Naruto English Voice Stars Reveal Their Most Tear-Jerking Scenes!

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for me it was when Naruto dies no I'm kind of believe it was sleeping I was crying I should have gone with old bushy bro American Voice for uh for Toby and Obito and he goes oh I don't watch the dub oh my breathe you're watching convention coverage play Naruto I'm Tom gibbous yeah come on stepped on the lead I'm Tom gibbous and I play shikamaronara whatever I'm Brian Donovan I play Rock Lee thanks for coming you guys I'm Michael yurchak I play the silly Toby and Obito I'm Nicholas Roy and I play shisui Uchiha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just no we never have we never crossed paths I'm Miley it's a pleasure pleasure Miley it's the goofy thing about this yeah we we don't know each other guys it's crazy I know that seems a surprise but it's just wild you don't unless we run into each other at the studio we're still doing introductions oh sorry sorry I'm still doing it reminds me of a story about myself I'd love to meet you right now how are you no all right sorry hi I'm Kate Higgins and I play Sakura [Applause] and they also played food on but nobody ever really remembers him and he has a cold all the time all right okay goodbye I'm Megan I play shizunae and Tonton and we don't know where Yuri is he plays Sasuke and Tara plants maybe they'll make a surprise appearance yeah I think they're downstairs till the signing uh for VIPs but I guess they'll be up hopefully they'll be up yeah I hope so he was here yesterday but this is a great gang because we never see each other obviously um Kate and I live a mile from each other I live a mile from you but uh we never see each other so this is kind of fun for us too so I wanted to ask like what was the most emotional Arc for you and how did you voice that and was there anything that came up it was like oh my God like I can't believe that this is happening the time Jump uh I'm trying not to give spoilers but okay who's seen the whole thing raise your hand oh well done that's clap for that right not everybody not everybody who's still working on it oh all right so you guys leave for a couple minutes while we answered this question and then come back in like I don't know four minutes I'm gonna just go with the first big fight with Sasuke because it was uh exhausting and um emotional and also uh screaming at the top of my lungs um and uh what's really weird about it is as you know in Naruto we do a lot of flashbacks so sometimes you're like oh my God I have to relive that and uh so for me that was a real emotional one and then obviously the stuff with uh jariah and uh lady Chio really got to me somehow really got to me I don't know why I don't know what it was because that wasn't a major arc or anything but but that was very emotional for me for me it was when uh Naruto dies oh my god did I say that out loud uh you haven't got to that episode yet okay so sorry anyway I actually stole that from Tom because Tom's like was she just messing with him and say like when Naruto dies I'm gonna be 900 years old doing this show I thought we were 900 years yeah Tom you can say when Rock Lee dies when Rock Lee turned evil and joined the Akatsuki was probably I thought how could it be with Rock Lee and then that was just so emotional that I had to kill him all right never a message yeah sorry uh it's for me it's obviously [Applause] times that was me pulling back on that by the way yeah yeah yeah same my voice is going but you know obviously daddy um and then uh and and honestly one that still resonates with me a lot and I think for most of the fans the flashback when I'm a little a little Rock Lee and I'm crying against the tree and and my guy you know builds me back up and tells me to never give up and and all that beautiful stuff like I I still think that's a just a really Dynamite sweet emotional scene and the Arc of Rock Lee right his whole Persona is from that moment uh in time so um when uh when uh Obito it has his like sort of Out of Body Soul studded uh battle slash philosophical debate with Naruto uh it's definitely my it's the most moving one to me because uh he has the chance for Redemption and he takes it and he recognizes his mistakes and he kind of comes full circle and the Ark is just like it's it's a circle it's not an ark it's a full thing and and uh and it all starts again and it and and he ends up you know paying a price for it but it's all for the for the the greater good which I just found totally moving and deep in a way that I wasn't expecting because we see these unfold for us on the day in the booth you know we don't read them beforehand and so I didn't know it was happening until it was happening so there was it was a real you know sort of moment-to-moment visceral experience which is awesome and then 12 episodes later Naruto dies you got one uh somebody else somebody else down there you know just the very beginning well is what I'll always remember the most just watching Sasuke walk away you know and we worked hard on it it was really a big deal I was crying a lot a lot of crying a lot of crying so that's sort of the intensity I remember yeah perfect director Mary