Narita Airport Perfect Guide, How to Save Money on Narita Express and Shuttle Bus from Tokyo Ep.475

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[Music] hey guys today we are in Tokyo Station heading to Narita Airport unfortunately it's raining even it's almost April but still the Sakura hasn't blooming yet it's 25th of March 13° wind is 3 m/s compared to the regular year it's much cooler that's why and tomorrow it's raining too so probably tomorrow day after tomorrow the Saka will not blooming yet neither the AR sakas are already blooming but the main Sakura is not yet so in this video I will show you guys how to get to Tokyo station to Narita Airport and Narita station to Tokyo station I will use the Narita station and also the express bus so that you can see the both way and also I will show you guys the travel tip and how much it cost hope this video will help for your next Japan trip plus yes it's the Sakura season so the Nar airport it must be really crowded in the last video I visit Hana airport and it makes me surprised so hope you can see the travel situation in Japan as well anyway so let's keep walking by the way hey guys welcome back to Ryan TV I'm Ryan s go all right so let's keep walking so on the the way let's go to Narita Airport by the express bus now we are in the maruno side but express bus entrance it's y side so we need to go to the other side of the station you cannot enter the gate unless you have the train ticket so you need to use this passage it's a big station so a little bit complicated it's Monday afternoon however Sakura travel season and all also the spring break because of that there are still so many people in Tokyo Station in this passage there's a cake store too usually there's a long line but if you never tried a Japanese cake it's less sweet compared to the American cake so maybe you can try even today there is a long line though those are the gift shop area usually I don't see lines on the weekday but yes now let super busy season for them too if you have no idea where to get the souvenir you can always buy the souvenir in this daal department too it's the popular department store they have the nice souvenirs we are almost at the shadow bus terminal it is located in the ice side as you see there is a big roof so even in the rainy days you don't get wet oh wow seems like they is a long line for the bus I'm not sure if this line for the shadow bus to the airport but uh that's a long line oh wait I just realized that's a line for taking taxi yeah now Japan we just have fewer taxis compared to tourist so we need more taxi we just have the taxi company and the Uber is not available there is a Uber app but you need a special license for the drivers so only the professional drivers is there well the Japanese law is changing however you guys know that Japan is a very conservative country so they need time hopefully maybe will change in several years when it changes definitely I will let you guys know so if you haven't please don't forget to subscribe to the channel anyways the bus stop is just over there so here we go number seven is the bus terminal oh wait seems like there's a long line for the X Plus bus too so basically each 10 minutes the new bus is coming you don't have to make the reservation you just need to be in line like this well I've been using this bus so many times but it's my very first time to wait like this so let's time how long we have to wait in line so the first bus is gone and probably the next bus is coming soon already the next bus came I don't think we can ride in this bus so probably we need to wait another 10 more minutes one thing we have to be careful is that they allowed one big luggage for one passengers so if you have several luggages you got to be careful if you don't have the train IC card you need to buy the ticket beforehand at the machine but if you have the train IC card you can just pay it Direct so make sure to get the train IC card it's really convenient traveling into Japan you can get it on the internet speaking of the price it cost 1,300 Japanese for adult and 650 Japanese Y for the child it's much cheaper compared to the train seems like we can ride on this bus if you have a train I you can touch seems like it's already crowded and the bus we just had to wait about 13 minutes not bad at all huh so this is how the bus looks like there's a space in front of you it's like the shinen and place for the drink holders place and there is a charger by the side but only the USB one though there is a AC and the lights it's like a airplane this bus also has the free Wi-Fi as well let's check the internet speed the download speed is 7.6 which is not bad at all it's much wor than what I thought sweet on the way to go to Narita Airport by bus we can see the Tokyo Disneyland on your right hand that's the Tokyo Disneyland official hotel since it's raining we can't see that much though there is a cind castle over there all right here we go we arrived to terminal number three so now we arrived to terminal number three it took about an hour and 2 minutes if you are heading to the terminal 2 or Terminal 1 it's plus like 5 to 10 minutes from here so we will explore from terminal number three then we are heading to terminal number two and finally we are going to terminal number one the shadow arrives there and uh you need to cross the bridge to the terminal number three actually terminal number three is over there there is a sign too so probably you won't get lost there is a escalator and also the elevator too so if you have a big lugage you don't have to worry about it let's keep walking I could meet the viewer and the bus and go together that was a sweet moment I love meeting you guys if you see me on the street don't forget to go to me so that I can