint I yawn suddenly dropped draping an arm around at Sookie she notices but doesn't seem to mind laying her head softly on my shoulder she smiles faintly and lightly nuzzles mean we don't talk again until the final episode finishes the show ends in a cliche feel-good fashion with the Ember and his team saving the day in some way in teen pocket losing miserably as the credits finished the next episode starts but netsuke grabs the remote pauses it I need to go you were kind of a jerk yesterday but thanks for being nice today it really helped before I can ask what she means by that she's already left dang that girl can move fast she's right this break boy that's Duke he's pointing boom what got in the book I can only hope that my father leave me alone I hope what's his short-lived as he approaches me the second stepping into the house good evening Oh Frick it's demon man hi what a welcoming reception sorry whatever any plans for tonight this is new making something to eat I guess I hope you enjoy it you he walks away leaving me deeply confused well rather than linger on that encounter I make my way to the kitchen to prepare a snack [Music] I've been getting softly humming to myself as I search the fridge and find the bucks a box of cupcakes that I made last week burning that needle boy came to the club for cupcakes and I'd accidentally left them here still they'll make a nice treat now something is agonizingly sharp cuts into my arm and I stare at it in poorer what is that smile what is that smile the figure looming over me is holding a knife I don't get the chance to run before he steps closer and slashes at me again but I gave her the book what the fray the choices don't matter and again and again yeah oh man this is some awesome ASMR whimpering in terror I find myself reaching up to grip the knife trying to turn it away he tugs back against me with an unbelievable strength and the blade is torn from my hands but this but by this time the handles facing me I watch in horror as he stumbles the pull back on the knife is tearing into his own chest how could you I loved you I am very confused at what just happened okay this doesn't make sense there's no response he lays lifeless on the ground oh gosh there's blood everywhere I need to call for help but I'm frozen in place did I kill him if I'd only had the book to protect me none of this would have happened but know how it has and there's no there's no going back pick someone else what on earth what on earth I'm so confused all right I guess Yuri I want to see what your he does I pulled the book from my bag and lightly set it in the soft grass the lake is my favorite place to come on when school or the club finishes it's very relaxing here hello my hand jolts I hear a voice in my mind breaking contact with the book silence cautiously a touch the cover again and it speaks once more no you're not hallucinating nor are you delirious I'm actually speaking to you your millets a sight Terry aren't you very good Yuri you've done your research I see what gave me away it could have been the voice of my thoughts so perhaps that since he showed up strengthing strange things have been happening I've been granting wishes it's never that simple though is it who have you infected infected his very cruel wording I help people right before I can finish I pick it up and dig my nails into the cover it seems to shift in my hands as though pained tell me ah fine release me I drop it again though keep contact with one hand and it visibly relaxes your friend see Ori I'm helping her with depression Monica I wrote that she wished noodle boy would adore her and shun all others netsuke wished for her father to cease his abuse I see I know how you work curse please its promises tell me how you're helping them what are the consequences must die tracing a fingertip along the spine in the book I gained a shiver from it all right see Ori has a cat named muffin I simply transfer her depression to the creature I knew it the cat is depressed oh man that poor depressed cat Monika's consequences that noodle boy shuns her when she's not using me and that Sookie's father grows sicker by the day you'll most likely die soon you truly are cursed relic indeed but now that you know what are you going to do what stops me from destroying you the fact if you do everyone using me will suffer yeah Sookie's father will go back to abusing her and nobody will be able to believe her not even you say or I'll become depressed again nothing can help her except me Monica will be alone again loneliness can grade all sorts of chaotic behavior in a person like that or she might might go for the same path to C or e who knows but that means you'll win whether we get rid of you or not precisely I wasn't being history books if they were that easy dispose of me so you're just going to kill off my friends and I'm supposed to accept that it was their decision to use me and what if I wish them better if that what if I wish that that netsuke wasn't abuse saiary wasn't a prayer you can only make wishes that effect yourself I'll find a way to prepare this I look forward to it don't give the book to your head okay I sink down in the soft grass by the lake side I've been thinking a lot about the book that I researched wondering how I'd destroy it if I were ever my possession of course a relic like that lost dissent lost to the centuries there's no way I'd show up in my lifetime still it's fun to Moose when noodle boy asked me what I'd wish for my mind went to the raccoon I know it's not good for me to keep feeding him perhaps I'd wish that he wouldn't visit but there are consequences maybe some close to me would gain the someone close to me would gain the addiction instead when you know better you don't abused an opportunity like that you walk away but it's all