Mystery Box: Testing, fixing and overclocking motherboards

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well hello and welcome back to adrian's digital basement on today's video i have a box of random pc parts this was all stuff that was rescued from being thrown in the trash basically unrelated to the ibm 5170 this came from someone local here in portland so i thought it'd be a fun video to kind of treasure hunt through here see what kind of stuff is in there and see what works what doesn't work and if there's anything rare and interesting i have not really looked through this stuff yet so i don't know it might be really boring and there's nothing interesting in there or you never know there might be some cool things in there so without further ado let me grab the test equipment and we'll start digging through this box [Music] i'm not really sure the best approach for going through this box is definitely some motherboards lots of cards there's a floppy drive here the box is relatively heavy so i assume there's going to be some hard drives and stuff in there i suppose um let's just start digging through i'll probably skip testing things like floppy drive since uh you know it's a teach three and a half inch floppy drive ooh like nothing particularly interesting there so we won't test that but we'll look at this other stuff so let me just start pulling things out and we'll put them on the bench so for testing i have the usual suspects i have an 8-bit vga card i have an 8-bit floppy controller card i have an xt ide for very easy booting we have the hdmi or sorry the rgb to hdmi here for testing cga and mda and those types of cars if there are any in there we have this little mini vga monitor right here i have a review coming up on the second channel about this thing so i'm not going to talk anything about this but keep your eyes peeled on the second channel for a review of this if you're interested and of course the last essential tool for testing is one of these postcode reading cards you can get these off ebay i think i have a link in the description maybe the one on amazon you can buy but if you just type in postcard or isa postcard you'll find a bunch of these and they're they're just a handful of dollars pretty essential tool for testing pcs okay i'm going to move this box on the floor make some more space on the bench and let's start with the first item from the box baby 286 main board i don't know if this board is in there but we got the manual which might actually be helpful if there are jumpers and things to configure and we'll have to see if the motherboard is something that is findable on those databases online that show all the jumper configurations because if not this might be helpful and here is the first actual component so we have a baby at motherboard or actually this is smaller than baby at baby at would be this width but typically it's longer so this is a micro 80 i don't know anyhow you can see right here that this is a 3d6 sx it's an amd part and it's a 40 megahertz 386 sx quite fancy this is a slot for the math coprocessor for this particular system it has an mx chipset 83 c 30 or sorry 83 c 305 and the 306 those those two main ships there and a 36 sx is mostly like a 286 that's why the chipsets are compatible 16-bit data bus it's just that internally it can run faster it has 3 a6 instructions generally 286 is faster clock for clock than a 386 sx except obviously when you get to like the 40 megahertz range like this there are no 40 megahertz 286s that's just not really a possible speed you can run them at so this thing is going to be quite a bit faster than any 286 motherboard this particular motherboard uses a crystal oscillator to run the cpu so this is 80 megahertz so it's divided by two so overclocking this particular chip maybe with like an 85 megahertz crystal or even a 90 megahertz you could get a little boost out of this chip we have four sim slots one of them was dislodged there ami bios we have a little bit of jumper configuration mono or color and then this has to do with the clock chip so either a 146818 or a dallas semiconductor 1287 this would be the clock chip right here i'm pretty sure that's what that is and you can obviously see this has got a nicad battery and yep we got leakage everyone we have the usual leakage which is completely expected doesn't look like the corrosion is too bad maybe really hard to tell we have some more jumper configuration in the middle there for the frequency control and that would control the dividers doesn't actually change the frequency you have to change the crystal for that but it takes that crystal and divides it by various amounts for isa clock speeds and things so when you run them at 40 megahertz like it is right now it wants to be as close to 80 megahertz as possible for the slots so that's what uh the configuring these jumpers do like a tb type a maybe that's the name of the company and that says 9252 a week so i suppose this pcb was made in 1995 which doesn't really jive actually because this chip here has a 93 day code this one has a 92 44 week and this chip over here is also 1992 so who knows but that logo either tb i guess tb taiwan that is on these as well but there's no other branding at least i can see on this motherboard i'm just going to cut this battery off and then we'll give this thing a test oh that just came right off so obviously in fact there's a bit of what looks like goop on the motherboard let's see if i can get a closer look it's kind of shiny right there so i think it was sort of actively leaking i'm just gonna quickly hit this with vinegar alcohol and then dry this off some alcohol and then a little scrubbing has this area a lot cleaner than it was notice the trace right there looks very corroded and eaten that one right there but it's only one so that's not too bad and luckily the trace right there and right here looks fine so a little simple barge would allow it to get right through there i'm just gonna quickly do a continuity test on that see if that is still good multimeter set to continuity mode i have these incredibly sharp probes that was sent in on a medical episode thanks to a viewer