Native EKS Ingress: AWS Load Balancer Controller & 5 Examples (Terraform, TLS, IngressGroup, IP)

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In this video, we're going to talk about the  relatively new AWS Load Balancer Controller.   It replaces built into the Kubernetes itself  component responsible for creating services   and ingresses. AWS Load balancer controller uses  Application Load Balancer to create ingresses and   Network Load Balancers to create services of  type LoadBalancer. By default, when you use this   controller to create ingresses, it creates  a separate load balancer for each ingress,   but you can use IngressGroup to merge multiple  ingresses into a single load balancer. It also   supports two modes, Instance mode, which will  route traffic via node and then to the pod,   and the IP mode, which routes traffic directly to  the pod ip address. AWS Load Balancer Controller   can also be deployed on self-hosted Kubernetes  clusters and not only on EKS. In this video, I'll   show you multiple ways to deploy this Controller  to the Kubernetes. First of all, we will use AWS   console and plain yaml, then Helm chart. In the  end, we will convert everything to terraform,   including creating an open id connect provider  and deploying the controller to the cluster using   terraform helm provider. With terraform code that  I provide, you can simply update the EKS cluster   name and run terraform apply to create everything  from scratch, including VPC. So if you're looking   for the fastest way to start, just run terraform  apply. Also, we are going to go over 5 examples.  In the first one, we will create a  simple name-based virtual hosting ingress   using the Instance mode. In the second example,   I'll show you how to use IngressGroup to merge  multiple ingresses into a single load balancer.  Then, of course, we need TLS to securely expose  any service to the internet. In the first part,   we will issue a certificate from AWS Certificate  Manager and attach it to the ingress. In the   second part, we will use the auto-discovery  mechanism to find a matching certificate.  In the fourth example, I'll show you how  to automatically create DNS records in   Route53 by using an external-dns controller. And finally, we will create not ingress but the   service of type load balancer using the AWS Load  Balancer Controller and network load balancer.  You can find the source code for this  video in my github repository; the link   will be in the description. Also, let's connect on  LinkedIn. I have the timestamps for each example,   feel free to skip any section. Alright, let's get  started. AWS Load balancer controller would need   access to create at least AWS load balancers  themselves. Since we're using EKS, the best   and most secure way to access AWS services from  Kubernetes is to use the Open ID connect provider   and establish trust between the AWS IAM system  and the Kubernetes RBAC system. I'll show you   two ways how you can get started with IAM roles  for Service Accounts. To better understand what's   going on under the hood, first, I'll show you how  to create an Open ID connect provider, IAM policy,   and IAM role using the AWS console. Right  after, we will do exactly the same thing   using the Terraform. The name of the EKS  cluster is a demo. We need to update the   aws load balancer controller later with this name.  First of all, we need to copy the OpenID Connect   provider URL from the EKS page. The next step  will be to use this link to create a provider.   You can do it from the IAM section. Click on  Identity providers. Then add a new provider.   Select OpenID connect and paste  the URL from the EKS page.   You also need to get a thumbprint. For the  audience, you can use for now;   later, we will update this value under IAM role  trust relationships. That's all for this provider;   click add provider. Next, we need an IAM policy  with permissions for the aws load balancer   controller. The best starting point is to use  provided IAM policy by the controller project.   Go to the github and select the version you  want to deploy. The latest version is 2.4.2,   I'll take that one. Don't use the master  branch because new versions of the load   balancer controller may require a different level  of access. Now under the doc and install folder,   you can find the policy. It's the first one,  iam_policy.json. Let's open it and click raw   to copy the source. As I said, it's a good  starting point; you can increase the level   of security by limiting access to a single  EKS cluster and so forth under the condition.   Let's go back to the AWS console and go  to Policies. Then click to Create Policy.   Switch to JSON and paste the IAM policy.   And give it the name AWSLoadBalancerController.  For the first deployment, use the identical   version and names to avoid any issues.  Alright, now we have a policy, but we   need the identity to attach it. The next step  is to create an IAM role. It's going to be a   web identity type. Then select the provider  that we just created and the same audience.   Now we need to attach our IAM  policy to this role. It's going   to be the first one, a customer-managed policy.   Give it a name aws-load-balancer-controller. Then  we will use the ARN of this role in Kubernetes to   annotate the service account. In a new workflow,  you can update the trust relationships during   the creation of the role, or we can do it  later. Let's skip for now and create the role.   