Nashville: The Don'ts of Visiting Nashville

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with walter's world and today we're here in nashville tennessee at the grand ole opry and today what we have for you are the don'ts of visiting nashville and i know nashville is famous for country music but my first stone is don't think you need to bring your cowboy boots when you do come here to nashville and there's a couple reasons why i mean well unless you're a bachelorette party then i think it's obligated to work cowboy boots when you come here but honestly one you have a ton of stuff to see here in nashville so you have a lot of walking a lot of getting around a lot of standing and waiting line to get into restaurants and and most likely you're not wearing cowboy boots every day so new boots new cowboy boots plus lots of walking plus hot weather equals really painful feet so there's that side of it but also on the other side of it look you're not going to see a lot of cowboys when you are here all right you're going to see more hipsters and and transplants when you're here than than good old-fashioned cowboys with cowboy boots okay but but don't get me wrong if you want to buy cowboy boots this is the place to be there are so many cowboy boot places to buy like where you can buy boots you'll be fine to pick them up here and those transplants i was talking about i think that's another don't i need to talk to you about and that is don't think you're going gonna meet a lot of born bred and raised people from nashville when you are here because this city has just had a huge influx like wave after wave of people moving here from all over the u.s i mean honestly when i was down by franklin i have expected to see a sign saying coming soon peoria tennessee because so many people from illinois have moved here but you go around and you can see some of the stress that's put on the infrastructure here the shopping the lines you have so have a heads up the people you meet here a lot of them aren't from here originally but don't worry they'll let you know where they're from originally to be like but now i live here in nashville because they're so proud of the city because it is really great and if you do meet a local ask them what their favorite hot chicken place is ask them what their favorite barbecue places because they're glad to share the original kind of ideas the original feelings of nashville because honestly all these people have come in have really changed the city i mean it's not just sweet tea anymore you hear unsweet tea ordered quite often and i will be honest the friendliness that you had in nashville was known for it's still there but it's not as high as it used to be because just so many people here and i think all those people and all the tourists that are coming here because of the cool city the transplants it leads to another don't i have for you and that is don't expect to have a stress-free driving experience when you are here in nashville because with all those extra people the roads the infrastructure it's not really set up for it now i will give it to them they're working on to increase the you know the the lanes and the highways and making 24 bigger and doing things but honestly whether it's one-way streets tons of traffic traffic jams on the highway frustration with it oh i can't tell you how many times i'm driving from the north coming down i'm like i drive by the city on the right you're like oh that's a beautiful view we're past the city we'll be fine but all that growth has really been on the south part of nashville and then you the south of nashville then you just sit in a traffic jam forever and you're like oh but it will be a little frustrating because you're really going to have to drive when you're here because that's my next don't for us don't forget you're going to need transport because public transportation here in nashville is not going to help you very much okay and the thing is some of those really good restaurants that the hot chickens like princess hot chicken and hatty bees or you want to go to loveless cafe and get their amazing biscuits you have to go there you just have to go there you don't get there by bus you can't walk there it's not on broadway you've got to drive out to them okay now one little happy thing is there's actually the assembly food hall on broadway where some of the famous restaurants have have brought in like little kiosk versions of their food so you get a taste of it not a full menu about 80 percent of the food taste as well but it gives you a nice taste when you're there but you're gonna need to drive out to these places and you can kind of understand why you need to drive out to some of these places because honestly nashville it's kind of like nashville and then a bunch of little towns that have really grown up like booming growing fast fast fast and adjusting that's kind of tough okay so i'm just gonna give you a warning on that because honestly don't think you can get all the great food just downtown all right so you're gonna have to go out you want to go to five dollars bakery and get their donuts oh my gosh imagine a croissant and a donut had a perfect little baby uh yes the loveless cafe biscuits you're gonna have to drive okay and i think with going to those places i do need to mention this don't don't worry about waiting in line it is well worth it whether it's loveless cafe princess hot chicken anywhere you go it's worth it for the line to get in to eat that fantastic food okay because honestly i know they call it music city but it really should be called like food city food and music city but doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well oh and by the way another donut i have to is you don't have to call it nashville hot chicken we're already in nashville so you just call it hot chicken and you can get great hot chicken everywhere and i want to say locals tell people