Nagash, the Lord of Undeath | An Impromptu Warhammer Fantasy Story

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okay last thing wheel mr wheel thank you so very very much for the 40 gift subs that is an insane amount of support um allow me to repay it back uh so nagash in the kingdoms of nehakara um so ancient civilization nehakara uh nakakara is united under a guy literally named the heck or uh um was it a heck or was it i think yeah i'm pretty sure it was in a heck um so the heck who founded kimri uh ends up becoming the first of the priest kings and he goes through all the [ __ ] and he basically unites the hackard under one banner uh and names it after himself because you know toon kings um but uh the first or sorry he was not the first priest king that's not correct he united nehekara but he was not the first priest king um but he unites the hekara under one banner all the kingdoms like kind of established with one another and he forms the crown of the king so the crown that cetra wears was created by naheck and basically what he did is he ran around and told all the other kings hey you belong to me now uh you're my vassal obey me and they were like get [ __ ] and so he kicked the [ __ ] out of them and they were like okay sorry my bad um let me uh let me give you let me give you my crown and the heck went great and took the crown and combined it with his own crown and once he had combined the crowns of all of the different cities he then declared himself king of kings and was like kemery is now the capital of nejacara everybody has to do what i tell them to this is my crown now and everyone was like cool so many generations later um nakakara is having a really really bad time and uh there's a horrible plague lots of people are dying the crops are wilting [ __ ] sucks um and up comes cetera the imperishable you may be wondering what this has to do in the gash i'll get there um so nagash steps up or uh cetra steps up and cedric goes wow this plague and everything really really [ __ ] sucks um this is all awful so tell you what i'm gonna i'm gonna make an offering so amazing that the gods cannot ignore me anymore i'm going to offer the gods on offering the likes of which they've never received so he tells the city we're going to give everything to the gods and we're going to hear a huge ritual and during this big ritual cetera murders his entire family um he sacrifices all of his children all of his wives he murders all of them in a ritual to give to the gods to basically say hey i'm gonna offer you all this but in exchange you guys get your asses together in unified behind me you acknowledge me as king and the gods were like that's awesome that's awesome so the gods send this giant storm um and it's this massive storm that rains a whole bunch and it floods the river vitae um also known as the river of life um which um uh washes away all of the like nasty [ __ ] from the plague it clears out uh it clears out the plague ends the crops regrow and uh kimray is healed and cetera and says hey i have the approval of the gods i am now the king of kings i declare myself the first priest king because i don't need your acknowledgement petty mortals i have the acknowledgment of the gods they say i'm the old like gigachad so everyone's gonna do what i tell them to and all the other kings told cetera to get [ __ ] so cetera went around and just kicked the [ __ ] out of everybody and dominated all of the hekara and then he decided that wasn't enough and he proceeded to dominate the entirety of the south lands and most of the bad lands and a significant amount of what we now know as the border prince's so he took over this gigantic empire um so cetera starts growing old because the only it turns out the only opponent cetra can't beat is death because he's growing old so he tells the all the lich priests which the lich priests are the priests of all the different gods they were not called lich priests at this point they were just called priests he tells all the priesthoods hey i don't want to die figure out a way to stop me from dying and they say uh okay we're gonna try and figure that out so um they uh so the priests start working on trying to achieve immortality and they do an okay job they extend cetera's lifespan considerably further than he should have lived he lives for a few hundred years instead of only like a few decades uh but eventually he does die so cetera dies and um with his dying breath he basically curses the murder the mortuary cult for failing him and he tells and they're like hey like don't be mad at us we'll figure it out we'll figure it out um we will resurrect you we will resurrect you we'll find a way to bring you back with a golden immortal godlike body you will be beautiful and perfect and citrus like ah [ __ ] you and dice um so they bury cetera and because of cetera's last order this whole culture develops around death like the the mortuary cult is basically all the priesthoods fused into one power kind of like the great orthodoxy is for kislev now and the mortuary cult becomes obsessed with trying to figure out all of this death [ __ ] and immortality so many many many generations later many generations later comes nagash so nagash was the firstborn son of the king of kimri who was also the king of kings okay so nagash is born uh nagash is the firstborn son to the king however according to neheckar and culture the mortuary cult is so important that because nagash was the firstborn son according to basically the culture of nakakara the mortuary cult was so [ __ ] important that the firstborn child um or actually i know it had to be a son there were no girls allowed there were no girls allowed in the priesthoods uh girls weren't allowed to use magic in nehakara so the uh the firstborn son of royalty had to be given over to the mortuary cult this a allowed the mortuary cult to have a significant amount of political power which they really really liked and b it was just kind of a sign to like help keep them going and stuff so nadash was given over to the mortuary cult to be raised and taught all their