Mayan culture! - Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand [1]

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welcome to my latest case secret of the scarlet hand secret of the scarlet hand either junior or senior detective it's your dear dad greetings from the new deputy curator at beecher museum in washington dc i miss you by the way how's africa i sure hope this letter reaches you in wagaduga before you do so i got the internship your old friend franklin rose was awfully nice to submit my name to the rest of the members of the museum's board of directors what an opportunity while i'm in between cases as you probably know the museum specializes in ancient maya culture my supervisor is going to be joanna riggs a well-known archaeologist maybe you've seen her name in the news recently in conjunction with a discovery of a strange maya monolith apparently it's created quite a buzz among experts in the field well beach hill plans to feature the monolith in an upcoming beach hill just imagine this detective beach for hundreds of years and now it's going to be unveiled to the public for the first time the museum is short staffed at the moment and they're expecting such a huge turnout that they've closed their doors to prepare i can hardly wait to dig into this exciting project and learn how archaeologists and historians solve the mysteries of ancient cultures i'll keep you posted love nancy nancy drew i presume i'm joanna riggs welcome to beach hill beach i was just checking the lock on this display case this is one of the museum's most treasured pieces a carving of king piccal who is king piccol piccal assumed the throne at age 12. can you imagine that was 6 15 a.d he ruled for 68 years at the height of the maya civilization holy jade yes the maya loved jade and used it for many of their cars jade staircases there isn't another piece like this in the world and it's every sunday which means i practically had to sell my own grandmother to get it how did the museum acquire it leave it today you sold your grandmother together wizard when it comes to these deals you'll meet him later taylor sinclair okay now then nancy you're coming on board at a critical time for beach hill an exhibit of this caliber is not kid stuff franklin rose assures me you're a real trooper and i hope he's right because i'm not here to babysit i don't care who your father is her frequency is like i turned up the volume then i started the game and then her she started talking i was like okay volume down a little bit glad to be here tell me more about the exhibit i'm glad to be here please tell me more about the exhibit in addition to our permanent collection we're borrowing rare pieces from museums and private collectors around the world soon we'll be sitting on the most fabulous collection of maya artifacts ever assembled in one place and now that we've scored the monolith too beach hill sauron numero uno numero no say in japanese [Music] was the monolith excavated in mexico yes a hot young team of archaeologists americans and mexicans both dug it out of a cave near palenque every curator from here to siberia was trying to get a hold of it but i'm the one who closed the deal okay what does this monolith look like it's a massive pillar of stone nearly 1500 years old with maya glyphs carved into it we've installed it in the garden wait until you see it okay 1500 years old wow explain it glitch could you explain what a glyph is a glyph as in hieroglyphic is a picture that represents a word or an idea henrik is the human encyclopedia on the subject is it just me or does nancy's voice sound really soft compared to her voice maybe i just don't like her frequency but how many glyphs are there in all henrik can help you with that henrik is he on staff here at the museum henrik van der heune world renowned expert in maya he's the latest addition to the beach hill brain trust i told him i don't even want to see his pointy van der head till he's got a translation on that mouth fender head pointy der head where was he working before he's louder at the choco canyon cultural center in mexico anyway there's a list of tasks for you in the lab once you've knocked those off we'll regroup shouldn't i have more training don't worry you'll be in the swing of things soon enough go ahead and take a look around the museum i'm sure you'll find the monolith muay and tara sante or just roll up your sleeves and hit the lab muay and tara [Laughter] perfect pronunciation perfect thanks to the orientation joanna i'll talk to you later bye okay we're free okay nice music the great plaza of something guatemala [Music] what's that huh can't look at it art in the americas hidden guatemala interview with prudence rutherford rutherford yeah that sounds better prudence how did a new york society woman like yourself end up in topeka kansas my husband herbert laszlo was a hydroengineer when he got a point to head up to head up the kansas river flood control project naturally we came to topeka when herbert drowned everyone thought i would make a beeline back to new york but after 36 years in topeka i don't know how to read this name i just didn't have the heart to leave the truth is this is my home now i mean yeah 36 years is a long time just as an aside i find it interesting that you never took his name that was almost unheard of at the time of your marriage wasn't it yes well i never was one to worry about conventions and where i come from once a rutherford always rather for well you certainly have been a trailblazer now back oh you certainly have been a trailblazer now back to topeka what about your love for the arts what in the world what in the world do you do for culture and entertainment here oh my stars don't underestimate topeka dear the arts are alive and well here we have theater symphony and over 20 art galleries i organized the st patrick's day parade the corn growers ball and i sit on the board of the topeka commissions for the arts ii this is the capital of kansas after all miss rutherford art appraiser is thrilled to be featuring your fire ruby necklace in this month's issue please tell us about this extraordinary piece of jewelry the necklace originally belonged to herbert's mother hester rest her soul we never got along oh but those rubies really did blaze like a burning ring of fire around her neck you had the necklace altered when you inherited it is that right yes well after spirit was just a bit too overpowering in the necklace i felt like i was going to be strangled whenever i wore it so i decided to add a piece for my own family to balance out the energies and you know make it my own it's kind of cool i like that um how do i topeka commission for the arts how cultured oh i could have zoomed in i didn't need to i could i read it just fine anything else i see a national geographic there let's see nothing here for now cute we can look at everything ooh boxes [Music] can't go behind the desk okay let's leave finding the maya [Music] traveler's guide to beach hill museum beach oh we have a map the wind guard rotunda exhibition hall temple garden headphones hmm i feel like there would be secrets here but i can't find them yet this is where we came from right so we can go to the exhibition hall oh that's it oh or these doors [Music] what oh we can travel around back and forth to the hotel [Music] good thing franklin gave me the museum key okay so that's the front door gotcha wow that would be a cool exhibition let's have a look shall we who are the maya the term maya refers to a group of mesoamerican indians from the region of southern mexico and north and central america noteworthy for their cultural and scientific achievements from 1800 bce to 1500 ce maya society was comprised of a complex system of nobility priests warriors workers and slaves oh there's so much to look at range of the maya oh can we do an audio tour you think maya ruins like the one featured in this photo can be found throughout southern mexico guatemala and western honduras even today new cities are being discovered by archaeologists i just opened it why would you do that oh god i'm stealing i'm stealing quick get out of here it's locked oh this one's locked ham radio ham radio do you think they have bacon radios too used by the cortezer alvarez plank palenque expedition of 1955 doesn't tell me anything it's locked it's locked the maya were renowned for their functional and stylistic expertise in pottery painting architecture and jewelry artisans worked with a variety of materials including clay jade staircases gold limestone and wood a variety of tools and materials used by the maya demonstrate a complex and thriving trade system i got started on the brain offering bowl to the war god balik the logograph for black is represented on the base that oh that's important i can feel it my drew senses are tingling egg is black okay anything here no [Music] okay next one one step forward go to the rain maya kings not only ruled their people's political and military affairs but