Naruto (ASMR)

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Oh English sorry I just heard that we were getting me a new you know she know me so I just assumed yeah uh my name's wasn't liking that oh nice to meet you yeah I heard you're gonna be joining one of the teams hmm all right okay so while uh you know is off doing I don't really know you're gonna be part of the you know she's Joe is it without the email hmm cool uh I can tell you a little bit about the team sure you look uh sensei said you know go say hi so that's what I'm doing I hope that's okay yeah have you eaten I have some old ramen left if you like I could heat it up okay well let me tell you about the team so anyway all my nails you like them sakura-chan did them for me yeah she told me it was all the rage but apparently it's all but no Satguru huh so I think they're pretty cool anyway so Shikamaru he's on your team he's pretty cool laid-back guy yeah he uh does this thing with shadows it can make his shadow like moon stuff yeah uh oh yeah he uses an embattled when he you know can be bothered hmm I have tried it you know I almost have it I mean it's just part of the narrow Klan kind of jutsu thing but I'm sure if I put my mind to it I could totally nail it yeah then there's ah Choji he has this whole thing with like size change and stuff I mean he does know the best places to get barbecue bill yeah you're not gonna go hungry oh so you're gonna be moving from team to team cool oh you better believe huh let me think for another one oh so there's like cheapens theme well it's really keeping state but the team with Kiba he's like um kinda like a dog well he's not a dog akamaru is a dog gave his dog yeah you saw he's so cute big like he's like huge buddies he used to ride around on he was but now he's too big yeah they do this like thing where they spin and turn into Kiba fied well you'll get to see it if he went up joining their team yeah that's awesome and uh then there's Hinata she's pretty awesome uh she's bought with the Cuba clan they've got this thing where they like yeah does that make sense this is holding really good to see that stuff Bianca well they do this thing with her eyes and it's like yeah it's cool yeah whatever I mean yeah I can do stuff too but I'll tell you about that later uh she know is I'm nineteen he knows fun he's kind of creepy doesn't really see much he didn't control bugs yeah he's got these bugs they're like all inside his body and they're like creepy he once had a cockroach in my room and Hoshi Tomorrowland you know she's he's on like that one with the bugs but yeah circle you can make them do stuff and like I don't know be white another team oh well you think there is guy sensei's team yeah there's a Rockley he does tied it soon stuff punching and like kicking he's got this thing where he kind of turns red what what's super strong yeah yeah I haven't seen a much but if you get to see him it's it's something it's something oh you know I like to research other dainty little stuff when I say research I mean to sneak up and watch yeah Neji is also on at least team yeah oh there she is like he's actually he not his cousin he's part of the Hyuga clan with he's huh yeah he's a cool dude hmm he's got this like this thing again I'm sure I could totally master it if I tried but it's kind of his thing you know I'll let him do it for a bit the other she Oh actually she just dropped these off recently for me yeah they're uh kunai do you use them in your village oh well basically they just you throw them at enemies you can make them kind of turn in midair and they're super sharp funnily enough thing never well busy never almost never hit their dog I don't really know why we use but anyway tempeh she's great with weapons yeah she was like the weapons master she's got all the swords she's like no I would like to get on her bad side oh and their team leader is guys and say he's another one who does all the Titans of stuff and he's super strong but he's oh because he's got these like eyebrows just lightly yeah but I can arrange to get you some uh maybe we could go out after this and you could get some kunai and we could maybe Bob - oh my team all my team is the best obviously yeah so there's uh me with Mikey never told my speciality is actually shadow clones yeah I can like so why the fight stuff you know sometimes yeah oh they're pretty cool tiling fight and he can go off and do little missions and stuff and that when they get back I get all the info and I have the beautiful socrata my team yeah she's the pink haired uh you know girl you seen around oh and the building was destroyed yeah that sounds like Sakura did you feel like John her before yeah definitely Sakura somebody must have gone on her bad side but she's so cute uh and we did have um one other team member Sasuke yeah he's um not here in the village right I'm gonna bring him back to the village me you know mm-hmm easy piece of cake I'm just gonna go like fight a load of people but easy like I said definitely going to bring him back I keep my word that's my ninja way you don't believe me oh I am totally I would bet my right arm on it oh well through now we have someone fooling in this place sigh yeah fine bit of a weird he's like strange but he does have this cool jutsu he paints and then he can make plays like monsters and beasts and anything he paints cloud of these Scrolls I mean I'd they're made of ink but yeah even I admit it's pretty cool he's odd well he used to be part of e on booze oh no they're all a bit weird oh hi she said C oh no I meant you know some but you obviously yeah oh yeah he's super strong mmm like totally strong he's got this whole Sheringham thing that hot cesky actually has yeah um he can use it to like copy other just soothe its Sam you can't use it like over at the top though because it kind of dreams is shocked but yeah I would not want to get on the wrong side of God she's insane although I do want to get one maybe he's like really hot yeah we do have another son said well he's not saying he's a captain Yamato tied you oh yeah he's the one who keeps me in check not that I need to be kept in check but he's a Buddhist or so he can you know control me cue me gets out of control or whatever oh yeah it's some I like this foxy thing that's in my in me it's this whole big deal kind of sealed inside me when I was a baby my mom had fought this giant nine tailed fox living inside me honestly it's so annoying I'm okay now but as I can't I you need oh but it's fine I'm fine oh yeah I'm really more like buddies now it's cool oh and when I take control yeah oh you have a little uh something yeah it was like sand or something which uh village did you say you were from oh so that send me oh yeah Sam obviously so you know Gaara yes he's a a great buddy of mine I say buddy I know him I think he might hate me but yeah we're like total BFFs he's got the one tail in him I think I got confused yeah it's one I think it's like this funny brown thing yeah he can find that sand you know everywhere yeah well anyway you wanted me to take you to get some tools right good night yeah anything else you need what about a forehead protector oh you have one but obviously okay you don't want konohana fear from there that'd be stupid that's the last thing that I have miss stupid yeah they call me the child genius it was a Viking art though you probably heard them saying no you heard idiot it's not good okay Wow I have my wallet I should have yeah I think I'll have just enough yeah maybe I could oh I have an even better idea and paint we should go find her Rupa sensei have you seen him the guy with the yeah well we'll just tell him that I'm introducing you as the new member of you know she could Joe but not you know and uh you're starving after your long journey here and you need ramen obviously the most you know nutritious food around and you Lucas NC well he will totally cave and buy us ramen that's me well you obviously but I'll also plead because I have you know no money yeah okay it's a plan oh you did really side was out there oh come on well yes sir Patel I'm worried doing something no we'll just have to take him with us sigh doesn't really have a filter so he's just gonna blurt out whatever we say yeah we'll take saya with us he's he's okay he's a cool guy you saw her Choji on the way in are you sure oh well we're gonna have to take chalky with us too maybe I should take my wallet you know what forget it I'll use a shadow clone and we'll sneak out somehow it'll be just us two I don't like a date or anything I mean we'll just go out and you ready I've gotta do this together okay okay just done you
Channel: VisualSounds1 ASMR
Views: 136,099
Rating: 4.8298497 out of 5
Keywords: asmr, naruto, shippuden, anime, manga, cosplay, funny, sleep, relax, whispering, whisper, binaural, close up, gentle, hands, nails, costume, comedy, personal, attention, accent, acting
Id: Q4Z8eph8hDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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