The last modification that we need to do is update  the trust relationships only to allow specific   Kubernetes service account to use it. Go to trust  relationships and click edit trust policy. Now,   this is the most important part where people make  mistakes, be careful. First, replace aud with sub.   Then the value with a service account. This  service account must be in the kube-system   namespace in Kubernetes, and the name of the RBAC  service account is aws-load-balancer-controller.   Only that service account will be able to create  aws load balancers. Finally, confirm the changes.   The next step is to create exactly the  same open id connect provider, IAM policy,   and role using the terraform. If you followed  along, you would need to delete all those objects   that you created. Here we have the terraform  code to create a brand new VPC, internet gateway,   subnets, nat, route tables, eks, and a node pool.  Now we need to create an Open Id connect provider.   First of all, we need to get a tls certificate  from eks. Then the resource to create a provider.   It's the same URL that we copied from the console  last time, the audience, and a thumbprint.  The second file will contain terraform code to  create IAM role and policy and establish trust.   The first policy will allow Kubernetes  aws-load-balancer-controller service   account from the kube-system namespace to  assume our role. Then let's create an IAM   role aws-load-balancer-controller. We  also need to recreate the IAM policy.   You can either paste the json content directly  to the terraform code, or if it's a big file,   you can use a file function to read it and pipe  it to terraform. Then attach this policy to the   role that we just defined. The last thing, just  for your convenience, you can use the output   variable and print out the arn of the role that we  need to use in Kubernetes. We also need to create   json policy file in the same directory. Let's  call it AWSLoadBalancerController.json and then   copy and paste it from the github project.  It's the same policy that we used before.   Now let's save it and go to the  terminal, and initialize the terraform.   When it's completed, run terraform apply to  create a provider and role for Kubernetes service   account. That's the arn, you can copy it, or I'll  show you later where you can get it. Whenever you   create a new EKS cluster with terraform, you need  to update the Kubernetes context with the aws eks   command. After that, just a quick check with  kubectl if we can get a Kubernetes api service.  Deploy AWS Load Balancer Controller with YAML It's time to deploy the AWS load balancer   controller to Kubernetes. I'll show you three  ways how you can deploy it with yaml, Helm,   and terraform. You just need to pick one  approach that you want to use. I'll start   with a plain YAML. This approach will require an  additional component cert-manager that we need to   install. On the other hand, Helm doesn't require  it. You can install it with a single kubectl   apply command. With kubectl apply, you can use  remote yaml files; just specify the version that   you want to install. It's going to create custom  resources for cert-manager as well. Then a quick   check that all three pods are in a running state.  Next, we need to download the spec for the load   balancer controller. The latest version does not  have a dedicated spec, but we can use this one; we   just need to update the image tag. Let's open the  spec and make a few changes. Of course, we need to   add an annotation for the service account. You can  grab it from the terraform output or AWS console.   The next change is we need to set the EKS cluster  name. You can type or copy from the console.   And on line 827, let's update the image. Alright,  we are ready to deploy the aws load balancer   controller to the Kubernetes cluster. Most likely,  you'll get an error the first time when you apply   because it's trying to create a custom  resources and use them at the same time.   Just rerun the command to deploy it. This time it  was successfully deployed. I'll show you how to   validate deployment later. Next, we will deploy  the AWS load balancer controller with HELM.   If you deployed it with yaml, you can skip or  delete the deployment. For Helm deployment,   we need to add a helm repository. Then we can  create a Kubernetes service account manually,   or later, I'll show you how to automate all  these steps with terraform. It's going to be   exactly the same account and the same annotation  with arn of the IAM role. Let's apply it. Now we   can deploy the aws load balancer controller.  The important part is to substitute your   EKS cluster name, then disable service account  creation, and you must specify the same account   name. Alright, it's done. Deploy AWS Load Balancer   Controller with Terraform & HELM Finally, we will automate AWS VPC,   EKS, and controller creation using the terraform.  Let's create another terraform file for the helm.   