their religious practices as well kings were considered to be divinely appointed by the supreme god itsamna while the majority of kings were male there were several notable exceptions including lady kanali kal who ruled for over 20 years ooh king kinnick whose name translates to shield was born in 603 and ascended the throne in 615 at the age of 12. considered both a priest king and a military ruler pacquiao claimed divine descent and ruled the great maya city-state of palenque for 68 years until his death in 683 the eleventh ruler of palenque i'm just saying palenque i have no idea if that's correct or not i'm sorry if it is pacal was responsible for the majority of the city's construction his ancestry and accomplishments are immortalized in palenque's temples and palaces especially the temple of the inscriptions which was the primary sacred site in palenque and later the shrine of pacquiao's tomb pacqua was buried wearing the jade death mask you see here right the mask was meant to distinguish pakala's royalty even in the afterlife much of what we know about king pakal and the maya civilization over which he presided has been pieced together by translating the glyphic inscriptions on his tomb so this is his death mask that's so cool i feel like we're actually in a museum we're actually like going from aisle to island like reading the descriptions and learning things pacquiao's ascension carved panel in his relief bakal's mother offers her son the divine crown for his ascension to the throne lady zack cook was a powerful figure in maya history and established the dynasty dynasty hmm look at that mask it's cool so this is the one she put away right no yeah it is she was checking the lock this unusual jade relief features an intricate representation of lord bakal one of the greatest rulers of maya classical period both the origin and function of this highly stylized piece are unknown it's a stamp okay religion played an important role in maya society all scientific progress was impelled by the priest's need to understand and manage the sacred forces of the maya universe different gods represented aspects of my life from basket weaving to calendar days even today lulu is known about the roller names of the gods represented in maya artifacts oh yeah wasn't it the mayans who who said the world would end in like 2012 because that's where their calendar stopped or something and then people were like well they just didn't think that far ahead so they just didn't make any more of the calendar the deities depicted in this exhibit are the rain moon and sun gods cool three masks depict the corn god yum yum cox [Laughter] the django our god oh no yeah i would say that and the sun god creepy sulkin calendar stones used to compute the 260 day ceremonial year oh a year was 260 days for them i wonder if i should keep trying the loss most customs and rituals were based on religious practices and played an important part in maya daily life some such as the wearing of earrings are considered by our culture's ordinary while others such as bloodletting and human sacrifice are seen as barbaric many ancient maya customs are practiced today by the indigenous people of northern central america and southern mexico there's no lock on these so some of them we can maybe open later this mask i because of body shaping devices the maya used these things to change their appearance wow well nose ring yeah i get that but i have ball game artifacts huh that's cool [Music] the maya writing system is the most advanced ever developed in the new world as with egyptian hieroglyphics symbols represent either sound or concepts mayan is considered a distinct linguistic group and several modern variants exist today including quiche and exile i have no idea i would struggle with this in dutch so forget about english scribes played an important role in maya culture and some were elevated to prominent social positions the mayan writing system used logo graphs to represent either sound or ideas is that like a hieroglyph it's like a logograph is that like an image then more like a drawing uh maya scribes used a variety of writing tools inks and ink wells note the logo for ink inscribed on the plate okay so this one has two there three lines down the center this might not even be used but don't know how to read it but it's ink but it says ink on the bottom of the bowl but then if you put ink in then you can't read that it's ink your obscure obscuring your own thing maya numerical notation used both the bar and dot system and pictorial representation oh i've used this i've done a puzzle with this oh god is that parasite eve ps1 game parasite eve one or two you go to like a like a jungle bit it's like in a museum or something and they have these dots and lines yeah i remember i remember this system oh just one more tile one more tile nine and twelve so we have to put them in order like this is like the the line is a number and then the dots are like one each i think so this uh and these little leaf things must mean something as well oh i'm excited i'm excited for this puzzle close it did i look at this yeah yes okay we can go up and to the sides there's a door there nothing there let's check the side here wow nature there's a tile on the ground there i see that this limestone panel depicts the presentation of three cactus to the throne of shield jaguar okay what a cool exhibition this altar was dedicated during the reign of the sixteen ruler coupon the focal point of this artifact is the large true head of crocodile loud birds this creature is called the what bicyclic i have no idea how to read that and it represents the continuous cycle of life and death what's that oh a tile oh we need more info on the the numbers though what the numbers mean there must be a book somewhere little is known about this relief it depicts a nobleman standing on a captive note the elaborate headdress and cape containing references to talak the rain god sure if you say so please stay on the path i will here i go the seated figures are a royal couple whose detail is unusual for this area the function of the artifacts is unknown but may have been part of the throne inscriptions revealed the peace was dedicated to the goddess of the moon as i draw this thing tazam throne gotcha cool oh yeah this is totally i saw the grass i was thinking about it totally random but you know how there's a oh look at us circling this thing well i completely lost track of where i am [Music] maybe we should go this way right there oh god i think this is where it came from oh my god this is so confusing how do i exit this exhibition house where i came from okay no this is where i came from i want to go to these stairs here okay i don't think this is where i've been [Music] yeah this lintel shows lady chalk shield jaguar's wife celebrating her husband's ascension she kneels with her hue pill tied around her knees traditional woven maya blouse that holds both symbolic and ceremonial significance maya believed that hue pills had magical powers cool this looks oh my god this reminds me so much of el dorado the road to el dorado [Music] this panel is one of the several commissioned by bird jaguar and details his capture of the kahal prominent local nobleman sure early maya ruler bak tool is represented in this stella performing a vision quest ceremony the vision serpent looms over the king revealing the ancient spirit that's being contacted four miniature gods hang onto the body of the vision serpent whatever you say the marriage between shield jaguar and lady shock is represented in this piece she offers a shield and jagger helmet to her betrothed so much info wait uh that's the one i saw oh my god this place is so confusing famous british explorer archibald archibald archibald rutherford discovered this piece in 1884 within the temple text on the slab commemorates pacquel's ascension ah okay oh we're back out we're free okay it's very quiet here oh there we go what's up here beach hill oh welcome to the beach hill maya mystery temple with the help of the museum guide you will learn about the maya culture and maybe even discover the hidden tomb of king pakal use your temple key card to place the different games on each play the different games on each temple level once you've finished every activity for a level your temple key card will unlock the entrance to the next level good luck [Music] quiz pacquiao ruled over which city in present-day mexico oh god did we even read about that palenque oh my god the name of pacquiao's mother i can't think of it oh it needs a card it needs a card mom where you went oh my god's mother lady zack cook okay let's go back what is the name of the calendar used to compute the 260 day ceremonial year oh god okay we did see that maybe here calendar sulking calendar stones okay you need a keycard for the game or it won't progress so should we wait until we get that key card anyway is that better you think you can get it okay see what the next question is and then we'll wait until