Elizabeth who who wouldn't yeah [Applause] sort of pretend to be sad or you know pretend to be happy like we went there we went there 100 um for me I mean shizuna didn't have the most emotional arcs but I got very surprised in Shippuden with what happened to her and as an actor it was very emotional for me but um but she thrived I tend to get these uh these uh studiopolis gives me these uh sad tragic characters that die and uh you know June pay from Jujutsu Kaizen and then shisui has this you know if anybody's seen the the story of the two Uchiha obviously you know the moment where danzo takes one of his eyes and then he sacrifices his other eye for his boy Hitachi um and then proceeds the plumbing off a cliff yeah it was rough in there that that scene was you know that was a sad scene to do uh that was with Mary Mary as well and um but yeah he has this tragic death that's just like you you um it's like those you know it's like those actors that go too early in life or something like that you know yeah has that same kind of feel thank you thank you so much you guys look great by the way now that we're all depressed yeah thank you guys starting it up on a Sunday morning on a light note hi Nick fan especially for broccoli and Shikamaru oh yeah both my favorite characters I'm so sorry come back oh no no oh God thank you don't worry I'm vaccinated we're good yeah so this question goes to everyone um do you guys ever mess with anyone with your character voices who barely recognize you in public like they'll go up to and be like I recognize you but I can't put my finger on it uh yeah Naruto dies in episode no I'm kidding you must get that a lot I yeah I mean the thing about these conventions since I started doing more of them is that people always put stuff on YouTube Hello whoever's taping this so I do get recognized more and I was on a show called Lab Rats so people recognize that me from that but I'll tell you a quick story I was in Boston a couple years ago it was like the first one of the first conventions back and um we it was actually this weekend um so uh we went to go get something to eat and near the convention center but the convention was done and um we walked to this place and it was closed because there were no employees like they shut the restaurant they were like we can't serve anymore so I'm standing there and I overheard this little family teenage boy and his like parents and an uncle and I I said hey I'm sorry I've just been like listening over what's the word eavesdropping but did you say there's a great restaurant down there and what what's it called and they said yeah and the kid just goes God and I had on a mask and sunglasses and I was just like uh I kind of walked away and the uncle grabbed me by the back of the shirt he's like he wants to know if you're Naruto I was like yeah mother said this is the happiest he's been for five weeks he was a silky too so that was kind of funny and the other one was I was at a pharmacy near my house and thank God I wasn't buying some weird cream or something this young guy again about 22. I paid him in cash and uh he's he's like are you Naruto and I took a quick look at my basket to see what was in it and then answered and I said yeah and he goes what are you doing in this neighborhood I think I live like two blocks away dude fighting evil fighting evil yeah yeah fighting evil I'm looking for Sasuke getting antifungal cream yeah God I can't think recommended no recognized good morning people uh recognized my voice too yeah it's always someone like a pharmacist or just yeah out in the world just a little exchange buying something and they're like your voice is familiar yeah and then I go do you watch anime yes and then the conversation starts and the love starts all right there usually while you're hoping it's not where you're getting stitches which did happen to me also I sliced open my finger and the guy came in to like wrap it and he's like are you Naruto I said yeah don't look at my chart buddy I'll tell you the opposite uh so my mom can't really wrap her head around what I do and uh and I'm old and she's older and so we're at a kind of a collectible store and and I said oh yeah Mom that's so that's the show I do you know that's why I go to these conventions and stuff she goes oh really I said well yeah that's that's not my character because you go is that you and I was like no that's Naruto and and so then she goes where are you and I didn't have any and so my mom she's 85 years old she goes she goes up to the nearest employee and she goes dude why don't you have any Rock Lee do you know who my son is this is my son I'm embarrassing 55 years old because my mom is like don't you know who this is my son I mean anyway so that's the opposite of being recognized but yeah I was mortified of course as any team can understand when your parents you know point you out that way but uh yeah any moments you I got a great one with your son's friends right who didn't know who you were well let me tell this story yeah yeah you tell the the I I've got a couple I the the opposite one makes me makes me want to tell this one I was just recently in Boston at a uh at a baseball game and my son is is 14 and is a big fan