Nanotechnology: The High-Tech Revolution - with Dave Blank

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[Music] well it's a privilege to be here and such a famous spots over here I was backstage and I thought I had to bring some experiments from nanotechnology with me but unfortunately too small to show so I bring you the I'll let you know what is nanotechnology and what does influence is our daily life maybe not maybe it evens healthcare maybe the new computer etc and and during my talk I will give some impression about what are the possibilities sometimes looking into the future sometimes look into the past and I call this a high-tech revolution because it goes very very fast well if we looking backwards for example I did author PhD I was spent some years at Stanford University and so now and then I returned to Stanford and that so two years ago I was there I was driving the 280 and it was a self-driving Google gar I wasn't okay five years ago it was impossible you couldn't believe it as I come to the professor at Stanford he's 100 years old in January he's every day in the lab and Claire and he's driving the Tesla electric car five years ago it was impossible to do so well he's not driving himself it's not allowed for his wife but the students like to drive in this car and this is something that reminds me and the setting ok this is really going really fast and maybe in most of the cases because of we know so much more about materials we know so much more about new technology and one of those technology the key enabling technology is nanotechnology but for I tell a little bit more I tell about nano I want to show you how small it is because it's a broad audience so here you see it's to earth the ratio between the earth and a soccer ball it's the same as a soccer ball and the buckyball and a book of all our 60 carbon atoms just arranged like a new soccer you see this I could also explain a little bit different when I this morning I shaped myself from one ear to the other and when I arrived here my hair is being grown ten nanometers in this two seconds that is the size we're talking about so it's really really really small and if you look into the lap what you can do we can make instruments right about of well it's a like 10 micrometer it's ten times smaller than the diameter of my hair it's on fire is it's like the computer it's less than 100 an ohmmeter and the buckyball you can make a tube out of it is to go a nanotube it's wrong about two nanometers if you look to our daily life and the building blocks then we see that a cell is huge compared nanotechnology the fibers okay your iPhone works in the same sizes of viruses and the DNA is the same size of the carbon nanotube so that makes us kind we have a toolbox with all instruments and we can make objects in the size of their well our life in my case I did it in 20 University of Twente the major place Institute of nanotechnology $24.00 maybe don't know but this is the eastern part of the Netherlands far away from Amsterdam that's only 160 kilometers but it's just you know the other side of the country and there is a youth laboratory on nanotechnology well it was invented you can see how many people work there round about 600 people scientists work on the Mesa police Institute and that's Institute with a lot of newspapers of course a lot of citations almost 50 full professors and PhD students etc if we're looking inside the lab then you see it's opened ten years ago oh no no it lets in 2010 by our King and only an intermezzo if you ask the King to open your lap you have to do something special not press the button now it's open this we were looking to something how we can impress himself and there was Richard Feynman mrs. fireman was one of the persons well who invented a technology because he gave a lecture like here and lectures called there's plenty of room at the bottom and he asking the students while students come up with an idea how I can put an encyclopedia or something on hair because it's so much room there's plenty of room at the bottom if we can do this if we have this technique well then we can do everything so what to do so we take my hair and forth text and in it's in Dutch but it is like here the opening of the nanolab I wanted to have his hair by the way of the King so but that was not allowed I don't know DNA or something like that but then open if you're looking into the lab yes you're visiting then you see in a non lab people wearing white sweets of course why because it's it's the dirt of our body who influenced the things you are making inside the lab and that's why you have this white shoes the cleanroom is a very clean environments this cleanroom is a special one to give it this one one one thousand five hundred square meters it's built on concrete one meter concrete and it's some 300 X 60 pillows and because it has to be fibration free and why I hope to show you later on in my talk because I'm building what Adams so you can imagine if you put an atom on an atom well a person it's a so it's really for abrasion free for well of course notice particles at all going back to nanotechnology where it all started its story with the electronics so if now you open your iPad or something like that you see something like this all the transistors and be very very small and in fact since 1960 the computers the first group of where we were built and every eighteen month the computer get twice as fast and twice as much memory and this is maybe you can achieve from the back but that continues goes on and on it's called Moore's Law and nowadays we are in a settings that the transistor is only let's say ten nanometers or so so the next