we get it what's the name of the calendar so sulkin can't type nice the name is the supreme god in maya mythology okay so that's the next thing we gotta look up supreme god [Music] supreme god name [Music] okay so where can we get a card it needs a card his music also reminds me of rote eldorado such a fun movie miguel antonio mighty and powerful gods i need to find a [Music] why did i think that hovering over it would give me information that's a hog thing to do okay so let's check the door ah water hot i don't even know if i'm gonna use these for anything but okay got it can i check those can i check these the lab i'm gonna do some resident evil instruction manual congratulations on your purchase of the state of the ardena ham model we at know that you will enjoy your new communication device for years and years helpful information if it isn't creamycom the wonderful world of ham radio oh the radio in the museum in the exhibition ooh we're gonna space age digital keypad allows to enter four digit frequency you can either listen to the activity on the channel or use the ham morse code keyboard to transmit a message cool to enter in a frequency or channel number simply edit edit enter a four-digit number on the numerical keypad and press connect okay that's easy all messages are sent using morse code see appendix one letter at a time oh we're gonna get some morse code left button erases the series of dots and dashes that have been entered prior to hitting the send button if you realize you have made a mistake after hitting send okay ignore transmitted under the transmission error so it will play good maintenance techniques blah blah oh okay picture time there save that for later oh that's it [Music] okay thank you [Music] canyon cultural center sheila [Music] let's write that number down okay just in case we gotta make a phone call it's locked it's locked damn it can't be nosey over here oh there's a phone right here is this radio oh yeah but we don't know what frequency we want to listen in on buy milk [Music] okay they'll have to wait oh to find another piece oh the one that we found was already in okay good oh who's this you must be nancy the new deputy curator i'm henrik vandehun van the hyun pleased to meet you what are you working on thank you why are you wearing that mask obviously my allergies anyway what can i do for you um [Music] i'm not sure what to do with those shards of pottery joanna left for me play around with those pieces until you've reconstructed the part they once were there may be a few extraneous pieces likewise you may find yourself on a scavenger hunt for a piece or two if i know sunny june i'm curious about your work how do you go about translating a glyph anyway it can be a complicated process involving research piecing lots of different elements together and a healthy dose of guesswork so there isn't a definitive dictionary of maya glyphs where you can look things up oh i'm afraid not you see glyphs are so intricate and full of subtleties that multiple meanings may be embedded in a single glyph so three distinct looking all translate to mean sunshine roughly but with different nuances there is so much we still don't know lucky for me i guess i'd be out of a job can i give that ham radio a try absolutely not the radio is a tool not a toy one has to be extremely careful about the kind of information one sends out over the airwaves and i do not have time to monitor you and besides the vacuum tubes have been terribly fussy lately if another one grows i think i'll go mental joanna turned me loose without too many instructions do you have any advice for me well as you've probably heard the museum is closed in preparation for the exhibit so you'll have free run of the place please explore the sooner you get to know your way around the better yeah he's a great voiceover of communications anyone who wants to get in touch with you will leave a note or a voicemail here so check in often i'm very busy with my work so you're going to have to be pretty independent but i suspect you wouldn't have it any other way see you around henrik i suspect you will damn um okay what else we got [Music] what's this do not operate without permission oops [Music] well i guess i don't have any business there yet anyway so let's see is this going to be important again oh my god takes me back to the first game shibaba did you see that it said shibalba tushi balba what's that property of sunny june [Music] i can't read it notes i hate that bowl game random four pieces of corn different than dice try pascal's triangle all right aliens did it this is freak one and three frequency of four i feel like this is important beethoven [Music] audio narration thingy's gonna be so much work luckily all hurricane sunny managed to um borrow joanna's notes for this project must distract joanna only after her coffee break garden [Music] oh this is the route we took o-c-h-k-j temple as well or the main exhibition hall i don't know what that's for must surf web sure wish the lab had a computer just have to check out the latest alien adventure games if only someone would make a game about the ma maya hmm joanna found out about the stinky cheese incident big trouble now coco bandit i heard storm and joanna coming over better hide this lots of things here that seem important [Music] just taking a picture just in case wow that's a lot of bars coco kringle now with 80 percent less fat that's not chocolate anymore then though close that okay the bottom drawers don't have anything order asip bubble wrap silvio jr irene super archiver we have a couple numbers here keep it real restoration the microscope doctor hmm [Music] oh assistant curator tasks so me sort out shards of pottery and reassemble pot switch out plane knobs on display cases [Music] oh switch out the knobs bring addenda to monolith loan agreement order bubble wrap oh so we can order that match recorded narrations to appropriate displays in the main exhibit you need the headphones for this reorder maya numbering exhibit in the main exhibition hall yeah that's that puzzle okay we can order bubble wrap you have no voicemail press nine for an outside line two oh two monday through friday please call back during regular business hours have i been oh it's 7 p.m well that didn't work who's franklin rose boswell jackson and rose may i speak to franklin rose please who may i say is calling this is nancy drew just a minute please nancy great to hear from you how's the internship treating you are joanna and henrik showing you the ropes so far so good i think there's a lot of work to do before we launch this exhibit but somehow we'll pull it off glad to hear you're settling in i'm off to a meeting but feel free to call me if you have any questions i'm sure everything's going to be smooth sailing mr rose bye kiddo bye kiddo okay um let's leave it for now we might have to yes we might have to just call when um we haven't been here yet call next call tomorrow during working hours convomatic auto narrator what i am lord pakal ruler of the mighty kingdom of palenque all those who come before me witness my power lord pakal is considered the most influential this is the tour maya civilization cultural scientific and military achievement flourished under his reign as with all maya kings very little is known about his personal life since all written inscriptions dealt solely with public achievements such as wars battles coronations births marriages and deaths so that's entry seven seven is pacquiao oh four what is one one lady zack cook ruled palenque before her son ascended the throne in 615 ce maya tradition required that the kingship be handed down from father to son but lady zach cook broke this custom by herself as a deity this gave her the power to justify the new royal lineage because his mother had been deified pikal often referred to himself as the first true king the maya were pantheistic believing in many gods who ruled over different aspects of my life god's choc was the god of rain ishell goddess of the moon presided over childbirth and basket weaving a how kin represented the sun ceramic bowls such as the one featured in this exhibit may have been used as vessels for burnt offerings of incense or corn this bowl was either dedicated to or used to supplicate the god of war balak archaeologists work in some of the most remote areas of the world ham radios are often the only means of contacting the outside world ham is an acronym for handheld amateur radio oh so it's not pork gotcha although the geographic range of maya cities is well known it is difficult to determine the range of maya influence some experts believe the maya may have traveled as far south as the amazon and as far north as north america i'll just put down geographic range the maya used different methods to represent numbers here is an example of the numbers from 0 to 19 from top left to bottom right notice how some numbers are represented with bars and dots and some are represented with pictures that's why i want