Unmasking The Hypothetical Use Cases Of Death Note With The English Voice Actors

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Well, I would take my own name out of that book because somebody who I thought was my friend and to be like me. I'd try and find a really pleasurable way to do it. Did you just call me stupid? Well, you just narrowed down a tiny little region what an idiot i think most of us could say that what would you say the ending of it in light of what you just said? Anybody that's had a Death Note autographed this weekend, we better not see them show up on eBay. Or do you know what's going to happen you're watching convention coverage. I've been for all of you. So good. So great. Everyone's been here. Yeah, it's just still feels like it's just getting started, just getting cooking here it's great though. How's it been for all you so far? Good yeah, that's. That's really the most important thing, right? If you could erase one. Name off the Death Note who would it be? Erase one name. Yeah, and bring it back to life. I know who wouldn't be. Well, and then I obviously know who it would be me. Myself. That is kind of a loaded question yeah i mean, I mean it it's way too late for spoilers in this room, right you know, we can't look after. All right, Perfect. Well, I would take my own damn name out of that book because somebody who I thought was my friend decided right at the end to be like me. I'm done with this guy let's leave him sleeping on a very comfortable looking staircase so it just take out that name and then he wakes up with kind of a sore back and gets on with things. I agree take lights name off and let's just start all the. Hell yeah. I mean, we all wish there was a little more L in our lives, right so it's kind of pretty obvious. I feel like true to Mesa's form, it would be light. Correct. Good question. Thanks. Thank you, Thank you if. Elle didn't go to Whammy's house how do you think that would affect his character and his and the? Plot of the show oh. My gosh, I crave an Elle prequel show, right like, the origin story of Elle would be so interesting and it's just hinted at in the show. So, like, who knows like, maybe he would have turned, you know, feral or something he would be like, he would just, he would just be roaming the streets at night like a coyote, like looking for scraps of cake, you know, Who the heck knows i am some marshmallows god bless yeah. But yeah, I I feel so like he's just such a unique character, such a unique creation, that I feel like there would be just great stories to tell with how he ended up, where he ended up. Thank you or he would have turned up in a boy band. That would have been fun too. Thank you SO. There's been a recent surge of Death Note getting popular again because I believe Steve. As there should be. As this year, I hear they're going to make another American adaption of Death Note by by the writer of Stranger Things and recent. And recently there's also been like a Death Simpsons Death Note parody and. Such and. And and also, you know, the infamous American adaption of Death Notes so I guess going into this question is, have any of you seen either the Death Death Note Simpsons parody or the American adaption of Death Note? If So, what do you think of either of the two? I have i saw The Simpsons, just not on the night of Halloween, but I watched it the night after Halloween was when I got around to seeing it, and it was great i loved it i mean it's how much you're going to cram into a little 7 minute short and to see Lisa as, as light and it was, was was pretty interesting. But I I just love the fact that it's The Simpsons creators of all the choices of things to do their their Treehouse of Terror parodies about. They chose Death Note as one of their subjects and it was great i mean they they did it as well but I I love the the Death Note version the the movie. I was really pumped to hear about the the some of the casting for it especially for Ryuk but but you know Willem Dafoe is a phenomenal performer i love so much of his work and I thought he did a great job in it but it's. I don't know I don't personally I didn't think it worked as well as it could have but I am excited like you talked about the Duffer Brothers getting the rights to do a series and they did some great stuff with strangers things i love that series, so I'd love to see what they do and put the word out there if they're looking for a voice for Ryuk, I'm I'm open for business. I feel like Brian kind of sum that up. I did not watch either, but because I don't watch a lot of Simpsons, that's fine, right? That's. Cool that's OK. And I was advised to not watch the American version so. I had the the same experience with the the Hollywood reboot or whatever. And I've said, you know, I I I really want to watch this don't like oh, but I have to watch it, don't. So my expectations are now so low that I'm probably finally going to watch it