the best places to go get hot chicken down below in the comments because all the locals have their own favorite places and so you can go experiment there's even hot chicken tours you can do when you're here in nashville because it's that popular and i think a dome for that hot chicken is don't think the nashville hot chicken is super hot the first bite what's great about nashville hot chicken is that yes it's spicy and hot but it's flavorful and if you watch any videos on youtube about nashville they'll show people eating nashville hot chicken and it's always starting off with you know oh the first part wow this is good it's really good i don't feel any spice and then halfway through they're like oh i'm starting to sweat then by the end they're like oh my god my lips are so hot i don't know what to do uh fyi that's why you have the white bread there you take the white bread eat that that helps with the heat but it's a it's a gradual growth of intensity of that heat so just just don't be surprised if you get the tenders and you only get like three of the four tenders done because your mouth is tingling at the end or if you get the hat chicken just just just don't feel bad or at least be ready for it another donut i have when you're here in nashville that comes to food is don't feel that you're too old to go back to the cafeteria there are tons of great cafeterias you can go to when you are here and get your meat and threes and what's cool is they'll rotate so friday we'll have different food than monday than different than tuesday so you can go back and have a lot of great stuff just get in line pick your meat pick out three sides you're good to go this is one of my favorites here now you remember how i said there's no real public transportation so you won't see too many buses well i should say there's there's not too many public buses you'll see you will see a ton of tour buses and my don't for that is don't worry about what kind of tour you want to take when you're here in nashville they have one for you okay when i came out of the country music hall of fame at the street corner no joke you had the uh redneck comedy bus tour go by there was a country music bus tour that went by and the little bike tour where people were drinking on the bikes thing that all went by i mean you have the gray line bus tours there's so many tours that go around here for you to enjoy that pretty much anything you want to do there's probably a tour for it and that's what's funny is when you see the number of buses going around town you're like wow if they just kind of made those like public buses as well this city would be awesome for public transportation but it's not but you can get plenty of tours when you are here so another don't i have to tell you when you're looking at those tours don't forget you can actually get your own tour bus and drive around and you'll see people partying on the buses you'll see them with hot tubs you'll see them with music djs all kinds of fun stuff so just know there are options out there for you if you want to come here with some friends and have a fun time because everybody seems like they're having a good time in those buses see look there's another one over there they're all over the place oh and i really want to stress that when you do come to nashville don't think that it's just nashville hot chicken is the only food here there's so much other great food that's here on jocelyn's channel we actually have a video just on the eats when you're here whether it is some of those great donuts at you know five daughters bakery or you're getting some of the awesome barbecue or catfish when you're here but there's a lot of other food to enjoy oh my god you get great steak and oysters when you're here downtown i mean it's just it's not just the hot chicken though the hot chicken's so good you might want to eat it every day anyway and there's another thing i should warn you about about something you might do every day and that is don't have too many bushwhackers when you're on broadway because there's a lot of people that have maybe too many bushwhackers when they're here if you're not sure what a bushwacker is that is a an adult beverage it is rum and kahlua and ice kind of mixed together it's basically like an adult slurpee and people have a few too many because they are really good and the thing is with the heat you have here it really cools you off so people have a bit too much so if you're on broadway especially at night just be careful with the with the drinking and the people that have been drinking because it can get a bit crazy not just the bachelor and bachelorette party stuff but other people that are there can have a little bit too much of a good time with you so so you know it's nice to get hit on i was i've been hit on by many people i've been here but sometimes you're like okay that's good just you had enough because you're going to be down on broadway listen to the live music when you're there because there's so much live music up and down broadway that you're really any time of the day and night it's open until 3am you're going to enjoy the music when you're there but i think a donut i have to say is don't think broadway is one the only place to go out but also two the only place where you can listen to live music i mean honestly if you like country music you're better off leaving broadway and going to other parts of town because when i've been on broadway i hear a lot more southern rock rock stuff than i actually hear country music so even though the country music hall of fame is right there doesn't mean you're gonna hear a lot of country so go out leave broadway go out into different parts around the city there's live music all over okay it's it's called music city not not music street music city and you'll hear live bands you know we're the annie b band and she was awesome up there playing and she's playing around town and