Terraform has a Helm provider that allows you  to deploy Helm charts to Kubernetes. There are   a couple of methods to authenticate with the  Kubernetes cluster. You can use the Kubernetes   context, or I would recommend if you use EKS to  automatically obtain the token. First is a host;   if you created AWS VPC and EKS using terraform,  you can grab these variables from those terraform   resources, or you can just go to aws console and  paste them here. Then the certificate. And the   command to authenticate with eks. Make sure that  you have all the tools installed, such as aws cli,   helm, and terraform. Next, let's  deploy the helm chart. To do that,   you need to use the helm_release resource. Same  name as before aws-load-balancer-controller,   and the repository. You don't need to add helm  repos; you can just use them directly. Specify   the chart name and a namespace. Also, I suggest  that you start with the same version and upgrade   later if the deployment was successful. Now, we  need to override the same variables as we did   with yaml. First is the EKS cluster name. Then the  image, we want to upgrade to the latest version.   Kubernetes service account name. And the most  important one is annotation for Kubetnes service   account. This is exactly the same arn that we  used before but pulled dynamically from the   terraform resource. If you deploy the aws load  balancer controller together with VPC and EKS,   you need to explicitly depend on those resources.  I added a few variables; for example, if you want   to rename the EKS cluster, you can do it from  here. Also, you can upgrade the cluster. Now   go back to terraform, initialize and apply. As I  said, you can copy the terraform code and simply   run terraform to create AWS VPC, EKS cluster, and  deployed aws load balancer controller. If you just   deployed the EKS cluster, you need to use the  aws eks command to update your Kubertnes context   before you can use it. Let's see if we have a  Helm release. Also, I highly recommend before you   deploy your first ingress, run the kubectl logs  command to verify that there are no errors in the   controller. For example that it can access the  AWS resources. Run this command and keep it on.  Simple Ingress (1-example) To verify deployment,   let's create a first simple ingress. All examples  will use corresponding namespaces. So we would   need to create them as well. Next is a simple  deployment with echoserver. There are two modes;   the instance mode will require a service type of  NodePort. With NodePort service type, kube-proxy   will open a port on your worker node instances to  which the ALB can route traffic. And the IP mode,   we will talk about it later. Then the ingress  resource. There are a lot of annotations that   this ingress controller support. For example, if  we want to expose our service to the internet,   we can do that with an annotation scheme equal  to internet-facing. This will create a public   load balancer. You can also create services and  ingresses with private IPs only. You can use them   within your VPC. This annotation also is  optional; you can add some aws tags to your   Application load balancer. Then we need to specify  the ingress class of our controller. For the spec,   let's use domain routing and redirect all  the traffic from   to our Kubernetes echoserver on port 80. Now  let's apply our first example. Then switch to the   other tab with logs, just to make sure that  it was successfully deployed. You can see   the successfully deployed message. You can also  get the ingresses in example 1 namespace. If you   see a hostname of the load balancer, it's a good  sign. Now we need to create a CNAME record to test   ingress. My is hosted in google  domains, so I'm going to create a CNAME record   there. It does not matter where you host it; even  in Route53, you just need to create CNAME to point   to the AWS load balancer hostname. You can also  go to load balancers in aws to inspect your ALB.   Type is an application, which refers  to the application load balancer.   Also, it's internet-facing with public  IPs reachable from the internet. And some   security groups. The application load balancer  supports security groups; on the other hand,   the network load balancer uses security  groups on the EC2 instances. Under listener,   you can find an http port 80. If you click to view  rules, you can see the exact same spec as in your   ingress resource in Kubernetes. Before accessing  the ingress, let's make sure that dns is correct.   That's our load balancer with a couple of ips.  You can go to chrome and paste your domain name.   Looks like it's working. You can also  find some metadata from echoserver.   It can help you to debug. Multiple Ingresses using   Same Load Balancer (2-example) By default, the aws load balancer   controller will create a dedicated application  load balancer for each ingress resource. However,   there is a way if you want to combine multiple  ingresses and use a single load balancer.   In this example, we will create 2 ingresses in  different namespaces and force them to merge   ingress rules into a single application load  balancer. I'm going to create two namespaces,   example 2 service a and example two service  b. You can create ingresses in the same   namespace if you want. Then exactly the  same deployment with echoserver image.   Similar service, the only namespace is different.  Finally, ingress resources. It's going to be   internet-facing. Then the key annotation.  By default, Ingresses don't belong to any   IngressGroup, and the controller treats it as a  "implicit IngressGroup" consisting of the Ingress   itself. Now Ingresses with the same  annotation will form an "explicit IngressGroup",   and be managed by a single aws load balancer.  Yes, it's that simple; any ingresses with the   same group name will use a single ALB. Next  group.order specifies the order across all   Ingresses within IngressGroup. The smaller  the order, the rule will be evaluated first,   and it starts with 1. Then we use a host-based  routing for Now   let's create a second ingress in example 2 service  b namespace. Same deployment, different namespace.   