to know so i can do the puzzle maya scribes recorded the official history of the kings and queens but very little is known about daily life in the maya world although there are thousands of inscriptions found on artifacts and architecture there are only a handful of maya books in existence today in addition to adorning themselves with jewelry costumes their bodies to heighten their the and beauty body shaping beads were dangled in front of infants faces to encourage crossed eyes a trait considered attractive to the maya no like wouldn't you be a bad hunter if you're deliberately cross-eyed goofy-ass babies boom kitty the maya ball game was a religious activity as well as a spectator players would propel a rubber ball through a small stone hoop using their thighs hips why would you deliberately use bloodless make yourself cross like practice among the maya in this panel three captives wear garments associated with bloodletting a variety of instruments including stingray spines thorns and bone awls the four miniature gods clinging to the vision serpent are the headband twins hun ahau and balam and the twins of sacrificial dance chak shibshak and the baby jaguar baby were they particularly fascinated with twins and many of the maya gods were paired together which one is this the four miniature gods clinging to the vision survival surface and the twins of sacrificial damage chalk the date on this slab uses the sulkin divine calendar made up of 20 weeks each with a named day and strange supernatural creatures sometimes called monsters played an important role in maya mythology these are oh the bison associated with the phallic ones caves or mountains the bicephalic sometimes called the celestial or cosmic monster may have represented the sunrise or a long journey bike a pallet the maya kings were often in a protractor there's so many oh that's the last one the maya kings were often in a protracted state of war with local kahals here bird jaguar stands to the right as a captured lord kneels at his feet the kahal holds a broken umbrella a gesture typical of a supplicating captive okay so there's 15 entries the notebook that we saw earlier had the letters has the letters on the the layout of the place so now we just got to match those so let's go back to the main hall first although this is a very interesting place let's look around 1403. oh okay a couple of boxes [Music] cover bowl jade limestone so that's the contents of the boxes maybe [Music] what's this recycling deliveries another box johnny stuff sunny stuff hey okay good [Music] anything else here [Music] not that i can see okay so let's go back and go by the letters so let's go to a first a is in the corner here so this is a so that's the radio um ham radio 5 i'll put a before it okay and then across here is f this must be must be the the geographic reach right so that was six um then across we have l here bowl ceramic it's four could be l um let's see then we have second row we have e at the very end jade relief lord pacquiao that might be the first one we heard [Music] so that's e might be one but this is also about bakal oppakal's mother actually so m is zak cook [Music] okay then across we have i rain moon and sun gods okay there is a section on gods so that might fit next row [Music] next row we have g at the very end that's the modification stuff body shaping so nine is g and then this one ball game that was ten and nice then across we have d at the very end the numbers counting okay and then to the side scribes that this is going well okay that was these now we have to go outside okay so the first one we skip so skip that one we go to this one this one is o what is this three captives to the throne i only have three entries left and there's five outside here let's uh look at the other one first this is one this is the phallic thing yeah so that's c is 14. and then this one we ignore [Music] we have to go across how do i do that oh nice i just did it so not this one but the next one this one capture the hull alcohol was one 15 h okay and then the next one it should be right here vision quest vision serpent yeah i have that one 12 k okay so that leaves two one is not this one the next one this one uh talking j that means the one that we didn't know is the bloodletting you guys are right that's o that's all of it okay now we can go back and put them in the right order so loud in there okay oh all right how do i back up i have to do each oh my god each paddle okay a is ham five archaeologists work in some of them d is seven the maya used different counting b is eight scribes my ascribes c is fourteen strange supernatural creatures valentine's called e one i am lord i second row g nine in addition to adorning themselves there that looks like it's in order oh yes fun okay i feel like i would have liked working in a museum okay uh so this is our to-do list this one we did nice oh no this one we did i'd better check to see if i'm done with that reorder oh no that's not that's the puzzle but we do have the puzzle piece we also have two pieces of veins that we might be able to fix there now i can start putting this together okay can we turn this oh my god i i doubt they would let an intern like nancy do this though but who am i to say how they do their things that's done nice auto glued and everything hey the dude's gone do you think he went home for the day uh scratch that off the list [Music] okay so bring addenda to monolith loan agreement to alejandro del dio at the mexican consulate for signature how how do i go about that bring addenda what's what does the denda mean maybe back at the hotel maybe uh bubble wrap has to wait until tomorrow the puzzle we don't have the numbering scheme yet and we don't have a computer for the floppy disk either yeah there's nothing at his desk i can snoop at unfortunately okay addendum is extra info like or like a contract hmm i see okay let's go back to the main hall [Music] the mayan glyph for road b okay oh it's a key card we need it one for the game [Music] okay [Music] can i get one of these missing do you want a headphone instead of headphones none of them are clickable this one is okay cool god we're getting done i'm becoming like a veteran nancy player here [Music] uh can we see something here contributors oh are they fans pika commission for the arts that's the organization prudence rutherford works for yeah it has to be nd fan one two three someday i'll get my name in there [Music] bubba that's this awesome [Music] oh that's where we came from i guess she's not there anymore um we could do the quiz if it's too late we pass out right oh it is 11. maybe we should just go check out the hotel boom here we go no this is my hotel room oh maybe i can read the fluffy here i need a disc yeah i have one i need a disc that's oh disk reader whoa password for the floppy hmm dad's friend franklin rose asked me to volunteer as an assistant curator at the beach hill museum museum is preparing an exhibit on the ancient civilization includes a monolith this is the opening text isn't it oh wait is this a to-do list oh yeah but my boss who showed me the museum's prize position logograph number exhibits are missing it's missing pieces quiz answers that's all for tomorrow don't forget to put my card in to get credit for my work temple match-up puzzle should have answers in the exhibit hall or garden oh why is everyone's phone prefixes 555 strange met the museum's epigrapher henrik right need to bring papers about the monolith to the mexican consulate that's it that's our to-do thing found sonny's diskette information on this cat may help with tasks hmm see if franklin knows prudence pastor protected look around his desk for clues okay be sure to check in with bess and george cute okay anything else we can call bess yeah she might be sleeping it's midnight yeah let's go to bed and try tomorrow anything else in my room i need to look at my suitcases i can't look at my suitcases that's a first lock a door you never know who's gonna come and try and kill you you have many enemies nancy drew let's set an alarm for 7 am that sounds good right [Music] is such a horrible sound bess is ghosting us she is be tail okay through next day how are the tasks coming along um i can't seem to find the addenda to the monolith loan agreement that i'm supposed to bring to alejandro del rio check with henrik on that okay can you explain how you want me to reorder that maya numbering exhibit check with henrik on that okay when did henrik come on board i got an email from him one day saying he heard the news about beach hill getting the monolith he said he'd drop everything to come here and translate those glyphs he was even willing to take a pay cut what can i say except giddy up you're hired hmm suspicious i've got work to do bye bye that's just talking to her right yeah okay we and we need to talk to henrik on that there you go see you succeeded in reconstructing that maya pot do you know what the glyph on it means no i was hoping you could don't be