realize you are the viewer so let's keep working and here we go this is the entrance of terminal number three terminal number three is the small terminal there are only airplane company and also the LCC Airline as well whenever I use the LCC Airline just start from Tokyo to Osaka I usually come to the terminal number three even it's a small terminal there are bookstores and also many restaurants as well there are so many gashapon as well look at this C it's a gaming fish I have no idea what it means but it's the fish lighted up with the Rainbow Car very interesting and this Gap it's the gone handle so that means you can get this yeah oh this is interesting it's the meaning fo marriage in Japanese sun called this fox SP mask G is cute too let's keep exploring it's the souvenir shop but they have the CH prefecture stuff Narita Airport is the airport close to Tokyo so many people using Narita Airport coming to Tokyo however it is located in chba prefecture Tokyo Disneyland calls Tokyo Disneyland however it's located in Chiba prefecture too so they have the Disneyland subor too there's a la and also food court too here's a Chinese food and also the beef ball Mata it's like yoso Ramen drinking bar sushi Takaki beef Tong and also the burger ringa hat plus Udo the food court is located in front of the boarding area so if you got extra time you can wait and eat on the weekday afternoon terminal number three is food C usually it's not that crowded but since it's the travel season there are so many people here and that's it for terminal number three it's this small terminal now you see many people here but uh if you come over here not that busy season this place is super quiet now let's go to terminal number two Airport security is taking a rest now usually he's going around for the terminal number three one thing you have to be careful is that no restaurants after the security check only they have the cafe so if you want to eat probably you want to eat at that food CT from terminal number three to terminal number two it's a little bit far however still walking distance in terminal number three there is a bus stop however if you want to use the train you have to go to terminal number two it's about 420 M we have to walk this truck well there is a shadow from terminal number three to terminal number two too however thinking about the waiting time you have to ride on and the take off probably walking will be faster now 170 m to go almost there uh does Pokemon art so cute by the way if you arrive to terminal number two and taking Shadow probably this is the place that you need to come so this is how it looks like so that's the shadow if you take Shadow you will get here the terminal number three is almost there here we go finally we finished the Maron and it goes to the train station but we are exploring the terminal number two compared to terminal number three terminal number two is much bigger we better go upstairs so that we can see better wow yeah I really feel like this is one the most crowded time so many Travelers here usually terminal number two two it's quiet though when I arrive here I real realiz there are so many Travelers because of this m probably they are using some special detergent which we don't have it in Japan so that's why there is Yoshinoya in terminal number two oh wait what happened to the anime terminal this place used to be a huge Gundam and Anime shop here it was the Narita anime road but it seems like no anymore probably they are renewing now but uh yeah it became really quiet St at the end there is the anime shr there's a small Emma so cute Japan is the best five figures happy every day that's Attack on Titan It's s Art Online evang gon and also it's the detective Kang how many anime did you know that's the fun Street oh now they have the G sa bball with Mao Mao in Japanese called sabba Saba price is 743 Japanese y you can have the extra bowl of rice as well I'm wondering how much it cost in New York probably more than double or triple let's go to the departure Lobby by the way those are the airlines that we have in terminal number two compared to terminal number one it's a bit small but compared to terminal number three it's a big terminal here we go we arrived to the departure Lobby it is not as entertaining compared to the hanada airport terminal number three it's the week day on the weekend probably it'll be more crowded shopping and dining is in the fourth floor last time when I visit Narita Airport still there were several places are under construction but I believe now it's all open I love airports atmosphere and also it's always changing so that's why I love this Place how sweet look at that so many different kinds of stickers buggy there's small McDonald too now they are having collab with Dron H the kids Mill have the Dron tie oh there's a tonot ramen restaurant and look at this tonot space spicy noodle must be pretty good tonos D noodle that's the Chinese food they have the set menu items 1,600 Japanese and 1,550 Japanese so pretty much similar to The onir Rice Bowl that I ate in the last video I think that's our average price for the airport how about here oh seems like this restaurant looks much healthier those are the salad and also the pancake too H this place as well the price is about 1,500 Japanese y so I guess if you are thinking to eat in the airport those are the price average and here it's the shopping street oh that's good you oh wait it's made by cookie sweet that's beautiful oh my goodness look at this pistachio Su it must taste good 10 for 756 Japanese y sweet there is a Muji to go in the airport and also gindaco too speaking of gindo compared to the Osaka original takoyaki it's a bit different but it is pretty good there takoyaki is more like you know deep fried crispy also