i don't recall your name off the top of my head but these are so sharp that i can just poke right through the solder mask if i need to which i kind of do here looks like we have continuity and that signal actually comes over here to this which is the power good signal on the power supply so that's a pretty essential trace i think if that trace were broken the system definitely wouldn't work let's give this thing a try now all right here we go oh look at that post codes are showing up voltage rails look good there is the uh video right there and it's working let me plug a keyboard in so i poked around the bios and there's it's pretty unremarkable it's got four megabytes of memory on here which is unremarkable as well just booting off the xt ide here and we'll just take a look at check it here and from a speed standpoint 40 megahertz 83 d6 well that's the sx obviously 10 359 dry stones the math speed is going to be slow because there is no floating point unit on here and good old landmark test here let's just see how fast it shows up shows up as 61 megahertz this is pretty quick actually and i haven't really tweaked any settings in the bios cool so we have one working 386 sx i'm just going to put a tick mark on there maybe i should draw a little arrow towards this bad trace though just in case that ever becomes a problem in the future i know i could just bodge that up okay here's the next motherboard this one obviously has a large processor under there and it says intel 46 dx50 i think one thing that's interesting about the dx50 and i'm not positive this is the case but i think this runs out of 50 megahertz front side bus so the ram and the cards i mean these are isa cars so they're not going to be fast but if you had local bus carts it would be running at a nice quick speed but of course uh people generally use a dx266 because it runs at a much easier to maintain stability 33 megahertz frontside bus than the dx50 we have a chips and technology p82c206 chipset here ami bios space for the 46sx quad flat pack this chip here says biotech which is weird it's different than chips 92c 92c4800 is the chip marking there between these slots here it says mb1420 25 33 pb pv like victor pcb rev a hopefully this is showing up in the camera there are a few jumpers here and there luckily everything on the front is labeled so that is nice there's a warranty void sticker here it says pantex parentheses l a void if removed0693 so i'm assuming that's june 1993. no other writing so to speak of on the back otherwise it says uh 1992 right there and then 1991 on there i see 1992 on some of the chips there's no branding on here otherwise so i guess it's pretty much a generic clone and yep of course just like the other one leaky battery crusty burger look at that it's definitely eating away a little bit at the external battery connector there uh yucky but you know what i don't see corrosion on the slots or on the sim slots so that is a good thing let's get the old snippers cut that way unfortunately it's close quarters in here so it's a little hard to get the cutters in there there we go and it's crusty burger so just like the other one let me just go give it a quick wash so we can see what's going on under there and i'm back with a less crusty and a cleaner motherboard doesn't look too bad here i gotta say it's not horrible definitely one trace there is bad let's see ooh there's a bit of crust coming off of it right now definitely a lot less crusty one trace right here seems like it's been eaten a bit definitely some corrosion around this ground pad here i guess the question is is there continuity on this one trace here which is looking pretty shady let's just see if i poke through okay we have continuity there yep looks like we still have continuity through that very crusty trace pretty amazing i'm just going to scrape away the solder mask and i'll probably just paint it with a little lacquer aka clear nail polish look at that yuckiness yuck this is acetone here i think my scraping actually scraped the trace away right in that one spot so i'm not sure why i didn't bring this out sooner but i actually have one of these digital microscopes and it's got a rather large screen on it it's 1080p and i kind of love it it was sent in free of charge from this company here andenstar and i'm not doing a review per se but i gotta say um i'm pretty impressed with this thing i will put a link in the description and my friend actually went and bought one for himself i think a slightly different model and it works great for him as well this one has hdmi output so you can see it's outputting on my screen here but i'm also capturing it it does bum me out that the internal screen turns off as soon as the hdmi is detected but you can see from the quality of the capture and there is that trace that got eaten away it's really quite good and you can focus in and out on different things but the focus is not bad it's definitely a little shaky if i bump it shakes the picture but there it is there is that bad trace just sort of looking around on the board here definitely looks like the corrosion didn't make its way well i'm sure it did make its way over here but it didn't do any kind of serious damage things look pretty good over here really everything that went wrong is right there on that trace [Laughter] i just got totally freaked out by that [Laughter] oh that's a little dead bug of some kind interesting it survived washing i'll just remove that all right dead bug is removed but look at those diodes i looked up and i really got a little bit of a start there seeing that okay and it's got these lights so let me just adjust this so it shines on where we want to try to work here that trace right there is totally totally gone there is just the fiberglass pcb there and that is it what you're seeing on here this stuff that's coming off is the flux and that's because i was uh trying to add solder onto these traces here so there was flux applied all right let me just try to clean this up a little bit this is just acetone again wow this is cool i have to say i haven't used one of this microscope in a video yet but i love how you could see that damaged trace