maybe five nanometer sir in two years but it will end because suddenly if you go to the range of the nanometer say two nanometers or so then quantum mechanics is okay there's no possible anymore so in future and maybe in very near future we have to think about another way to building computers and on the end of my talk I will try to give some ideas for itself how we can build a computer that with less energy and even maybe smaller and faster than we have nowadays by the way this kind of chips as you see here it's been made in a in in Holland in a SML it's a factory in the south of Holland and so on the machine I think it's 60 millions or something like that so it's a very expensive ones but you need those to make this very small transistors to get more transistors on my chip in Holland Intermezzo is we because we talk a lot about nanotechnology and we invest a lot in additive knology and if you you see effect of the nano necks NL it's a kind of dutch approach to have nano technology and we try to look into new ideas of nanotechnology in beyond more so the new computer on new materials on the bio and nano i showed you that if you're looking to the DNA it's almost 2 nanometers so it's you can look into the effect of that as well and you there are different techniques to make nano technology and you have also the application areas so what can Nana do on on food on clear water another medicine on an energy so you can see now ready what's been done here in this program and one a very important part of this is called we called data risk analysis and Technology Assessment how is the risk if you're using nanotechnology what is the technology assessment do we accept nanotechnology or not well if you look into this program and I come very fast but I want to show you a little bit about half is going on on nanotechnology and the broad sense so it's such a say in eight years we have a lot of publication a lot of citation a lot of PhD students work on this project as well this is scientific output but on the hand shift or conversation you have a lot of spin-off companies that origin from nanotechnology especially the lab where from the major pursed lip also we have a 50 spin-off companies now working really on nanotechnology making money out of the ideas I will explain later on and what's very important the errata the risk analysis and technology assessment assessment is really important we call now safe by design when we started a program we thought ok risk analysis is analysis so you make something from nanotechnology and afterwards you're looking to it is it ok can I use it or not it is risk or not this one you have to do it in a different way that we call safe by design first think about what is the impact of this new technology what can we work together so you work together with different people to make a product out of nanotechnology no this is intimate so let's return in case my place so I enter nanotechnology working in different field on superconductivity by the way this is pretty nice podium for sure the superconductivity has been shown here for several times and this is the called the high-temperature superconductivity it's not that high it's right about say 100 a degree below zero but what you see here is a superconductor and on top of it a magnet and the magnet is levitated above the superconductor and that was in 87 when it was discovered and I was was a student I shot of a PhD and indeed we try to make this kind of new materials we need powder and there was one famous guy at Stanford and this is the guy the 100 year old professor next year in January was working on this kind of material and at the time I was doing experiments in the laboratory and I was making this kind of Nana powder what I did was like a chemical treatments so I put some material in a softened sattvic assets i heated it it flames and then after a while the beaker was full of powder this was really not a powder so if you look into this powder and you're looking more in detail you see this kind of powder if you do it from titanium dioxide you have a perfect power with a UV reflection so this kind of power announced been used and since going forward in toothpaste and this powder it's been tested a lot if it's harms or not is at risk or not but this is the most used nanoparticle nowadays titanium dioxide I will come to that later if it's is it harms or not because we have to do to some testing about this nanoparticles and I will show you later how we can do this as an example well this is just made by ourself this nano powder but you also can look in nature there's a lot of nanotechnology in nature one of the nicest examples for me it's a lotus flower this is the leaf of a lotus flower and it doesn't become wet because it's greasy or so oh it's not greasy if you look into the surface these are nano pillars its nanotechnology what's in the leaf and you can make this we can make this surface with another technology so you see the experiments of shahi of an experiment so you see a droplet now I just dropped it just drops falls onto just a normal floor nothing happens and now I have a nanotechnology floor and now the droplet yes don't touch it the bounces around it's not attached to the floor so that is nice because we have these nanoparticles we have a table floor if we can also have it on textile so textile doesn't come with what pixel goes look at dirt one of the examples is tie so Oldman can eat soup so the really a German company who makes ties with nanotechnology but there is another way to do so and here you see the experiment about we were half of the way is nano structures and half not and here you can see some coffee for example or door