well his friends are all big fans he was never a big fan because he doesn't like to listen to me because It embarrasses him just to hear me uh and uh and and like anytime Obito is yelling he feels like I'm yelling at him but dead but I never yell at him I'm a very good dad but but uh so but now his buddies are all watching the show and so he is watching the show and he still thinks I'm a dork but his buddies you know like Obito and Toby And and so he likes the cred that that gets him uh and he when we are out in public we see people in in t-shirts and with stickers and all the time and all that all the time and he always wants me to just go up and say hey I'm this guy and I don't like doing that I don't do it very often I love to I love to interact with people and you know I I feel grateful for it but I don't I don't often interrupt someone else but the other day I was at a Red Sox game and I'm in line and I was snaking back and forth behind this guy who was wearing a Naruto shirt and the first snake I thought maybe I should say something and I was like nah I'm not going to do it and then the second snake back I was like I should say something I said I'm not gonna do it then the third time I was like I got it I want to say something so I tapped the guy in the back and turns around and I say hey are you a Naruto fan he goes yeah it's like my whole life and I was like um I'm the American Voice for uh for Toby and Obito and he goes oh I don't watch the dub and didn't care at all that you brought it home without one that's great that happens you got like a 50 50 shot if you approach anybody but he didn't care at all like and then we still had another two passes to go so then it was like and then I just see him and say I like hey how's it going I think I was in line for a bow above something very simple similar happened and then it was like oh I only do the dub and then I'm like please just say 253 your order is up you know because we just sat there and he had no interest right so you're stuck you're just stuck there waiting for your Boba and I like it when I I was at Macy's buying shoes and this guy's like you're kind of funny I was like yeah thanks so I just wanted those stories now so then I go I go uh I get the shoes and um or he goes you're funny what do you do I go I'm an actor and I've done comedy and stuff and and he goes what have you been in which is what everybody says right where do I know you from and you know you don't want to start listing all your credits but I go I don't I do it well I do a show called Naruto and he goes you mean Naruto it's like just give me my shoes [Laughter] no you asked if we set them straight though he didn't care he didn't care I didn't care another didn't care no go ahead sorry you asked if we ever messed with people the little girl came up to my table yesterday and she was she was very um exuberant but she was being pretty sassy she said you know you have short hair only boys have short hair and I was like well I have more teeth than you have I know but she was she was funny and so we went back and forth a couple times and she was like why are you here and so I held up a picture of Nurse Joy from Pokemon and I said your Pokemon will be just fine and she did a double take and she goes I can't even do that I was like I know that's why I'm here I like I like this kid thanks guys much love thank you thank you well uh Modera is the coolest character by the way um but wrong he's not even he's not here dude come on man that's not a good start read the room buddy um rewind careful careful careful he's got a sword uh what I want to ask is what is it like uh recording voice lines for the uh the video games like storm 4 and what's your experience with that yes [Laughter] can we now can now hear me three hours three hours of that yeah and a little bit bigger the next time hey do I know you you sound like Naruto said the bus poised to me last night are you guys here where are they the the video games are super fun to do there's it's a lot of action so what they usually do is put all the fighting stuff at the very end because the I will say to a person we all blow our voices out at the very end of every video game so uh all the stuff in the beginning which is the so you picked Shikamaru whatever or you know all the yeah oh so you decided to lose huh all those lines we do those in the beginning and you know like select the character or character dies or whatever it is and then they go okay uh we're gonna take a little break and when we come back we're gonna blow your voice out and then you get to go home and that's how it works yeah you know yeah I was doing uh one of the video games and we blew the voice you know they save all that stuff at the end and so we're you know yelling and screaming and all the efforts and then they say oh okay I think we're good we're done and so I go to leave and they're like oh my God wait wait wait Brian can you hold on a second we just found four more pages of efforts and screaming and I was like I mean because you you know really when you leave those sessions you are toast I mean you're blown out your voice blown out um I don't care how much training you have you know no one's born to yell and scream unless you're like a little baby that comes out of the womb um but so yeah it's it's taxing and um yeah but that was a that was a blow I was like four more what four more pages and I mean I've done 46 video games as Naruto so that's just the same thing over and over and over again you know yeah 46 some were like mini games I don't know I don't play that how did you even keep up with that number oh I didn't I can't but they do yeah okay I didn't think you could no Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. 