"Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property" 2003 Charles Burnett Docu-Drama

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Sally murder this family five and number was the work of the moment he was living in from sleeping cradle that was forgotten until we had left the house and gone some distance with Henry and will returned and killed it over the next 24 hours nat turner led a small group of slaves from farm to farm killing every white man woman and child they encountered they gathered guns and more recruits during a brief but bloody revolt that spread terror throughout the slaveholding south Matt Turner was captured and hanged in the days before his execution for he agreed to tell his story but after his death his words became the property of others as his body was during his life his story has been continually retold since 1831 he has been depicted as a great and inspiring hero and vilified as an insane finale each author possesses nat turner transforming his identity and the meaning of his revolt although today we cannot clearly make out the face of the man he continues to provoke a bitter debate over the violence that he inspired for a nation unable to come to terms with the legacy of slavery nat turner remains a troublesome property NAT Turner's slave rebellion triggered a massive mobilization of local militia and vigilante units in Virginia and neighboring North Carolina as many as three thousand armed men were called into action to fight what turned out to be sixty to eighty rebels the balance of sheer military power was weighted tremendously against the slaves in this country slaves don't have the organization the access to arms the military tradition to be able to mobilize a successful insurrection slavery itself was such an abomination that I could see how it would drive men and women to do desperate things and a slave revolt by its nature to me is a pretty desperate act [Music] outraged by the sight of the victims of revolt including many badly mutilated women and children the militia and vigilante units engaged in a slaughter of their own [Music] [Music] [Music] the violent brutal reaction is meant as a warning it's meant to frighten those who might be contemplating acts like this in the future it's meant to demonstrate the power of white society at least fifty and perhaps many more slaves and free blacks were summarily executed in the days after the suppression of the rebellion there's no question that there's a cult of violence that surrounds the tension between black and white during slavery times and after it's hard for us to to fathom cutting off people's heads and putting them on poles parading them around hanging bodies up in Chains dismembering the body taking home souvenirs we know all about the victims the white victims of Turner's rebellion who they were where they were killed what their names were what their families were nobody knows the names of even all the participants in the turner rebellion and certainly all the innocent blacks who were killed or imprisoned or beaten afterwards that this is not part of our official historical memory that that piece of the story is just forgotten or suppressed and probably can never really be completely recovered if a lot of those black people were not the property of white people a lot more than what we killed wasn't it Virginia law that said if you kill somebody a slave estate had to reimburse them the cost of the slave or something like every rebel except Nat Turner was quickly killed or captured during the month of September and on into October nearly 50 accused rebels stood trial in South Hampton County stand up [Music] guilty as charged you shall be hanged by the neck until you are through the prisoner is guilty the court not valued the said slave to the summer four hundred and twenty five dollars ultimately nineteen ninety would and now others were transported and sold outside the boundaries of the state the court recommends to the governor that the punishment be commuted to transportation and still nat turner remained at large on september 17 1831 Virginia Governor John Floyd issued a proclamation offering a $500 reward for the capture of nat turner nat is between 30 and 35 years old 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high weighs between 150 and 160 pounds rather bright complexion but not a mulatto broad shouldered large flat nose large eyes broad flat feet rather governor floor its description of nat turner is the closest thing we have to a portrait of the man but it is nothing more than a wanted poster created to help white men capture a fugitive we do not know exactly what happened at the capture of nat turner but a 19th century engraving offers one possible image of the moment we do know it was not until October 30th 70 days after the outbreak of rebellion that Benjamin Phipps stumbled on to NAT Turner's hiding place the slave had never wandered further than a few miles from his home farm the next morning he was taken to the Southampton County Jail in Jerusalem to await trial it was there in a jail cell that nat turner first encountered a local lawyer Thomas r gray over the next three days gray interviewed Turner and then published his version of Turner's story which later became the main source for all future interpretations of the man the late insurrection in Southampton greatly excited the public mind and led to thousands of idle exaggerated and mischievous reports everything connected to that said affair was wrapped in a mystery until nat turner the leader of that ferocious band whose name resounded throughout a widely extended Empire was captured since his confinement with permission of the jailer I have had ready access to him and determined for the gratification of public curiosity to commit his statements to writing and to publish them with little or no variation to his own words nobody can I think say precisely why Thomas our gray went into the jail cell on November the 1st 1831 it could be that he just wanted the