and be like I loved it. But don't was me i was just behind him don't don't watch it light. I made it through 10 minutes of that thing and then I turned it about. Question i was curious if any of you had had the chance to read the novels. The manga. No, there's actual books. Oh no. So sadly, Light isn't really in them or Mesa. They're mostly about Elle. As they as they should be. One of them details a case that the case he worked on with Naomi before she died. So I was just curious if any of you had been able to read them they're amazing. I haven't, but I might now i didn't even really know they existed i think it may have. Is it one of them called Change the World or? Something and there was a movie of the same name, and the one with Naomi is Los Angeles, Phoebe Murder Cases. Ok, cool. Yeah, like this is only the second anime convention I've ever been to. So all of this is still, I'm still processing all of you like in all of this and and all thanks and all this new stuff that some of you are bringing to the table is a revelation right so stuff like what you're describing, I can't wait. I'll I'll check it out. And when you guys say thanks to us for coming, we have to throw that back to sack Anime and the fans for for inviting us here because we were invited by them to be here and we have to thank them for that we we're here because they invited us and and it's we're thrilled to be part of this it's just so exciting to. See thank you. You all were in possession. Of a Death Note, What is the most creative way you can think of to kill someone oh. My gosh. Wow i mean, I wouldn't want to, but if somehow I had to do it, I'm sure I'd try and find a really pleasurable way to do it. The most amazing thing ever like, I don't know, maybe it's skydiving and you didn't know the shoot wasn't open until just before it was open. Year was i don't know. Mine would probably be. You know, if I my would probably be having someone die doing something that they loved that's. So nice. Like if you love singing and you were on stage and you were singing and maybe you just kind of choke and die or something, but you know, at least you were doing what you loved or if you love to knit or crochet, you know, crocheting like a nice sweater and then it was like, then you're gone, you know, But then your last memory would be of something that you loved. Yeah, and everyone gets. Saved out of the funeral, they died doing what they. Exactly. Very cliche. I think I would go with overindulgence of chocolate rations. I got i got a big sweet tooth so there you go right? Right so, like diabetes Zing. Brown in a chocolate milk. Hot tub? That sounds glorious. As long as it's quality chocolate milk, yeah, Trader Joe's chocolate milk then. Oh, there you go. Good question thank you thank. You so much Brad, Brian. How do you resonate with? Your Death Note characters. Go ahead, Brad oh. All right. Well, I mean, OK. Yeah, at the beginning of the show or at the end of the show. So episode one. Yeah i mean, I could relate to some degree you know, I was a student at at some point and, you know, wide eyed and optimistic. And the saying is absolute power corrupts how absolutely and that's pretty much what happened to our friend Light. So as much as in some ways I can kind of get behind and and almost agree with some of the principles and some of the ideas, you know, idealistic as they may be, it is a very, very slippery slope. And he was clearly lubed up and went for the the ride so at some point my ethics and morals departed a little bit from his, but he got taken in by the the power. And you know, too much power for for one person without having to answer for it can be problematic and we see how it worked out for light so I I think I would have taken a slightly different path. It's hard to come up with a way is how you would relate to a death God. But as a performer, I love to observe people and what people do in certain scenarios. And that's very much what Ryuk is doing when he and have been known to be a bit of a troublemaker sometimes where I like to poke the bear a little bit, especially maybe in my younger days to see what would happen. So, and that's exactly what Ryuk did when he dropped the notebook, the Death Note to Earth he wanted to see what would happen when he was bored and observe and see the consequences of everyone's actions and that's it's kind of fun just to observe people and he love apples. And I also love apples yes, thank you. My favorite fruit? If this franchise managed to cross universes with other crime dramas more, do you think Elle would struggle? Trying to catch the. Elusive Jigsaw killer? Wow, what a question. Would he struggle yeah, I think that struggle might not be an Elle's vocabulary you know, like exertion, not really his thing. It's an interesting question because it also like, you know, I can imagine A League of Super Detectives, you know, L, Sherlock Holmes, Columbo, would that count i don't