Nardwuar vs. Weird Al pt 1 of 2

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who are you you know a lot of people think I'm Kenny G but I'm not I don't play the saxophone well uh I'm uh Al Yankovic but you can call me Al Yankovic Weird Al welcome to Richmond British Columbia Canada ank you very very much we're down I have a quote here from Hunter s Thompson good is it does he say something pithy and unique this is what Hunter has Thompson says and he says when the going gets weird the weird turn pro and I certainly did didn't I that's what I was warning about what about mainstreaming of weird weird look how do you become weird these days you have to take it it used to be a four-year course now it's a five-year course to get accredited it's a lot of work and I don't recommend it for the timid or the meek where does weird go though like where can weird go these days where can you take weird you know I weird can you know it's been assimilated into our society you could be a weird belly dancer or weird of CEO president of a multinational conglomerate so I really you know weird is all over the place these days well do you feel a bit jealous at all weird out because Justin Timberlake with this dick in a box routine that won an Emmy as well it should have should have but that means like weird going mainstream totally mainstream he's scooping you weird al' well I don't look at it as scooping me alligators at me laying the groundwork so Justin Timberlake can have his moment in the Sun like the weirdness is out there it is more than ever more than ever you know I was the pioneer just like the the foundation laying the foundation as it were for the rest of our weird society now when you think of word Society you think of UFOs are you into the UFO it depends what you mean by UFO what do you define a UFO uh uh uh well you mean like you know something from plan 9 from outer space with a classic Roswell Stanton T Friedman oh yes yes indeed well I certainly believe they are unidentified so and they appear to be flying objects so I think they probably are unidentified flying objects because weird al' UFO guys now are so struck in by this weirdness in society that they've left UFO studies they're strucken yes they have my goodness UFO guys now are mountain biking in Afghanistan that's crazy I've always wanted to do that like they gave up they gave up the UFOs because it's not weird anymore to do two UFOs I gotta get myself a mountain bike well what am I thinking we're down have you interacted with any weird people at all not so far in my life but I'm looking forward to it if you know any weird people you know given my email address well this one I was wondering about this particular weird person blue fly ro fly what can you tell to shave his uncle what can you tell the people about blowfly he is on weird world record uh-huh III haven't heard a lot of blowflies material but I've heard him described as an x-rated Weird Al Yankovic which I was wondering about would you ever do any weird parodies would you ever do any weird x-rated parities or have you done them weird out but but then people would confuse me with blowfly and you know we get confused on the street all the time you know a lot of times I'd be walking down the street people go hey blowfly and I go no no no blow file looks like this I bring this album cover along with me so I can show the difference this is me this is blowfly and this is blowflies friend but they do have some similarities they do al and blowfly do have some similarities don't they is it a less than a syllable apart well the similarities for instance blowfly takes a song sitting on the dock of the bay and turns it into shittin on the dock aza bay got in big trouble from ODIs weddings rife but then believe it or not you know what happened well it happened to otis weddings rife well a blowfly was able to show a picture of him and otis redding together and everything was still okay you can do anything with Photoshop these days so I guess I was running weird out what pictures do you carry with you in case somebody gets mad about the songs you're covering you connect look we're friends I don't carry him with me that would be too easy I got the Polaroids on a vault my friend we're down a blowfly has a message for you I contacted blowfly and he has a message for you let's hear it right now this is blowflies message Weird Al hell would you do a split single with us and finally unite the two weird parody artists he did not say that she did give me let me see that did right there right there I contacted your low right you're right dr. blow a so would you like to address blowfly it blowfly have your peeps talk to my peeps we'll do lunch and weird artists will come together it could happen that would be amazing that would be amazing no we're don't are you familiar with journals at all yes I've seen journals like this they have a lot of paper in them now this particular journals belongs to whose journals is this it looks looks like Kurt Cobain's journals Kurt Cobain's journals and if you could open up to the anointed page dare please weird out this is Kurt Cobain's private journals Wow weird where did you get this I got it in a bookstore it's for sale everything's for sale wow we could open up kurt cobain's journals are weird a post-it note it opposed to know what do we see and I've indicated some things in mom there's two things I like you to read there at the bottom weird al' says oh the first thing says it says this is according to Kurt Cobain here it says Eric Clapton plays second-rate dusty blues licks and under that it says Weird Al Yankovic as America's modern pop rock genius what you made it into his journals where now that's pretty cool private journals and I was perusing I found out about Weird Al Yankovic Yule tidbits right here Oh Eric Clapton in your face if it's on a page Weird Al right there oh yeah look at that it says weird out right there on the page at the top that's pretty cool so you really don't have too much interaction with Kurt Cobain did you uh I talked him on the phone and I hung out with him in a restaurant for about 35 seconds and I had this restaurant by the way it was somewhere on Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles one of those cool restaurants is so hip it doesn't even have a name out front then he was there with a bunch of people and I saw you who's eating dinner there so I don't want to bother him but I walked over and said hey Curtis you know Al Yankovic and thank you for letting me do smells like Nirvana and you know it meant a lot to me and I'll you know I'll do anything you want me to do to show my appreciation and he basically had just polish my fingernails and I did I just polished fingernails at the table and he's very happy but now you actually have proof they're in the Nevada Journal I had the right here yeah because actual journals so if people buy this money will go to oh look it says reward if found you hey there you go yeah we're all gonna make mine cool we're in rich yes we're in rich I'm gonna put this down here the blowfly album there we go weird oh here we are in Richmond British Columbia Canada are you sure it's not Vancouver sure feels like Vancouver it is Richmond okay fine
Channel: NardwuarServiette
Views: 523,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nardwuar, Human, Serviette, Weird, Al, Yankovic, White, Nerdy, Chamillionaire, David, Cross, Fish, Heads, UHF, Tom, Snyder, Pirates, Blowfly, Interview
Id: nGGFEjp2ZrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 21 2008
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