blind those are some of the rarest and most difficult to translate even most of my colleagues wouldn't have a clue about this one ah but i'm a rare breed myself nancy and this is one of my areas of expertise you got my undivided attention the glyph on that pot signifies the great ancient maya city of copan in honduras there happens to be a very important dig going on there right now do you know any of the archaeologists there i have a few connections yes i'm keeping up with the action by ham radio hmm i can't seem to find the agenda to the monolith loan agreement that i'm supposed to bring to alejandro del rio sonny june bobbed around this place like an untethered balloon who knows where he left those documents you'll just have to hunt them down and fyi senor del rio has been extremely touchy about this monolith loan so try not to keep him waiting did you know the deputy curator who is here before me hurricane sunny i'm afraid i did if he wasn't losing paperwork or setting off the fire alarm he was cornering our visitors with his theory that the maya were abducted by aliens i'm afraid you'll be cleaning up his messes for a while what is the spectrox archaeo analyzer for it's used for identifying chemical compounds that are found on artifacts blood charcoal and other substances the beauty of the machine is that it can collect these traces without damaging the artifact in any way but it cost us a fortune so don't fiddle with it unless you get joanna's permission see you around henrik bye bye i thought he could tell me something about the numbering scheme as well okay that doesn't really help us maybe if we just put the plate in we'll get a hint maybe or then maybe she'll ask you know [Music] so oh god it was something god yeah there's no way we can know all of them we need some kind of reference somewhere we need to initiate another conversation with him to trigger new dialogue i see well we got that play in at least what is this for what does that do oh i have to match them oh that's the ones have been writing down okay this is road um this is black um this one we have to ink wait that wasn't correct do i have to do it in a certain order you think ink road black what was this throne oh maybe i made a mistake so i only don't know 19 and north wrong guess 19 north so inc road so what does that do got my card back [Music] okay palenque uh cook zak cook sulkin supreme god i'm gonna guess sun first no oh i can just try again right okay it's none of those supreme god it must be in the backyard one of those slabs will tell us oops the rain god that's another one at least we can try but it doesn't say supreme eat samna where have we seen that those birds here and then you come back here and it's like ah silence oh yeah it's um there you go so i t z a m n a okay found it [Music] oh wait i got put in my card [Music] uh i do have to restart it though good thing i'm writing all of it down otherwise it would be impossible [Music] the name of the a modern mayan language ooh modern maya modern mind one of these has to be one of those quiche oh god that one's hard to write let's hope it's quiche i love how i'm supposed to deliver a contract and i'm just like puzzles gotta do the museum quiz [Music] quiche okay what's the next oh successfully completed temple level one quiz you have already solved the other activities you may now use your temple key card to descend to the next level so we need one more thing quiz match up bull one more puzzle somewhere can we go in here nope is that the next level we can go to is it maybe this try your hand at this ancient maya war game object the object is to capture all of your opponent's warriors by bumping all of his or pieces by landing on a square occupied by them these players two turns you must roll the corn dice on your first turn but you can pass on your second turn if a warrior runs off the playing field he will return to the opposite direction okay you'll play orange on the left side haven't we played this in a different game the jane game yeah the werewolf game we played this i forgot how it works though oh god so okay so that's two i see three oh god two three so now i roll oh i passed him you have to try and land on each other right how do i put a new one out here he comes if i roll five spiral three now okay reset as well hey isn't it based on luck then though oh god reset this is the triangle thing [Music] i have no idea how to utilize that though i'm dead one against three i can do it yes come to me little i'm so close oh two oh it's three the suspense [Music] how do you win this oh damn it oh god okay okay come right in front of me okay now i can get you yes okay we're tied now okay pass through the computer i don't think i can i can do it for myself but oh i can so i can manipulate the game i didn't realize i could do that finally did it okay now what [Music] i have nothing on me [Music] oh i did it i did count okay thank god wait so now we can check our progress right or can we try the door you think oh oh sneaky sneaky in the temple oh god more games oh god more games hi okay let's see it what's this one reached level two remember to use your temple key card okay the name of one of shield jaguar's wives i need a second i need the back of my paper um okay i'll just write down shield wife okay and what else do we have what's this one maze game offline enter in the system login and then password okay we'll remember that oh that reminds me of el dorado again okay what's this shoot [Applause] okay uh is this the strength do that oh hi yes hey enough to do it from further away okay too high this is fun oh no he goes back to the beginning what did i do four okay four high then we'll do mid four it's too strong still three mid maybe three mid [Applause] form it maybe try too low [Applause] although i don't that doesn't make any sense but whatever okay how about four low go low [Applause] should i try like five minutes yes [Applause] so what's this gonna be low six yeah that's right we haven't used low yet yeah good one six low i don't know why i'm even writing it down but give me my card thank you okay anything else here oh what's this yum yum similar rules oh god that goes really fast uh-huh jawbone skeletal figure with rotting flesh eyeballs marked by this semi-death sign that's a death sign well lady rainbow well that was confusing with the middle one ball game maze necklace okay maybe we should find that contract that we're supposed to deliver instead of doing puzzles unless we get it by doing puzzles who knows okay the question was the shield's wife so pacquiao's wife we've seen something about him marrying someone right god where was it though oh my lord shield jaguar's wife lady sock the challenge is going through this garden without zooming in on things okay let's see if we can talk to this dude again howdy nope see you around henrik howdy why does he give me whisker vibes okay the addendum is obviously not here how's our to-do list doing [Music] addenda i mean oh yeah the bubble wrap i almost forgot uh 555-9963 that should do it right silvio's curatorial bonanza i'd like to place an order please have you ordered from us before yes i think so we have an account number okay good that saves me a lot of paperwork what's the account number that saves me a lot of paperwork bh119k bh [Music] bh-119k beach hill are you serious that's right i'm the new deputy curator nancy drew well whoop-dee-doo it's nancy drew but silvio's curatorial bonanza no longer does business with beach hill i've seen all six of the outstanding invoices to a collection agency and you jokers won't get another packing peanut out of silvio jr ever do not call here again well then that sucks is there an alternative maybe our friend has something to say about it howdy i'm supposed to order more packing supplies but the company says they won't do business with us anymore does beach hill have bills that can't pay uh no comment [Music] but henrik how am i supposed to get this order taken care of i hereby absolve you of that task if joanna wants things shipped she can stuff them into garbage bags for all i care henry i'll see you around henrik that will be fine my god see what joanna has to say about this let's go see her [Music] joanna henry said this is this come in how are the tasks coming along i've got work to do we have nothing to say about that so never mind i guess we can put it take it off of our task list yep now we just need to know about the numbers and then to find the addenda check the couch is it just hiding around somewhere well i have no reason to check it out yet so i doubt there's anything here [Music] um let's go back to the quiz i guess the other one there's another one i only see the one couch or is this a different one oh [Music] when did that get there oh my god [Laughter] so we found it [Music] yep sure got it so do we take it somewhere yes nice thank you thanks for helping with that let's see and then we just have the number puzzle one is diaz stop there's legal prominence it's your