3 good question I think Rock Lee is my favorite character no oh my God read the road [Laughter] first Modera now Rock Lee what the so uh these other mics off let's let them have a little alone time one of the reasons why he is my favorite character is due to his perseverance against all uh his obstacles uh with that said I want to know what inspires you guys to keep going during during your toughest times during my toughest times I guess I'll start because you love me so much I really do you know it's it's it's we've all done this show for a very long time as you know I mean 15 plus years right and um so so consequently with that time span things happen in your life right and so for instance to answer your question uh I lost my sister my dad five months apart in 2009 and we were knee deep in the show and of course you know they they try to accommodate you in some way um but you know I had a I had a week off you know 10 days and then we had to get back to it because it was really in the throws and it was really thick at that point you know Naruto is you know a lot going on a lot of scripts a lot of episodes and so so really as an actor you get paid to conquer whatever is going on in your real world life and then when they close that door and they say beep beep beep you got to bring it right and that's why you that's why you act um and so so sometimes you go to the studio and you're depressed and you gotta be Rock Lee um sometimes you go super you know like life is grand you're listening to your favorite you know song on the radio the windows are down the breeze you get to the studio and rockley's really depressed and then you gotta be really depressed um so so that really is you know that's that's what they pay us for right um that's why and that's why we all do it because you know that we like to play in that Arena it's not always easy especially when you are going through some really tough times um but for me I mean it's one of the reasons I love playing Rock Lee he represents you know so much that perseverance tenacity and and um persistence and just you know pushing through those hard times and so it's been you know really a dream you know I mean I I tell everybody I have a little figurine of rockly on my desk because he reminds me to never give up you know and to get up and and get it done uh so yeah so I feel very fortunate to play a character that helps me too uh anyway I don't want to monopolize the whole time and that answered there you go well I went through I went through a very traumatic divorce in the middle of this and um it was enjoyable to go to work and and be another person for a while and and yeah so Sakura is um she she is love as everything is but uh when and then just the love of the family everyone involved Jamie at Studio you know it held me through it all and um yeah we all go through stuff don't we thank you thank you yeah great question we're waiting for you oh you're up there is my favorite character is uh the ichiraku ramen workers [Applause] we all know Naruto is a Ramen obsessed fiend uh so if you could inject any of your personal obsessions into your character or give them a random Obsession to like go crazy over what would it be shikamara would be drinking Boba almost all the time green tea Boba with strawberry in the bottom if everybody can get one me one you'll get a free signed picture at my booth and my wife likes the coffee few things signed for free because I'm obsessed with Boba right now and a hug from Rockley it's a good deal uh my answer is always the same I [Laughter] I soccer is asleep this morning just want everyone to know she's here but slightly tired I still love you baby thank you thanks see this is our it's our sexy YouTube foreign wait just give you little clouds coming by right now suggestively placed so I have a question so if Rockley is obsessed with Sakura but Sakura we know marries what's his name uh and he's not here where is never here where does medley come from [Laughter] you really are sleeping come on let's just tell him now is it 10 10 is it the world wants to know and I don't think it's been asked it's it's not and I know it's crazy is they never told me it was the Immaculate Conception oh yeah Rock Lee gave birth to the first baby no in anime history um yeah honestly no one ever told me uh yeah I mean I would if I had to guess I think most people would say 10 10. um who's adorable I love Tintin dearly but I love you more we're gonna be at a panel like in three years and it'll be revealed at some point yeah yeah you'll have to eat all these words someone I don't even know um yeah sorry I I Toby would would love uh some coffee Toby loves coffee keeps him a good boy he's got to get