NASA releases astonishing new images from James Webb Space Telescope

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of the universe. When we look out into space, sometimes we see familiar things from home. Take a close look at NASA's latest out of this world image from the James Webb Space Telescope, and you'll spot something out of this world. Scientists are calling this the Penguin and the egg. Two galaxies dancing around one another. More than 300 million light years from Earth. This pair of galaxies has been interacting for several hundred million years and will continue to do so. NASA released the new image Friday to mark two years of scientific operations for Webb, the most powerful telescope ever launched into space. And in that time, it's made scientists reconsider what they know about the universe. It's telling us the universe formed these big galaxies, perhaps a little earlier than we thought. So that means we have to revise our theories. Webb has now found galaxies that we are seeing as they looked when the universe was only about 300 million years old. The universe is now 13.8 billion years old. So we're seeing back almost to the edge. But Webb isn't just looking into the past. NASA also uses the telescope to study planets orbiting other stars to see if there's any one of these planets that has what we would call a habitable atmosphere, one that might support life, scientists say the possibilities with Webb are only limited by our imaginations. I think some of the most exciting things on the horizon are actually things we haven't thought of yet. I think we have some surprises left out there for us. As for the penguin and the egg, they'll continue their cosmic dance for another 1 billion years or so before ultimat
Channel: FOX 13 Seattle
Views: 22,686
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Keywords: News, air-and-space
Id: oLtFCUjAnuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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