theory it's all a theory of course a game theory I can't help wondering if temptation would catch my arm and pull me close if I ever did encounter such a thing speaking of grey areas of noodle boy didn't didn't noodle boy help me shed any light on my own but I think we understand each other a little better now mรณnica netsuke fighting this morning it just wasn't like them at all it's why my mind won't stop wandering you the possibility that a cursed book could be the cause the literature club has the cursed book but that's just ridiculous pushing the idea from my mind I lay down on the back on the bank and close my eyes ah yes pick someone else okay book in her possession sailor he walks back home and smiles softly to herself as she arrives she's much better now the rain clouds aren't lingering above her and waiting to drench her in sorrow but as she approaches her smile turns to an expression of horror nothing she screams in the game she's free oh my gosh that face it's so sad she screams the cat's name is she races over finding him mangled on the ground he couldn't take the depression anymore and he didn't need to fake his happiness when saiary wasn't around so he waited until she was at school pawed the window open and left from it he didn't survive her hand goes to promises maybe he can bring him back but the book is gone same where he falls to her knees bitterly sobbing she scoops the fragile body up in her arms hugging him close as she trembles immediately she begins to blame herself had she left the window open did he hate her and that's why he tried to run away even her own cat despised her hidden in the shadows promises struck the cat's soul with the edge of its page humans were so foolish but human or not any soul gave the relic power promises welcome to misery if only it hadn't been around to take the poor felines life what would would this have played out differently I guess okay and then everything's fine everything is fine see nothing happens they or his point of view I finally arrived home eager to play with muffin maybe I should have brought him maybe I should have brought him with me today but he was sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to disturb him muffin little cat pounces and nuzzles into my chest as I hold him in my arms he's purring loudly the most lively I see him in days did you miss me muffin responds with a perennial leaning up to my leading up to nose hit my cheek I plant a soft kiss on his nose he's the sunshine in my days I sometimes wonder how they get by without him oh that's so cute look at him he's levitating again I knew it when noodle boy spoke i spoke of getting a cat i was worried at first I thought that he might hate me or be just as bad as I am the last thing we need is two sad people in the house in my opinion cats are people too but instead he's always here too he's always hearing cuddly and how it's just how to cheer me up we just like to play together he's taking a shine to one of my shoelaces in a swoon the wasps watch him chase it he always comes and cuddles up cuddles up to me when I'm sad and having to keep buying food and having to keep buying food for him means that I frequently in the house oof I think he tried to hide it from me but he's a little down lately even he's perked back up I'm going to keep an eye on him maybe I was a bit upset at first that noodle boy the buck away but nope muffin is fine we don't have the cat committing suicide anymore but if muffin can be strong without my any hope maybe I can - noticing my distraction he puts upon my shoulder noses nozzles my neck hi giggles softly cradling him in my arms tomorrow he's definitely come coming to the club with me pick someone else there's no one else to pick is there a better option noodle boys point of view regardless of the who I gave the book to it's going to cause argument okay so this was all just in his head and it was just a way of explaining it all right I'm glad that that's sorted so none of that actually happened got it so I'm gonna keep it for myself I don't intend to use it even if it does do something I'm am I'm just taking the source of the conflict and storing it in a safe place as I make my decision I took the book into my bag I'm keeping it no ah you don't understand hi hi she trails off eating a large sigh before singing into her seat that's probably the best decision thank you even as she says that I notice how sad the girls looked they all stare at me with such sorrowful eyes geez if they're going to guilt me like this I don't think I want to spend time with anyone today yeah we can see all by ourselves just like real life I walk over to the corner grab a manga and bury my mind firmly in the pages nobody tries to interact with me and the atmosphere is quite uneasy and the day seems to drag on forever feeling kind of bad I get up as I arrived at the club I see Monica CoA and URI no sign of netsuke though that's odd I don't feel like talking to Monica maybe C or E well no se already know where netsuke is I don't and I'm worried I made sure that she didn't get my illness so she can't be sick wait a minute is this the next day because that transition was really abrupt I think this is the next day no I don't think that's quite how it works do we have time to go check on her I've done that in the past and the shouting man usually enters the tour then I'll come with you thank you I hope she's okay well let's okay natsu keys point of view as I arrived downstairs I'm I immediately feel sick my father's body will still be in the kitchen the scent of blood is gone I stare at the empty kitchen in shock it's perfectly clean and there's no sign of that last night's altercation ever happen even happened hold up so all this did happen and they had memory of it but Mike I'm so confused I thought that