NASCAR Leader to Wrecker #1

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who has the better restart a drag race in a turn one oh kyle busch slides and does the 78 they both go up into the wall through turn one pouch it comes out junior goes up the hill let's see if he can get a bite on the bottom of the racetrack they'll be side by side down the back straight away oh man that was tight off turn two he's got him i believe he's got him this time oh he turned it no no no now here comes cliff boyer to take the yellow flag stewart's trying to right and they're scattering everywhere as they come to the line some of these guys hit hard man and one of them was kyle bush they're still hitting hard can keslowski try to win it i don't know i don't think he can step out until he waits till the last second and picks it he goes inside is edwards no no oh and that destroyed the front end of newman's car no edwards will not make it to the flag oh brad keselowski won this race karl edwards can he make it stick on the outside brad thought he had the best car all night took the inside line in the restart this is going to be down to the wire i touched he spun out final corner of daytona who's gonna get here first reagan smith seven kazlowski 22 stuart 33 and contact smith turned around tony stewart is gonna win this race and a terrible crash coming to the finish [Applause] kyle larson's car with the front end severely torn off well he got to the line that he wanted to so see how far kenseth drives it in here he couldn't get his slot slide job to work quite as good as a lot of contact oh no there they go wow that didn't work out for either one of them moving in probably a little too hard tony not very happy gosh looks familiar we know what tony thinks the leaders had already taken the white flag let's watch it i don't know if curt got into the back of tony or not let's wait till we get around here and see tony's car just tony hit the apron he got down on the apron he got a little bit loose kurt was all over the back of him and there he goes now here comes carl back on the low side come on the car is upside down on this side wallace gets into it the 14 of bliss gets into it red flag immediately stop on the back they want you to stop on the back ryan newman he gave [Music] now let's see they're down to four or five car lengths and a slow car running he's right on his back let's see what strategy he pulls now well bonnie is sideways but wins the race crashes and he wins anyway how about that it's way down on the apron of the track coming to the white flag there's a leader change and labonte takes the lead and meanwhile ricky oh and earnhardt spins him and tony stewart is involved with the crash as is mark martin terry or sterling harbor the several others dale earnhardt takes the checkered flag jimmy spitzerman second well the good news is we're halfway now anyway ryan blaney had the edge when they went across the strip and sideways ryan played he goes does he keep it out of the wall brushes the back of that oh and behind him he gets hit hard johnny solder flew in there he might have had some help johnny might have got hit from behind side by side watch out for my third place wins in california i thought they'd be nice to each other they weren't able to 22 to catch him here comes the 22. he's closed the gap all over the back bumper now as if caught this slower traffic and around goes to 20. sideways in front of the 22 kansas slides caution comes out the 22 was all over the back bumper of the 20 as they entered turn one and kenzon cleared by legato maybe no kenza takes him out legato into the wall closet comes out and the crown roars he dominated last week marty didn't get the win but it looks as though he's got a little redemption in mind here tonight oh look out as he has a tire situation here comes edwards right into it they cross the line and guess who wins the race stenhouse thanks to carl edwards how did elliot sadler get back on the road and not lose any ground he's gonna have a chance to win this race if he pulls high joey logano gets turned elliot sandler drives through crashing big time at the lineup first career win at talladega how about that for brennan poole and owen a big hit from blake and rick let's remember you know we saw a restart in the craziness but the control of this race changed on that green flag denny hamlin from the lead slams in the wall [Applause] again we see a right side right front failure and hamlin hard into the wall [Applause] catch your breath but can he keep it three to go wow what a battle here they touch a little bump and run there from chase they're up and in the wall here comes keslowski wow and kyle busch there's ten points on the line and one precious playoff point here for the guy that wins this stage oh and they're going to crash bell and moffat contact and the caution is out forced his way to the middle three [Music] up and over [Music] looks to me like will win this race through turn number nine they go ty dillon with the advantage [Music] get to the bumper through eight nine and here they come to turn ten the final turn gregson gets underneath gillard and gregson go side by side and around justin haley is gonna come through and win in canada you call it michael justin haley he's still up to speed brad keselowski with a great restart he's on the outside of the five the five wiggles up the racetrack he goes but he stays straight side by side again through two kazowski strong jimmy said it was blowing up rick kozlowski makes the pass he's in front of the five but not completely cleared here comes the 48 to the inside the 48 still smoking three wide for the lead as they enter turn three brad keselowski around goes to 48. the 48 blows up and into the wall it goes the caution comes out again [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jake Baskinger
Views: 379,765
Rating: 4.8692741 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, Jake Baskinger, NASCAR Crashes, NASCAR Restarts, NASCAR Flips, NASCAR Race, NASCAR Live, NASCAR Fights, NASCAR Funny Moments, Motorsports, NASCAR Tempers Flare, NASCAR Finishes, NASCAR Battles, NASCAR Full Race, NASCAR Compilations, Top 10 NASCAR Crashes, NASCAR Crash, crash nascar, nascar fails, funny nascar moments, наскар, indy 500, nascar accidents, jeff gordon, NASCAR Moments, NASCAR Underdogs, NASCAR Unusual, Crashes, Tempers, Race, Finishes, NASCAR 21 Ignition
Id: izeGDagHep8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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