public to know he felt the public had a right to know what nat turner had done from NAT Turner's own point of view it could be that he sought prestige after a great drop in his own record ability by going in and making himself says famous as he could by being NAT Turner's amanuensis taking down what he said he could have been thinking of the income he might derive you've asked me to give you the history of the motives which induced me to undertake the lady insurrection as you call it to do so I must go back to the days of my infancy and even before I was born I was 31 years of age on 2nd October last born the property of Benjamin turn out of this county being at play with other children when 3 4 years old I was telling him something which my mother overhearing said it had happened before I was born I stuck to my story however and related some things which went in her opinion to confirm it others being called on were greatly astonished knowing that these things had happened and caused them to say in my hearing I surely would be a prophet as the Lord had shown me things that happened before my birth many historians are not convinced that all or even most of the words grey attributes to Turner were actually spoken by Hannah there is no net turner back there hole to be retrieved you'd have to go and create in that turn and we have a very fragmented disjointed narrative which purports to be the confessions and there's the question of whose voices their I do not believe for a moment that net turn atop that way it is very clear by now that we cannot take NAT Turner's confessions at face value but it is also very clear that we cannot cast an aside [Music] grace confessions of nat turner creates a definite image of the man but we can never be sure the face we see is that of nat turner i was praying one day at my plow the spirit spoke to me saying seek ye the kingdom of heaven all things shall be added unto you all your name by the spirit the spirit that spoke to the prophets in former days that Turner must have eaten up the Christian and Hebrew Scriptures and must have begun to feel and see and sense himself as the embodiment of these the thunder rolled in the heavens and blood flowed in streams and I heard a voice saying such is your look such you are called and let it come rough or smooth you must surely bear it while laboring the field I discovered drops of blood on the corn as though it would do from heaven and communicated it to many both white and black in the neighborhood and I then filed on the leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters and numbers with the forms of men and different attitudes portrayed in blood and representing figures I had seen before in the heavens and on the 12th of May 1828 I heard loud noise in the heavens and the spirit instantly appeared to me and said that the serpent was loosened and that Christ had laid down the yoke here born for the sins of man and that I should take it on and fight against the serpent for the time was fast approaching when the first should be last and the last should be first they not find yourself mistaken now was not Christ crucified was that Christ crucified it's an astonishing statement by a man was chained to the wall gotta be hang the next day and he's told that all your comrades are hanged that your wife has been sold so that you'll be hanged tomorrow and he stands up on the cut and he says was not Christ crucified can you imagine this is one of the great moments in human history isn't it any intelligent reader coming on the confessions the original confessions of that Turner and then reflects on those confessions for a while would have to say to himself this guy is a crazy lunatic there's something really strange his the moment when he and he says to mr. gray was not Christ crucified the myths contradict each other and they grow up you know he's a saint he's a a crazy man you know you get conflicting reports and people repeat them they get carried on and the historian has to peel back through that onion and try to find the real historical person and until the first sign appeared I should conceal it from the knowledge of man and on the appearance of the sign the eclipse of the Sun last February I should arise and prepare myself and slay my enemies with their own weapons and until we had armed and equipped ourselves and gathered sufficient force neither age nor sex was to be spared which was and variably adhered to when people bring that argument to me that wall you kill people and wall in your train but that's declared you know this this is my position now that's the Klan you give people the chance to know that I'm going to fight you or that I might kill you these people were not given that opportunity revolutions have to be thorough you spare the kids they run off and warn your enemies if you're going to if you're going to take that road you'd better make up your mind to take it to the end that is the horror of thing I think it's all well and good to say that these killings work came of rage I don't doubt that to a certain extent they did but the real horror is that even if they hadn't they would have it matters would have probably taken the same course a revolution is either thorough or it's doomed real revolutionaries know that which is why they have to proceed in cold blood the murder of this family five in number was the work of a moment there was a little infant sleeping cradle that was forgotten until we had left the house and gone some distance when Henry will return and killed it the killing of the women and children stick in my qualta more than anything else he would certainly be remembered better by history if he had limited the killing to adult males or just white adults that evil that he saw was what was needed to be destroyed and the only way to force the destruction of that evil was to make the price so high that those who was practicing slavery would eventually sue for peace and says we cannot keep slavery because it will cost us too much the only thing I