speaking of the price eight pieces is 580 Japanese so you can save money too how about the observation deck hopefully it's not raining outside let's [Applause] see huh it stops raining in terminal number two obser deck still we can see the airplane but definitely if you want to see the airplane You' better go to the terminal number one though oh here we have the advanced gacha it's the smart gaja pone whenever you use the Gap you need a coin right but this one you can use the train IC card and also the cash pay as well you can just pick the Gap wait most of them are sold out out but you can just pick the Gap phone and you can p it here then you can do the Gap phone Advanced how about this vending machine oh that's the special vending machine the t- shop made this wait this one cannot use the cash pay so not Advanced however they have this special latte price is 130 Japanese Yen that's interesting so I want to try that you can change by the category the sugar cream and also the coffee how much you want to have let me see the machal late let's do it I think smaller one is enough to try it takes 30 second it's counting down now it's getting better but in Japan still cash talks so if you are traveling to the countryside definitely you need to bring the cash here we go oh sweet they have the cap too much is found my favorite we got a fancy cup too bye oh compared to the bottles one it has the more condensed Mata flavor yeah you know potato potato but you know tastes a little bit different one other things that I love in the airport because there are so many trash can trust me this is so only place that you can find so many trash can here after you get out to the town you can't find the trash can in the town in Japan so you got to be careful well Japan is a Korean country however there are much much fewer trash can compared to the other countries so when you get the trash basically you have to carry around until you find the trash can so be ready for that oh that's the Pokémon store oh my goodness look at this Pikachu The nalita Limited versions Captain Pikachu so cute they have the flight attendant as well 2,640 Japanese year that's so cute ah look at this it's the K King Mona it's the super fluffy rice cracker you can place it on the Mis soup that's so cute price is 1,296 Japanese yet and they have so many different kinds of Pokemon utensils that would be the perfect souvenir for kids oh they have the Pokemon F Kake too it's basically made by the seaweed place it on the white rice it's the very popular way to eat the white rice in Japan especially for the Bento now it's the North Area they have the tonat Hamburg steak and also udong Ramen 2 pric is about 1,500 Japanese y even this big one as well oh there is it's the standing bar there is no chair in the restaurant so that you can quick eat the sushi and go it is a popular chain restaurants Su six piece 1,800 Japanese Yen and if you eat more special one 3,300 Japanese G you can order it separately too though it is the very popular standing sushi bar pretty much you can find you know in many big cities how about here looks like it's the Japanese food oh unagi 5,600 Japanese y s here however katong is 1,690 Japanese yendo which udong Japanese Cuisine and also SOA and udong we can see outside from here seems like rain has stop though there are more restaurant in terminal number one so let's eat in terminal number one from terminal number three to terminal number two we could the walk but for terminal number one we need to take the shadow because it's pretty far in order to take Shadow we need to go back to the first floor now we came back to the arrival Lobby yeah seems like it's super busy so many Travelers are living to Japan H anyways let's get out oh it's right on time yes from number eight you can find the shuttle terminal number two to terminal number one so let's ride on it is not crowded at all though sweet we arrived to terminal number one now terminal number one is bigger compared to terminal number two and three let's explore here we arrival Robby now at hanada airport terminal number three compared to that I think Narita Airport is more crowded now it is very walk yep so many people arriving to Japan now wow it's the bus ticket counter there's a long line let's go upstairs now we arrive to the departure Lobby compared to terminal number two and three three terminal number one is much bigger now it is busy because of the Sakura season and also the spring break however it will be busier in the 1st of May which we call that the golden week it is one of the biggest national holiday in Japan and it will be more crowded in the town so if you don't like the crowd avoid the golden week time since it's not raining let's go to the observ deck oh that's Salada Bowl restaurants they have so many different kinds of Salada Bowl prices about 1,500 Japanese and 40 medium size there are more shops if you are planning to kill the time in the Narita Airport and if you have plenty of time maybe you can come over to the terminal number one if you are staying in terminal number two last time I at it here they have so many options of food and the price was good too now they have a k meal this one looks pretty good too huh 1,650 Japanese y but today I want to try something different though it's the unagi restaurant it's ton KATU and also Yakiniku and sa oh it's sold out the popular set menu item huh yeah yeah I understand today must be a busy day for them let's go check the upstairs there is Fu Restaurant and also conveyers restaurant too also we have this Sky food CT oh I didn't know we have the Goon in Narita Airport it's the popular pasta chain restaurants why not today let's eat pasta It's the popular pasta chain restaurants in Japan you can find it pretty much everywhere now they have