duty [Music] a work of art may travel great distances and change hands many times during the course of its lifetime typically legal transfer of ownership happens either as a sale an inheritance or a gift providence documents are an important means of establishing an artwork's authenticity as well as confirming the legality of its ownership they show the geographic personal and commercial route of the work of art that is they identify the date of each exchange the names of the people involved the circumstances of the transfer and the location where the transaction was taken place ideally an unbroken chain of ownership can be traced all the way from the artist workshop to the present day frequently though some documents are missing our dealer or museum creator curator has no way of knowing knowing how the artwork has been exchanged during these gaps in the record when this is the case legality of present-day ownership becomes suspect when researching an artwork's providence the following documents may provide clues okay [Music] makes sense [Music] can i look around maybe from here there how may i help you hi hi i'm nancy drew that was the same honey i'm transforming into nancy drew joanna rigg's newest pirate in training how does it feel to join the ranks with the modern day conquistadors i beg your pardon but how does a deputy curator become a pirate in your book you had better brush up on your history young lady when the spanish explorers invaded mexico they became known as the conquistadors or conquerors they robbed the indigenous peoples of their weft not just their gold but their artwork their sacred objects anything they did not steal they burned to the ground alejandro i understand that many crimes were committed in the name of exploration but that was hundreds of years ago what does this have to do with beach hill there is more in the 19th century archaeologists discovered the ruins of ancient civilizations predating even the aztecs many of the dig sites were robbed and the stolen artifacts were sold off to art museums and collectors around the world today finally it is illegal among most civilized nations to remove an artifact from its native country but sadly there are thousands of precious antiquities with highly questionable provenance floating around the western world that's true but joanna only wants to display this artwork to celebrate it so the public will be able to enjoy it and learn about your people's great talents and achievements if the american public wants to see our art they should come to mexico honestly i agree [Laughter] the amount of artwork that is stolen like historic artworks that is in museums nowadays that is actually stolen technically what do you mean by questionable provenance and artifacts provenance is the story of its origin and ownership for example how it made its way from a temple at chichen itza to a museum in washington dc if the artifacts provenance reveals that it has been stolen then that artifact must be returned to the country of its origin so the problem has been remedied hasn't it no not at all provenance documents are often tampered with or forged to cover up the theft because of this thefts continue and a great deal of artists moved on the black market even today unethical art dealers and greedy museum curators do nothing to stop this are you suggesting beach hill is involved in these kinds of misdealings if joanna riggs or that overstuffed pillow hit sinclair had any decency they would take measures to see that all maya artifacts were returned to mexico at once where they belong well i think i'll have to chew on some of these issues for a while alejandro in the meantime i do need you to sign off on these changes to the loan agreement for the monolith do you mind i am still not happy that such a rare find will have its debut exhibition on american soil but in my country too there are people for who money talks i will take those documents now okay i guess i should give him the contract thank you i have some business with joanna at the museum later so i will return the contract to her then after i have looked it over okay are you sure i don't mind waiting you may consider your mission accomplished well uh okay then goodbye please ignore the fact that it's shaped into a paper airplane okay so back to the museum we have the quiz we can do and maybe now we can get the info on the numericals [Music] maybe let's check with the dude again we can change our checklist at least those familiar door sounds this one just the numbers left now howdy see you around henrik we do cody where the are we gonna find the info on it oh yeah we haven't called sheila [Music] it's four could do that you can only call her from the hotel oh okay thanks um numbers there must be some way we can find out the numbers right it's in the floppy disk so we need to get the dude's password for the floppy how do we find that do you think it's in his notebook do you think the password is like coco kringle or something [Music] lavash no coco kringle for you buddy we can look there as well wait can i click this oh that's just information use the phone in nancy's hotel room to call your friends on suggestions what to do okay let's go back there [Music] try putting anything in the password do you think maybe we get a hint it's like my favorite chocolate bar [Music] hint yeah it is the cow i feel like some [Music] wait but how do you spell it kringle or just coco no it's two words i would have never guessed jared's hounding me to get this done can't keep all of them straight headphones will help me figure out what is playing in the display oh i just did it without the headphones dots bars and gods yes sarah looks like a turtle shell but no turtle okay one dot is one two dots is two a bar is five that's what it was i remember from parasite eve picture this each dot is individual finger [Music] okay bar is usually vertical dot left of the bars if it doesn't look exactly like a dot or bar it doesn't count squigglies ovals incomplete dots crooked bars chocolate bars the maya often put decorative marks next to their number so just ignore anything that's not a bar and or dot some gods also represent numbers one has fish lips two has a big hat with five fingers oh my god just take a picture of this this is way too hard okay we got all the info stuff to forget can't figure out the answer to the level 2 quiz question about the matchmaker and hendrick isn't speaking to me right now so either i'm blind as a bat and can't find the exhibit that has the answer or we just never put it in joanna has no help on this so i'll just have to wait for a horde of visitors getting very frustrated with this question once we open the museum i'll let henrik deal with it came up with a great question for level three but hendrick hates it once i get some time i'll make an exhibit for this just don't know where i can get my hands on one i wonder if joanna will spring a trip for me to go down to guatemala damn oh system login shoon system password space baby that was a lot of info that was awesome uh should we still call although i do think we can do the puzzle now so let's go back and do the puzzle i'm excited to do the puzzle here we are so we have all these faces one kind of looks like a doctor oh three looks like a doctor so this is a doctor do we have a three somewhere there wait is it just two and one oh it's just oh it's just ordered um so this is 12 then that's actually 12. and this is 7 5 10 15 17. we're 17 there 12 this is then 7 this should be 10. uh this is eleven this should be five oh that is five wait oh yeah zero is here ten fourteen then this should be four sixteen oh [Music] one maybe this is then zero if that doesn't mean anything 17 18 and 19 all look like the original number with the removable removable jaw of lahoon oh these have like a little jaw uh okay so how about two car has a big hat with five fingers and a semi oval in it a big hat with five fingers this one nine a beard or acne [Music] i guess that oh this is a beard i guess um 10 11 12 13 has a t on the cheek that looks right yes so should we just leave it like that oh we did it that was a hard one that took me a little bit checklist baby boom we did everything awesome our checklist is done maybe we should go to joanna and say that our work is done i wonder what the mystery is actually there's nothing that's gone wrong or anything it's locked like you know how it's locked oh she's not here anymore ah seven pm she went home i guess we should go home for the day then as well huh we could do the quiz a little bit more if you go if you guys want oh we also have the password for this one i don't know if i have to put this in but uh login shoot password space baby oh god holy wait what am i oh my god [Laughter] i can also point that's much harder though this is the maze oh right i'm just gonna walk through it for now we've played something similar to this from another nancy drew game this really gives me tomb raider vibes well we're making progress oh the