know. L in the trench coat, you know, and battling Moriarty, etcetera, etcetera i think that could be very fun you're on to something you should write it. Thank you. What do you think would happen if L picked up the Death Note instead of light? What a great wow. What a great question. There'd be a lot more examples of death by cake or death by lack of footwear, things like that. Honestly, I don't know if Elle would use it. I don't see him being particularly vindictive person or or inclined to be sort of, you know, have a Messiah complex unlike this guy. I feel like he would just leave it or bury it or hide it. Stay away fair enough. Too smart for that? Thank you. Thank you. Did you just call me stupid? L He's like, the best character. Of all time, it's a matter of opinion yay. And my question is for each of you, so which episode was your favorite to act in, like lend your voice to whether because like you did something like really cool, like Brian, like a laugh or something. And just yeah, which was your favorite episode to be part of? Knowing the episodes after 17 years since we recorded them, someone would have to explain to me what episode I did what when like oh, episode 12 or 13 or 23 i don't remember the episode numbers we used i just remember scenes and scenarios, the ones that always tend to pop out the most for me is when he jumps out of his sort of natural character of being the observer in the scenes where he loses himself a little bit to to to wanting the apples, because he's so different in those scenes than what he usually is so those are the ones I remember the most recording, but I wouldn't remember what episode numbers they are you'd have to fill me in on that yourself. Yeah, it was like a constant. I think I said this to somebody at my table today it's, you know, we would get these episodes maybe a couple days before to watch or the scripts. So it was this constant discovery as well for us acting in the show. For me, the great pleasure was as more and more of Elle's quirks were revealed, his eccentricities like discovering that in the moment and getting to play that was just a constant source of amusement i mean, I would literally start bringing pastries into the studio with me to eat and Carl, the director, would laugh at me because I'd have a muffin or a croissant or something from patisserie down the way. And you know, I probably gained 5 pounds you know, just recording this show. So that was a great pleasure overall but in terms of like individual scenes or moments, like the things that stand out for me are there's this funny little sequence where the three of us are sort of hanging out and all of a sudden it becomes like a sitcom or some like sort of like three 's company like, we're just in another show they would have just been besties and hung out and played board games and eaten a lot of cake. I love that whole thing as it shows sort of a lighter side. And then in contrast to that, the end of the of Elle's journey just before the very dramatic scene, almost biblical scene in the rain, where we, you know, get intimate with certain parts of his body. For myself, I would say any time that Mesa could kind of lose it and get really jealous and Cray Cray. Those were my favorite parts. I also, I was reminded today that I did do a song on the show and I can't. It's like careful what you do. And I now I was just brought back to that moment and anytime music is involved in a show and I get to use my voice in a different way that was really special and basically just like playing a pop star i mean I enjoyed every aspect but I'm I'm like Brian it was a long time ago so I can't remember exact scenes you're. Just a baby. And it's just a baby. Yeah, I remember. I mean, when you're talking about the last episode, it makes it easy to remember which episode it was. But there, prior to that, there was a a fun scene with Ellen Light involve tennis. So that was I won, no big deal. So that was a fun one because. I let you win. Right yeah. But for sure one of the most poignant episodes of the entire series was the last one. And I try generally not to watch too much of the source material, like the original Japanese of a show that I'm working on. I'll try and you know, if it's made available to us, I'll watch a little bit, try and get the the gist and the pace of the show, whatever but I don't want to do a performance it's just mimicking the Japanese actor because Japanese is like the coolest language sold on a so I I can't compete with that. But that last episode, you know, the show was already becoming very popular over here, which was not a surprise. And I knew that people were going to scrutinise my performance, particularly in the last episode, for the end of time. So I watched the original Japanese episode four times, which I'd never done before, and I got in my own head about it. And then I went in to record and we got to the laugh. And I recorded the laugh and