was just for shadowing and it didn't actually happen but I know it did yeah I thought it happened but it didn't you don't remember it at all wait is it just showing consequences or just toying with them humming softly to myself I look around pop it must be at work already that's kind of a relief well time to head to the club it's a school holiday but Monica is keeping it open because we're preparing for the festival the club nuts school a soft knocking starts at the door someone shouting through it yeah huh I didn't quite catch that it sounded pretty urgent I curiously open the door I curiously opened the door and said if I gently open the door hmm a week it's been at least a week now I'm sure a week since I opened the door to a horde of officers who rested me on the spot and pushed me into a police car everything after that was kind of a blur they told me that my father had been killed fatal stab wound and that my prints were on the knife what what on earth after running my clothes through analysis it was confirmed that his blood was on the fibers or at least that's what they said no matter how much I cried for his loss pleaded innocence and was genuinely confused by the whole situation I still ended up here Papo was never a good man but that didn't mean I wanted him dead much less that I'd kill him myself I wonder how everyone else is doing netsuke killed her dad I'm so confused well the old switcheroo instead of NAT Sookie's dad killing her she killed him she pulled out the uno reverse card answers like haha no you we found the house empty when we arrived but a neighbor told us that netsuke Minh is corded away in a police car since I began writing in promises everything has gone so horribly wrong it's all my fault I was selfish and forced my problems onto someone else so I'm giving it to someone more worthy Jiri yes I gently pressed the book into her hands smiling softly I'd like you to have this sorry I couldn't possibly thank you I guess I spoke I guess it spoke to her promises already said it likes helping people here he goes to sit down hidden from sight as she settles on the floor behind some desks urease point of view after about 10 minutes with the book I've established what it is and what it's doing such a powerful relic in our club room I almost feel honored almost so you caused all of this I know Chris knows that I'm not going to write in it it seems to be almost boasting now it can tell me of its plans I did why I fail to see how you gain a soul from this I already have a soul I came for this is just for fun and leverage leverage indeed you're a smart human Yuri I knew I come into your possession sooner or later and you try to stop my misdemeanors here's the thing you destroy me everything I've done will be undone except the clauses meaning that netsuke will wake up back home having forgotten the whole incident yes her father will be alive again but he'll be just as abusive thanks to my clauses nobody will be able to believe her not the police her teachers not even you of course I could protect her before but without me nothing can save her I may not be able to destroy you completely but I can tear you to cover to cover the book seems to wince at that giving a small shudder I'll make you deal violent human about everything the back the way it was and only make netsuke father be ill enough to leave her alone not to kill him couldn't she make him into a nice person I'm a cursed relic Yuri not a miracle worker some things are beyond my capability alright then do that because you've done a terrible job of protecting her so far does anyone else use you know Monica she tried but failed then returned to Natsuki protect her from her father and set everything else straight as you wish but what this is gonna just be bad I'm so confused as any of the choices actually carry weight in this promises point of view these foolish humans with their commands and stipulations trying to force my pages depending realize what they're dealing with I bet if a tommy wasn't were a nice person NAT Sookie would have wished me to make him better when he fell ill but since he isn't she was relieved of his declining health that's the thing about relief you know it always comes with alive it's even in the word yes if daddy dearest fell ill and he was a nice person should have begged me to cure him I wonder hmm I think I will I'll make her believe that her father is a nice man and once she asked me to cure him of his illness I'll provide she'll surely give me away again whereupon he'll revert to his old self her wish to make him better will overwrite the lunch which stops him from being abusive and since humans are so fickle she'll no longer have me to protect her if she keep me as close as I requested none of this would have happened it's amazing how fast the police react when you drop in evidence covered corpse in front of them I had to teach her a lesson of course if consequent is caught if consequence without me is not so dire she'd have never realized how much she needs me so I had her frame for her father's death and now it falls back to me fixing everything perfect let us set the wheels in motion games of this generation of humanity are far more fun than they used to be she's coming home now then the stage is ready for my greatest performance it's time that's the key point of view welcome home thanks dad I'm just gonna go chill my room for a bit okay haha all right sport you go have fun I'm about to go upstairs and a loud crash sounds from the kitchen dad I see my father on the ground breathing heavily he's as white as the sheet surrounded by broken dishes I was just trying to make your dinner silly what's wrong it hurts he sings to the floor and I rush to grab promises from my bag promises yes my father's really said can you help me of course you