up somehow and Obito probably is family friendly man I tore up some Ramen last night and I had a boba the day before that so there's a great Ramen place down the road that we we tried to get into uh the night before last and it was just slammed and they were like yeah it's about an hour wait and so I was like all right I looked down there there's like just not one seat available and I was like we gotta go to this place so we were looking forward to it last night and man so yeah being I bring a lot of myself to shisui it'd be all about Ramen and Boba I guess yeah yes I'm shocked you didn't drop Naruto's name those are the little I don't want the balls in my drink wasn't my drink okay careful great cool yeah she's your name being um a beleaguered assistant and a Healer would be would run on coffee and uh I think she would try to eat well but would easily down a dozen donuts at the end of the day these are all very relatable answers and I appreciate that [Laughter] me I'd like to think here the music's gonna start playing in a minute hold on I'm going to give you some stuff [Applause] thank you in real life if you had the personality of any character in Naruto then what would it be Naruto [Applause] hey uh Tom if you could sign my name too that'd be awesome he scores that so well it's scary um yeah so you'd play yourself I love it yeah so Mona Lisa of you I love it uh yeah I mean I you know I love Rock Lee I mean no but she says it and it's hard to say otherwise although I do Envy his energy sugar Morrow you know it's like if I could just be like what a drag like that'd be awesome that'd be such a fun session you say that but I cry chickamorrow cries more in the this show than anybody that's you come on raise your hand raise your hands right in front of Tomorrow awesome I cried it's like something wrong let's hear some tears you're her favorite come on give yourself in touch with his emotions in the entire show even though he acts like he doesn't care you don't have a fox living inside you man he's got some boba though that's obvious he's got some tapioca right thank you thank you thank you thank you my question is because I'm such a die-hard fan I also read the Manga I'm fully caught up do you guys get annoyed when people say boruto is better than Naruto uh they don't say that people don't say that nobody says that I heard that who let this guy in I've certainly heard the opposite yeah yeah there you go yeah thank you [Applause] you know they're both good I personally heard a lot of stuff about boruto in the beginning and but for those of you who haven't watched it I also think it starts slowly but it gets a lot a lot better so um but I have not actually ever heard that and the man Amanda is awesome Amanda Miller is boruto she's she's really awesome on that show they're very two very different entities so um try and enjoy them all because you know for all of us that just love the Naruto World in general there's you can find great stuff in both shows all shows I think there's just some really interesting stuff so my personal favorite Rock Lee and his Ninja pals yeah yeah thank you you get a free signing come up to my table VIP free hugs too we're buying these people now all right yeah anybody you know you're standing there like you you got an answer oh no I mean I've I've ridden the manga I really do enjoy it the anime some of the filler arcs I'm not quite vibing with but the manga is going great yeah yeah just the tone of Naruto is just much more serious and has a lot of emotion where boruto kind of fluctuates for me so I'll just as much as I'm enjoying boruto I just I can't not love it more than Naruto oh all right you know I think part of it though too is it's like when you go to Disneyland when you're 10. Disneyland is like oh my God it's huge it's big and I loved everything about it and then you go to Disneyland when you're 25 and you're like everything's so small and I what did they shrink the castle or what's going on like this it's kind of you know and it because it's never gonna be the same as that first thing you fell in love with so when you see the second thing that's like the sequel or the addition to it you kind of look at it it's like yeah but I don't have that same feeling that when I was 10 years old and carefree and life was just all you know but riding bikes and you know watching anime it's of course it's not gonna you know it's it's because you're different and you're approaching it from a different direction and I think we always try and recapture whatever it be whether the first time we saw Star Wars or the first time we saw Star Trek or whatever it was that thing always kind of the reason we fell in love with it is kind of the thing that keeps us from appreciating anything else that has to do with it you know so we go oh the Mandalorian is great but it's not Star Wars thank you guys so much thank you so much thank you I think that's just human nature what do you think his favorite is if you spike the hair and pull the mask you might I didn't have time to be honest uh I have three favorite characters so far and that would be Obito Rock Lee and Naruto oh thank God whatever oh my goodness um so I have a question for uh for Naruto um uh the