floor is scary it's the death mask is it actually this oh no i made it it was green wait let's check our progress yeah the maze is done cool okay now just the quiz yes which maya monster represents the continuous cycle of life and death oh okay we've seen that in the garden the phallic one is that the one let's go i gotta turn around and then go this way alec here you are two headed crocodile yeah wait do we need the name of it is that do you think bicephalic is the answer which might okay i like yes what did the maya call a decorative woven blouse oh the hui bill yeah you are right yes oh my god [Music] what is a cajal uh i don't know do you guys remember nobleman noble yes oh my god you guys are the best what is the name of a maya matchmaker can't find the answer to this one in the museum sj so we have to get this info somewhere else a maya matchmaker now that we've gotten to the question maybe we can ask people about it [Music] we're almost there but everyone's gone home for the day so maybe we should do the same or maybe our friends know maybe we should go back to the hotel and call them you need to inspect the monolith it's vital to progressing further yeah i haven't seen it yet where is it the middle of the garden oh the one we danced around boswell jackson and rose may i speak to franklin rose please who may i say is calling this is nancy drew just a minute please nancy to what do i owe the pleasure of this call oops false alarm i'll call you later not a problem dear okay well if you want we can go back monolith here this side looks damaged oh [Music] footsteps should i say detective drew i'm sinclair hi hi there i guess you've done your homework you're at a meeting with the bod recently and i caught wind of your appointment and your credentials very impressive if i do say so myself the body that would be the board of directors those cranky old cats they do keep the ducks squared away around here i'll give them that so how's this for a specimen ever seen a million dollars worth of rock before do diamonds count well they did say you were sharp seriously though thank goodness you're here i'm afraid the museum may be in terrible jeopardy oh what kind of jeopardy joanna told me to butt out but i'm so fond of beach hill i just hate to see it fall prey to scoundrels what scoundrels it's a sensitive subject meet me in my office later and i'll explain everything then where's your office 707 bing cherry boulevard i've got to go enjoy your first day at beech hill interesting interesting why is this same thing [Music] [Music] do you see anything i don't see anything oh this one's different like this side is messing apart it looks like the disc that's in the exhibition hall it's locked oh it needs a car [Music] someday i'll get there looks like this goes in there calendar stones it's locked it's locked don't have the key for that [Music] okay so everyone's gone home i guess we should go home for the day unless we have a new location now we do but it's 9 p.m should probably save it for tomorrow oh pm oops my bed sorry okay [Music] let's go to the office see what's going on over there oh taylor sinclair hi it's about time oh my fears are like maggots infesting my poor old carcass want a cookie they're from oaxaca [Music] oh my fears are like maggots of fasting my carcass want a cookie you're trying to cut back nancy why no thank you you said beach hill is in jeopardy i need to know why the art world is being ransacked nancy prudence rutherford a major patron of the arts had her fire ruby necklace stolen from herself into pika two weeks later a whole display case full of rare maya artifacts was heisted from a museum in new mexico oh do you think there's a connection between the two thefts who knows i'm just telling you this community our friends and colleagues my people are being systematically trounced by thugs who's to say beach hill won't be next you've got to do something hmm does joanna share your concerns i've urged joanna to approach the board about making some security upgrades but she just keeps saying that the timing isn't right to ask for money i understand your concern but what can i do to help we need your eagle eyes we need your bat ears we need you to sniff out the stink of trouble [Laughter] [Music] i'll do my best but it sounds like what you really need is a new breed of police dog don't play modest mouse with me most people call me nosy parker modest mouse most people meet nosy parker but anyway tell me something about the art business is that a contemporary painting you bet your socks it is would you believe i dug it up in my backyard good thing you're not trying to make a living as a comedian so what about the painting what a mean thing to say the artist's name is poppy dada she's a teenager in south dakota the art world is going bananas over her stuff i'll unload that one for some serious dinero hmm joanna says you performed an act of wizardry in helping beach hill acquire the pakal carving getting those provenance docks together was a pig and a half oh they're on the up and up i assure you but ah to have been at the height of my career back before the crackdown those were the days what a crackdown maybe sometime i'll tell you a sad story i call how mexico lost its sense of humor not today though nancy damn dude's just in it for the money isn't he an unethical modern-day conquistador robbing mexico of its cultural history exactly that's what i want to say but the money sell a piece of art what kind of commission do you get standard 10 it's no kings ransom unless of course you sell something for a million bucks too bad i'm not allowed to put that monolith on the market huh [Music] alejandro says you're unethical a modern-day conquistador that you're robbing mexico of its cultural history and i say alejandro is the real bully of the playground a lunch money extortionist who loves nothing more than to see the other boys and girls go hungry i'd better get going bye now whatever bro what a weird piece of art um anything else here it doesn't look like it no well that was weird how are the tasks coming along why did you become a museum curator i became a curator because i want to help make artifacts available to as many people as possible that's all that matters isn't it unless you're alejandro del rio hmm do you think alejandro would go to extreme measures like stealing to reclaim mexico's artifacts who knows i've got work to do bye she asked me how the tasks were coming along and then i answered her question with another question and then we didn't get anywhere great i forgot we can speed up the turning around i always forget um let's talk to the other dude who is not here i am where is he [Music] also maybe it's jesus [Music] what is it oh my god where is the sound coming from [Music] joanna what's going on the police are on their way okay what's going on exhibit alarm [Music] oh i should talk to joanna before i touch anything [Music] where is she she back in her office come in someone has cooked up my worst nightmare and served it to me on a plate i'm sorry about the theft joanna it must be a terrible loss for the museum that's the understatement that was loud yeah that's loud did the police find any clues around the display there's the mystery yeah took some samples for the crime lab but they couldn't promise any overnight results so if you want to put your little magnifying glass up to the scene it's fine with me thanks great i'll let you know if i find anything go to it nice she trusts me wow yeah it's weird that we've been playing for two and a half hours and this is the point where like the drama happens like now we have our mystery took really long the scarlet hand unusual jade relief oh yeah we've read this so that's missing anything else [Music] nothing that we can actually look at can we examine this this letter somewhere there is the this thing oh this is missing too [Music] i was i was thinking it looked different oh no it's here can we use this thing i shouldn't be messing around with this without permission he's gone that is oddly suspicious don't you think where would he go save the game oh my god i haven't saved a single time yet something saved here okay good i could maybe ask some people about it [Music] need something have you seen henrik ah there you go a piece of paper inside the call display case it had some glyphs on it and a print of a red hand i'm hoping he can give me a translation what am i fish food henrik's not the only one around here who can read a glyph you know okay great did you happen to see the thief's message the police showed me the note it said the magician suffers yellow death whatever that means apparently the thief just couldn't come up with the glyphs for the curator suffers flaming purple disgrace the magician suffers yellow death huh i'm curious about the red handprint the thief left does it have any significance in maya culture freight i can't help you there what i want to know is what the hand was printed with it's obviously not finger paint why