Nardwuar vs. Kali Uchis

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who are you Callie oh geez Callie oh geez welcome to South by Southwest Austin Texas thank you what if so Pat Kelly I have a gift for you really thank you and it goes to DC to your friends in the black birds birds oh my god you tell the people the black birds um they're an amazing band from the 60s sample them for on edge with Snoop that was actually Snoop Dogg provided that instrumental but I love the black birds anyway from DC to I actually had no idea they're from DC you're up DC can I say you're from DC or Virginia actually from Virginia and Columbia but I'm like right outside of DC like five minutes pretty close so so it's kind of like your hometown band yeah that's amazing I had no idea they're from DC Kelly what are some hints for sleeping in a car um blankets a lot of blankets and like putting them over your face so that no one sees you hey why were you sleeping in the car as fight like a month or two um I would only sleep in my car whenever like I couldn't stay in my friends house cuz like I don't want to impose on a buddy but um yeah Harris Teeter parking lot is 24 hours so great is looking through your music Kelly you encounter all these great people like Astrid yeah thank you so much oh my god like Astrud Gilberto these are the people about Astrid girl from Ipanema um her voice is like so soothing and she's just literally every song she makes you can listen to every album by her and it's just like you're in heaven listening to it I have a special gift for you right now another Astrid LP right here favorite oh my god that's so pretty what makes it really good like why'd you like Astrid right here she's amazing it's like she doesn't need to like hit notes I really like you don't even really need to understand what she's saying to just like let the music really carry you and it's just so sweet and melodic and like heavenly almost like I like singers like that like Kelis and ostrich Alberto and like singers that's like they couldn't really like they didn't have to like flex their vocals they just kind of like it was just cool you know I mean she's amazing another influence here delegation and this is my very first video that I ever put out honey yeah what they say yeah oh yeah the delegation is sofa I was sampled them twice actually yeah but one for lottery and then the other one for a song called never be yours so how could you discover them um delegation I mean they just have like so many like there in common with so many other records that I like that it just like you know we just kind of like fall into the place with everything else back to Colombia my friend Joe is working on a movie called come together about Colombian graffiti and he was in Cartagena and he was shook down by the cops and he had to pay them 50 mil yeah and it happens how did he do having to pay 50 mil did he pay it yes you probably way I mean how did he do was that a good price to pay um I don't know it really depends like yeah they usually try to stop me when they see me in a car my family because like I look because I'm light-skinned and they probably think that I have money so um yeah they try to give you trouble if they see that your foreign and stuff and kind of like oh like yeah you can leave or whatever if you pay us but how would you get out of it like how did he do how would he get out of it like suddenly he's got a page you just gotta pay how do you get out of it to get shipped down by the cops you just pay or I mean usually I mean I never pay because my dad usually I mean obviously like we're fluent and you can tell once you start talking us that we're not like he's not like that American so you usually just have to like argue or like be with someone that's like from the area and that knows that they can really like argue and like you don't actually really have to pay they just want you to think that you have to pay but speaking of graffiti didn't some gangs tag your house and threaten you as well with kidnapping yeah when I was really little that's pretty scary likes it's not only in the cars like you wake up and there's graph can you explain a bit about that Kelly was like I was always I always kind of like stood out and um so people would notice me a lot when we were like walking on the street or leaving school or whatever and um yeah one day I came home and it was just like it was like go to America bingo set it at it and I was just like what so just like I don't know it's scary but at the same time it's like you got understand it's something that's been happening in the country since like the 60s and like thankfully now it's like it's progressed so much like now we have like so much more peaceful people and like really like locking in on it and um it's getting under control more now but back then it was just like a lot more it was a lot more scary like you never knew what was going to happen or you never knew like who you could trust her like even family members you never knew like who was going to turn on you or set you up so it was like overwhelming now there's like a cool graffiti scene in like bogota like DJ lu you know that graffiti stuff is happening letting Mohawks stuff yeah but what I so huge I'm gonna feel like it's least amazing like that that's it's good that you touch that have you been there yeah my friend Joe yeah literally everywhere you go it's gonna be graffiti but like good like murals and like really good work like it's really art it's like mohawk dudes and stuff really interesting my gosh yeah I like the mullet has been a thing in Colombia since literally forever I don't know like that's the trend that never went away like everyone has mullets and Mohawks everyone from like the little kids to like the old man it's like literally everyone has that Carroll you cheese how many exorcisms have you witnessed I mean probably only like one to