know the cloth I know I know please just help him it opens to a blank page and I immediately begin to write as I finish I hear a weak groan papa I dare back to the kitchen finding him still worrying I stood there with an odd expression I'm suddenly feeling much better why don't we play a game okay he steps closer and I feel rather uneasy sensation in my stomach as his piercing eyes stare me down how about hide-and-seek what is that smile it's so creepy it's so disturbing oh great this is great alright well man oh boy this is fantastic alright well I'll play more in this episode but I'm gonna break here for now so expect there to be a cut and yeah alrighty boys it's time for the final part of poems and promises now I'm recording this on a different day than the other parts so let's just jump back into it with our legs so yeah I'm pretty excited to see where this little end or hopefully see if it like wraps up neatly so yeah here we go as I make my way to the literature Club on this warm Wednesday afternoon I collide with someone racing up the corridor who are you who are you ah sorry oh no it was totally my fault I wasn't looking where I was going I haven't seen you before are you new here yeah I wanted to try the literary at your club in person so I thought I'd come up here and say hi I'm actually new to the school and I don't have my uniform yet are you a member yeah I am awesome let's go in together I didn't catch your name by the way Oh silly me it's ray pleasure to meet you yours noodle boy and what a lovely name so is yours you you think so it's unique thank you it's Latin shall we go in sure man I didn't expect to see a new character what an odd turn of events so ray joined literature club as we enter the classroom I lock eyes with say Ori maybe it wouldn't hurt to pretend that I brought ray to the club I decided to give the whole speech unable to keep a straight face as I do you all been talking about needing more members right Ray is hidden behind me at this point and I can her softly giggling right well I found someone who wants to join tada I step aside motion to ray with a showbiz grin cheesy announcer voice she looks and she looks to the girls with a shy smile hi what her art style seems just a little different than the DDL see art style I wonder if this was drawn or if the artists or not the artist the mod dev just found it somewhere say aureus first to speak since Yuri is buried in a book and neither Natsuki nor Monika are here yet hi it's wonderful to meet you I'm sorry my name is Ray yeah it's wonderful to meet you too and this is Jiri ciri waits for Yuri to look up but she seems to be ignoring us Yuri I gain no response though I'm sure she heard me ray visibly sinks looking upset I'm sorry about this the club is usually so friendly maybe I should go please don't everyone here is usually really nice I promise I palmed and promise eery she's very shy and our other two members haven't arrived yet so so please don't give up on us so soon they already speak so sincerely it makes me feel warm inside she dedicates all of her energy into ensuring that Ray feels welcome well if it means so much to y'all stay I'd rather just hang out with you if that's okay me yeah you're the only one that's made me feel welcome I'm sure everyone will welcome me with open arms in the get here excuse me she's the only one that's made you feel welcome what about me I'm just like hey guys I'm introducing you to everyone what am I chopped noodle what the Frick okay Monica will be so excited to meet you I'm just about to leave the girls to it and talk with Yuri when she gets up book in hand and swiftly leaves the club room Yuri what's your drift turning my attention back to rain see I noticed that muffin has left his sleeping spot to them in manga closet and join them today where I brought him to school today it caused some fuss during class but she called him a comfort pet so our teacher let her keep him look at muffin he's levitating again Oh muffin you silly little demon cat he's curled up and raised arms the girl softly stroked him between his ears with her fingers they're both enthusing about him and chattering excitedly about the literature or something I just kind of zoned out at this point I wonder where he went Yuri what are you doing that's Sookie's point of view are you sure I can't get you anything we probably have tea somewhere but I wouldn't have a clue where to look Yuri came over to my house this morning saying she had something to tell me but had to wait until she'd see my father that part didn't take long he's frozen in the kitchen like he's playing a game of statues with himself he hasn't moved since the whole creepy smile hide-and-seek thing just at this horrifying toothy grin and then froze as a computer might crash or something a half expect an error window to pop up what's going on it I'm so confused at least the creepiness is gone though it's as usual frown now almost as though someone told them to never smile again still with Papa XE out of order I could freely talk with URI hey there's a train going by she set all on the floor with her legs crossed in a book and lap I'm fine thank you so Oh so what's up I've been reading about promises the book that grants wishes yes that the thing is it doesn't grant wishes for free it claims souls it steals your shoes and it doesn't give them back is that why he got sick most likely but that's not why I came over this morning I reached a chapter of the book that tells of what happens to those who try to destroy it it takes their slow regardless of contract they become the next binding binding that's kind of hot connection to our world if promises thinks it's under threat it sends out the binding as a vessel a way to get closer to people all other souls are absorbed on the spot but bindings