Nate Eaton goes to prison - the same prison where Chad Daybell is being housed

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I'm Nate Eaton standing outside the Idaho maximum security institution in Cuna you can see this is the sign that people see when they drive up the road leading to the prison it's right behind me it was built in 1989 this is where Chad debel will spend the rest of his life now we can't take our cameras inside but we'll get a little bit closer I'll tell you a little bit more about the prison and what happens to those people who are here on death row now the Idaho Maximum Security Prison opened about 35 years ago it houses the most disruptive inmates in the prison system it can house about 550 people total and there are two fences a double fence here both of them wrapped in razor wire and there's an electronic detection system that runs through those fences so it would be nearly impossible to get through those fences if you were trying to escape from the prison Chad debel was brought here on June 1st right after a jury sentenced him to death and he is on death row inside of the prison which is basically the nine inmates currently on death row are in their own segregated area they stay in their cell 23 hours a day they have no contact with other inmates they're not able to freely come and go from a pod they are basically in their cell they do have one hour where they can get out to get a little bit of exercise the other inmates on death row with Chad deel include aad Abdullah he's convicted of first-degree murder for the ARs and death of his wife in ad County Thomas Cree who was recently in the news as they tried to execute him earlier this year but they could not get an IV he's been on death row since January 1983 Timothy Dunlap was received into death row in April of 1992 he's convicted of first degree murder for killing a woman during a bank robbery in Caribou County James hariston he was booked here back in 1996 convicted of first-degree murder for two shooting deaths in banck County Eric Hall he was here uh booked here in 2004 in October convicted of two counts of first-degree murder for raping and killing two women in Ada County Gerald pizo he's been on death row since May of 1986 convicted a first-degree murder for beating two people to death Jonathan Renfro he has been on death row before Chad deel the most recently admitted person on death row in November of 2017 convicted of first-degree murder for the shooting death of a police officer now there is one woman on death row who is actually in the Pocatello women's prison she's not here in Cuna Robin row was booked uh and received into the Pocatello facility in 1993 she's convicted of first-degree murder for the arson deaths of her husband son and daughter in adaa county and again Chad deal joins those other people who are on death row and he will remain in his solitary cell until a death warrant is issued now that can take decades as you heard me read the years from some of those other other inmates he could be in there for the next 20 30 possibly 40 years but once all of the appeals have been exhausted a death warrant is issued Idaho then immediately moves him from the facility behind me into What's called the funit and this is what it looks like this is where inmates go as they wait to die and when that death warrant is issued the the state of Idaho has 30 days to execute him there's a cell in there where deel would be kept there's a place um for attorneys to meet and then when the execution date actually arrives assuming that he will be executed by lethal injection this is the room will it where it will occur these are photos provided to us from the Idaho Department of Correction this is the bed where Chad deel will lie on and they will put that Ivy in his arm and then there are witness rooms for victims if they wish to witness the execution for attorneys uh for members of the media who can witness the execution and all of this happens in this one building this F unit which if you think about it because there's so few people on death row and so few executions happen in the state of Idaho this building is hardly ever used this is the sole purpose of this facility uh to take care of executions and because executions don't happen a lot here this building sits empty for most of the time but Chad deel will not visit that building for quite some time unless he should decide to wave all of his appeals uh but we already know that that's not going to happen at least in the first process because John prior has already filed at least one appeal so this is the facility the Maximum Security Prison again cameras are not allowed inside around 550 people could be booked into the facility and they could stay in there some will never leave these walls they will be here the rest of their lives they will never see outside of these highly secured fences others will serve their prison sentence and they will leave and they will go on to live productive lives in Society interesting fact if you haven't been out here is that there's other prison uh units around this one there's kind of a prison complex uh there's a a facil some facilities for women uh inmates who are booked and then there's just other other buildings all around this one but this can hopefully give you a closer look into what things are like out here at the Maximum Security Prison I'm Nate Eaton reporting in Cuna
Channel: East Idaho News
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Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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