maybe you know a lot about witches and doves blood don't you no not really I don't know that much about it you see all the extra systems and the witch's blood there's some stuff you must know for us people that don't know about it and we were like in Columbia's like a lot more um it's more normal to just be like not necessarily it's not like Santeria or anything it's not like Devils stuff it's just more um protecting yourself protecting your home and kind of like trying to like bring good energies into you and stuff like that um my grandma my cousins are like more into that um I don't practice it so much but um I did used to like see certain stuff those kind of weird you tell somebody that actually does practice it like exorcism do I look like somebody could do extra second you tell it could be anyone I mean it could be anybody you just it's like my grandma was in a tribe so they would just like if there was someone that seemed like they were like coming down with something funky or whatever like they would take care of it but um yeah and then my cousins like usually it's like it was custom for like her to like bring someone by the house every once in a while to like kind of like make sure that things were like going well in her life or whatever or like if someone like a lot of times people get envious and I'll put like curses on you and you have to like get them you have to like get it lifted off of you and kind of like take that off of you so it's just about protecting yourself where did you learn to dance um in my school is called chicky Tina's felices when I was in Colombia like I was in like a little like salsa program so um we used to dance and stuff in there but that was just kind of like a main like you had to do that it was like like a almost like same as like they kind of like teach you English also while you're there but um yeah that was when I was really little besides that I just kind of like freestyle just kinda play around saw that vine of you were like she slid it in like that dance was that that was just Christmas we were just playing around like bachata cumbia and just like having fun you know you're just like cooped up on Christmas Kelly you cheese I know indirectly you're a fan of the band the [ __ ] Birds the [ __ ] Birds am i yes you're a fan of the shipper how am i fan of them I will show you right now here is a gift relating to of the [ __ ] birds right here lastly to Kelly who cheese and April March oh my god oh so her band is called the [ __ ] Birds man before was called the [ __ ] birds and then she went solo with April March oh yeah I don't think I've heard anything from the [ __ ] birds it's really great stuff and on this record Johnson Richman's on it and Andy Paley as well oh wow she's a great singer isn't she April March yeah her songs are like so I actually got familiar with her because the Quentin Tarantino and then I just became a fan instantly I became addicted to her like everything she does is so cohesive it's it's sick Oh for what you're wearing today Callie where did you get what you're wearing today I'm just curious um I got this one Salvation actually yeah we need a hollers how much is this I don't think it was even ten twenty dollars I think it was like ten something like that don't you think it had been there like were you lucky to get it like was it just like new to the racks like what are the tips for getting this stuff cuz some as you get to a place you're like oh man I don't want to get up early or do you do the thing we're like you sleep in the parking lot because you're good at sleeping in cars and if you wake up at the thrift store have you ever done that oh you got jokes no actually I usually go on Wednesdays cause 25% off and then it was just kind of like there I was surprised because it's like really new I was surprised no one picked it up but not a lot of people go there for fashion like mostly people go there because actually like Brooke is [ __ ] so um nobody was really into it they were mostly like getting like [ __ ] for the kids and stuff you know Wednesday's is the key a secret you reveal oh no yep Wednesday's Kelly you cheese anything else you want to add to the people out there at all I want to say hi to my field Hyman since we mentioned you earlier and I can give you a shout out I don't want to say hi to my dad I hate that and hide the akela and I want to say thank you Brock Obama for leading the country and I want to say thank you to my mama for giving birth to me and I want to say um I want to say thank you nard wire for having me on the show and I'm a huge fan of your work you're amazing so creative a genius and I want to say um thank you to the bees for pollinating the flowers and I also want to say that um these gifts were really great I have a record player but I have that many vinyls so now I have a lot of vinyls to play in my house my house is really empty so I like no music so now I have music so that was really nice and I want to say sorry time I went to my Abuelita for like revealing her exorcism secrets she's not gonna be happy about it and that's that yeah I think that's it well thanks so much Callie keep on rockin in the free world and do do to loot do dude what's up bro what's up Claire oh thanks to my manager I forgot to say thank you Claire I love you she's like a mother to me she was like a mother to me all right y'all you
Channel: NardwuarServiette
Views: 862,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Kali Uchis, Columbia, SXSW, Hip Hop, Rap, Interview, Indie, Tyler the Creator, Odd Future, Earl Sweatshirt, Call Me, Know What I want, Never Be yours, Kreayshawn, Delegation, Oh honey, The Blackbyrds, Dreaming About You, Snoop Dogg, Snoop Lion, Washington DC, The Shitbirds, April March, Los Angeles, Lily Allen, Virginia
Id: OEx17196WPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2015
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