stuff meanwhile uh the second born son nagash's brother got to be king so the gash already wasn't super thrilled about that but um as the gash is a child the gash it starts being inducted up so nagash as a boy um is being is learning about the mortuary cult he's learning about death he's learning about the gods he's learning about priests and as part of his kind of initiation his education the gash is taken around to all these different places to see people dying so he sees people as they're dying he sees people after they die because he's learning about like the embalming process and the nature of the soul which i just made a video on by the way you should go watch it it's really really cool um and so negas just learns all this stuff but nagash looking at all these people dying he watches what it's like to die you know he's engrossed in it and the gash has an interesting revelation which a lot of nakakarans are obsessed with death but for nehecarans most of them are not necessarily so worried about dying as they are making sure that when they die they get like a good place within the realm of souls so they are important enough or wealthy enough that they are able to be rewarded in the afterlife and they get to live in paradise instead of going to the shitty part of the nehekharan um afterlife their own souls where you get devoured by uh terrifying hounds and uh digested and then devoured again over and over and over for eternity so most but most people don't try to like avoid death outside the lich priests who discovered immortality but they discovered a really shitty form of immortality because they got eternal life but not eternal youth which is why all the lich priests look so like desiccated they're actually still alive they're not undead fun fact kotep still alive kottep's never died he's not undead he is alive that's just what alive looks like for him um same thing with all the lich priests so anyway um nagash sees all these people dying and nagash looks at it and goes this sucks this looks like absolute [ __ ] i hate this death looks like it [ __ ] sucks i'm not going to die i refuse to die because the gash basically he is terrified of death but he also thinks it just looks awful so nagash just in his deepest darkest core decides i will not die and so nagash becomes obsessed with trying to figure out a way to cheat death which lucky for him being in the mortuary cult is a good way to do that because they've already discovered immortality so once again their form eternal life is really really thick so nagash uh becomes one of the greatest ever seen in the mortuary cult um he is comple he is very prolific um he is exceptionally skilled at using magic um but he is very limited by the knowledge of his forebearers the lord of nehekara is a very very let's say simple law of magic because the priests did not learn the truth of magic they don't know the true nature of magic instead the way the priests of nehakara learned how to control magic was through the gods um the gods basically the priests would basically offer up prayers um and offerings to the gods and in exchange the gods would uh the lich priests would basically use the gods as a fulcrum for their magic casting so with nagash uh nagash is very unsatisfied by this because while the priest kings did actually manage to take their magic beyond just like basic prayers into a genuine actual magic um and from their obsession with death and from trying to learn the truth of the nature of reality and suss out all its secrets they managed to learn the lores of death and light um thanks to like imprisoning uh jinns and imprisoning which are basically elemental spirits of the lords of magic and imprisoning demons and kind of like drawing information out from them they basically you know they learned the lord of light they learned the lord of death but that's it you know they weren't able to really learn anything outside of that um other than their basic other than discovering their own lord which they use their gods as a conduit to cast the gash realizes that this is very limiting it's not enough he understands death better than anyone alive he understands souls better than anyone alive but he doesn't understand magic well enough then the gash gets lucky because what happens is that a group of dark elves uh wreck on the coast of the northern coast of the southland so the northern coast of nejacchara so zandry manages to capture a group of dark elves alive and not only do they capture these dark elves i believe there are three of them but one of them is a sorceress so they capture a wizard and two other dark elves and the nekarins are aware of elves they've been attacked by the dark elves before um but so to them the dark owls are these super [ __ ] terrifying entities that they don't understand very well because they never really dealt with them very much um so zandry to be better safe than sorry they drug the [ __ ] out of the elves to make them just like caught in a stupor so they can barely think and they're basically kind of zombified and they throw them in chains and they're like uh you know what let's send these to uh let's send these to nagash as a gift let's send these back um to kimray as a gift and the gash gets his hands on the elves and the gash realizes that one of them's a sorceress and nagash goes oh i'm going to learn such things from you so nagash starts working with the sorceress who he basically tortures um in exchange for knowledge and he keeps her well enough drugged that she can't reach well enough into the winds of magic to do anything about him and he's very very careful to make sure she's never able to pull one over on him so he basically tortures her and her companions um and is basically like hey if you don't want to starve to death you teach me about magic hey you want to get water you're going to teach me about magic but he keeps it pretty tame he keeps it pretty tame so she teaches him a massive amount of magic and nagash starts recording all of his information that he's learning into these books um and through this dark elf sorceress nagash