dirt water so the wool can be nanotechnology so can you imagine so in hospital you have a wall you have a virus the 5 is 6 to the wall and then what you drop it doesn't stick to the wall but doesn't stick to the virus and take the virus away so with water you can clean the floor and the walls everything so this is one of the application of directly inspired by nature but not only the floor you can also look to concrete concrete is very well it's a very nice product of course but the irony in concrete well well you have can be oxidizing so with this we can make what a polluted water scent it's concrete for itself surfaces now if you go into nature again and then you can look to for example car when I show you the Boogie ball is the carbon Pokeball and the carbon nanotube well if you make an image of it and we can make an image this is graphene you've seen the white dots it's the carbon and it's the most strong material there is addition and we can make a tube out of it and if you make the tube and you can here see drawing of a tube this is really very strong nowadays you can make I oh not airplanes but part of an airplane out of it and when it was discovered in the late 90s nowadays it will be a lot of carbon nanotubes from ulta tubes I love applications so if you go into a shop you can buy tennis record with nano or you can play gold with nano etc so we don't recognize it really is nanotechnology but inside it's really it's not out but it continues here you can see an example of nanotechnology in concrete it heals itself and now we are using this for bones to heal bones so the nanotechnology stimulates the growth of bones that makes it really something new and excited for using these carbon nanotubes but how does our body reacts on nano tubes we don't know yet or we don't we do know but we have to investigate that just keep that in mind well anyway if I show you in the beginning it was superconductor sorry it was superconducting material so the chips or make of nanotechnology the money for doing nanotechnology came from say the semiconductor industry to make every 18 month your computer faster twice as much memory etc and if you're looking now how far does it go then I go to in the lab and I ask him what is your new devices what you have on you see here these are the sizes of the devices it's just dust but if you zoom in you see an instrument that can measure almost everything so it's in sets it's almost unbelievable two extremes of a glass of water so it could be my chip could be integrated in the cloud of water I come someone and says ok how are you doing would you like a cup of cup of coffee or a glass of water and we know everything about the person because the chips isn't greater than that and then we can see if you'd keep that in mind now we're typing the impact of nanotechnology and I expect our computers etc no the impact of nanotechnology is drip delivery the impact of nanotechnology on health and in medicine and how come because of the instruments the tools we have in our toolbox are the sizes of fire races DNA etc and we can make use of that so let's go to lab let's see what happens what we can do we can make nanoparticles but we can also put something inside the nanoparticles for example kind of medicine or we can make very intelligent not a particles and we call that quantum dots a quantum dot this is a nano particle or several atoms we put the atoms together we are putting the atoms together and there's too much energy in this particle so the particle when we have made it well it will drop to the ground state and then it gives lights it change lights depending on the material and on the sides so if we put these particles in a liquid what we see that the liquid shines light so we have particles and charged light and what we can do is making well an organic material or another molecule on the particle and a molecule the end of the molecule will attaching to for example the RNA from tumor so particles are very reactive shine light and looking if you put them in your body to a tumor or something like that so if we inject this kind of particles inside your body then it will see if it found in the Ornette or in like a tumor it will attach to the tumor but one particle not ten not one thousand no ten thousands of - nanoparticles it means that the tumour syenite so if you have a breast tumor in your breath and your injects its with these nanoparticles you will see where the tumor is so the people will want to take take out the tumor can see it not with extra machine or like like like a mark amory or something like that now directly with their eyes but you're injecting nanoparticles in your body what does that do which is how they get away or do they destroy something in your particle I'll come to that later what you can do is also have this particle magnetic and then if you put the same trick you put the nanoparticles inside the body you get MRI very nice picture because the magnetic particles show very nice resolution of these particles and again it's a contrast liquid but then with nanoparticles so again what this is not a particles do and luckily there is a kind of way how we can what exposure nanoparticles stores for examples to cells and this we call in this case a lab on a chip here you can see in example here's a channel and you see of liquid with all kind of the dots or cells so every now and then every droplet has one cell in it it normally it goes 500 times faster than you see here and the next we can do is we can merge two droplets together here that's you see and then again and now it's a particle with a cell and the other and the other in droplets has over 1,000 that a particle still so