so up close and personal i will bust out that other motherboard in a second and we will attempt to uh see what that one looks like okay so i have a little bit of barge wire it's already been tinned i'm going to try to get this onto here i'm just gonna see all these little solder balls and stuff here i'm just gonna bump these off they're held on by the uh the flux so i'm running into an issue with the stand that holds the whole microscope i can't put the motherboard any closer and of course it wouldn't be a problem if i just put the motherboard like this i can um easily get there but then the sim sockets are in the way so it's a little harder for me to get the soldering iron into that little tight space right there like it's just not a lot of room if i weren't trying to do this in a youtube video i would be using the built-in screen on this thing which is really clear and bright and it's right in front of your face so it's perfect for using your hands but right now i'm trying to look around it to this screen here and oh by the way you can't i can't take the screen off because the screen is actually where the hdmi cable is plugged into this is the electronics that processes everything the camera has you know it's whatever main stuff in here so i can't just remove this although probably what i could do is tilt this i don't know why i didn't do that i could have just done that so it's tilted out of the way at least i have maybe a better view of that kind of anyhow let's uh see about cleaning this up here a little bit i'm getting little threads everywhere great great and yes before i get a million comments i'm completely aware of the little cotton buds that uh are made of foam hopefully won't leave all these little threads here and these these particular tweezers are crap and i can't get this it's all caught underneath this was right where i snipped it what the heck oh boy anyways whatever that's not going to hurt anything let me just give it a little blow of air to get those bits of metal off of there i really can't even see those little threads with my eyes with the magnifying goggles on but there it is so that should do the trick here's a 3 6 sex mother where we just looked at let's take a look at this under the microscope see what we see when it comes to corrosion here ah look at that there's a little bit of crust right there next to that ceramic cap so i'll just scrape that away looking around it's pretty good pretty good this is pretty crusty right here not great but that's for where the battery was connected a little bit of corrosion under there oh there's some right there on that resistor just scrape this away and there is that trace look at that crest there so this is basically corrosion has gotten its way underneath the solder mask i scrape that away we should expose copper so you can see that the copper underneath isn't too bad right it was like it was basically under the solder mask there was some corrosion i guess right on the top and i've mostly scraped it away there's a little bit of black specks left behind there so i assume that is still actual corrosion but it basically looks mostly all good there i'm just going to apply a little bit of this lacquer where i scraped away corrosion made it a copper exposed copper and then also here that's just going to protect it otherwise the copper would oxidize as you would expect it would turn green uh if it was exposed to oxygen for a long period of time all right so 46 dx 50 should work maybe let's put the video card into it and we'll put the postcard in all right we're ready let's turn this on what are we gonna get oh no we have nothing big old nothing i'm gonna pull the video card out and we'll try just with the postcard i do have the speaker connected let's see is the ram actually in here properly someone could have pillaged the memory nothing just in case there's a memory problem i'm going to pop out this ram here and we'll stick the ram from the other board in here that 386 which definitely worked so i have the ram here from the 3d6 it says bank 0 for the ones closest to the slots so i am going to start with those oops that would be the wrong way to install the ram each one of these sticks is eight bits wide and a 46 is a 32 bit bust so you need four of these at the minimum to work of these 30 pin variety all right let's see if that made any difference at all nope nothing i think a lot of these motherboards you could have ram in either bank it generally works something is clearly wrong with this motherboard let me just do a quick check for jumpers but i'm not holding out hope i think this thing is probably just dead in some way that is not repairable well i've been fussing around with this board and unfortunately i can't get any life out of it it never seems to even start to initialize anything weirdly enough as the cpu it doesn't even get hot so could be that the cpu is bad that is quite possible how would i be able to test that i'd have to take this off and insert this into another motherboard but i'd have to find one that would of course have the right support for this type of cpu let me give get this thing out of here i'll use the old ship lifter from intel right here nice that's such a great great tool so there it is the 46 is out well i'm calling it i'm going to say that this motherboard is no good even though i fixed that trace doesn't appear to have fixed the board so i think it's just going to become a spare parts board and go into my parts bin it gets the big old x all right next up that's something interesting i just grabbed these out of the box whatever could these be i'm not sure there's basically four dip switches right there we have a nine pin connector a sticker that says 240m 511167 uh those are clearly like mac addresses or something serial numbers on the side here there's a little barrel jack looks like a dc barrel jack and of course a screw which we're going to remove so we can look inside of these little things whatever are these 2008 roving networks and right there it says on the silkscreen firefly dash six and this is definitely some kind of a wireless radio it says bt on there so bluetooth is this some kind of a bluetooth