learns the truth of magic and she teaches him about more importantly she teaches him about dar and dar is dark magic it's basically when you take all the winds of magic and you slap them together to make a really really powerful mormon magic but it comes at a really high cost it's also typically known as blood magic because when you use dark magic it can have a profoundly negative effect on your body but if you sacrifice someone like cut somebody open uh you can use their life essence to suffer the ill effects of the spell rather than yourself uh which is great so nagash learns dark magic and he starts taking the lore of nehakara and dark magic and putting them together and nagash starts to learn that he doesn't need the gods that the gods of nehakara if anything are in his way because they want sacrifice and service in exchange for their power uh and nagash realizes that the gods need him more than he needs them so nagash cuts the the gods out of the equation and he creates the lore of undeath um he create he learns how to make a corpse come back to life by using his knowledge of the soul using his knowledge of the realm of souls using his knowledge of death combining it with all of this knowledge of dark magic and he learns how to rip pieces of people's souls out of the afterlife and force it back into their bodies um and it doesn't even have to be that specific person but he learns how to rip pieces of the spirit out of the ether and force it into bodies which resurrects them and he starts experimenting with it and once the gash realizes that he's learned all that he really can from the sorceress he says thank you you know thank you for teaching me everything i appreciate you i'm gonna let you go haha just kidding nagash is a dick what he actually does is he murders the sorceresses bodyguards and friends he just [ __ ] murders them brutally and horribly and has them uh mummified alive so they have all their organs ripped out through their orifices uh and they are killed and then to the sorceress uh he physically takes his own hands and rip puts out her eyeballs rips her eyes out uh has her in uh has her tied up and then he takes a lead helmet because lead cuts off the winds of magic and the sorceress is very in tune to the winds of magic and he imprisons her head within a lead casket so that she's completely cut off of the winds of magic and uses his own magic to make it where she is completely separated from all forms of senses so she's basically caught in an endless black hell with no senses whatsoever and can't even touch the winds of magic anymore and then he seals her alive inside of a sarcophagus and buries her inside of the black pyramid now with all of this knowledge and of course there's shenanigans going on with like he takes on arkon the black is an apprentice and he starts co-opting the mortuary cult um nagash assassinates his own brother so he murders his brother who's the king of kimri and he takes over and he says i am now king i am the priest king of nehakara and anybody who disagrees with that is gonna die some people disagree with it they all died uh so the gash takes over kimri he takes over to hakara but a lot of the other cities kind of like stay out of it uh because they're like okay whatever as long as he does his thing he leaves us alone like we're not gonna be bothered like we're not gonna mess with him uh and the gash builds the black pyramid um relatively around this time um the exact timeline is a little finicky uh i'd have to go double check some things but you know you get the gist so he builds the black pyramid of nagash and nagash is so arrogant that he says hey you know that giant pyramid that belongs to cetera the imperishable the king of kings the first great king the first great priest king of all nakakara who has such a long list of titles that it takes like a [ __ ] day to go through them all my pyramid is gonna dwarf his pyramid because [ __ ] cetera so he has this giant ass pyramid built and nagash makes it out of very specific materials so it acts as an arcane fulcrum the black pyramid of nagash is not only a monument to his arrogance and his pride but it's also uh designed very specifically from its placement to the materials used to build it to the point that nagash specifically wanted slaves to build it because he knew lots of these slaves would die and nagash had people strategically murdered in vast quantities at certain points along the construction so that their souls their blood their agony would be basically built into the foundation of the black pyramid if you've ever seen full metal alchemist brotherhood you know the whole like creating the philosopher's stone thing where like killing people in specific points around the country it's basically that just so he kills a whole bunch of people and through all their torture and sacrifice and all this [ __ ] he builds the black pyramid to gash um so the black pyramid is finished and it starts absorbing massive quantities of magic because it draws magic into itself and stores the magic like a giant battery so nagash is building all this up and he goes yes i i am i'm so close and he finishes his magnum opus which is the nine books of nagash and within completing the nine books of nagash nagash creates his greatest creation of all time which is the elixir of immortality also known as the elixir of eternal life so uh nagash creates this elixir and he drinks it and it gives him true immortality nagash cannot die no matter what even if you destroy his body he will not die his body will slowly but surely begin to reform itself there is as far as we know um granted uh there are actually ways to kill him but they're very very few and far between which there are some stories about it so uh the gash uh creates this elixir that makes him truly immortal he cannot die his soul will never go to the afterlife where it will be devoured by gods and demons and other soul hunters um he is immune to that and he also gives it to some of his acolytes most notably archon the black so arc on the black becomes a true immortal um in a sense so uh but