Mystical Christian Jesus Prayer (russian) - Prayer of the Heart - Noetic Prayer - Иисусова молитва
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Channel: Patrick Lenk
Views: 327,364
Rating: 4.9551377 out of 5
Keywords: jesus prayer, prayer of the heart, noetic prayer, jesus prayer 2h, jesus prayer 2 hours, christian mantra, jesus prayer in russian, hesychasm, chant orthodox church, orthdox church prayer, orthodox chant, orthodox music, prayer of the mind, lord jesus christ son of god have mercy on me a sinner, jesus prayer orthodox, mystic music, mystical music, christian worship, herzensgebet, jesusgebet, christian meditation, christian prayer, early christianity, Иисусова молитва
Id: vyfQo6j0Bvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 3sec (7323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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