they said, that's great, Brad, let's move on and I was like, let me just try it again. Ok, fine, whatever. And I recorded it probably four or five times. And the problem when you do that and they were happy with the first take is what you end up with is them having the opportunity to pick whichever one they want and the one that they picked has an accidental like horse Winnie in the middle of it, which was not intended that was just in the spirit of things, right that's, you know, probably 3 or 4 records in and that's the one they went with so, but that was a that was a fun episode to record. But it was also very sad because I knew the show was ending. So I was very difficult in that recording session because I made them let me re record everything multiple times. That was difficult and they're like, oh, I have a rewrite here too oh, great thanks Brad yeah, cool all. Right thanks for sharing guys. Thank you. Which character is your favorite that's not your own. L. He's super cool. I like jealous. It was just something about jealous that kind of got me right. Not a huge part, but no. Yeah, I don't know. I like i like REM too. My. Protector always so cool. I don't know does that answer your question? No. One here is saying really? You like Mesa, Yeah. No, that's good i just wanted to know thanks. Thank you. I couldn't pick any of them because then if you're like, you know, it's like picking your favorite child, you gotta be careful, no? I could say a million things about Death Notes i'll keep it brief i'll just start with Kira did nothing wrong. But. Agreed, Correct it was my first. Anime I watched knowing it was an anime, I watched Pokémon Yu-gi-oh didn't really know, but I was just curious. In Death Note is very, very popular in America. It's actually not as popular in Japan as it is here. I was in Japan recently, first study abroad and you can find tons of other merchandise from the time from other series that are running in Shonen Jump, but almost nothing for Death Note. So I was curious if you guys could pick your brains on why do you think it's really popular here in America specifically, not even just compared to Japan, but just why it took off so much when it's such a very Japan based story? And now too, considering we recorded in in, you know, 2008 or something like that. You know, I I think Death Note was fairly popular in Japan at the time. But the idea that, you know, Death Note was popular when it was released here in North America immediately and now it's popular again. And I think, you know, I think you're right, I think it's, it's it's not having a resurgence in Japan like it is here, which is I don't know i can't explain why that would be. It's a cool show. I don't know but I mean also. They have a lot of material to choose from so, you know, maybe Death Note comes out like, OK, cool, next. And for whatever reason, we're fixated on certain shows that we love and then, you know, you talk about them enough and then somebody's like, oh, I should check that out and next thing you know, there's a lot more interest in it again. I don't know either do you have a theory having been just been there? We just, there's a lot of people that we see with everything's wrong in the world it's very easy to clutch on it like, yeah, let's just kill them all. You know but. You know, when when I was in high school and I first watched it, I was very like, yeah, go for it like kill all the bad guys and now it's mostly an in joke amongst my friends because we all kind of started watching it around the same time because I was like, it was like what you said i was like, guys, I found this joke on death. Now we all have to watch it you have to see it. And my friend at the time, he looked exactly like Elle and we came to a convention once and he didn't even change what he was wearing. But I don't take up too much time. We got a lot of questions. Thank you it's a great question. One day we'll find out. Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah so in the first in the first, in the beginning parts of Death Note, Briuk's character has specifically mentioned that with using the Death Note it is easy to kill people, but the hardest thing for any person who was a previous user of the Death Note is hiding it so my question to all of you guys is out of character, how would you hide the Death Note from people? Ok, so I would have I'm just, I'm spitballing here, a drawer, and you take the inside of a pen and make an elaborate thing that only shows up once in the whole show yeah, that's a. Cool idea it it. Is it is kind of interesting there's so many different ways that you know, light in particular, but other characters as well try to manipulate situations and hand off, you know, bits of paper, you know, which they're pretending are from the Death Note and then they have secretly have little hidden bits, you know, in a watch or something like that and, you know, handing over bits of pages