the special spring pasta this one is the pork with veggies salmon and hotate ah this one looks pretty good huh and this one is MOA cheese with tomato base and white Bak with shrimp I usually order this half and a half since this is my first time to inter introduce let's order half and a half you can have two different kinds of pasta here the price is 1,550 Japanese Yen if you add 500 Japanese Yen you can have the drink salad and also dessert as well I can choose a drink and also the sweets from those three this matcha tiami suit looks pretty good but I ordered this creen blouet with the strawberry oh I was pretty hungry so happy that I can eat oh so I think this side is brighter okay so finally I can eat let's eat so there's the daon radish salad and the two pastas there is a special dressing looks pretty [Music] good this D Rish salad is one of my favorite usually we can always buy it at the supermarket with a very cheaper price so whenever I want to save money and it feels like I want to eat something healthier then I always eat the D radish with avocado yeah it's much healthier right and it comes with this soup this one the soup with dashy nice dashy flavor there's a small tof inside and here we go it's the seafood pasta there is the shrimp and also the mushroom I love the seafood pasta speaking of pasta it is really popular to eat in Japan it's really popular for the students as well because compared to the rice basically white rice in Japan it is more expensive compared to other country so if you want to save money the pasta would be the best option well it's not in Japan however when I was a student in the states whenever I want to save money I always ate the spaghetti as well yeah I got the bunch of pasta and with the spaghetti sauce I could just boil it and eat it with the meat sa it tastes pretty good too and it's much cheaper as well so yes still the past day I have a nice memory with it and I loving it [Music] too and this is really popular pasta in Japan this one called M pasta there is a spicy cck roll well it says spicy cck roll but you know it's not that spicy and also it perfectly matches with pasta spicy C roll is popular to eat with white rice but it's pretty good with pasta too this is one of my favorite pasta nice butter flavor with spicy cck roll really good with it well maybe if you're wondering why R you eat the spaghetti like the ramen noodle with chopsticks well actually speaking of pasta it is really popular to eat with the Chopsticks you know if I go to the fancy Italian restaurant definitely I will use the fork and the spoons but when I usually eat the pasta at home I use the Chopsticks yeah especially this restaurant it's a Japanese pasta restaurant so Chopsticks would be good [Music] too CYO here we go time for dessert and coffee so it's the strawberry bread there's ice cream on top it must be pretty [Music] good here now is the season for strawberry in Japan so there are so many strawberry items strawberry is one of my favorite so I loving it well I think I ate the strawberry grasses but I think speaking of the price including pasta and also the desert and drink total is 2,000 Japanese y I think thinking about it's in the airport pretty good deal huh here small Japanese lesson strawberry in Japan jaes called Ichigo Ichigo I always give you guys a small Japanese lesson too so if you haven't please don't forget to subscribe to the channel That was pretty good if you want to try the Japanese style pasta maybe you can try The Quon now let's go to the observation deck hopefully it's not raining outside though ah in nighttime it's so beautiful seems like it's under constructions huh oh the airplane is just leaving sweet there's a place to sit down so that you can see the airplane the good part there is a place that you can place the can so that you can take photo compared to the h airport Narita Airport observation deck is much smaller so I like Hana airport more though however usually the flight using the hanada airport is more expensive so probably if you want to save money you can find the airplane leaving from Narita Airport because this place is more for Place compared to the Hana Airport from main part of Tokyo City but if you take the bus or who take the train wouldn't be a problem so you don't have to worry that much all right now let's go to the train station the train station is in the basement floor let's keep walking we are using the Jr line there is a K line and also Jr line if you have a specific train that you need to take don't make the mistake and Narita Xpress is the Jr line it's leaving about two trains per hour you can buy the ticket over here however I trry recommend you to get the mobile Seer though because it's much easier you can use it with the Apple watch too next train is leaving about 10 minutes from now this is the way to go oh it's already here so so this is the one in order to ride on the Narita Express you need to make the reservation basically you can buy the Xpress ticket with this machine usually it cost 1,730 Japanese Yen however that's the price for Xpress pass but you need to pay for the train fee as well so all together it becomes 3,072 Japanese y let's go inside the Train by the way of course you can smoke inside and also there's a Wi-Fi in here this Narita Express going to Tokyo station but also until Shinjuku station too so if you are heading to Shinjuku you can also use this train it is a big train it's bigger than Shinken I feel like there is a restroom so that you don't have to worry about the restroom also place to set your hair too you can brush your teeth here too so let me show you how the seat looks like there is a place that you can place the big luggages so that even if you have the big luggage you don't have to worry about it also there's