the cell is exposure to nanoparticles so you can follow how the cell well is she dying how is he affecting also this cost three hundred times faster than you can see so this kind of way when you can see every single cell how it works and how it's affected by nanoparticles so they're very strong and a very important component or instrument to see the effects of nanoparticles or we can give even that much further for example well this channel is like electronics channel so you can all have the liquids and you can measure the liquid you can follow the cell if he's growing or not even you can follow your own blood for example and the next step we call this a lab on a chip the next step is that we put something like an orange so with we can small piece of a lung or heart put this on a chip well I should do an example so this is from the Vice Institute in America and so they so they do some experiments with a long and then you can see that for example here you see at home our platform there we have kind 46 organs we cannot test immediately he consider experiments going on what is the idea the idea is for example I have a kind of disease I want to know which medication I needed me not average know me so they put a little bit of my lung my heart in this machine putting all kinds of medication and see how it responds on this medication so this organ on a chip platform is something we won't really want to to address you want to develop I think that's a very future of the future medicine in and for our daily life so what I showed so we can see for example particles that attach to a tumor we can have these channels who can follow your blood for example what's the newest idea but we know if there's RNA that we can attach a molecule out of it let's combine those in a nano pill this idea came can we measure colon cancer inside your body so we all know that some if you have this treatment or you have to go to a hospital to test if you have gone cancer but why not do the test inside your body so take a pill and in the builders and instruments that can measure the RNA corresponding from the DNA of colon cancer itself well there's great if just to let do the experiment down so you take the pill and the pill goes into your body and if it's comes in your car then it will open and it will pump some of the liquids inside the pill by the way the pill has also a camera on board so here makes pictures out of its two surrounding and that's it you can see that RNA are the except the red dots so the red dots there that you want to measure because there's an indication you have colon cancer so you're collecting this for a few minutes and if you collected this on these nanowires then you healed a little bit more and because that it goes to array of nano nano wires for example the carbon nanotubes so with the molecules that attach it so if you seize that's an RNA it will attach so suddenly the carbon nanotube becomes twice a thick so the resistance is different now and you can you can measure it you can put electronics inside the pill who measure there is RNA or not there is a sensor and it will give a message to your mobile phone and then your mobile phone is connected to a gives your doctor the text message about there's something wrong with this with the colon cancer so is this science fiction no it works very well if it's in the market no why not well it's something like you really want to be sure that it's okay that you don't test it and you'll get your mobile phone and you says okay if cancer it's not and the other yeah it's something that you don't want to happen and the other way around and you really be sure that if you met if you measure that measures if you have colon cancers that it measures well so there's a lot of testing now going on and one of the tests we did was to put it in a room not in your body but only to test it so in your in you keep the pill in the array and you look if it works or not goes fantastic we didn't expect it but it's really this operated is something that can detect different kind of cancer so we're still working on the nano pill because it's very nice because you can measure inside the column but the other hand you measure something that the arraign testing about different other different cancer possibilities so that's really a breakthrough and something that's kind of Friday afternoon experiment now becoming a really big company to explore it but there's something we have to solve because I said okay there was a camera on board there's a pump the electronics where is the electricity coming from you don't want to have a battery inside the pill why not because what happens with the pill after he's done this job well you can imagine hopefully it solves so somewhere the energy must come from and they come from the body the heat these are the cars the heat of a car you can see if you look into the human person you can see we are well to put you temperature differences in our body as well and we can make use of this temperature difference to get energy out of your body it's a go to picture element but it's it's something like like we all know in the past but now I want to make it on another scale well that's not that trivial so you have to make a kind of well layer a very thin small layer on the nano scale well this is not a now scale this is the nanoscale and has it be a temperature difference gives you some electricity voltage luckily it is it's possible not with the we'll say the graphene the Garmin Nana sheets but there are different other endemic Nana sheets we can make this material is really thermic material well there's you know ceramics if you drop it it breaks this not it is flexible like like