would say is slavery was so wrong but murder is wrong too we started for mrs. Reese's we're finding the door unlocked we entered and murdered mrs. Reese in her bed while sleeping her son awoke but and had only time to say who's that and he was no more I think that for many people many white people they identify with the innocence they identify with innocent children it's a position that's much more comfortable than identifying with slaveholders and because that's a feature of the story it makes it seem safe for people who know that they have to stand morally against slavery to say nonetheless that there was something morally wrong in the uprising I don't think his goal is to kill white children his goal was to give freedom for his people and if you know way before Malcolm even said it by any means necessary and if that meant to killing a white children so be it and it was an uncompromising position and I think it was based on something that he has seen around him the killing of black children the selling of black children and it was reprehensible but he you know you I understand why he did it called deliberate composure with which he spoke of his late deeds unintentionally expression on his fiend-like face when excited by enthusiasm still burying the stains of the blood of helpless innocence about him clothed in rags wrapped in chains it daring to raise his manacled hands to heaven with a spirit soaring above the attributes of man I looked on him and my blood curdle in my veins its complete fanatic my place is part most admirably I was struck with the tug that nat turner had over him and so I remember thinking even as he was trying to present him as this figure this misguided fanatic as he called him he was still fascinated with him impressed by him in some way over and over again those who search for the meaning of knack Turner begin their inquiry with a search for the meaning of the confessions I see Turner's confessions as our confessions of not really being quite sure who we are in relationship to each other black and white in this country [Music] me [Music] we know very little about the hanging of Nat Turner the only contemporary account appeared in a local newspaper and as with all Nat Turner stories we are left with more questions than facts the record about that Turner is so ambiguous we have so few facts and yet he's at the center of such an enormous controversy that there's room for lots of different interpretations in 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe created a national debate on the morality of slavery with her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin when she published dread a tale of the dismal swamp in 1856 with the title character closely based on the historical knack Turner she confronted the question of ending slavery by violent means but she could not embrace an uncompromising black man who was devoted to the death of all white people and so she softened him considerably he was a tall black man of magnificent stature and proportions he wore a fantastic turban there were elements in him which might under other circumstances have made him a poet there was in him a vein of that gentleness which softens the heart towards children and the inferior animals but there also burned in him like tongues of flame in a black pool of naphtha a subtle and restless fire everyone possesses that Turner because he fits into the role each creator wants to make him fit into the amazing thing about Matt Turner is the fact that so little is known about him we have those confessions and virtually nothing else then there are almost no accounts of what he was like seen through the eyes of anyone else black or white so this is as I say an astounding boon and a gift to anyone who wanted to to use him as a metaphor or a symbol for anything having to do with slavery with having to do with freedom having to do with rebellion he fits no mold and fits every mold all at once and that's what has made him so intriguing to to so many people over the years in the years leading up to the Civil War Frederick Douglass and other black abolitionists repeatedly voiced admiration for nat turner and other slave rebels what Douglass said was that the NAT Turner's were actually more legitimately the heirs of the American Revolution then the whites who celebrated July 4th every year in the 1840s and 50s but owned slaves and deprived millions of Americans of their freedom continuing in the tradition of Frederick Douglass William wells Brown an abolitionist leader who had escaped from slavery invoked an heroic image of nat turner in an essay written during the Civil War in the midst of this essay he imaginatively constructed the speech Turner might have delivered to his fellow conspirators at cabin pond friends and brothers we are to commence a great work tonight our race is to be delivered from slavery and God has appointed us as the men to do his bidding and let us be worthy of our calling we gloried in these heroes as children will sometimes we would create among ourselves with boys in particular you know our own version of what nat did and what we would have done if we'd have been told that and how that would have satisfied us greatly while some african-americans invoked NAT Turner's name as a great black hero and Liberator most southern whites continued to portray him as a fanatic and who attacked an essentially benevolent institution this became the dominant white view throughout the nation during the late 19th and 20th centuries black folk memories of the rebellion surfaced in the WPA interviews of ex-slaves conducted during the 1930s the deme PA undertook the task of finding and questioning black residents of the South who had once been slaves sometimes the interviews produced memories that were obviously passed on by family members who lived at the time of NAT Turner's revolt sometimes these recollections explored the violence in Turner's insurrection in 1937 the ex slave Allen Crawford spoke about Nat Turner from stories he had heard