Native American Spirituality

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[Music] first of all before I start I'm not used to these so I noticed when the young man was speaking I couldn't hear him here but up here it seems kind of weird and the other thing is is I'm deaf in this year and I have very little hearing and this year so if there's questions please expect me to ask you to repeat I might get somebody to be my interpreter so my birth name is Sammy Jo I have multi-faceted names that were gifted to me all over the world I was gifted the name of mother moon from the children in Africa I took it to kept it because names that come from innocence resonate to my heart can you hear me if I don't use this Oh hallelujah somebody might have to turn it off I'll try to project my voice and I also try to walk up and down and if somebody can't hear me please let me know that's foreign to me so I don't do well with it I like to answer even when I do storytelling by the way I'll weave a few stories in here because sometimes our stories are in metaphor so there are better teachers then our our everyday words um one of the first questions I get from children from adults is why do Native Americans have so much friends not just on what they wear but on all of our medicine it's on everything we use so I will tell you when the first friends is cut the first two there is a prayer for my parents whether they're deceased or they're here next one's on either side or for my grandparents on both sides we continue on to foot the two legged that we love then we add the two legged that we don't know and those that are to come seven generations forward the next prayer with the next friends goes to our four legged our wing 'add our creepy crawly ones are livid ones are standing tall ones and for all the no seen ones so what it boils down to you see all this friend we call it my relation but talk we Austin so the friendly joke among the people is ah looks like we're afraid to be alone because when I dance and all movement is danced to us if we walk we dance so if we we dance do you see the friends move all my relation dance with me not only do they dance with me but the friend moves energy so how I move I can create energy or I can bring down energy so whatever's needed at the time when I do dances I watch people dance I watch where their energy level is and I try to see where they need help so the fringe on my garment the fringe on my shawl if I think they need more energy this is a grandmother Shah then I use more energy I use it this way and I use it this way our people won't let women go into a ceremony without a shawl because this shawl is armored and in this prayers of this shawl is all my people all the people of my blood so if I put this shawl around you you will feel the native people and they will assist you in whatever you need so there's the fringe stuff I'm Chippewa and Cree my mother says I'm Heinz 57 because I am NOT full-blood so I have a little bit of everything in me I haven't quite decided what else my heart is native although I'm not quite sure because I've decided that I love all people of the world I've not yet been to one country that we all don't laugh the same we all don't love the same well but we love and we protect our family I haven't been to one country that wants war I've decided it should be a requirement of every high school student before they start college to travel because if they did there would be no Wars and my generation and as you can see it's been a little ways back there was so much problem propaganda at home that we were sure that Russian people were Devils we were told they were not so so I'm an advocate for life and for love if I have any power in this world the only power I have is my capacity to love in our dances I tell our moon mothers that are in there taking care of the dancers do not enter this Arbor the sacred place unless you can love a stranger unconditionally do not enter this Arbor if you have an issue with the friend that you can't leave at the gate because this isn't a time for you to work out your personal stuff this is a time for you to push out love there's nothing bigger than love our job and any and my opinion you can erase it if you want you could take your own because I'm not an absolute anything but the greatest power you can have as a healer or whatever you call yourself is love because love is your higher power no matter how you perceive your higher power it's love the center of all higher powers love so if you don't want to take a higher power you can set it aside the center of you of you're very very wise ancient wisdom keeper and every single one of you have that is love that's the reason it gives you the correct answers even if you don't like them and I've had a few I didn't like um we just got done doing a dance it's called the Sun moon dance it was the very first dance in South Africa it had 27 dancers which which is about unheard of for the first dance the Arbour which is what we dance in a round circle is a sacred place to our people that Arbor was full of Medicine people and I want to cry right now because this is the second Arbor in this room full of Medicine people and I see you I see all of you I know you are healers and all kinds of aspects of those now I have no idea why I'm up here speaking to medicine healers but I in the dance I saw this wonderful medicine woman carrying these two gorgeous crystals dancing up and