after this the gash miscalculated because nagash thought that everyone would be too scared of him to ever do anything about it and all of the other priests kings unite under one king and this king was the king of lamia and the king of lamia which was king lamachiza decides you know what this guy sucks massive dick he's horrible he's demanding tithes from us he's forcing us to go out and fight wars to get slaves to build his pyramid uh he's like spitting in the name of our gods he's ruining our he's like co-opting and ruining our religion this guy sucks we need to get rid of him so la mashiza gathers all of the priest kings and they declare war on nagash and this huge war breaks out between nagash and the priest kings of nehakara and it's a gigantic war but the priest kings have the gods on their side and nagash has undeath on his side so nagash starts resurrecting corpses which is something no one has ever seen before at least in mass quantities um and this massive war breaks out and lamashiza the war lasts for decades but lumashiza ultimately dies during the war and his son uh lamasha czar takes over um and fun fact labashar is neferata's brother um or his yeah it's i believe it's neferata's brother and the gash is ultimately defeated um how exactly this war goes on uh goes down depends on from telling to telling and some stories the lizardmen join nehacara and fighting against nagash and some stories it's just the naked karins and some stories uh nagash like breaks the gods at this point um in some stories he doesn't it just you know whatever there's some finagling uh there but in any event nagash is ultimately defeated and he flees into the black pyramid and everyone the priests kings try to chase him into the black pyramid but they're stopped by archon the black and archon the black stands before them with his weapons and everything and he says uh any man who dares touch my body will suffer a fate worse than the will will suffer a fate worse than death by which he means oblivion so archon the black says if you try and touch me not only are you going to die but everything about you will be washed away from time your true name the very concept of your existence will cease so you don't get an afterlife you just get oblivion which to the nakakarans is like the scariest [ __ ] thing of the universe and archon the black uh he he fights this epic fight somebody throws a spear it hits arkhan and kills him but arc on the black with his last spiteful breath says that whole spiel and he dies dies and archon the black casts a spell which causes his body to be consumed by black fire and arkhan's body basically kind of collapses on that spot but he's blocking the way um and the way he's blocking his skeleton has literally been burned black by this horrible fire which in the older lore is why arkon the black skeleton is literally charred black was because of this magical flame and all the priest kings are like ah you know what nagash will probably starve to death in there let's just nobody wants to touch him so they all are just like let's just let's just leave them so they they just leave ark on the black's body they don't mess with them and they leave um so the gash at this point escapes uh using a secret exit from his own sarcophagus um or his plan sarcophagus and the gas escapes into the desert nagash escapes into the desert and he heads north east into the badlands towards uh the sour sea which was not known as the sour sea at this point and as the gas is making his way across the desert nagash dies um but um nagash dies but the way nagash essentially dies is that his body just sort of collapses onto its knees due to starvation exhaustion hunger and everything but nagash's soul does not realize that his body died um and nagash's soul just kind of keeps walking across the desert and he basically starts to go completely insane at this point but uh eventually nagash gathers enough of his wits and through sheer willpower and the elixir of immortality he eventually makes his way back to his own body and he possesses his own body so he basically becomes undead at this point so nagash possesses his own body he gets back his you know he returns to his physical form he gets back up and he keeps walking and eventually he arrives at um he arrives at uh um oh god what the hell is the name of that mountain a [ __ ] peak and the gash finds this mountain that looks like something from the heavens just shattered this mountain into pieces and there's like this giant opening um but nagash arrives at the sour sea and the sea kind of glows weird colors and stuff and nagash drinks from the sour sea which you know salt water and it probably should have killed him but a whole bunch of warp stone had linked uh leaked into the ocean and so nagash unknowingly starts consuming warp stone and it energizes his body and all of a sudden he's like oh okay i feel pretty good and so nagash turns to [ __ ] peak and he makes his way inside and he discovers a giant giant meteor of warp stone i mean a [ __ ] huge meteor of warp stone that ages ago fell from the heavens slammed into this mountain and literally shattered it and went inside and created [ __ ] peak and nagash looks at the stuff and goes oh this looks interesting and so nagash starts consuming warp stone and he gets really [ __ ] big really [ __ ] strong and uh his body basically transforms into the giant horrifying nasty looking skeleton monster that we all know and love because the warp stone kind of mutates them into that form and nagash creates a genuinely perfect body so nagash at this point starts resurrecting massive amounts of undead uh from all the tribes and ancient people that lived around [ __ ] peak and has them start mining warp stone and he builds nagashizar around this peak and nagashizara is known as the greatest fortress in the world because it's massively deep and it was built by endless legions of undead and it's full of all sorts of horrible traps and [ __ ] of course this is where the skaven eventually show up the skaven show up and the skaven are like hey we're gonna steal that warp