As well as service. Now to place this  ingress in the same IngressGroup,   we use annotation with the exact  same value. Also, for order, we use 2; this   rule will be evaluated after the first ingress.  Different host,,   and a namespace. Let's go ahead and apply it. Run  kubectl, get ing, -A stand for all namespaces.   We get two ingresses that use the same load  balancer as you can see by the dns. To test it,   we also need to create CNAME records. They  both will point to the same load balancer.   And the second hostname service-b.   Let's verify that we can resolve each domain name.   And use curl or go to the web  browser to verify routing.   Alright, service a and service b both work. If  you are building an internet-facing application   or even a website, most likely, you  would want to secure it with a TLS   certificate. In this third example, I'll show  you how to secure ingress with TLS using amazon   resource name annotation and auto-discovery  mechanism. Dedicated namespace. Same deployment.   Same service. And finally, ingress resource.  To bind ingress with a certificate, we can   use certificate-arn annotation. Before we can  continue, we need to issue a certificate. Go to   AWS Certificate Manager. And click request a new  certificate. Keep request as public certificate.   And paste a fully qualified domain name. It should  match the ingress host. Then we need to validate   that we own this domain. You can either select  email or dns validation which is way faster. Now,   if you host your domain in Route53, you'll  get the option to automatically create a CNAME   record to verify ownership. If you host your  domain outside AWS, you need to create CNAME   manually. Click on the certificate.  You need to copy CNAME from this page.   Then the CNAME value.   Shortly after you create a DNS record,  your certificate should be issued by AWS.   The status has changed from pending to issued. I  believe you can also use wildcard certificates,   but I almost never issue wildcard  certificates since it's a bad practice.   Now go back to the certificate and copy ARN.   For this ingress, I also want to redirect  all the requests that come to port 80 to   443. This is a very common requirement not  simply to refuse connection but to redirect   to the secure port. Then specify where you  want to redirect, standard HTTPS port 443.   Don't forget to specify the scheme; otherwise, by  default, it will create a private load balancer.   And the rest of the ingress, I only updated the  host to secure-echo. Let's go ahead and apply.   As always, to be able to use it  we need to create a CNAME record.   In AWS, you can find our  application load balancer.   We have two listeners, on port 80 and port  443. Also, based on your requirements,   you can update the security policy on the  load balancer with ssl-policy annotation.   AWS recommends the this policy for  compatibility, but you can improve   security with higher standards. You can  see the redirect rule on port 80 listener.   Alright, it’s active now; we can  verify the dns and test ingress.   First, let’s test HTTPS. You can see a lock means  the endpoint is secure. Next, let’s test redirect   from http to https. It works as well. In the  first ingress, we explicitly specified the   ARN of the certificate. But you can also rely  on autodiscovery when you omit certificate-arn   annotation. You just need to specify HTTPS  443 annotation. Discovery will search the host   from the ingress in the AWS certificate manager.  When it finds the match or wildcard certificate,   it will attach it to the load balancer. If you  use nginx ingress, you know that TLS termination   is happening on the controller level inside the  Kubernetes. With aws load balancer controller,   tls termination occurs on load balancer  level instead. Before we can test it,   we also need to create a certificate.  It is exactly the same process.   Select the public certificate and  validate it by creating the CNAME records.   Here it is important to make sure  that the certificate is issued before   creating ingress. Wait till  status transitions to issued.   Last cname for ingress secure-echo-v2.   This ingress points to a different load balancer  since they are not part of the same ingress group.   It works. You can check the certificate  from the browser. The certificate is valid.   You can also use SSL labs by  Qualys to check the security.   Just enter your domain name and click submit.   Unfortunately, we got a B because we’re following  the aws recommendation to use their security   policy. If you don’t care about compatibility,  you can specify the most secure policy and get A+.   In the previous examples, we had to create  CNAME records manually for the load balancer,   which was not very convenient. There is  a way how you can automate this task with   external-dns. The way it works, you deploy  an external-dns controller into Kubernetes,   give it the necessary permissions to list  and create DNS records, and it automatically   watches the ingress resources created in  the cluster. When it sees the new ingress,   it will take the dns from the host key  and create the Route53 ALIAS record.  