a log yeah it's safe now we just arrived to terminal number two and three so if you are taking the train from terminal number two and three it's the same thing and here this is the seat I reserved it's the nice seat plenty of space you have in front of you and also there is a desk as well one thing we have to be careful is that seems like there is a no power outlet usually shinkansen has the power outlet over here but Nar exppress they don't have the power outlet after the terminal 2 directory going to the Tokyo Station number one it only takes 59 minutes it is more comy and fast but it's just more expensive so is there a way that you can save money yes you can just simply reserve the ticket online it is just simple this time because of the ticket less option it was 35% off and the price becomes 1,120 Japanese Yen which is about 600 Japanese Yen cheaper so it's like one y I save money it's really simple it's really quick so make sure to get the ticket online before you ride on it this time I just reserved the ticket at the restaurant while I was eating basically you can reserve the ticket right before you ride on the train so if you are comfortable using the internet then definitely you'd better get the ticket online and if you register the train I see card over there too then you can just touch and enter so it is super simple well but if you have time and you want to save money there is other option as well you can take the K line regular train it only cost 1,200 Japanese y however you need to change the train once and it takes 1.5 times longer which is about 90 minutes so if you have kind of like motion sickness on the back then yeah that could be the option too well Narita expl it is more convenient and comfy as well but it is just more expensive number of the lock you can get your baggage at the terminal station all right here we go finally we came back to the Tokyo Station this train goes until Shinjuku it's a huge train huh that was pretty quick and Coffey however yes speak cost to double so unless if you have the JR Rail Pass probably you want to use the bus unless you don't mind to pay money for that though it's the rush hour time usually this time's Tokyo Station it is super crowded if you use the regular train probably you take the seat so Nar Express would be easier well Japanese packed train is really packed so if you are traveling with small kids or you know baby stroller probably you don't want to use the train around this rush hour time so you got to be careful and here we go we came back to the Tokyo Station I am wondering if still outside it's raining or not seems like it's not raining huh not raining day definitely it's better by the way nighttime Tokyo Station it's really beautiful this is the maroi site so if you visit Tokyo Station don't forget to visit this Maro Square too it's the graduation season for college student too so there are many people wearing hakama and taking photo hakama is a little bit different compared to kimono maybe you can tell it is the popular clothes for the ceremony especially for the graduation one thing we have to be careful when you use that train especially the backage place when you place luggage you can place the password however if you forget the password the bage goes to until the end of the station and finally it will release so for example that train goes until the Shinjuku station so even you get out the train from Tokyo Station you can't get your lugage back so make sure to remember the password if you lock it anyways so hopefully this video will have for a next Japan trip and you could see the Japan's atmosphere in the next video I'm planning to going back to Osaka by shinkansen and I will show you guys how to use the shinkansen train as well yes I was going to race in Osaka Osaka is my hometown so I'm going back to my parents' house if you enjoy the video or you think it will help for your next Stan tree please don't forget to hit the like button it will really encourage me to keep shooting videos and more videos are coming so don't forget to subscribe to the channel too goal of 2024 hitting 200,000 subscribers I need your help so please subscribe and a big thank you to all of the patreons if you haven't please don't forget to check my patreon account all right so see you in the next video soon have a great day [Music] bye-bye right now it is 12° it's almost April end of March yeah still thinking about it's almost April it's pretty cold I'm still using the heavy jacket this week there will be more rainy days so I don't think sakula will Bloom however this weekend it might be a sunny days and it will be warmer so probably the main Sakura s Yoshino will finally Bloom and the Japan town will be more beautiful with Sakura not sure though anyways in the next video I am using the shinkansen from this Tokyo Station there is the Sakura SP we can see the S yoso Sakura street over there too right now it's not blooming but maybe several days from now yes or maybe not anyways I will let you guys know on my Instagram account as well so if you haven't please don't forget to check my Instagram too in the Sakura season everywhere becomes beautiful can't wait to visit Osaka and also kiota too so please look forward to it see you in the next video it's going to be a good day when I see you coming down the road
Channel: Rion Ishida
Views: 47,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rion Ishida, Japan, Japanese, Narita Airport Guide, How to go to Narita Airport from Tokyo Station, Narita Express, How to go to Tokyo Station from Narita Airport, Japan travel Guide, Narita Airport Restaurant Guide, Japan vlog, Japan Travel, Tokyo Station Bus terminal
Id: hfiqrzQR3nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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