stone the guy says no the [ __ ] you aren't and they get into a big war with each other it turns into a stalemate because while the skaven have endless hordes and to them there's no such thing as meaningless losses uh they also are somehow fighting an opponent who also has no concept of meaningless losses because they die and he simply raises them back up and nagash himself is barely participating in the war and so the skaven are like okay this is kind of a problem but uh nagash eventually comes to them and says hey tell you what how about we stop fighting i'll just give you decent quantities of warp stone and in exchange you'll we'll have a truce i'll give you warp zone every once in a while you leave me the [ __ ] alone in this game and go okay fine so they kind of work in an alliance and nagash at this point has fully built back up his power uh he resurrects arkhan the black and uh at this point nagash uh unleashes a new war against uh nakakara around this time he discovers the existence of the vampires so he discovers that queen nephrota exists and her cul her court of vampires in the city of lamia he binds them uh oh he some finagling starts happening because the gash starts getting involved the priest kings or the various kings of nihakara discover the existence of the vampires and they all unite under a new king king alcadazar who's basically the most badass king since he leads a big war against lamia lay siege to lamia and despite the fact that they have all these powerful vampires they [ __ ] raise the city like they just blow the [ __ ] out of it so uh lamia is sacked and the vampires are scattered to the winds and they all run to nagash because nagash basically calls them to him because they essentially are his creations um though you know through a kind of a third party and nagash is like hey y'all would make really good generals uh tell you what this guy vashnesh you look pretty cool you seem pretty awesome plus bashanesh who's fly von karstein is one of nagash's descendants so nagash is like not only do you have my bloodline but i think you're the most capable of these vampires here take this ring that's super insanely powerful and will make it so you can never die but it also forces you to do whatever i tell you to and vashnesh goes oh okay cool i guess and is made like one of the high generals of nagashi's army alongside archon the black they leave this big invasion of the hekara huge war breaks out between alcadzar and the gash's legions and the gash says uh okay uh i want you to defeat like alcazar and bring the car under my control bassinesh however figures out kind of a loophole in that if he gets killed the moment he actually dies the connection between him and the gash is severed and during that moment the vampires including vaccines himself will be able to run away so uh vashnesh gets in a duel with alcazar and he purposefully gets himself killed um so vashnesh gets his head chopped off by alcadazar and uh all the vampires piss off they all are like huh let's you know the leash is off let's get the hell out of here they abandoned chip so all of them except for wazorin who is the head of the network line abandoned the gash and the gas gets super pissed and he curses the vampires that they will never be able to feel the kiss of the sun again and the sun will burn their flesh and cause them to die because he's so pissed at them so nagash decides enough is enough uh he consumes a mass amount of warp stone and he causes this gigantic super spell where he unleashes a plague on the hekara that kills everything it kills all the animals it kills all the plants it kills all the bugs it kills all the people it kills everything and then he sends arkhan the black at the head of his legions to finish off anyone that may have still been alive he also poisons the river vate with these really really cursed warp stone artifacts that turn it into the river mortise which is why the river mortise is the color and um consistency of coagulated blood and it kills anything that so much as touches it so instead of being the great river of life it's now the great river of death um and nakara becomes the land of the dead alcadazar is the only person spared from this plague and he's captured by archon the black because once his family and everyone he loves dies he just kind of gives up and arkhan takes him in chains back to nagashi's are where uh nagash laughs in his face and tells him he's going to torture him and do all sorts of horrible things to him after he completes this great ritual and nagash summons all of his great power to him and says i'm going to resurrect all of the dead like everyone who has ever died in nehekhara will be resurrected under my control and it will create an army the likes of which this world has never seen and once and they will start to march across the world where they will destroy anything and everything and then i will resurrect all of the world's dead i will resurrect every single thing that has ever died into a single army under my control and i will wipe out all of existence um so that the only thing that exists is me um nothing will move nothing will speak nothing will twitch without my permission because you know he's a god um anyway well he's basically a god at this point because so nagash unleashes this ritual it works it starts resurrecting all the dead they start making their way back to nehekhara the skaven decide you know what we realize that if he wipes out all of life that includes us so skaven being uh moderately intelligent in this moment create the fel blade which is a terrifying super deadly blade made out of pure warp stone and enchanted with every single rune and incantation of death doom and destruction the skaven can possibly conceive of and it's so deadly that to look at it will literally give you stage four cancer so they take the felt blade they put it in a lead sheath and they take it uh through a bunch of a runner system tune the gashes are as fast as they can from skaven blight and when the skaven arrive they give the blade to alcadazar and tell them hey take this