are held prisoner so and can be sent out at any time hold on Israel by Ning or whatever hold on throughout history people have mistakenly killed the binding believing it to be the book personified but that's just another trick promises can be speak through the binding to create this illusion wait and is that why Rey was holding a book hold on hmm and once the binding is killed their killer becomes their replacement now according to this in the 16th century a young girl tried to destroy the book because her sister used it to kill a rival suitor her name was never recorded but she went missing shortly after Yuri leaves through the last few pages then closes her own book and so did promises there's no further information or records of it so what if she became the binding and nobody ever replaced her what does this have to do with us well uh I threatened promises recently a new girl has shown up at school today and I killed I can't help wondering if she's the binding that promises claimed all those years ago you mean centuries ago huh and if she is we need to locate promises and liberate her from it and once that's done we can lock it away and it won't be able to hurt anyone else not in our lifetime anyway alright so the book is bad it can controls a good person and we have to free her and then keep anyone else from using it that's the general idea yes how do we do it that's the tricky part destroying the book will make one of us the next binding it would liberate her but one of us would be trapped instead so you can only have one binding at a time indeed ah I think I have an idea but I'll need your consent for it whoa Yuri you hold on this is a Christian Channel I know you're asking for consent but still like hold the horses here oh good I was thinking Yuri calm down calm down oh that that's brilliant Yuri excuse me what the Frank I wish I hadn't Oh shouldn't come to this but I remember a lot of things now I agree that's the best way excellent since you had it last I think promises good ha sorry for yawning I think promises is still around here somewhere most likely hiding let's invite everyone to your house and the prep and the plan will begin all right okay noodle boys point of view netsuke and here he came back to the club room together saying something about a hangout in at Sookie's house apparently we're doing the literature club here today netsuke fetches a plate full of cookies and sets them on the table in front of us i grab a cookie and begin to munch on it it's still slightly confused wait does that mean that Sookie's dad is still frozen in the kitchen mmm delicious these are good cookies yeah muffins suddenly leaves up and begins clawing at the door she does that when she wants to go out do you want to join us yeah sure I'll open the door for muffin and she and he tarts outside say hurry myself following him ah when we write outside we find Monica standing there she gives a small squeak his muffin pounces and nuzzles her I think he likes you me muffin Oh muffin the cat ah hey Monica hmm are you okay it feels like you're going missing a lot more and I'm worried about you worried about me and there's no need I'm fine hi I I feel like I'm stuck never progressing always locked in place like shackles by means the starting line dang that's hot I feel like a disappointment to my family that doesn't exist because it wasn't coated Monica savory slips behind softly pulling Monica into a hug whoa hold on holy horses okay can this mod stop being unintentionally lewd calm down and you can't stop levitating you demon I know that feeling like I know how horrible it is but your strong independent white woman who doesn't need no man and what that's by your side I promise we can get through this together because that's what friends do right she looks at me and I nod softly right so Yuri thank you I'll try to be strong you're a good friend I've got some great news for you too little boy I found this new member for the club do you want to go inside meet her actually if you don't mind I'd rather just enjoy this moment a little longer but I'm proud of all of you thank you you're welcome NAT Sookie's point of view Yuri raid myself have been chatting quietly for some time now I agree with Yuri she doesn't quite seem like she's from our century though it's clear she's making an effort I mean she did say like yeah my name's Latin is she from Latonia I'm serious now that's interesting though footsteps in the kitchen catch my attention Yuri and I look over but Ray seems unbothered by the sound we're running out of time is Yuri going to act now so you've released a Tommy that wasn't me I mean who's Tommy given up promises I know it's you then you got me you should have spoken a little more quietly Yuri are you talking about bindings I'm in the body of the last person you're trying to stop me do you dare repeat her mistakes she promises clicks her fingers and then the book appears in front of us go ahead here you don't touch it that's the book that made my father yell what do you mean that's the book that made me ill you little prat I saw you writing this thing every day from you I'm sorry not as sorry as you're going to be this is the only thing protecting you hmm please don't take it away oh I won't I'll do one better I'll tear it apart and then I'll tear you apart dang that's hot he grabs the book and again staring into pieces snarling under his breath Yuri catches rays she faints while others shopping is the page stopping as the pages hands on suddenly routes around the limb and begins to climb Yuri and I watch an equal horrors promises coats my father from head to toe wrapped in fluid hissing paper those are some hot sounds it seems to melt him into its pages his mouth opening it grotesquely covered scream but no sounds come after a few moments paths