don't you do a little analysis on it in the lab okay i haven't seen henrik since the theft where do you think he could be who knows he's so fishy should be hunting him down he was in the museum when it happened so now we can use this thing yes please insert sample and press start spectrox okay i've got a graph of the chemical used for the handprint now i've got to match it up with a known substance okay there that's it that was easy hgs turn it off uh hgs is it on here um out there according to this chart hg stands for mercury periodic table like this always makes me nervous because this is like i had like one class in high school like one semester and i failed it so badly that they were like yeah this is not for you should i click on s as well stands for sulfur okay so the handprint was made from mercury and sulfur okay it's just instant ptsd from school [Music] okay um so i'll take that info back to joanna need something i did the chemical analysis you suggested that red hand was printed with a compound containing mercury and sulfur does that mean anything to you sure sure cinnabon cinnabar to add definition to the artist's lines cinnabar paper dolls too remember that stream where would a person get a supply of cinnabar we use cinnabar here at the museum the same way the maya did to keep things as authentic as possible henrik orders those kinds of supplies but we've been out of stock for quite a while the last i heard there was some kind of hold up with the distributor hmm i've got work to do simple ubisobubi the one now what did she just say booby booby we know the material of the handprint the components but then we need to find henrik because he he's the one who orders it normally maybe that means we can find something at his desk no there is that locked desk here though [Music] so we need a key for that and there's the radio [Music] you have voicemail press zero to retrieve messages nancy hi it's franklin rose i'm calling because it's just this theft is very bad news for the museum you can't imagine the limb we went out on to acquire that car carving it's been one of the museum's main attractions um i don't want to take you away from your internship but if you can do a little investigating well i think i speak for the whole board when i say we'd be very grateful give me a call when you have a chance and nancy thanks to replay messages press zero press nine for an outside line the voice think of harley quinn and then listen to this you have no voicemail press nine for an outside line press nine for an outside line oh what's this nancy something's come up and i'll be gone for a bit your mission in the meantime run through the temple activities to verify that all questions can be answered based on info available elsewhere in the museum we don't want a little rascal rebellion on our hands when we when the exhibit exhibit opens now do we be back asap henrik [Music] yeah that's that's the thing we got stuck on right now we don't know the answer for the last question the problem is we have a question that the museum doesn't have an answer to so we can't find it here which makes me think that we need joanna or henrik or someone else to answer the question for us about the matchmakers call bess yeah maybe that's a good idea [Music] oh my god henrik what are you doing [Music] someone push him off this down the stairs [Music] wow must have taken a real nose dive off that pyramid do you think he just fell nancy or was he pushed sounds like you need to find out about hospital visiting hours yeah but you'd better get the lowdown from joanna first george is right she is your supervisor after all okay thanks guys couldn't even get a word in good morning first the call carving is stolen and now my star glyph man bumps his head and forgets his own name what's next nancy del rio pulls the plug on the monolith the board clams up on my funding my mother posts my old prom pictures on the internet take it easy joanna i'm sure everything is going to be okay what i need from you right now is action not commentary nancy will you follow up with the hospital and see if there's anything we can do to get henrik's marbles back okay how can i help around here you can also pick up henrik's mail if he gets any keep the lab in order and just try to help me keep the entire museum from going up in smoke i've got work to do bye okay so we have to call the hospital and check for mail i don't know i don't think there's any mail is there oh bubble wrap i found the culprit guys let's see if there's a number here archiver reservations microscope doctor this message is for nancy drew hi nancy oh there you go this is nurse blue foot calling from eleanor roosevelt memorial hospital in regards to henrik van der heune i believe you're a colleague of his since mr van der heune was admitted he has repeated your name several times in states of semi-consciousness as we've been unable to contact any of his family members we're hoping you might be willing to act as henrik's support person as he begins the difficult process of restoring his memory please call me as soon as possible to discuss this my direct line is 202 555 to replay messages press zero press nine for an outside line okay harley five five five four thousand this is nurse blue foot nurse bluefoot this is nancy drew you left me a message regarding henrik vanderhune how bad are you nancy drew oh thank goodness oh i'm so relieved we've been unable to locate any family members and we do like amnesia patients to have at least one personal support person when they begin reality orientation what's reality orientation reality orientation is a kind of treatment that helps a patient get reacquainted with the facts and circumstances of his or her life henrik has not actually lost his memory it's just that his brain is injured in such a way that he can't access the place where the memories are stored i see so we need to help him find the trail of crumbs is that it exactly first we do repetitive memory exercises to help henrik relearn the basic facts like his name and address the name of his parakeet if he has one the date and so on second we try to stimulate henrik's sensory memories in order to help trigger or find the way back to his cognitive memories what are sensory memories a sensory no medical sense i don't know if you say something that you recognize by sight or touch smell or sound or what is that last one oh yes taste a cognitive memory is something that you know or remember intellectually wait a minute for example how do you know the name of this planet somewhere along the way you learn that this doesn't sound like a nurse and you just remember but say you bump your head and forget the name of this planet you don't know where in the solar system you're floating maybe someone posing as a nurse that would be most trying to get information out of henrik but then i show you a picture of our marvelous blue and green globe suddenly you remember that glorious sight is earth this is a weird dude this is how a sensory memory can trigger a cognitive or intellectual one what if the patient doesn't remember right away you can't help henrik remember his childhood but you can probably help him remember his work and who knows where that will take him all roads lead to rome as they say one great tool is the reality orientation board this is a place to post information and pictures for the patient to look at over a period of time you may want to bring in images or photos to place christmas museum perhaps very sus i see well i'll be happy to help visiting winter visiting hours visiting hours are 10 to 4 every day if the patient is not engaged in treatment and if he seems to okay great uh is there anything else just remember henrik's brain has been knocked around like a peanut in its shell that's what a concussion is isn't it that your brain like hits the edge of your skull because your brain's like floating and then if you hit your head to heart like your brain kind of like bumps into the bone push him too hard or he may have some kind of meltdown thanks for the warning nurse bluefoot me well he is so fishy also i just realized it's already 6 p.m and we've been streaming three and a half hours i feel like this would be the perfect spot end of first stream because this is a bit of a longer game right i feel like it's best to try and split this one over two streams just so we can take our time you know and not like lose energy and try and like rush puzzles and stuff i think you're 40 down done yeah i would say like halfway [Music] you
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 75,924
Rating: 4.9725857 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, nancy drew, nancy, point and click, steam, secret of the scarlet hand, scarlet hand, nancy drew secret of the scarlet hand, maya, mayan culture, museum, beech hill
Id: 2BkZqpyxYrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 9sec (7809 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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