growing up in South Hampton County first place he got to was his mistress's house said God deigned him start the first wall we'd fought him in well when he got to his mistress's house he commenced to grab his missus baby and he slung him back and forth three times said it was hard for him to kill this baby because he had been so playful when he was sitting on his lap so David's sling he went quick bout it killing that baby the 1930s were a turbulent time in it was an era of segregation when the seeds of change were beginning to be sown during this time of racial strife artists writers and playwrights were inspired to tell the story of nat turner and his revolt exploring the consequences of using violence to end oppression in his time and their own in 1935 black theatre educator randolph Edmonds presented the NAT Turner's story as a play written to be performed at schools and colleges in the climactic scene Edmonds turns his attention to the horrible consequences of the rebellion for the men and women of the slave community a beast she called me a beast the family's two main the one if they bad sell me women like dogs and FEMA their leavings how can I be nothing else but a beast just as Dave hog has captured an ain't no army what am I going to do not Lord what am I going to do look at that moon coming back to light up the world it's big and round and yellow didn't drift out all this blood my hands is full of blood - whatever be clean was the wrong law to fight the black man must be free so my vision Lord like to deal when the spirits are fighting in their talk to the Holy Ghost it must be the army looking down the woods funny I can't let them catch me I've got to get me an army and fight some awful freedom how wants to be free I must have freedom father black slaves show them how to get along Spirit of God show them the way there certainly was a real Nat Turner who lived and died in Southampton County Virginia in 1831 but the man who lived and died in numerous artistic portrayals since 1831 was recreated over and over again to fit the needs of each of his creators [Music] the decade of the 1950's was a watershed in our nation's troubled history of race relations during these years the civil rights movement began a full-scale assault on the elaborate system of racial segregation in the south the public was exposed repeatedly to images of violence during these years [Music] it was in this atmosphere that a growing number of frustrated African Americans sought inspiration from nat turner and the 1831 southampton slave revolt I never heard of that and wanted it know more about them and started just reading about him and would happen in Southampton County there was a debate going on among the young people in different civil rights organizations or young people about Black Consciousness and and versus integration and what direction they should move in in order to keep the movement going and they keep liberating black folks that symbolize we hope symbolize resistance it was a black man refused except his condition so we identified with that brother and we saw mr. Brown we saw a direct link we knew exactly what he felt like because we felt the same way and we saw ourselves as continuing that struck [Music] usually the police would fertilize anyone if we were on hand because we're armed nat turner returned to the center of the national stage with the publication in 1967 of William Styron's the confessions of nat turner the novel was an instant bestseller and won the Pulitzer Prize it's hard to reconstruct the bland ill-informed atmosphere of suburban white America in the 50s and 60s and it came as a revelation to really almost the whole generation that they should even be thinking about these things there was through the book of mouth clubs that I got this novel called the confessions of nat turner i remember that when it arrived and i started reading it that evening after I got home from school and I stayed up all night and I read it in one sitting my intention had been from the very beginning to try to present a multi-faceted complex overview of slavery as an institution which totally degraded a race of people and that included such torment upon one of its more gifted sons namely that Turner that it indeed turned him into a half-crazed Avenger my book turned him into a far more heroic figure than the actual nat turner was because I gave him human dimensions didn't humanized nat turner for me because i came to the novel with my own version of nat turner firmly established in my head so to whom did he humanized for the white community that might be possible since the white community has always tended to look upon our rebels you know as demons and as subhumans as people who are attacking the bastions of white civilization when I was growing up I was taught in American history grafica had no history and neither died that I was a savage about hunger less said the better who had been saved by Europe and brought to America and of course I believed it I didn't have much choice those the only books there were I'm one of the people who built the country Jimmy Baldwin moved into my house here in Connecticut in the winter of 1960 because by this time I'll be boiling to write the book and I think it was he who encouraged me more than anyone else to seize the idea of the first person and to plunge into that kind of narrative mode because he himself had already begun to deal with the idea of writing about white people from an intimate point of view and he said that what you should do as a white writer is to to be bold and take on the persona of a black man that Turner william Styron gave his twentieth century novel the same title as Thomas R Gray's 1831 confessions examining this document for clues about nat turner Styron was fascinated by a particular passage Miss Margaret when I discovered her had concealed herself in the corner form by the projection of the cellar cap from the house on my approach she fled but was quickly overtaken and after repeated blows with a