best um out of all the fight of all the fight scenes um against different opponent what is the best what is the best battle um that you ever face in one of the episodes of Naruto um well I mean of course the the first fight with Sasuke was unparalleled I love that um recently I don't know why I've been thinking of uh when I was fighting with Gara and he was crawling along the sand and I know that was a long time ago but um I love that and I like the pain spoiler alert a long time ago paint Arc is pretty great oh yeah all right thank you So my answer is going to be a little bit lame but I'm just gonna say hey that everyone in Naruto is my favorite character [Applause] thanks so much um so my question and for all of you is um if you're able to create your own Jutsu what would you base it off of well eating so that's choji's Jutsu as Serenity Jutsu oh YouTube [Laughter] on the lens of Serenity a Jutsu that just makes people be nice yeah yeah a piece a piece too yeah oh God civility um yeah love and kindness inclusion true inclusion Jutsu I think all our leader our world leaders should just be comedians yeah I really do comedy I mean just brings people together it's like come on they don't laugh at all this hi yeah thank you thank you very much my favorite character is Naruto Uzumaki yeah yeah that's Dave freaking one I went to through a personality thing like Sasuke or Naruto featuring like ages 11 12. and yeah anyways um if you do you have any favorite Naruto character achievements throughout all those years well Sakura probably likes that she got Sasuke all those years although now she's dealing with a little regret a little buyer's remorse yeah exactly exactly should have gone with old bushy bro whatever apparently maybe we did not really yeah we had a little tryst you know uh Sasuke's gone so much you could have probably had medley while he was and he's gone now and who showed up who's here for you me here it is you're right you're right see ah the recent guns pretty cool um I mean just forming his finding his people and of course becoming Hokage oh yeah how many times did he say it I'm good I'm gay someday it took when we were in elementary school to like adult age yes that took a long time yeah anyway peace thank you thank you how did you get all your voice uh rolls well we all have agents and for the most part and we audition and um so for Naruto it just like every I mean I at this point in my career I'm auditioning several times a week um and I'll tell you like one of the best years of my life I kept track of all my auditions including on camera commercials voiceovers film TV and I auditioned 360 times and that year I got 11 jobs so you uh so you have to just you know put it out out there but you get a lot of rejection uh so our agents submit us for stuff and then we audition with it now we all audition from home pretty much and then um then they call you back in hopefully and then hopefully you get a job but like I just gotta the uh tiger and Bunny you guys know that whoa so like I I don't do other anime um but um they had so many characters in tiger and money that my friend Joe who's directing it he's like Miley will you just come in and do this character like because he was tired of auditioning people um and the character was good for me so uh every once in a while you get that kind of stuff which is a gift and you're very thankful for it and then you build your reputation and you know all these guys work and um you know when you're on a TV show now that you were given yes I got a TV show on ABC Prime Time yeah [Applause] yeah with Gina Rodriguez who's lovely and amazing so get your signatures from Miley now today because she won't be here next year too big right it is I mean people can say kind of cynically it's who you know but it's um it's it's more organic than that like is a a starting actor you take classes with people and you do shows for free with people and so your friends start to tell you hey I heard about this or you know what come do this show with me um and so for me that's how I got my first audition a stage manager I'd worked with said her boyfriend was casting uh a voiceover uh a dubbed cartoon and did I do voiceovers and I said as as I learned in improv just say yes and so I said yes and um I got that audition which turned out to be Pokemon and then people knew I did Pokemon so they were like oh yeah I know that show so you must be able to do dubbing which is a very particular skill so um and I had friends who did Pokemon with me and they were like oh tell this person you know me and so it it happens very organically and it it happens because I'm open to it you know and I'm willing to chat with people and and do the thing and do 20 auditions for every one job you gotta have thick skin I'll make this very quick but my whole career started just because my aunt's friend's son worked at a studio and he was recording a little cartoon and he said well would she come in for real cheap and sing as this little squirrel singing and I said okay and I had moved to LA thinking I was going to be you know the next greatest pop singing star in six months uh and then I was fine I'll go be a singing squirrel but that led to this moment right now