down to the pole and I watched her I said those are wonderful tools I said now lay them down because they're not the medicine you're the medicine I don't care what Medallia you work in I don't care what you use I'm not saying it's not good and I'm not saying it doesn't help you but you are the medicine a lot of you know that and I am probably right now going to tell you I'm not going to say one thing that you do not know and you'll know it's truth because you'll be in there going I know that I know that I already know that you do know that but my people call me a tapper a tapper is one who walks up and says remember who you are and you are far more you think you're powerful now you are all far more powerful than you can even imagine and it's not Eagle if it's ego you're not in your full power but you all think you're doing good work you watch what tomorrow brings it's going to bring magnificence absolute positive magnificence so before I forget it the Sun Moon dance well I take one step backwards our bill people believe we Spyro we work in to complete a hoop to spiral up to complete another hoop to spiral up to complete another hoop most people believe things are this way now there are things that way but we believe we're spiraling up straight back to the source where we came from so we have a dance this dance I just had and [Music] it starts with the east which is new beginnings which is what we just begun we went that we cloak we expanded the hoop we completed that first hoop the next one goes to give us balance just like the seasons give us balance the metaphor is the same that when we go whatever order mental physical spiritual I'm always leaving one out motional okay I'm a real good example of not having balance and I paid the consequences of not having balance I came in very spiritual it was easy I worked very hard on my emotional I am still working on my emotional because I'm exceptionally sensitive no matter what it is I am I worked hard on my mental because I am NOT a left brain we have probably have a lot of people in here that are left brains I'm not I'm still led almost totally by emotion in my heart so I have to find balance in that I did not work and did not even understand my physical and I'm telling you this because I'm going to ask you to look at yourself in the mirror I want you to do your own personal checklist this is just my suggestion this is just that's all I recommend you do this see and which of those areas that you could use a little help or that you haven't worked on that much I found out that I could love my body I didn't even feel connected to my body I finally am but not before I talk I damage myself and many areas not just one many areas so I'm doing old age a little difficulty if you find balance early your fifth step of your 5th rites of passage will be easier so look at that so this dance the first year goes from one step that full circle so you're required to dance four dances to bring you balance so I invite you all next year when I return to the sun/moon des to please come and fill the arbor I had a very full arbor and very amazing medicine people and I believe with all my heart and soul that were happier beings when we are serving that our job is to heal ourselves and for those that prefer not to really be touched and this isn't pointing you out by the way I'm just using you as an example I suggest you touch because whoever you touch not only do I get from him or whomever I touch they give me it never goes one way it always goes this way please touch touch the person next to you I'm telling you it's heavenly it truly is it's you want to know magic that's magic it's magic to be touched so if there's anybody in here that doesn't feel like their healer I have a surprise for you you are yeah you are so I mean think of more questions Native America hmm somebody said what do you believe in I believe that when any child by the way you are everything from infant to ancient wisdom you still have that infant in you do not think it grew up it did not don't think that toddler grew up it just grew we are everything we have ever been work at holding on to that child within yourself because that child knows how to bring you joy and besides that your child is a magical people usually really love me are scared to death of me and every time I see fear on their face my child just is alive and well it jumped right out they feel far more at home with the child than they do with the old woman they think the old woman has some kind of magic that she'll use sometimes she does but the magic is hello I happen to know her but I could not but what I don't I don't just know this I know her heart give me a couple minutes and I'll know yours our heart is always honest our mind it's like water it's impressionable our hearts not our heart tells us warning warning now may not say exactly what the warning is but it just says be awake really awake be cautious and want anything go away because warning brings fear warning then you chew it away because we can't live by fear fear is an emotion that is nothing but alarm system I got to be careful guys because I dumped over water earlier and knowing me I'll do it again so I would appreciate it thank you Susie the thing I started to tell you and just went down another pathway was I believe that every baby that is born God says the earth the universe needs that vibration in this moment each and every one of us we vibrate in multiple