sword I killed a blow on the head with a fence rail Margaret was the only person killed by nat turner in the course of the rebellion she was a young white woman Styron takes this and makes a love affair out of it between NAT and Margaret I think african-americans generally and whites to some extent resented the relationship that Styron created this was for a novelist the perfect a question to ask why why did he do this wasn't there some relationship between the two of them now we don't know anything about their relationship but I was writing a novel I wasn't writing a work of historiography and I had a right to to make a relationship between NAT and Margaret Whitehead a kind of centerpiece of the book I ever tell you about the masked Charlotte Tyler and I wrote together the closeness the stillness the seclusion had created once more of a love she was stirring in my blood and her eyes met mine unflinchingly not so much coquettish as insistent inviting daring and almost expecting my gaze to repose in her own eyes why she prattled blissfully on it was the longest encounter I could remember ever having with a white person's eyes I turned away swept with lust again hating her guts now driven close to distraction by that shattering monologue pitched out a girlish whisper which I no longer bothered to listen to them or understand Styron's attempt to imagine a relationship between nat turner and the teenaged margaret whitehead provoked a storm of protest from black critics nat turner is one of great heroes and we wanted him to be presented to our children in a way that preserved and protected our needs and our necessities we need to say to our young girls you're beautiful you know your hair is nappy of course your skin is black but you were beautiful and you're lovable and worthy of the respect of our young men but how could we say that if our great hero instead of affirming the beauty of black womanhood went and a friend the beauty of white womanhood when I got the information from the Book of the Month Club just reading about the book made me so angry that I tore up the newsletter flushed it down the toilet and wrote a letter resigning from the Book of the Month Club in protests against them picking this book got tremendous everybody they all do all the critics loved it you know and this says this tells me a great deal about attitudes they themselves have never come to grips with slavery what it was about but not all reviewers lavished praise on the novel a group known as the ten black writers published a volume deeply critical of Styron's image of the slave rebel it's a book that made me particularly indignant because also disappointed because that final night turner is gonna get presented on the main stage of American culture and instead of which we get this travesty I recall one of my former owners mr. Thomas Moore once saying that Negroes never committed suicide I recollect the exact situation hull killing time and mores puckered pockmarked face as he labeled at the bloody caucus and the exact words spoken to two neighbors as I stood by listening you ever heard of a [ __ ] killing his self no I figured dr. he might want to kill herself but he gets to thinking about it keep thinking about it thinking and thinking him pretty soon he's going to sleep in there right now yes sir master Tom that's right sho'nuff I had to admit to myself that I had never known of a Negro who had killed himself and in trying to explain this fact I tended to believe that in the face of such adversity it must be a Negros Christian faith which swerves him away from the idea of self-destruction but now as I sit here and it the incessant murmur and the buzz of flies I can no longer say that I feel this to be true it seemed that rather my black shit-eating people or surely like flies god's mindless outcasts like an even that will to destroy by their own hand their unending anguish how would anybody seeking to organize his people to struggle for their own liberation have that perception of them it was an act of Carrigan's coming out of a profound ignorance that led him to think he could restructure that experience and anything that would be a credible way or a way that reflected anything that an informed black person wouldn't know of or won't experience and to make it acceptable to black people novels can be good nobs can be bad but I think it's different to say that than to say you shouldn't have written this in the first place because you were white or what are you doing to our history by creating this character about whom we feel deeply ambivalent and believe me I think that it was the sexuality of nat turner the bug people the most no matter how they justified i think that without that the novel would pass through without a peep because it was that in the first century Rome the place where her breasts had met my arms was like an incandescent tingling again I was smothered by remorseless desire insanely I found myself measuring the risk take her take her here on this Bank bug is quiet Brook abandon all for these hours of terror and bliss my poetry stops being attracted to and repelled by members of the opposite sex strikes me as the most natural thing in the world and who have left that out to have rendered turner incapable of that kind of internal struggle would have reduced his humanity I think starvin knew exactly what he was doing I think he did the right thing we have to deal as black people with so much of this kind of stuff I wasn't writing but in our everyday lives this tyrant had done was play at the worst fears of white America and I think frankly fantasizing in his own mind as a white male about the lustful feelings that black man had for white women I didn't want a white woman you know and I didn't know any of my brothers who did and um he but he did you know he said the NAT wanted one and not only did he want one that he was willing to kill for it and not only that that that was his primary motivation liberation was irrelevant it was it was sexual unbridled