The process to grant permissions is similar  to aws-load-balancer-controller. I decided   to do it from the console this time, but you  can easily convert it to terraform. In AWS,   first, we need to create an IAM policy for  the external-dns controller. This policy   grants access to all hosted zones in Route53, but  I would suggest you restrict access to a specific   hosted zone by providing hosted zone id here. The  second statement is to list zones and records.   Give it the name ExternalDNSAccess.   Then we need to create an IAM role for the  service account. Similar to the aws load   balancer controller, it will be web identity  type and use the same open id connect provider.   Finally, attach the ExternalDNSAccess  policy to this role. Use the same name,   external-dns, for the role.   And don’t forget to update the  trust relationship as well.   We’re going to deploy external-dns  to the kube-system namespace.   Next is Kubernetes deployment.   We would need a service account with a proper  annotation to allow the service to assume this   role. You can grab it from the console. Then the  cluster role, that will allow extern-dns to watch   for newly created ingresses. And we need to  bind it to the Kubernetes service account. You   need to make sure that you’re using the  same service account in the deployment.   You can also customize your deployment with a  few arguments. For example, a source equal to   ingress will automate the creation of CNAME  records from the ingress resource. Provider   aws, obviously. Then you can specify if you  only want to add or update dns records , or   you can configure to delete CNAME records when the  ingress is deleted. You can manage DNS for public,   private, or both hosted zones. Also, registry  txt and txt owner id will allow external-dns   to keep track of what records are managed by  the external-dns controller. Eks-identifier   is just unique string that will be used  as a txt value. It can be anything.   Let’s go ahead and deploy it. Make sure that the  pod is up and running. You should also check logs;   here, you can see that extern-dns was able to  discover my route53 hosted zone -   it is a public zone that I use for the  website. Now let’s test it with ingress.   Let’s place it in example 4  namespace. Same deployment as always.   But for the service, we will use clusterIP instead  of node port. Aws load balancer controller has two   modes: instance and ip. IP mode is more efficient  since it removes additional network hop as   an instance. For the ingress, let’s use the same  internet-facing annotation to get public ip.   And here, we switch from instance mode to ip  mode. Your network plugin must support it,   but if you use eks, you most likely use native  vpc mode anyway. Now, this host   will be automatically created in the route53  zone. Let’s apply this example. In a few seconds,   you should be able to see in the logs of  external-dns that it created a few records.   In my case, it’s 3 records in  hosted zone. You can also see them in aws console.   You may notice that it’s an A record instead of  CNAME, which allows resolving dns directly to   ip. It’s done via alias record and pointing to the  load balancer hostname. Looks like dns is ready,   and we can try to use curl to reach our service  in the Kubernetes cluster. Alright, it works.  Create Service of Type LoadBalancer (5-example) Aws load balancer controller can not only create   application load balancers for ingresses  but is also capable of managing a typical   Kubetnes service of a type load balancer. For  the Kubernetes service, controller creates a   network load balancer that acts on layer 4 of the  OSI model. That's going to be an example 5. The   service resources of type LoadBalancer also get  reconciled by the Kubernetes controller built into   the cloudprovider component. Also called in-tree  controller. The AWS in-tree controller ignores   those services resources that have the  aws-load-balancer-type annotation as   external. Let’s also use ip mode for the load  balancer. And expose it to the internet. You   can optionally enable proxy protocol v2;  this protocol adds the source ip address to   the header of the request. Don’t forget to change  the clusterIP type load balancer. Let’s apply it.   We already have the load balancer dns name.  You can get the pods with a wide flag to get   pod ip. This ip address will be used in the target  group of the load balancer. You can find the load   balancer in the console. Type is a network and not  an application. Also, it is internet facing. Under   the listener, you can find the target group. We  have the same ip address here. You just need to   wait a little bit till the target shows up as  healthy. You can use curl and port 8080 to reach   the service in Kubernetes. The only issue that  I found with AWS load balancer controller that   concerns me is that it does not properly support  path-based routing. For example, currently,   it's impossible to use URL rewrite. In that case  you would need to fall back to nginx ingress.
Channel: Anton Putra
Views: 27,399
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Keywords: kubernetes ingress, aws eks, ingress kubernetes, aws load balancer, aws load balancer controller, ALB Ingress controller, eks, aws tutorial, eks tutorial aws, eks tutorial, kubernetes ingress controller nginx, kubernetes ingress vs load balancer, kubernetes, k8s, devops, aws, aws load balancer controller eks, aws load balancer controller nlb, aws load balancer controller version, eks ingress controller, eks ingress, eks ingress vs load balancer, eks load balancer vs ingress
Id: ZfjpWOC5eoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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