so I mean that really is what got me into it because there was a woman from Disney at the studio and I met her and she said hey goodbye you'd be great and voice over and so then I wound up doing stay tuned we'll be right back you know coming up next on Disney and then that got me an agent and then this led to anime and then here we are now it's all interdependent and very organic yeah I think it's uh oh I'm sorry oh yeah I was just gonna say I think it's really important as long as you have a Thrust in life and assertion in life and you're going after your dreams whatever they are whether it's this industry or not um if you trust the journey and you do something every day at least six days a week or five towards your goal you will bear fruit um but you have to trust the journey because even a lot of the setbacks and the rejections um you learn from those things and if you say a lot of yes and you do the Improv rule of just being open to things because if we all have things we're probably embarrassed to say we did but when you're going through the Journey so anyway on Old Cinemax there was a show no um but no I mean it's it's you gobble everything you can you get experiences you get relationships I mean I have kind of a similar journey to you um in Pokemon I was doing Digimon at the time and a lot of that team went on to do Naruto uh so so it was nice because it's very rare in your career especially in the early days where you're asked to come in you know they're like they already kind of know you a little bit and they they know that you you can do it um and so I had a little bit of a leg up I mean I still had audition and go through the process but I knew some of the team and so so that was great but it's only because I said yes and to Flint the time detective you know one of these first anime and I didn't know what anime really was um and I did I'd never dubbed before but someone took a chance uh you know so yeah but just trust the journey because I think it's so often we get so beat up you know from from the setbacks and the rejections that we just kind of give up but if you just push through some of those that's when you really bear the most fruit and like you know in Iraq these sort of way you know get back up never give up and let me just add one thing about the thing about this career and life in general really but um you know who want to talk about that but this career um you never know what the fruit is that you will be born yes and as you go through it it that isn't even what matters yeah it's not a specific fruit that gets born yeah it's the it is the movement that you go that's what I want to be doing it's the movement it's the paying attention to what's going on in your innermost and acting from there and at the end of the day that is what you retain not a specific job it's not about specificity that's a great tandem it's about this yeah we didn't know we were auditioning or getting Naruto as it is today right it's like we just knew it was a gig right and a gig is great and working is so great and being with friends is so great and being you know being having the the opportunity the gift to be to to make a living as an artist is so great and is the dream to this day it continues to be the dream every day I wake up that's all I want to do um and it doesn't always work out that way and that's okay too but you it only he starts by saying yes and you do it and you do it because you love it and then once you and then sometimes it turns out that you know 17 years later you're sitting on a panel celebrating a show that you started ages before and that's when that happens it's like surreal but we would have done it anyway and we would have done it for free wait a minute conversation is over he doesn't speak for all of us I think we did do it for close yeah we basically did it for free yeah yeah I had been doing a Nickelodeon cartoon over at the same recording studio uh that that we all do this show and uh you know somewhere in between the half the first season or something like that um the main man over there came up to me and kind of pulled me the side and was like hey um I got this other show I'm doing uh I'm you know not a whole lot of money but uh it's called Digimon Fusion and um I got this you know the main character and uh I think you'd be I saw yeah okay yeah sure absolutely you know and um one of my other peers had always told me like you know just take everything they offer man take everything don't turn anything down and I was like this is early in my career you know pretty early in my career and so from that we you know we're doing a bunch of episodes of Digimon Fusion where I played Mikey and uh same guy pulls me over one day and says hey I got something in this show on Naruto that I want you to look at and then uh he handed me Uchiha and so yeah these things do snowball and become you know they used to know the paths just keep going like this and all of a sudden one day this thing comes at you and the other one and then you know if you love what you're doing and you're always saying yes these next thing you know you look back 10 years later you're like Mana did a lot of stuff well they just kept throwing stuff my way and I kept saying