black paper but it is insulating there's no heat transfer into the material so this is in a way to make this kind of material that gets well the energy from your body heat the application of course you can see it it's the powder you can taxing your body everything is needed energy can get it out of your body heat but I explained a little bit like okay we can do this you can do this we can do that well that's not that trivial because you really have to make new materials materials that doesn't exist in nature because yeah this kind of properties are yeah it's not like like ordinary properties at all so we have to look to a way to make new materials and we use it with nanotechnology and again I told you already this is the enrich it fireman who gives it lecturer there's plenty of room at the bottom but I show you with the text in my hair but during this lecture he says something else he says well I think that what if we can manage if we can make atoms join together if you can make layers of different material we want to make that our properties then of material that this is crystal nature maybe there's something really going on exciting maybe we never could apply it but anyway it gives you new physics that's what we try to do because what he was explaining it was if we have in Lego and we have Lego bricks then the property well it's not that interesting but if we can make layers out of it then we can make different properties you can see and in this direction the property is completely different than in this direction for the next few minutes I want to go to a journey how to make how to play with atoms to making new material and in my case we do this later the position so I go a little bit in the t2 in the technique etc just hope to follow me because then you know how to make this new materials how we do it with the laser so this is the material if we need the atoms of this material this we put the laser beam a very high intensity laser beam on the surface and the surface then will be heated to a temperature around about of the same temperature of the Sun so the material then leaving the surface has extremely high temperature and ionized so if we making a picture we see this ionized particles these particles are just the same particles as from as we called the target and now comes the trick because the laser is a pulsed laser it's not like like this one no no it's like one hit and every seconds the pulse is coming so if you look into every second there is a pulse so every sick at so material is leaving the surface and if we condense the material on the surface on a new surface on the charge on the substrate for example then the material will be growing and growing so every pulse we get some atoms every pulse we got some atoms and by putting another material inside the laser beam we get different atoms so if we here you see a drawing so well I'll show you I've moving so there's a laser going on the target and there's the plasma so this one material second material one material a second material so we can make up this Lego block of different layers you also see some day the dots of their because we want to know if we have one layer or not so we have to know how much pulses we need it for one layer so we invented a kind of way of of looking to the growth behavior of the sky material for that we need an apparatus to see how material is growing so in this site this is the target and this is the material where we try to deposit atomic layer and here it is but we also want to look to an atomic force microscope a microscope that is scanning on the nano scale how the materials organized on the surface so now is he's scanning now we took it away and now we put some materials under it on the surface we bring it again and we can measure now the surface on a nano scale just so we have I hope you can still follow me but we have an apparatus where we come with the pulse laser deposition we can put them some material and if we can see this material growing by this afm but there's another trick because if we can shine our surface with an electro beam electron gun like the old television has so if the surface is flat then there will be a perfect reflection if it's growing material it become rough so the reflection is not that good so in here you can see if the surface I'll show you if the surface is flat there is no diverse a perfect reflection if the surface is rough then there is no but the reflection is bad so now you can see what we see we can on the bottom we see the intensity of the reflection and here meanwhile at the same time you can see how that area is growing and you see now is one layer being grown you know the next layer comes into play and now halfway I know Dixwell time yeah and now the second layer is so this with this apparatus we can exactly see if we have one layer of a certain atom so we can stop and we can make the next atom and lux material what a long story for what Oh what's right part is that we can put different material in this later so this is I can imagine maybe a lot of material should learn on high school or a university but this kind of materials it's cubic material different atoms and it all has different properties so sometimes it's it's a superconductor sometimes it's a metal from times it's and it's an insulator and this material we can combine so we can certainly we can make a material that is well it's it's it's like ferromagnetic and diamagnetic the dissin exist in asia but we can make it just by having this kind of well very well-organized material and this is and if you TEM is in transmission electron microscope here you can see the atoms that's been lying down by the Machine and can