sword and just take it and they run away alcazar takes the sword and the sword compels him to go find the gash which he doesn't need much compulsion because he [ __ ] hates the gash which they were counting on so he decides to oh is there an ad hold on ah so alcazar makes his way to the throne room he takes out the foul blade and he swings that in the gash his head the gosh through some magical means like becomes aware of the fact he's about to die he holds up his hand to block it his hand gets cut off and his hand like a giant grotesque undead like skeletal spider crawls away into the shadows and gets away and the rest of the gash is uh alcazar uh nagash blasts alcazar with a shitload of magic but at this point um the council of 13 and or sorry not the council 13 but the graciers the gracier council was putting like all 169 of them were um watching alcazar through the foul blade and they were guarding him with magic so when uh nagash blasts alcadazar all 169 of the graciers are deflecting nagash's spells but nagash is so [ __ ] strong at this point that the uh a lot of the graciers just instantly drop dead like their brains literally explode like like you know they're leaking blood out of their eyes and their heads just pop and a significant number of the grace ears just instantly die because stopping a single spell from the gash takes that much effort and the gash reaches like picks up alka desire and starts choking him to death with his other hand but alcadazar rallies his strength chops off to get his other hand the gosh once again screams at him and unleashes another spell grace here's block it again and alcazar just goes into a frenzy and chops up the gash into a bunch of teeny tiny pieces so nagash's body collapses because despite all of his power even he can't hold out against the fell blade and he quote unquote dies alcazar stumbles out of the room uh carrying to gash's crown and is never seen again uh meanwhile the skaven um a bunch of clan ash and assassins immediately run into the room and they start gathering up of all these pieces of nagash's body and start throwing them into his own warp forges where nagash created a lot of really powerful um items they start throwing all of his remains in there hoping that the warfire will incinerate him and kill him which to be fair should have worked but it didn't so nagash dies um and his spirit is sent screaming into kind of a between realm uh between the physical world and the afterlife but he doesn't actually go to the afterlife because of his whole elixir of immortality and the gash's control over the great ritual is broken so a bunch of magic like unleashes a backlash of magical wave that causes an event known as the black year if you go check out a video of mine called the top five spell most powerful spells ever cash you'll learn more about that um that this creates the tomb kings um but the gash is essentially dead for all intents and purposes but nagash's hand known as the claw of nagash got away and because the crash's claw got away he's still around so many many years pass many years past um and in the year um oh gosh during sigmar's lifetime nagash actually no it's a it's i think it's a little bit before that i don't remember the exact year but uh the skaven takeover and the gashes are at this point what happened to the fell blade uh nagash's are or uh the skaven end up getting it back later um uh they reclaim it um but um nagash later reforms um basically uh he sl very slowly but surely starts putting himself back together again uh he basically uh regenerates within his sarcophagus because as the skaven were throwing all of his body into that warp forge to burn it yeah sure it incinerated him but basically all it did is it turned gash's body into air particulates it turned him into like dust and ash and smoked and shot him up into the atmosphere so all of that bits and pieces of the gash that went into the atmosphere became this big dark cloud and slowly but surely over the years it made its way over to chemry over to the black pyramid of the gash it was drawn to the black pyramid in the gash like a magnet and it started to rain and this nasty black substance started to rain down on the black pyramid of the gash like a like a foul goo and this black messy rain this substance starts leeching its way inside of the black pyramid of the gas the through the seams and cracks and slowly makes it way back to his sarcophagus and there all of this black goo starts climbing up and collecting in his sarcophagus and hundreds of years later the gash is back and his hand reaches up and wrenches open his sarcophagus and he's back baby so nagash has returned but he doesn't have his arm his arm is still god he's missing he's missing his hand so nagash storms out of his black pyramid in a rage and he declares war on the uh he declares war on the tomb kings and he basically says you are undead i'm the great necromancer you all belong to me you must do as i say and cetera says go [ __ ] yourself because that's what cetera does best so cetra uh nagash comes out he raises his armies and archon the black immediately rallies to him and the gash declares war on the uh the tomb kings but the gash is very very surprised to find that cetera is a lot [ __ ] scarier than the story said because nagash had never actually met cetera he had heard legends of cetera but he had never seen him before so nagash meets cetra um on the field of battle and this is a really really big war between essentially like you can kind of think of them as like vampire count undead and then tom king undead and it's known as the war of the dead and fun fact for the arabians [ __ ] terrifying period of time because basically there were undead everywhere and they were fighting each other so you just saw nothing but skeletons zombies statues horrors beyond description there's all this nightmarish [ __ ] attacking each other and you just have these poor nomadic horsemen caught in the middle of it [ __ ] awful time for them but anyway uh they do manage to get away from it but uh cetra ends up going up against nagash and