thing that um goes on a nine pin sterile connection perhaps there's also jumpers there let's take a look at this thing under the digital microscope so you can see this little ic there sip x sp3232 eca is this some kind of like a serial transceiver of some kind along the side here these are definitely leds so it looks like there's three leds and here's the little transceiver module firefly it says mac address there so i'm assuming this is like ttl level here and that this is some type of a rs232 transceiver and that this nine pin connector here goes to a serial port and the fact that serial probably explains why there's this dc barrel jack right here because serial really doesn't have enough power to power a module like this and back to talking about the microscope here one of my complaints about it is it has a really good working distance you can see here i can stick my hand inside the working distance without an issue the thing is is that you can't really zoom out more than what we're looking at right here this is the maximum zoomed out you can be i mean i can't really get this um assembly any higher obviously it might be able to focus if the whole thing was mounted higher but there's just a lot of magnification on here so it's it's good for very fine work like you know looking at these little tiny smd parts here but it's not really ideal if you want a little bit more of an overview now i can lower this whole thing down and then we can get a closer look at things and in fact there's digital zoom as well so if we just look at that little 102 resistor there you know it's pretty damn clear look at that you can really see close up there's the digital zoom maxed out i could probably get even closer to that part if i needed to i don't think i really need to though but this is as zoomed out as you can get with this particular digital microscope so if anyone has any ideas of what these things are used for yeah please put a comment in the comment section below all right next thing is another motherboard check this out this is a 286 and now that i think about it i think this manual here actually matches this board here 286 it looks like two to six a zero 16 megahertz two different versions if we look inside here there was a photograph or a diagram and there it is so it's got four slots there some chips yeah this is definitely the motherboard that matches this manual so that's kind of cool if anyone recognizes this or doesn't recognize it please let me know but as we can see looking here at the manual there's absolutely nothing about a company name or anything like that and it just says m21400a as the model number does say down here vip m21400a bam slash 12 a0 so that matches the book made in taiwan it's got a phoenix bios on here and then a keyboard controller weird it's only got one chip though so low and high it says high right there but it's missing but there's a jumper here that allows you to select between 512 or 256 so this would be a 27c 512 and there must be some logic in here perhaps in this um pal here 16 l8 to basically double read the eprom so you normally need two because it's 16 bits the data bus on a 286 which is what this is so if you use a single 8 bit eprom like this you need something to sort of help uh split the odd and even bites out of this one chip to the motherboard we have 24 megahertz crystal which implies that this 286 right here which is a 12 megahertz part that's quad flat pack obviously runs at the full 12 megahertz and take a look at that an 8287 is installed on this board that's kind of cool it's got obviously flexible ram going on here it has two sips that are installed these look like i'd say one megabytes each so it's got two megs of ram sips i mean horrible and the worst thing is when you look at these slots on the board they could easily accommodate sim sockets there's the right holes here for alignment and they just installed a row of pins as opposed to the sim sockets so we look at these modules here these sips these are really just regular sims and then they soldered these pins on here so it's just a cheaper way to get the motherboard populated with memory quick look at the specs it's got zero weight states with 80 nanosecond ram at 12 megahertz with no page interleave or zero weight states at 100 nanoseconds with a page hit i don't know what that means exactly and a page interleave at 16 megahertz but it does support zero or one wait states and various combinations up to four megabytes available for both dip and sip dram components jumper configurations you can enable or disable parity you can set up the different bios size chip on board or external battery you can discharge the cmos so you can reset it very quickly and color or monochrome so it's got very flexible memory configurations we got 640k going on here so this is 512k because these are 44 256's two of these each make up 256k and then we have 128k here so that's 64 and 64. using these 4464s and then these two chips are 4164s these are one bit each so that's the parity memory for these banks and then this here is 41 256's which is the parity memory for this bank so there we go 640k you can also have it in 512. you can also install one megabyte of 44 256 chips here so these sockets down here which are these ones here they can accommodate both 44 256's and 4464s and then if you're going to use sips you got to use two at a time because again 16-bit computer right so that's two megabytes and it looks like you can use four megabytes i am surprised it doesn't support 250k sips to allow a total of one megabyte although there are still some other possible combinations we don't recommend them to you because there are far more economical choices i think they meant to say 256 kilobyte sips for example can be configured with a maximum one meg with four of them just like the dip but with a much higher price they can be inserted into the pinholes on the zip sockets though so you can use 256k and that is doable but it's just not economical and there's information on the bios it's phoenix does support ems configuration right here in the bios wow it even says you can install an ami bios and if you do there are slightly