to people, well, now they get suddenly, see, you know, shitty gami all over the place and whatever so I mean it's it's an interesting idea. What I've learned from the series is you have to be very careful about how you treat that book. And you know, even in the series at some point they're they're adding extra rules in there which aren't real rules and stuff to try and trick people and and whatever so yeah, the book itself is really kind of, and I know there's several books in the show, but it's almost its own character just because it has to really be treated with kids gloves and it has so much power. So that's a really tough question. What would I do with i think I would just leave it alone to begin with. Let somebody else pick it up, you know, like, oh, what's this a new thank you. I just hide anything. I'm usually trying to hide in my sock drawer. Doesn't everybody do that? It's just a sock drawer no one wants to look in a sock drawer. To be fair, I just don't. I just don't want you guys to know where I've hidden it, so I'm not going to tell you that. I think I would sew it into one of them i think I would like rip out a page each day and then sew it into one of my garments that I was. Wearing that's more. Stylish. I know exactly. I I would stash it at a Public Library somewhere in some dusty corner for someone to find. One day Philosophy section, yeah. Or cooking. Thank you, who is totally on the side of Kira being able to kill. Anybody, whenever he wants at any. Time versus not being on that side. I am not on that side. I'm not on that side, sorry. That was distracted i am decidedly not on that side. Well, I almost have to be on that side, don't I? But I've also watched the series, so I'm not necessarily fully on that side. Because no one person can be trusted with that type of power, right because you know, who do they answer to nobody well, that's a bit of a problem. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If Light were more careful at the very beginning of the show, such as not, you know, writing all the names in right after school so that L could discover, hey, all these deaths are happening at around three PM japan time, Maybe he's located in Japan and maybe he's a high school student. How do you think the story would change would L have been able to catch Light if he were more careful in regards to writing in the Death Note and planning out the deaths? For criminals, some of the stuff you're saying here is is absolutely correct it's it's reminding me like one of the biggest blunders that Light made early on is there was like a news broadcast and he's like, oh, huh, I'm going to take advantage of whatever and it turns out that it was only live airing in one region. And you're like. Oh. So he's just assuming at the very least it's nationwide and then it's like, oh, well, you just narrowed down to a tiny little region. What an idiot. So I mean to answer your question, if he was much, much more careful and much, much more patient at the beginning, I think he could have done a much better job at, you know, eluding some of the capture and whatnot. But it also would have made for a much longer and less interesting to watch series, I imagine so, I mean, we all watch movies or read books or TV shows or something like why would they do that like, well, if they didn't do that, you don't have much of A story and then it's kind of boring so and it kind of played out unfortunately how it I suppose. Had to Mistakes made. No. Yeah, we've been, yeah, exactly what Brad said like, it's the human failings it's the pride, it's the hubris or their weaknesses that make characters more interesting when they reveal them and you know, it would, yeah, it would have been hella boring if Light just nailed it every time. And L was you, just all you saw of L was him eating cake that would be, you know, the novelty would wear off after a while. So you think L would be like, oh, it's just a string of coincidences? Back to my cake, basically, yeah. On to the next case yeah the jigsaw killer or whatever. Thanks, Thank you if you could change one thing about your character. What would you change the end? I think most of us could say that what would you say the ending of it yeah, would still. Be alive. That my parents would still be alive oh. Footwear. I wish Light was a little nicer to Mesa. Yeah, yeah. He turns into a bit of a Dick yeah. Yeah. Right. Well, you know, particularly in how he treats Mesa it's just not nice, no. I told Light I would write his name in the notebook when the time came, so it happened exactly the way it should. Wouldn't change a thing, except maybe more apples of course. Are you picky with your apples? Am I picky? Yeah, I'm a little bit picky it is. Some people know it is my favorite fruit i'm not just saying that because I play Ryuk it is my favorite fruit i'm pretty much the only one in my family that buys bags of apples and I'm the one that eats them all