vibrations but the first vibration we vibrate from is that which is innate that doesn't matter what we learn and how we raise or lower our vibration we I don't know step but the first one we're born in is what the universe is calling for yeah we're balanced so another experiment you can do if you haven't already done it in fact I would encourage you to find out what that first vibration is because it's power when you first walk up to a single person or crowd what exactly is happening I found out that I don't have to say word if you've been procrastinating and saying I should join that class I should do this I plan to do this invite me to dinner you'll do it I don't have to say anything I just have to be present the other thing I believe with that singular vibration the entire universe every living thing when you are born as an infant goes yay finally they're here they are welcoming you they are saying thank you for coming we needed you and the entire your entire life it drinks you up and I don't mean in a way that you're empty but it uses your vibration to become whole and so the next baby in the next baby in the next baby and will continually expand rapport expand I love the way the Mormons I like different belief systems I roll them in where they fit for me and I don't know exactly how they fit sometimes but they resonate to me is there any Mormons in here yeah Mormons believe that each generations that come in is the generations that's closer to God so your children your grandchildren that's the reason the children are so absolutely brilliant that are born that's the reason they can catch on to technology quicker than we have I've decided don't quote this I've decided that they take lessons up in heaven because I'm still going to my granddaughter please set up my and my answering served up what's it called recorder voice message and she goes Oh Grammy I made it the easiest I could make it and I go what is my code she said listen carefully Grammy one one one one I said you didn't tell me she said yes I did granny so I'm constantly asking the children writing over here Suzy's daughters were with us I handed them I don't get to see him very often but I handed them the phone I didn't math Susie or anybody a dolt it was in the car I said please you put these numbers in the phone I called Susie today I had this guy goes this is I don't know African name and I said sorry wrong over I didn't have the right number and if I had short answer about what we believe in and honor we don't stay integrity with ourselves and with others we aren't spiraling up your work isn't going to be good we have a wonderful gift that was given to us this was given by Buffalo Calf woman White Buffalo Calf woman and basically the essence of this what we believe and our medicine is if we are pipe carrier and we are not honest this pipe will bite me for instance what I meaning is the elders are called in to solve a problem and somebody is saying somebody's doing ABCD the first questions they ask are they a pipe carrier if they say yes they get up and they walk up they don't have to do anything this pipe will do it when we receive our medicine bag the medicine person will coat the inside with cornmeal tobacco sage the herbs of the four direction I'll cut a tiny little piece not a big piece piece of hair from everybody you love including who you perceive as a teacher by the way now my dry sense of humor wouldn't work right now we put it in a prayer tie Eddy bitty one and we the first thing that goes in is those people we love now this medicine bag is exceptionally powerful and I'm saying that with the twinkle in my eye because it's not the object it's the metaphor of yourself because everything that happens in your life that is like a I think dr. Phil says our Oprah says something about a pivotal point in your life something significant that you're going to keep at that time we ask you to pick up something from the earth to remember that time to hold that energy of that moment and you put it in your medicine bag because if I if I'm having trouble I don't quite know what's happening here I'll tell you a little story it's an African story it's my experience in Africa we had a sweat lodge and I'm outside this wet lot and I heard this voice inside the sweat lodge now I knew it wasn't a voice of any person that was in there I went oh hello I said what are you doing in there and they said you could hear me I said oh yes I could hear you there was a beautiful young African woman that was a single ma when she exited the neepy the sweat lodge I grabbed her with this with one hand I put it on her chest and with this hand I grabbed her back and I said leave I did not know that she had gone to sangoma after sub coma after sangoma and was told she had to live with this person or whatever you want to call it I said no it wasn't an evil entity it was an old medicine person that wanted to know what it felt like to be in a beautiful woman's body you're the captain of your ship all you have to say is I forbid you here I forbid you here here I'm rewarding this wrong um then I forbid you you you could have to leave they have to leave guys you're the master of this body or this heart of the soul you
Channel: Plant People
Views: 155,733
Rating: 4.8910131 out of 5
Keywords: native american indian, spirituality, sundance
Id: lUcG9U4xG9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2016
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