different configurations i'm just realizing now that the weight state zero weight state and the ems configuration options i didn't even notice they are in the bios so system clock is the clock in divided by four processor clock clock two in divided by two there is no setting in here for the weight state though that's odd the battery that looks like it has leaked oh there's another crystal right there which looks horrible let's go over to the microscope all right everyone check out the carnage look at that clock crystal there oh boy someone's already removed the battery or it fell off as dave jones likes to say krusty burger right here oh boy i'm assuming this is like one of those normal 14 megahertz jobbies that's on most pc motherboards but that's not looking so great corrosion seems to end there everything else looks fine the motherboard obviously quite dirty got some crust there on that resistor crust on that resistor looks like a little bit inside that jumper there looking at the back a little corrosion there sort of come through a little bit yeah look at that it's not too bad though but it's there i'm going to clean this up before we attempt any kind of powering of this thing all right i'm back and i've washed the board it's not perfect by any means i'm going to have to soak it with some what do you call it the navy jelly to really try to clean this up and that crystal if it's dead i'm pretty sure what is it like 14 point whatever it's basically 4.77 megahertz times four i think at this point i just want to see if this thing even works it's time to test this out all right here we go well i don't know it's um it starts to execute because we have that light that came on that wasn't coming on with the last motherboard but then it stops so i probably need to do is get the scope and check to see if this crystal oscillator is actually running here because the machine will definitely not work without it yeah some strange things are going on there lights are kind of coming off and on let's hit the reset here there's the reset oh you know what i think it's a bad connection in this slot let's uh let's try a different slot okay how about now i mean look at that flashing on there that's not normal definitely something is funky with this motherboard crystal oscillator is running at 14.3151mhz which is correct and yet the motherboard is still not working at least with this one the cpu and the mathco processor are getting pretty warm which is normal for those so they're getting full power and everything let's take a look at the corrosion after cleanup so this is not a big deal this is this should be ground right here i think at least it goes off down there hmm does go to that though this may not be actually connected to anything anymore looking on the back side of the board here i think this is the pin from the battery look at this that's a bit of a mess right there and if we go over this way look at this this vs destroyed and i have no idea if that's actually connected anymore right there might still be maybe okay so the big via goes right there and that's obviously for two different size batteries so this was the original battery connection right here and it had it went over to this via here which seems okay this trace over here seems fine so we know of this jumper here this is the pin that goes to the clock chip this one here goes up to the original battery that's gone and this one here should be going and i'm going to be touching the connector for the external battery and it does goes right there it's the connector that just it's just off camera but when we look at this connector the one that goes to the battery pack this pin here is the one that goes through the jumper block i was just testing this pin here is ground and you can see this thick trace right here this pin is not is not grounded i'm touching um the other probe to something that's grounded we're getting nothing but obviously if i see there's ground in there but this is isolated now and the problem is this trace here which goes to this resistor pack that is supposed to be ground and it's not so i'm just going to do a barge from this ground plane or some more ground to this resistor back here and hopefully that maybe will fix this motherboard and just before i connect this barge i'm just going to double check that this right here that pin is ground and it is and it should be going to this pin here as ground as well which is not so this is where i need to connect to just like that break this off here pin one of the resistor pack should be grounded and it is so that is not an island anymore let's see if that made a difference okay here we go let's see if this does a trick oh it doesn't make a difference at all that's terrible in fact it's weird we're not getting that weird flickery light there anymore reset comes on but nobody's home no buddy's home can't believe that actually made it worse by the way when you turn off the power supply usually what happens is the power good signal goes low or high or whatever and that causes the reset line to become active which i think it's active low so that light will come on as soon as i turn the power switch off there it is while all the rails get all weird and the voltages drop it actually holds the whole computer in reset so you don't get any strange behavior all right well this motherboard i've been fiddling around a little bit more can't figure out how to make it work so unfortunately i'm just going to have to call it another bad motherboard i will of course dump the eeprom and i'm going to do a quick search to see if i find this motherboard online if i do with all the jumpers and stuff i'll just check to make sure it matches the manual and if it does then i won't do anything further but if it's it's a real shame because i like 286 motherboards especially ones like this that have up to four megs built in that's pretty cool but the batteries those batteries they are just destroying these motherboards so if you have motherboards laying around please go take a look and if the damage is not bad take that off so before it destroys the board if it hasn't already well this video has been going on for quite a