we make this kind of new materials for us of course the question this is well these are some examples here on the left you see two materials it's both barium copper oxide and here and strontium copper oxides these are two insulated materials we combined entity become a superconducting the best conducting material there is this is six in nature we have to make it ourselves and that's also with the other examples as well so this really breakthrough and making new materials in try to fixing materials try to see how it works how a new material can the how the properties of new materials can be well it's not that easy to make you know if I told you okay you have a laser well you know you've an atomic force microscope when you have an electron beam etc so combined it's very it's a machine that well you need some exercises to get a good material but still though it is a way to do so works on but it's very abstract I can't can say an example for example a glass glasses it's transparent but it's not a good conductor copper that's a good conductor but copper is not transparent but this machine we can make materials that are even more conducting and copper and more transparent than glass and this is our transparent electronics you can make that a thin as a coating so you can imagine that in the future your mobile phone or whatsoever it's all integrated and with this kind of material material doesn't exist in nature say it again but we can make it artificially by building atom by atom by atom now one of the examples now can we need it that the soul can we make a material that well if you flex it if you move it around for example then it gives a signal so if it's vibrating the material it gives a voltage so when I was giving a lecture that someone the audience asked me I'm working in hospital and I'm looking to now tuberculosis is it a possibility to measure something that are super Colossus in the breath of a patient because you can vibrate so if it can attach to Moloch and tuberculosis more simple on it it will well change your vibration of this of this wire and let's give it a try and we try and here we can see we make artificial this kind of wires so it can be vibrating and if you - will though this is drawing this is really from the lab so we make this thousands and thousands of wires which honey on one millimeter by one millimeter that is the advantage of nanotechnology and what you can do I take some one wire here you can see the wire and here you can see the wire with a gold dot and on the gold dots we have this molecule effect the same molecule with attached to the gold and here it's looking around for example if it's RC RNA or it's Easter be close and if so then the vibration will be different and we got a signal have you got the signal on here so this is the most sensitive or apparatus to sue and at commercio your breath if to see if there is any or cancer or whatsoever and the sighs well this is then we will this is a picture made it about the device and this is again my hair and the science is now not this not this but this size so we can make tenth of them of hundreds of those sensors in a millimeter or so and that now is be putting together in an apparatus and and that this the idea that we connected to your mobile phone and we you can see your or your breath if it's kind of virus inside or not and for us it's a very important part that especially for the underdeveloped country because well everyone has their mobile phone and you can make your test yourself so it's extremely important I think developments of an application of nanotechnology well this is an example if you go to the website you can see in 2020 what kind of new ideas there are in business about measuring your blood measuring your breath messing everything almost everything and we call this and you for sure you know at the Internet of Things so the Internet of Things says that well we can measure everything you can even measure if the milk is rotten or not really everything but somehow it goes wrong it goes wrong because if you look into how it the energy will develop then we are just in the beginning of the internet of everything so we need energy for everything and that's my message always to people we are using enormous amounts of energy using our computer or how using this kind of devices okay it's the truth let's go we go in the search we do one google search together here for example idea is so you google who's the guy Dave bunk they'll heal Google me if you do so this won't search for the people here around it's the energy of boiling 2 liters of water once it's so much energy yeah so one Google search gives two minutes of a 9 watt LED lamp so I don't know if if people have here some PlayStation but if you use the cooling out of the PlayStation it takes only a few seconds and he is on fire you can see here it goes so so much energy who is using by using a computer by using a PlayStation or even working in the clouds that's why everywhere you see this cooling towers nowadays - so the Google cooling towers also here in England and Great Britain in Holland especially in America enormous amount of this kind of of cooling well it sort of goes to an end yeah but we have so much new ideas for example yeah artificial intelligence let's see artificial intelligence so of course the we maybe you're you read it in the newspaper the google deepmind alpha zero can can beat the jet I did check world champion well that already was ten years ago or even maybe twenty years ago but this is different because the machine learns itself in four hours it's not the one who using computer no no the computer itself tries to learn and that the girls by learning