he's gone completely race shifts into Yuri's arms and we both watch her with cautious eyes what happened where am I who are you people where's Katherine where's Robert where's the book you're holding it you're holding the book Hey you're holding it easy there calm down you were trapped inside the book but you'll free now she looks down at herself and gasps well what happened to my dress you took it off these clothes are so revealing Yuri leans over to me and whispers softly 16th century the women wore dresses to the ground in long sleeves you're in the 21st century ray my name isn't ray its Alice the 21st so my sister and betrothed are I see then I have no home no family you can't sting with me your father just died you have no reaction earlier the story you were like begging your dad to not die and be sick and you felt horrible and now you're just completely fine with it what what you're completely you're completely fine with it ah really would I attend your place of Education I mean yeah but we got a literally at your club it's not all bad a literature Club it's mostly a place to hang out and stuff right what kind of things do you like Alice your pastimes favorite activities I like classical music the piano yes I adore the piano oh and fine crafts and the artisans of our time were truly skilled Yuri smiles faintly to herself I think she can relate on the enjoyment of making things anything else hmm I adore sweet things cakes and other delights do you like baking I love baking do they even have baking in the 17th century I don't know maybe they did my dear Robert used to visit and bring us a basket full of freshly baked muffins he was such an upbeat person always trying to keep everyone smiling do they even have cupcakes and muffins back then what Yuri I exchanged glances and I can't help but smile on my own she's she just listed a tray of everyone in the club I think you'll fit in just fine Alice how wonderful thank you how does she know English suddenly [Music] if she was from the 16th century her dialect of English would be incredibly different and she mentioned her name being Latin so shouldn't she speak Latin question mark what let's go and get the others I'm sure they'll be delighted to meet you all right epilogue it's been a few months now since we met promises and Alice Yuri locked away promises in a secure safe which we buried behind the school we made sure to bind it cover to cover with chains and locks and include lots of warning notes just in case anyone should find it muffin the cat found a female kitty on my street now see or he has a basket full of kittens Dilek after noodle always made her promise noodle blaze made her promise to give them away to get homes so we all volunteered Monika confessed to feeling depressed and Yuri admitted a cutting problem so everyone's doing their best to support each other alice has settled in perfectly she spends time with all of us and is learning piano with Monika whenever she goes to her classes after the club finishes we walk home together and she makes dinner I never asked her to and I've argued against it because she's a guest but she insists it's like having a big sister she looks after everything and always makes sure I'm well and happy as for me Sookie come on you know blind I have been dating for a while and I told him my feeling is he accepted my affections I'm not sure how I feel about this epilogue sometimes I go straight home other times I divert and spend the night at his house watching anime it's early days yet but who knows where it'll go with a new member of the club and growing closer as friends everyone's super excited for the festival and honestly I can't wait and it's gonna end there doki-doki problems and promises by fluffy dev all the DLC content dance lovato sprite free Tommy head principal okay spray for Alice Prince of bed of red roses ought to check him out special thanks to Afro zero and his girlfriend for being first to play here's always means so much to me as always have a lovely day and stay safe hey I say hi say stay safe thank you for playing well you're welcome what can I say except you're welcome so this mud I'm a little disappointed with how it ended I mean I guess her dad was just a throwaway character and didn't really have much use in the end and it was kind of sad I'm like I know another thing like why doesn't her dad ever have motive of abusing her like come on why is he so abusive why is he awful I'm always like wondering why instead of just him being the villain I don't know and Monica like I guess was sentient question mark or she was just depressed I don't know they made that super unclear throughout the whole mod anyways that was doki-doki poems and promises I hope you enjoyed I'll make a video I'll make a video talking about like my full review of this cuz I don't want to take up too much of your time so anyways thank you guys so much for watching make sure like and subscribe comment down below what you thought of this long video and as always I'll see you in the next video stay safe [Music] you
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Views: 15,430
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Keywords: DDLC Mod, doki doki, doki doki literature club, Poems and Promises, on the run, behind closed doors, BCD, bijuu mike, the bike, drechenaux, orber, hUser, afrozer0, spaghetto, spaghetto ddlc, natsuki, natsuki mod, natsuki's dad, father, dadsuki, monika, yuri, sayori, indie, horror, visual novel, anime, VN, ddlc, doki doki encore, month with natsuki, teo natsuki's, doki doki exit music, monika meets monika, sayori's lament, doki doki rewind
Id: i4rmTRD91p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 38sec (8258 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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