while and i have hardly even made a dent in this box so clearly not gonna be able to get through the whole box in this video this will be a two-parter so i'm gonna just grab another motherboard that i don't think has any battery damage on it so we'll see if this one works and here is that motherboard if you watched my recent ibm 5170 series you'll recognize this motherboard this is an ibm type 1 motherboard the very first revision from the 51 70. this type 1 motherboard exactly like the other one is 6 megahertz 286 so pretty slow the pcb is a green color here and it was sort of like a reddish brown color on the other one so obviously ibm changed something up here's the same double stacked memory this is 512k total here these are basically 64k chips that are stacked on top of each other now looking around on this board this is going to be an early motherboard and that's because these chips here 8421 8421 8418 right here basically it feels like this motherboard is probably from the middle of 1984. that's got to be kind of early on the 5170 came out in 1984 so this is definitely an older motherboard than the one that was in the machine i have i think that one had chips from the very beginning of 1985 in it now one thing about this motherboard is it's got quite a bend in it i don't know if that's really showing up in camera but it probably was stacked in the box with all this stuff piled on top of each of it and it just put a bit of a bend in it but that shouldn't be a problem i don't think i don't think that's going to cause any issues with the operation of it and let's just check out the other side of the board whoa holy barge we got some serious barge action going on here one two three four five six seven at least seven barged wires some of them running all the way down here and up over to there i know seven or eight maybe there's even eight or nine badge wires there's a little one right here so we got some serious rework happening on this which probably lends credence to this being an early board it's also rather interesting here these are the slot connectors and when they stuck this into the pcb i don't know if it was a manual assembly process or what but someone bent over those two pins those two pins and those two pins and they did that on all of these connectors but this one they're bent over in slightly different positions here here and there so it's almost like this one was added at a different time than the rest and actually this one's bent over slightly different as well so i don't know if perhaps there was some hand assembling going on with this motherboard but these barge wires are super hilarious now i was giving the board a little bit of an inspection it seems like this ram chip down here has a bit of an issue like either it was manufactured wrong or got hit and impacted while this thing was in sort of storage or whatever if we look at the microscope here i kind of saw that the chip looked like it was shifted over but if we take a look at that i don't know if that's just got hit it probably got hit but it looks like that actually didn't cause any kind of permanent damage and everything on the other side looks totally okay all right with the ram chip back in i guess all we can do now is just give this thing a test the battery had been long since disconnected so that didn't leak all over the board it would have connected right here by the keyboard connector so no issues there let's plug this in get the postcard on it see if this works it's really hilarious i had been looking for a motherboard for my old 5170 the one with a cracked front for the longest time and then justin brought me that 5170 that i repaired and i mean or restored and it looks all nice and it works with the patched bios and then another one of the boards shows up what are the chances here we go we got postcodes this thing is a working machine i mean i had very little doubt that this was problematic it's kind of why i waited till the end because i saw it in the box there and i knew it didn't have any battery damage so it's probably going to work so the vga monitor here see here we go there it is let's see if it counts up the memory it has a memory error so i know you can't see it in the camera but it counted up to 512k amazing simply amazing let me turn this off again we got a 301 a 601 and a 162 error are we surprised we have the 601 and the 162 no we're not because those are guaranteed until you swap the bios out with my patched version okay so it's kind of strange i got a 303 keyboard or system unit error let's see if the keyboard's even working the keyboard is not working so i guess i spoke too soon that this thing works oh there we go that was weird maybe it's just a bad connection on the keyboard connector it's got to be that it is booting off of the compact flash card this thing is a survivor i love survivors thrown in a box piled up with junk bent left for dead basically and um hey it kind of froze actually i wonder if i need to flash a copy of my uh patched bios here i don't think it should matter but i have a feeling what might be going on here is that there is corrupted data in the bios chip because the battery was removed and that is resulting in this problem here that chip is hot and that's running at six megahertz i wonder this crystal is actually in a little socket here it's 12 megahertz crystal i wonder what happens if you pop in a 16 megahertz crystal can you overclock this thing to eight megahertz maybe not this chip but i wonder if a later ceramic 286 would be possible so i'm gonna pop out the cpu it's in a socket so i just lifted it out there look at that aug it as in gold i love it so i'm wondering this pin spacing would allow me potentially to insert a plcc socket there and then i could put in a faster chip like i have a harris chip goes up to 20 megahertz and i wonder if i can swap this crystal out oops that tool just fell down i don't know if i have another crystal but i just want to see at least if i get another cpu working in here here is a plcc socket let me just figure out the right orientation for pin one okay i see it's right there well the socket definitely goes in there but unfortunately i