sexual lust or something like that what really would have caused the rage and the part of the black critics would have been I think if if they had had a consummated sexual relationship which would really approved the my own racism but actually the the relationship between that Turner and Margaret Whitehead is infinitely more complicated it's it's this much filled with rage and hatred on that sparked than any kind of unrequited love please kill me your eyes he does at the end realize that the horror of having killed this woman out of his rage and I think that in that Turner's feeling of of love at the end is really an attempt to express his own sense of reconciliation redemption and has very little to do with any any direct human connection I think this is an abstraction at least that's what I was attempting to do it struck me as a great irony that I began to write in that turn at the summer of Martin Luther King's great speech in Washington and it was a time of reconciliation of non-violence of peacefulness the sense that blacks and whites could work this thing out together but by the time I finish the novel in 1967 this sweetness and light that Martin Luther King was predicting had turned into a kind of hellish nightmare on the racial scene and so that Turner appeared might not Turner appeared at a time of when this this dream of Martin Luther King's had evaporated so there was good reason why my book was met with such mixed reactions I do think that in an extraordinary and strange way bill Styron did do a service in the sense of putting Nat Turner back on the table without making people argue about who he was and nobody no matter which side they took of the argument really knew very much it was like people throwing punches in the dark and in the last generation since then we've learned a lot more though we still have not penetrated the veil entirely we can't be dependent on white people to represent our culture with with integrity and imagination and and respect if you don't like bill sirens Nat Turner right your own I think the only way that you can fight a representation in art that you don't like us create new art to create more arts around it I don't consider myself an artist I don't consider myself as one who can critique art I only paint for one reason and one reason only and that is to illustrate what is saying through to me through my ancestors they're not asking for revenge they asking to be recognized and I believe they will not rest in peace unless their story is heard unless their voices are but can any work of art move Americans closer to an agreement on the meaning of nat turner and his revolt [Music] [Music] one more time right away here we go I think there is a need for closure there is the need to resolve this thing sometimes it takes a mediator a piece of artwork can do that the whole idea is who isn't that Turner we don't know and people with little information have created their own net that they've claimed it and it's not that we're trying to reclaim that we're just trying to preserve other artists interpretation of that Turner and trying to do that very faithfully without interpreting their work was a wrong law to fight it black man must be free everywhere in the film there is interpretation and the subject matter we are dealing with is interpretation now when you do a film about interpretation what's the film about that interpretation isn't that film another interpretation every interpretation ultimately forces you back into another interpretation another interpretation another interpretation action one that's the tension here is to say that no you're not doing your movie about Nat Turner you're doing William Styron's interpretation and that Turner as faithful as possible to William Styron's seemed that his novel same thing with Thomas are gray you're trying to be matter-of-fact about Thomas are great you know you're not trying to take any kind of license recreate you know the publication things like that do it we can't say in this film that this person's wrong with that person is wrong it's not about that the truth is that this event happened people interpreted a certain way fun racial lines and the only way to resolve it to live with it is to have some sort of dialogue and come to terms with what was this event I think there's a great danger of sliding into a kind of relativism and there's multiple different versions of history and let's just line them all up and I think that the great challenge would be how to devise a structure that permits some degree of interpretation and reflection on multiple perspectives without implying there was no truth of the matter the fact is there was a historic on that Turner the fact is that certain things were known of boatin the fact is that as a consequence of his actions he occupied a very prominent and important role in the collective memory and imagination of that community and for us possibly in the white community too I think the mysteriousness of the man the absolute mysteriousness of the man will perpetually provoke people's imagination he represents an incredible need and hunger just the fact that he did what he did right or wrong or whatever the moral implications of what he did he did it and it seems to me that trying to figure out Turner and his meaning for those who lived and died is an arduous task and that whether we like it or not is what we're called to as [Music] Americans [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for watching if you'd like to help us produce more compelling historical content like this please like comment below and share this video with fellow history buffs and of course be sure to subscribe to help keep history happening [Music]
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 189,388
Rating: 4.7622709 out of 5
Keywords: rebellion, slave uprising, slave revolt, southhampton, virginia, 1831, charles burnett, docu-drama, nat turner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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