NAS 係咪真係咁好用?新手買前必睇:初試 Synology DS1618+ 全記錄 [中文字幕]
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Channel: Lok Cheung HK
Views: 148,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lok, Lok Cheung, LokCheung, 實試, 評測, 實測, 測試, 攝影, 廣東話, 粵語, 香港, Lok Cheung HK, 中文, Synology, NAS, DS1618Plus, 群輝, Network Attacked Storage, Google Drive, 雲端硬碟, 網上儲存, DS1618+, DS1618, NAS storage, network storage, nas for video, backup, video archive, RAID, 甚麼是 nas, 個人雲端, 私有雲, 公有雲, Dropbox, 中字, 字幕, 中文字幕, UPC: 846504002979, Brand: Synology
Id: gUg3LXypdH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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