don't think it's going to stay in you know it might oh wait a second it's in there all right okay let me grab another 286 non-ceramic one and we'll see if i can make this work this might be a one way to overclock this machine oh there's a loose one in here grab that one oh actually this loose one is a real genuine intel 12 megahertz part let's just go with that one since this machine there's no way this thing is ever going to run at 20 megahertz if that's impossible the the chips on this board don't support that but it's possible there we go that i could run it more at 8 megahertz that could be possible all right i'm gonna pop the vga card out here so we can see the postcard let's see if this actually posts it's posting so let's put this back in i mean that means that this thing is actually running so uh total overclock potential is there oh oh no it doesn't run okay got to nine and then it froze let me push down on this yeah that's so weird how does it post a little bit and then stop working so it stops at nine let's give this a push here same thing it's not getting any further let's take this card out again okay i'm popping this out let me see if i ruined any pins or anything no yeah so one thing about this socket now that i'm realizing it is the pins that are on the outside edge are a little shorter than the ones on the inside edge so it's quite possible that they're just not making good contact because ideally you need to solder this into the motherboard i take this auget socket off and then i put this socket straight on the motherboard then i'm sure this would probably work it's just i'm plugging a socket into a socket which is not really what you're supposed to be doing let's see if that work does any difference now no just stops at nine it's got to be a pin that's not connected actually it could be the cpu let's swap out the cpu maybe the problem is with the cpu come on come on okay there we go got it out 20 megahertz harris is in see if there's any difference wait that posted i guess my um 12 maker is 286 here is bad i don't remember where i took that off of that is interesting that that is not a good part there it is it posted and that is not going to be hot that's going to be a cool running chip by the way this is the processor here the one that wasn't working oops i have to reverse there 286 12. i don't know is that the day code 92 that seems really late doesn't it i don't know maybe this chip is fake i don't think it is definitely like lasered on there though so maybe this is fake i don't remember where i got this none of the pins seem messed up at all everything seems fine i can't really say why this wasn't actually working i'll see what the back says here 88 24 but the 20 megahertz harris part not even warm not even warm all right well i can't get this machine to boot at all and i just looked up the part numbers on these bios chips and this is the original 1984 type 1 bios so this is coming out of this machine and i'm going to put in some of the patched ones from my video if you're unfamiliar with the patched bias that i'm talking about it was in my last video or not last but a recent video where i showed the methodology used to patch these type 3 bios and patched for get rid of those errors hopefully this post let's see yep we're posting should get an image here and i think we should at least not get those two error codes 601 and 162. i know you can't really tell oh we still got them you know why i think we still got them because the bios is misconfigured yeah so the date i know you can't see this but it's 150th like whatever day of the year that is so i'm just gonna put in 1988 for the date floppy drive is you know what it g setup it doesn't even allow you to pick not installed for the primary floppy drive so i can't get away from that hard drive type it is set for type 2 as the default expanded memory shows 18 000. that's a wrong amount of expanded memory so let's see if i can get this all the way down to zero no it's either 32 or minus 96 so we'll leave it at 32 which is not right but whatever it's close enough unfortunately we're going to get diskette error and memory size error because clearly the memory size is wrong but whatever just get error there's no disk controller even in here it should boot to dos properly at least i'm going to pull the speaker out of here okay so we're getting 6.85 megahertz and it says the clock speed of the machine is 6.001 megahertz that is exactly the same performance as my other 5170 let's try swapping the crystal oscillator over so i have a little assortment of crystals here in the bag here are 16 megahertz ones so that should run the processor at 8 megahertz this here is 17.7 megahertz which will overclock it even higher and then this one here is 14.3 so what's in here now is 12. let's try this 14 megahertz one first which will be a slight overclock this little oscillator here has thinner pins so totally may not work but hey you know what let's give it a try anyways okay there we go so this should result in overclock of about 7.1 megahertz or something versus six let's see if we get anything it's starting to post overclock central overclocking a machine from 1984. as you can see we obviously have a working thing i should move the postcard to here where you can see it let's boot this up we should be getting a slight overclock yeah we're pushing the limits pushing the limits boot sector not found on the xt ide oh we're like pushing the limits so much so that the xt ide doesn't seem to work anymore how about we try booting off a floppy disk here i took the xtid out of here let's see if this works any better now with g setup i did configure it for 1.44 megabytes so maybe i won't get a disk error oh yeah we're just getting a memory size error look at that 7.164mhz with a cpu equivalent of 8.31 megahertz so so far i don't know a successful in air quotes overclock why isn't the um xt ide working i don't know but i'm going to say let's move on to the next crystal in the line get a little faster one in here and let's see if that works let's see if any of the chips on here are like super hot these two ceramic chips from intel right there those are pretty