the time. They have to be very crisp, very juicy, and I prefer a sweet apple i'm not the Granny Smith like the sour what? About a Pink Lady. Yeah, I like those they're. Pretty tart, yeah? A little bit tart, but crunchy and juicy is what's important juicy. So where do you stand on Red Delicious? The worst. The worst a. Lot of the Gala or a Fuji right now envy apples are very delicious. Honey crisp, Honey crisp. Oh, honey crisp, Honey crisp. And to to expand on that. Organic always. Apple pie. I love apple. Apple crisp. I love apple crumble. Turnovers pie all of it. All right. Apple sauce. Come on. Guys, that wasn't the question apple Jets, Thank you thank you what was? Your favorite. Part about working on. Death note. Those are always the hardest things when when you worked on something as long ago as we did, when we were actually making it and we don't. We never got to work with any of these great performers not one time. I was never in the studio with any of them once ever. We saw our great director Carl Williams on the other side of the glass with an engineer and just ourselves doing our lines only. I heard some of the performances because sometimes they would have recorded before me but never saw them at all. This is the first time you guys are seeing all of us together in one room ever. I think this isn't it i don't think we've we have never been. You guys are the first we've never all sat beside each other like this, so. We've never lived in the same room together, all four of us. I don't think you're right. Not even on another show, I don't think. In life have. We I don't think so. You live in Langley or something? In Langley now yeah, so. This is a first, so it it's hard to pick favorite things, really. It's right now, yeah wow and I'm not just saying that, actually it's like, It's the experience of rekindling and remembering reminiscing about something you did a while ago, old lover that continues to ripple like that, still is like people are are digging. That might be the best that might be the best prize anyway, of it all. That's that's completely valid you know, like like you're just alluding to we work kind of in a in a bubble when we record these, it's one actor at a time. The first time I met Shannon, we did an interview together for like one of the DVD's right towards the end of the of recording the series. So we had recorded a bunch of stuff, whatever and then I'm like, nice to meet you and now we're on camera doing an interview as like a bonus feature or whatever, like we'd never officially met. Until then, never even heard each other's performances really i don't think maybe I. Sometimes some stuff was recorded before, we might hear a bit, but yeah. You could hear like the line. Meeting up? But, but more often than not, I think for the episodes I was one of the first in. So I never really got to hear any of the the the opposing dialogue from the existing stuff i would get to hear some of the stuff from the previous session so I knew kind of where your voice is sat for this and everything but but sorry, I'm getting distracted to to your point though one of it's interesting that one of the best things about working on the show is almost 15 years later, here we are we we record kind of in a vacuum almost. And then it's the response that we get from you guys when the show comes out that kind of validates, you know, our work on it and our our hopes that, you know, everything kind of comes together well and you know when we're, you know, 15 years later and you guys are still saying you really love the show, that's awesome. You know when else does that happen in life it's it's pretty special thing and here we are. And I'm actively curious as to the reasons why like I watched it again and it's cool, I get it. But I'm really curious to hear from you guys over, you know, the next couple of days and then beyond what it it speaks to the other person's question, what is it about that it's resonating right now in America particularly i'm fascinated by that. Thank you cool. Thank you guys. So my question is actually just based on like if you've seen both of the openings for deaf note. Opening. So. Yeah. We're talking music, right? What do you think? Which of the two do you prefer personally? I'll take this one. I mean, I really liked the the first opening, great song, great bit, whatever. And then it switched gears and maximum the hormone are amazing. So I loved it and it's funny, I went into, you know, that recording session and, you know, Carl, the director knew that I was a music guy so he's like, you gotta check out the new opening and like, what are you talking about he plays it for me like, Oh yeah. And I was a drummer too, right so I'm like, I'm hearing that i'm like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I've actually it's funny 'cause the first opening I learned how to play on guitar. Yeah, we want Brad to sing this for us at one at a con he's done it