Naked Gun Opening
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Channel: Haukon123
Views: 1,172,865
Rating: 4.8359513 out of 5
Keywords: naked, gun, 33, 1/3, opening, leslie, nielsen, haukon123
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2009
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Dyslexia for cure found.
Enrico Pallazzo was such a good actor.
I love these films, Leslie Neilsen was simply the best at this type of comedy. -"he was a white guy with a moustache, about 6'3" "That's an awfully big moustache."
You mean 33 1/3 ?
A little movie geek trivia This scene was a parody of The Untouchables(1987) - Union Station Scene which was inspired by this scene in BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN(1925) and that's the extent of my knowledge from film class :D
The lawnmower cracks me up every single time...
Was that OJ Simpson?
These movies are so good because of the actors. It's all about the delivery of the joke. You see, some jokes in the movie are really stupid, i mean scary movie stupid, but the way leslie delivers them, the expression and the faces he makes, are hilarious.
33 1/3. Take your amateur hour elsewhere.