warm not not burning hot but warm next up is a 16 megahertz crystal it's a little shorty that should still work though just won't fit in the holder anymore obviously i'll get that in here okay it actually does fit in the holder because the leads are so long here we go let's see will this post watch the numbers hey it's posting it's posting everyone let's put the boot disc back in overclocking the type 1 motherboard oh we still got diskette error you know what now the disk drive's not working ah-ha oh the floppy controller card is half out of the slot that's why it wasn't booting okay back to overclocking again and you know what i think i'm going to go crazy here i have a 17.7 megahertz crystal that should give us even more of an overclock and there it is pushing the limits push in the limits oh the memory card in that camera just ran out of space so i'm only recording with this one now um yeah this one doesn't post i mean it starts to post and then it freezes up on 11. so clearly that's pushing the limits too much but that's fine i was getting greedy there i had a feeling that these components here i'm going to go back to 16 megahertz i had a feeling that these components really are just not designed for anything faster than 8-bit plus we're actually overclocking by a little bit the isa bus here so here we go let's try there that's posting i would be totally happy with getting this machine running um oh there's the disk drives working i would be totally happy with getting this machine running at eight megahertz that's still a decent speed increase from six to eight i don't think it's ruining the purity completely and that's because ibm did actually uh sell a machine that's eight megahertz the later motherboards were running faster and i'm not sure if this was a little bit of a mod that people did do um with their type 1 motherboards not really quite sure about that but it was just begging for it with the crystal beam right there so landmark is running and there we go 8.005 megahertz and is the equivalent of a 9.04 megahertz at nice a little bit of a bump there so i'm just going to let this run for a little while just like this here and see if everything stays running or if it crashes and what was just a jump cut in the video is about five hours in real life i left this thing running the speed test here and it's still running it has not crashed i can show that by exiting out of the program there and there it is the machine is actually still running so that was a successful overclock it's um let's just see how things are temperature wise nothing is burning hot especially that 20 megahertz processor it's doing pretty good so that's pretty cool i i have to say i'm very impressed that eight megahertz on this six megahertz board totally totally works now i know it's not like doubling the speed be nice to get 12 megahertz out of this thing but i'm morally wondering was this an upgrade that people did back in the day i guess i really do need to try to figure out though why wasn't it booting off of the xt ide so i'm going to pop this back in i'm going to switch back to the compact flash card so while this boots up i'm just perplexed at what's going on with the xdide because vga card clearly has no issues floppy controller has no issues i've used this card you know what now that i think about it actually i built this xt ide myself oops it's booty into the dos setup utility i built this card myself and the problem actually may be that i'm using some 74 ls chips on here that are really really old so i think i really only tested this on an xt running at 4.77 megahertz and that means the isa bus is also running at that slow speed you only run the isa bus up to 8 megahertz on newer computers so let's see if i can even read the drive i can't even read the drive i have a feeling that it's very specifically this xt ide card and i wouldn't be surprised if i put in a regular ide multi-i o card connected to say that sd card device there that it would probably work fine and i bet there are some issues with some of the chips here and they just do not like running at eight megahertz bet you that's what's going on with this thing this chip is from 1980 this chip is from 1983. this is an hct part here so that's fast and this is a 74 als part so i don't know if that's gonna cause a problem but i know i've had problems with this on other computers that were fast i i haven't investigated that because i only recently put this together yeah so i was able to go to the c drive and there it is and this card i'm gonna have to do some troubleshooting on to try to figure out what's going on with it i i think earlier in this video i used it on the 3d6 sx right and it did work there so it's not totally speed dependent but clearly everything seems to be working perfectly on this board but i know i tried this on something else and it had an issue so that will be something in the future i'll need to work on well i think i do need to end this video here there is still a box just filled with parts to take a look at and i ended up going through what four motherboards on this video two are dead one worked the three six sx40 and then this ibm 5170 board type one worked as well and a little overclock so if you like this video i'd appreciate a thumbs up but if you didn't you know what to do let me know in the comment section below if you're interested in these types of videos if you'd like to see more of these if this video is not really popular then i'll probably just look through the rest of those parts and test them out myself without using the camera to record it all uh thanks to my patrons for supporting me in the channel their names are scrolling up the side of the screen if you want to become a patron you can there's a link below and i guess that is gonna be it for real this time that's gonna be it for this video so stay healthy stay safe and i'll see you next time bye bye you
Channel: Adrian's Digital Basement
Views: 83,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oeqNElTHWSs
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Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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