nagash learns something horrifying about cetra which is that cetra has a magic item and this item is called the scarab brooch of usyrian which weirdly he doesn't have in total war warhammer we're still waiting for a creative assembly to give him that item come on ca get get your ass together so the scarab brooch of usyrian is basically uh it's well it's exactly what it sounds like a scarab bruce that's central wears around his uh his neck and this thing makes cetra [ __ ] immune to magic it makes cetra completely immune to magic so nagash towering over the battlefield sees cetra hurtling towards him on the chariot of the gods such as cutting down you know all sorts of nightmarish abominations making a beeline for nagash and the gash is like ha okay whatever and shoots cetera with like a really powerful spell bounces off and he goes oh [ __ ] shoots another one bounces off shoots another one bounces off and cetra's like [ __ ] i got your number here i come so cetra manages to get up onto gash and kicks the [ __ ] out of him and the gas is forced to retreat so nagash runs away arkhan the black runs away everybody runs away um and the gash realizes he cannot defeat the tomb kings not gonna happen so he runs away uh to the north and nagash moves back a bit and goes ah i know what the problem was the reason i wasn't able to beat cetra is because i don't have my crown i need my crown so cetera actually i think before this he really took nagashi's are i believe he wakes up and goes back to nagash's are murders all the skaven in a single night by himself uh there was an entire clan there and this claim was so powerful that they were actually on the council of 13. nagash one shots them in a single evening um but um anyway so uh nagash took back um the gashes are and he builds for himself a metal arm he basically uses his warp forges to make this really terrifying metallic arm for himself that works as good as the real thing um and he decides i need my crown back why is the crown so special because the crowd is literally just the one ring from lord of the rings the gash poured so much of his essence into the crown that without it he's very very limited in power and granted nagash wants all of his artifacts back but the crown is the most important um artifact um like alakanesh his staff um zevit uh zebit nafar his uh or moroccan the black armor zevit nafar his uh his blade they're important but they're not nearly as important so um he needs his crown back his crown he can sense it is in the north so nagash starts making his way north and he starts sending out undead vassals essentially are like messengers who go to where this crown is and they find these human tribes and they tell these humans hey you've got this really important artifact give it back to us and you will not be horribly murdered give us back the crown and you will not suffer a pain worse than death and um leading these humans uh this these humans you see were united under a new nation of men known as the empire and the empire is led by none other than sigmar heldenhamer sigmar heldenhamer had actually worn the crown of nagash already prior to this and he knew that the crown of the gash which they knew as the crown of sorcery was not a good thing it was a really really bad thing and they had buried it deep in this stone well essentially and sigmar tells nagash uh i don't know who you are but uh i will tell you that i know this crown is bad time and [ __ ] you i'm not giving it back so nagash says fine i'll come take it and as the gas is making his way north he senses something nagash senses something extremely powerful he senses a spirit that he wants he goes that tastes that tastes that tastes good what is that what what's that barbecue i smell on the wind and he follows it and he discovers a tomb and nagash discovers this tomb that was erected by worshipers of chaos around a great champion uh of their own and nagash walks up to this tomb and he looks at it and he goes krell all right i want this krell so nagash starts unleashing his sorcery to resurrect krell uh who had died quite some time ago um to the dwarfs but his body had been recovered by his followers and they had erected a monument or uh uh uh uh monolith there we go in his cause chaos people like to do that um so he starts actually fighting with corn the gash starts basically waging a war with corn with the dark gods to claim krell's soul for himself because nagash even this reduced state is still really [ __ ] strong so nagash is like vying for control of krell's soul and crow gains enough awareness that nagash is able to offer him a bargain and um the gas says listen your god promised you an eternity of battle and he lied to you um corn the dark gods they lied to you because you're dead look at you you're not fighting you're just you're just a [ __ ] skeleton in red armor and you're doing nothing because krell probably due to dying uh the way he did at the hands of the dwarfs corn did not take him into his afterlife of eternal battle carl just died so crow decides uh you know what this the gash guy's got a point and the gash says i will give you a true eternity of battle none of this [ __ ] of going to a fake ass afterlife where this god is gonna play around with your soul is gonna use you as a toy like a little soldier action figure like a [ __ ] nerd and you're not gonna get to actually shed good blood anymore no i will bring you back to this world and you will have a true eternity of battle because nothing is more eternal than death and krell says all right i'm on t i got it sign me up sign me up and uh and so krell is um resurrected by uh krell is resurrected by nagash the great necromancer so anyway um so krell is resurrected and with krell at his as his left hand and ark on the black as his right hand um as well as um as well as like a small number of vampires supposedly it depends on which version of the story you're looking at some versions he has two vampires with him and some version he summons the vampires and they don't answer his call that seems like the more likely version is that he summons