before. I I learned how to play it on guitar and I sang it in Japanese at some point, but that was a long time ago I was, so I don't. Remember it again, Brad. I'll, I'll figure it out. But I also figured out how to play the the second opening on drums and it's a fun one to play. So at some point it'd be awesome if one of these shows had a drum kit set up and I would, I would show you, I would wail i think it's awesome, yeah. I love the second one too it's just like, it's so chaotic. It's like. Amazing it's in my head now thanks for that i don't. Know if you guys know this, there's actually a short sequel manga to Death Note. I believe it was called Akira and spoilers everyone for the manga if you haven't seen it but the short version is, many years after Light, the Death Note shows up again another person in Japan finds it, decides to call himself Akira instead of Kira, to kind of honor it, but instead of using it, he tries to sell it. He sells it to the United States for an an exorbitant amount, basically apparent. I I can't remember the actual amount but it it gets split by like most of Japan and as a result the King of Death actually makes a rule change, a legitimate rule change that you cannot physically sell the Death Note if you do, both the buyer and the seller get killed. So my question to you is knowing that in the in the day, in a day and age where the death note would be known, like if if heart attacks started happening you people would kind of catch on. How would you guys try to monetize the use of the Death Note? In light of what you just said, anybody that's had a Death Note autograph this weekend, we better not see them show up on eBay. Or do you know what's going to happen? We were just told it's not going to go on monetizing the death. Note and this can be either you guys or your characters. Like maybe would would L You said L before L would not be vindictive, but would he no. Ok. I don't think Misa would either you. Wouldn't take out a few of her pop rivals I. Mean doesn't use money, so he doesn't need money. But you would probably find the right person with the right maybe an apple farm. Maybe, Yeah oK, Yeah. See if they can. Trade it to someone with an apple farm. Just let let where you live in the shed and do whatever you want with the book. That that is like a very black market, bidding wars on little scraps from the Death Note. Yeah, 'cause they. Only said the physical. Book and I I I think the rule doesn't say anything about. Scratch yeah, you could like basically shred it into tiny little bits and then you know, re mulch it and stretch it out and make it last for as long as you can oK, Brad. Has been thinking about this. I am now maybe. If you if you stretched it out, maybe it would lessen the impact, so instead of dying you would just get like really bad gas or you know. Which could feel like. That which? You know, oh, that's a good one. Good question. Thank you my. Question is what is your? Favorite moment in Death Note oh my. God. Now I want to say when this guy gets killed, that's just mean. That's not true, anyway. When light dies my favorite moment. I'm rocking for my brain for moments, so we haven't already mentioned gosh, like the first time that we meet in college i love that whole scene when the first time our characters actually meet in person and that whole where it where it all begins, the cat and mouse. When Elle's wearing that goofy mask too, like that whole bit, like there's one point where they're they're walking kind of through like the quad or whatever, and he's got the goofy mask on and it's just, it cracks me up. Like, I can't help but like it's just, it's just priceless and you know right away and that was like pretty early on so you're like, this is going to be an interesting show like, I I want to see where his character goes too, because it's just like visually, it's hilarious. That reminds me of a couple moments that I like, too, is when you know, Light kind of thought that he had gotten, you know, was about to pull one over on on somebody who's about to kill. And he snapped out of the good guy character for a moment and basically he was like, yeah, I'm Kiera, what are you going to do? Or then they wander off to their death or something like that like, those are fun little bits, because you get to see just the maniac under the surface, right? All right thank you very much thank you thanks a lot. Thank you so much guys. Thank you guys.
Channel: Convention Coverage
Views: 9,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ConventionCoverage, Convention, Coverage, Panel, Anime, Full Panel, Death Note, Shannon Chan-Kent, Brian Drummond, Allesandro Juliani, Brad Swaile, Light Yagami, Ryuk, Yagami, Death Note Panel, Death Note English Cast, Death Note English Voice Actors, Death Note VA Panel, Death Note VA
Id: 6RpDMEriz6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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