yes and now there's a lot of cool stuff happening in life you know so that's how that's how it played out for me all right yeah thank you thank you my favorite character is Naruto and Shikamaru [Applause] the question is what is your favorite line believe it what a frag ask me what my least favorite line is what is your least favorite line believe it [Applause] great question thanks buddy I just wanted to ask there any character not necessarily for Naruto um that you feel or you're you're just gonna be recognized for and do you wish that you had recognition for other roles Brian I believe you did Davis and Digimon and then um Kate you did Barbie in the Dreamhouse yes I did so yeah I just wanted to know I could say this the road to Naruto is littered with a thousand animes that nobody's ever heard of that we did three lines although these are these conventions are a great thing because again people go were you in shinzu and I'm like yeah it was 30 episodes and we did that you know like like nobody knows these shows but you guys know these shows and it's so fun yeah because everybody else in the world has seemed to forgotten them and uh but anyway you get one Naruto in your life it's a big deal you're lucky right you have a digimon and uh you know it's like they're huge and then you do the Thousand little things that nobody gets any recognition so yeah um I had someone come up to my table yesterday who saw Flint the time detective and that's a pretty obscure yeah you know it's my first one deep dive but he that was the show he came to my signing table for that show and I was so blown away because no one's ever come up to me about Flint to town detective and so we had this conversation it was and it was it was it was really fun and and I recorded that you know 1999 so it was 23 years ago but he said that was his show that he loved it and he would watch it you know round and round and so that was really fun to answer your question I mean yeah that was cool to go back in time like that the the thing about and you know sort of piggyback on what was said a little bit earlier is the the studio where we did Naruto does a lot of anime dub and so often stuff happens quickly and one or the other of us is in the thing and is in the booth and and uh and the guy runs the place Jamie Simone is this great guy sometimes says hey you know I've got the thing I've got I've got a gig do you want it and it's a yeah we always want it so uh the but there have been a couple of shows that I loved doing so uh the show called Twin Star twin stars Twin Star exorcists which is this bizarre show love it love it and uh and you know the pictures at my table nobody knows it some people may know but you know it there they are so fun and it is so cool and it's also weird it's also bizarre uh I did an arc on uh on Sailor Moon which nobody seems to care about but was like like cool people care about Sailor Moon but not not about my guy but I played I played a guy called Hawkeye and you know it was the weirdest coolest strangest 30 or so episode episodes of stuff I've ever done and then it goes away and now a picture sits on my table and every so often someone comes up and asks for the deep cut and they get loved because because it's like I love doing that you know so yeah it's it's a it's a that's a fun question and it's the same as the same answer too as we said earlier it's all such a gift that it's just like yes I love it it's awesome and recognition is beautiful but just it's icing it is it is absolutely icing the cake is the gig you know on that I'm just gonna tan because I know we're coming to a close but I will say this if you have a dream the really the metric right of like you know do I pursue it and give it everything I've got is would you do it for free you know if the answer is still a yes then you got to go after your dream if it's not then you go maybe not for me or another way is you think about the worst part of the pursuit of that dream what is the worst right what is the like the oh um and you still want to pursue that dream then you got to pursue that dream you know you just you have to uh because as we've all said in some way shape or form that we all would have done it for free um mind you I have two little kids that I put through college so it's nice to get paid um however you know if you're pursuing it you're willing to do it for free that really is you know that's what gets you out of bed thank you thanks everybody thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Convention Coverage
Views: 15,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Panel, Naruto, Maile Flanagan, Brian Donovan, Douglas Erholtz, Kate Higgins, Michael Yurchak, Tom Gibis, Nicolas Roye, Boruto, anime, naruto, boruto, naruto shippuden, sasuke, uchiha, Sasuke, itachi, Naruto Shippuden, kate higgins, sakura haruno, sakura, uzumaki, kakashi, hokage, shippuden, shinobi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, Naruto Shippuden English Dub, naruto english voice actors, naruto english dub, Naruto English, Uchiha, Naruto Engdub, Shippuden, ナルト, NARUTO, Noruto, Baruto
Id: kMZSMnob5rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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