you can actually meet some of the bands there's lots of great places to see them from small clubs to big arenas you can have great music when you're here but don't think it's just on broadway i mean heck if you're going out even going a few blocks of printer's alley will give you a completely different vibe than you have on broadway now going back to that country music hall of fame one don't worry if you're not a country music fan you will enjoy going to the country music hall of fame you will see more guitars than you've ever seen in your entire life it's multiple floors you take an elevator robles you got this and it just you kind of floor by four you learn about the history of country music you see the guitars the stories it's actually a well done you know hall of fame for music i actually enjoyed it i'm not the hugest country music fan but i did enjoy the country music hall of fame but a don't i have for that is don't get overwhelmed by all the ticket options they give you when you go there because yes there's just entrance there's there's entrance and going to hatch show prince and then there's entrance and going to rca studio b on music row or you could i mean there's just songwriter stuff and it's like they have more tours than george strait has number one hits okay they don't have that many tours because he's got a lot of number one hits but you get my idea so make sure you read through which ticket options right for you so you could get the most out of your visit to the country music hall of fame and if you do love country music one thing i got to tell you or if you just love music in general if you get a chance don't pass up a chance to see a show at the ryman auditorium or here at the grand ole opry because these places they're not huge huge venues i mean this on the ground offers a nice sized one but what's cool about it is you have like world-class talent that will come and play the ryman or come play here at the grand ole opry and you're in a much more intimate setting so you're not watching them in a stadium you're watching them up close and so you get kind of this like goosebumpy like closeness to the bands that play there and the artist so so if you get a chance go and you can actually just tour them by themselves to see where they play so that can be a fun thing to do now leaving our music behind our eating behind another donut i have for you is don't forget to go out to centennial park and go to the parthenon look the parthenon you know the parthenon the one in athens there's the acropolis the parthenons on top yeah they rebuilt that here at the end of the 1800s okay and you can go in and there's like you know there's art gallery in the bottom but what's amazing which is like i was just like wow it may actually make me more impressed at the real parthenon in athens is you go in and they have athena there a statue of athena holding nike and nike the nike statue is actually taller than me yeah it's insane you've got to go just for that it's worth the price of mission just going in to see that and then the park that's there is just gorgeous they've redone it recently and it's just a nice place to be and relax you can chill out with your friends and what's cool is vanderbilt university is right by there so you can go and enjoy the campus as well so you can have a nice time and my last stone for you when you're coming here to nashville is don't pass up the history when you're here look nashville is the capital of tennessee so you have all the state museums that you can visit when you're the state catholic can visit but probably the most important historical place to visit is the hermitage which is andrew jackson's home so you can go to his home you can see his actual furniture you can see where he's enslaved people lived i mean you get the whole story of him and you get the good you get the bad and you get the crazy about andrew jackson when you're there but there's a lot of history you can take in and i guess if you like other american history you can also go to antique archaeology you know the american pickers people they have a store here you can go visit alright now i know right now a lot of the people from nashville that watch this video are probably upset with me because i haven't mentioned this and that is don't forget to get out in nature when you are here in nashville because you have some really cool state parks you can go hiking you can bike and you can go and enjoy the nature because there's some really gorgeous nature around here you know if you're going down to franklin which is a super cute town you can do that you can go visit some state parks as well i mean heck if you want to go to if you want to go to radnor lake state park you can hike around the lake it's gorgeous the warner parks you can go visit i mean heck if you don't have the the time or the transportation to get out to those you can just go to cumberland park which is literally take the pedestrian bridge over the cumberland river from broadway and there's a park there you can enjoy and the greenway throughout here dude you can bike the greenway when you're here there's so much outdoor activities in town and out of town that you can really get out and enjoy and also that's why it's not a good idea to have the cowboy boots because they're not really good for the hiking okay so just fyi so i hope this helps you know a bit better what to do and not do when you come here to nashville so i want to say a special thank you to all our patrons on patreon our members on youtube if you want to help keep making honest travel videos like this please think about visit us at walters world to find out how you can support and i'll say bye from here in warm hot tasty musical nashville
Channel: Wolters World
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: qbGFe6zyqrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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