the vampires and they just they just are like nope we're not coming so nagash um goes to war with sigmar helton hammer huge war breaks out it's known as the battle of the river reich because it takes place you know next to the river and basically they have this huge showdown where it's the gash versus sigmar in the center of the line krell fights the dwarf rune lord alright the mad and king kurgan uh iron bear blackbeard king kurgan i think it's blackbeard um or is it ironbeard king kurgan whatever um the high king kerrigan actually was the high king at the time he was the king of carlos um so um king kirk and i'll wreck the mad uh face off against krell and they're like [ __ ] krell you're supposed to be dead because they remember krell um you know you know book of grudges all that [ __ ] and nagash faces off against sigmar and then archon the black faces off against a couple of other characters so this big fight happens and sigmar is wearing the crown of sorcery and sigmar puts on the crown of sorcery because he knows that the crown of sorcery will allow him to use magic and sigmar figures that he's gonna need to be able to use magic in order to basically throw off nagashi's own spells and he also believes that it will attract nagash to him like a moth to a flame and he wants he wants to gash his attention so nagash bee lines for him they have this really epic big fight and nagash actually ends up stabbing sigmar i believe he stabs him in the arm but the gosh actually gets the upper hand he stabs um um sigmar with his very very legendary sword uh nebid far or nebufaar or something like that um and it it [ __ ] up sigmar but sigmar gets him one over so sigmar uh as he goes down uh granted there are different versions of the story but sigmar takes off the crown of nagash and basically hurls it to the ground and he makes like he's going to try and destroy the crown of sorcery gold mares which just probably isn't going to work but when the crown of sorcery gets basically thrown down or sigmar loses it nagash goes for it because the dash is like i need this this is my everything like i need this so he goes for his crown and at that moment sigmar takes up his uh hammer and swings it as hard as he [ __ ] can and he hits the gash right in the [ __ ] face so nagash just takes up just off just a hundred percent effort straight to the face and gal marazz translates to skull splitter for good reason and the gas just gets decapitated essentially so nagash's head basically shatters and the gas just instantly dies so nagash dies and with his dying essence the gash is so pissed at the vampires because he blames the vampires for uh not coming to his aid because nagash rightly feels that the vampires had done what he asked them to he would have done nagash curses the vampires and says never again will you be able to turn aside when others invoke their gods around you any time you see any icon anytime you see or hear anything that is sigmar you will suffer and be burned for your cowardice for not showing up to aid me in this time that's why vampires are extremely vulnerable to faith-based weaponry um and attacks and stuff and nagash is once again killed so nagash quote unquote dies arc on the black realizes oh [ __ ] we lost runs away krell tries to run away but krell runs away by slaughtering his way through the dwarf line which you know pisses them off and the dwarfs are like sigmar dude this guy's gotta die like krell has to die this is a really big problem especially because krell is not a is not a single individual crow is a package deal also something we're missing from total war warhammer uh because krell actually has a personal legion and krell's personal legion i want to say it's like there's a thousand of them they are super [ __ ] scary um they're just a really really terrifying chaos horde of undead whites um who follow him so krell fights his way free and runs away and sigmar is like okay [ __ ] we gotta chase this guy down but uh sigmar heals i i wanna say sigmar heals for like a few hours and then him and the dwarves chase after krell and krell fights does a fighting retreat and they goes all the way from reichland into the grey mountains where krell is finally run down by sigmar at glacier lake and krell and sigmar have this super big epic duel and sigmar finally kills krell again so krell dies again and the dwarfs um entomb him and they try to hide it and that's where kim ends up fighting him much later so anyway the gash dies and you think hooray he's gone forever nope he'll come back so nagash does come back he returns he returns um god i want to say he returns in the year one one one one one one one one um but that might have been he might have come back in negative one one one one i'm not i'm pretty sure he comes back in one one one one um but nagash once again returns uh he comes back to life and he goes to nagashizar and basically he sits down on his throne and goes [ __ ] i'm tired and he hasn't moved since and that's where he remains to this day the actual body of nagash so nagash's husk um uh uh lies uh within um the gashes are on his throne and he has not moved since that day but of course legends and rumors abound that there are some such as archon the black and manfred von karstein who are attempting to return him to the world at his full power and should they ever do so surely we're all doomed also one last fun fact for you did you know that um the claw of nagash which is the vampire count regiment of renowned mortis engine is actually powered by nagash's hand that's why it's called the claw of the gash because it literally has nagash's claw so his arm that got chopped off it's been a relic all these years ever since he originally died and that's what's powering that mortise engine the end you may applaud now wheelhouse hey you're welcome dude thanks so much for the 40 gift subs [Music] now [Music] you
Channel: Loremaster of Sotek
Views: 31,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HwyONl_c2XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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