itself learning processes etc I think some are very enthusiastic about it and some doesn't as you can see on the picture and we can make use of these artificial intelligence all the time by for example looking to your if you have to do the computer and you're asking who's Einstein there you see some pictures and if you see so if I show you the pictures and you immediately know who is I'd say you middle II know all the other people by the way but so within a tenth of a second meaning you knew a computer was much faster in a thousands of seconds he no but he needs more than one hundred thousand calculations to do so so let's say who is now who's the young guy then we have to think about a little bit more so say say say one second we know again the computer what time on terms of a second hundred thousand times more calculation and that is really the difference and - where it stops in near future we are using too much energy computer to use the computer also with artificial intelligence we have some very big computers like here the IBM you can use it you can calculate it you can go to the website and you can calm calculation out of it and really it's a very strong computer but the computer can also be replaced by another computer this one if you look to the numbers than the blue gene and the red is always the same CPU almost the same memory by the way we are running about 1000 times better I hope they sure so that's but if you look into the energy the power is using it's a million times less of course or the volume so our brain is much more effective than a computer so why don't we make a computer like I would work should I bring and is it possible yes this you can put in again the nanoparticles with the or with the molecules and if they attach to each other it looks like a little bit on neurons and synapses so how your brain is working and your learning continuously we can do this in a black box full of nanoparticles and we can train the nanoparticles to learn more and more and more and at the certain moments this black box is a computer can calculate just cost any and almost any energy at all so if you have an in this artificial of this impression the nanoparticles and only on the left side on the right side sorry you can see the first calculations been made just by nanoparticles and what to my opinion what's nice about it the materials you have to use to this material or this complex materials this layered materials we can make artificially and this combines it that we can really make the brain mimic the brain other chip is to my opinion in near future your brain is ownership and it's beating then a computer unfortunately is not as fast at a computer but because much less energy and the memory is much more than the standard computer so what I try to explain this kind of say 50 minutes is how nanotechnology will influence our daily life so we have to be aware that the impact of none of the phones you can be huge maybe that's why you were coming tonight it's not only on data storage it's not information exchange but also on healthcare but also data management in security robotics etc so everything is very important so the important part is well on the risk analysis and Technology Assessment is beware that the new technology what does the impact and we have to be aware of that that's why in in the Netherlands we start a program it's called nano for society it combines all the ideas about what nanotechnology can mean for us as human for a country for the world etc this nano for society cats for themes it's for health can we make the difficult win so with the computer with the lab on a chip etc we can make everything we can mimic ourselves not as a human being but how we respond for example on the use of medicine how it can make cells live long way etc - so nano for health is a really important part next to health is the food and water in the beginning when we start project and we said ok Nana for food people say oh my god no no no none of her foods but now much much more we know about the impact of nanotechnology on foods how we can make better food how our body responds on foot etc the third one is energy I show you an example about making mimic our brain on a chip but looking to new but a better ish for example all the technique I used for man Adam making atom by atom this kind of material are very suitable for new batteries and the fourth is security security not only for military but security also in our daily life for example the security of internet about encryption for example but all security in what does nano mean to you well if you're looking to nanotechnology I think I hope to show you what the effect of nanotechnology is how we can work with it how it influences our daily life but also how scientists and all people work on to make it in a good way to look to what is the risk analysis of non-faculty itself meanwhile the ideas are extremely larger we can make well we are just in the beginning of this high-tech revolution and now technology well in Holland that is approved by our King and I have also to thank all the members of the Mesa police Institute of that of mine to make it possible that I give this presentation about what is going on on nanotechnology thank you for attention [Applause]
Channel: The Royal Institution
Views: 91,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ri, Royal Institution, nanotehnology, nano, nanoscience, futurism, science, nanoscience lecture, future, lecture, talk, talks, dave blank
Id: Vs5j0CLPHlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 22sec (3142 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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