Could the Apple IIe be the most reliable machine ever? (Testing 12 more of them)

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well hello everyone and welcome back to adrienne's digital basement on today's video this is part two of the i have a big apple to eat problem in my house this will be picking up right where i left off in that first video so if you haven't watched it i recommend you go do that first and then let's continue on with this video where i left off i had tested i think four of the machines and in this video i'm going to get through and test all the rest of them so without further ado let's get right to it [Music] okay we have machine number five this one has a machine number one on the old label clover park school is written on with a sharpie it's missing the caps lock key has an asset tag on the side it's got a super serial card that's in here and doesn't have the connection had already come off i have a little baggie in here which i stuck in there that is the missing caps lock key so that can be fixed i just noticed one other issue the keyboard unfortunately it's broken and that happens on these particular platinum machines the way the keyboard gets mounted if you put too much weight on the keyboard it breaks the mount off probably nothing that some epoxy like jb weld can't repair but it's going to require taking it apart and stuff like that but i'll have to take this part anyways because the capstock needs to be fixed and it needs a new stem and actually that's not just a normal stem that's the latching type but i think the parts machine the one with no keys on it has shift uh or a capslock key that is not bad it's not broken and this machine has the lyrin card in it again and no other disc controller and it's got the back covers on it didn't have one where the serial card was and one's missing here in around the middle slots but there is nothing right by the disk drives so don't know memory cards in as usual speaker's there it's it is hooked up to the motherboard same motherboard as in the other ones we've seen same power supply let's power this up here we go are we going to have another bad speaker or dead computer it works and it has a working speaker let's run the diagnostics diagnostics passed without issue let's plug a disk controller card in even with the lyran card in there it should go to the disk drive and it does this is going to be pet ski robots that obviously is working great and i just plugged in the floppy emu let's see if it boots to total replay [Music] total replay there we go karateka works as well so machine number five it's got a broken caps lock heat which i can fix and it's got a broken keyboard mount which hopefully is easy to fix all right this is machine number six which has the fake number seven on the side this one has a missing escape key that part of the keyboard is mounted okay that part is mounted fine as well case doesn't have anything written on the top which is nice but it does say clover park on the side here and inside this machine which is exactly like the other ones we got another layering card the regular ram card they don't have a serial card in this one it does have the back cover plate removed right here where the serial card probably was and it doesn't have any other cover missing which just again implies that this thing was just using three and a half inch disk drives that the lyran card was all they had and they had unidisks on here and it's in slot 6 as well and let's power this up there we go it works i mean am i surprised let's do the diagnostics speaker worked as well there was a beep oh while this is running if i reach down in here there's a little bag right there and there is the missing escape key that wow actually system okay that's weird the beep didn't sound normal there what's strange is this key doesn't have the broken stem in it but the escape key that's on the keyboard is broken so maybe this key came off another machine like that one um that had all the keys pillaged off it already maybe someone took those off to kind of strategically replace stuff because i'm noticing this has a couple yellowed keys right here okay there's the normal beep um yeah so anyways that's a bit strange all right floppy emu is connected for testing the lyran card i think it's working total replay there it is there we go another working machine so number six has a broken escape key which i have and there's no other faults with this machine so the lyron card gets the check mark number seven also clover park with a fake number eight on the side that goes away heavily yellowed on this part but not right here which is probably where the monitor was sitting i guess definitely some scratches along the top of the case right here it looks like some kind of tape or label was right here that has been removed the keyboard has all of its keys see if it's broken at all nope nothing's broken all right we have something a little different we have an after-market power supply there's a label here that says khp-4007 obviously with this case looking black like this that is not an apple branded power supply and it more closely resembles this original apple ii plus power supply where the power cable comes out of the end here right here while it comes up on a different side right there but the later 2gs and apple 2e ones the connector comes out of the middle the power supply right about here i think we can assume that the original power supply died at some point while this machine was still in service and it was probably easier to just replace this one than try to service the apple power supply and these were probably much cheaper they probably had a service contract with a company that would come in and service these machines fix them when kids messed them up or whatever that they did and this was their their after-market replacement power supply everything in here is identical to the other machines the lyran card is the only one in here the super serial card and the regular ram card the date codes on the ics in here are early 1988 so this machine is a little bit older for platinum than those other ones we've looked at so far and just in case this aftermarket power supply does some something bad i'm going to take out the lyran card here because it's a valuable card and we don't want to risk it getting fried if this thing is putting out some kind of voltage that is inappropriate and it just powered on because the power switch is upside down there we go yeah it's weird the power supply you push down to turn it on a bit strange but we're obviously working there so let's run diagnostics system okay good sign i'm just going to check a few voltage rails 11.9 on 12 volts minus 5.2 it's a bit high but whatever minus 12.17 that's fine and 5.03 so that's looking good for the 5 volt rail floppy drive is working it's booting up petsky robots and the speaker obviously is working and let's test out the lyran card that was in here there we go total replay yes and karataka loaded right up number seven it's a-okay not a single problem on this machine all right this is the next machine number eight and uh has no missing keys or anything either has the remnants of an apple sticker that was stuck on there that someone has since peeled off oh and someone wrote c4 there case is a bit scratched up here and there there's a sticker remnants there reset key looks quite unhappy that's probably going to require desoldering and i mean it seems to push we'll see if it actually works the keyboard mount is not broken it seems like it's much lower than it should be so i'm not not positive what's going on there all right inside this machine well it's um it's missing its ram expansion card it does have a live ring card in here has the stock apple power supply and everything else is it's pretty much standard affair in here i can see looking down here at the keyboard that it is bent and i think that's why it looks too low yep the whole there's like a metal bracket in there and it's all bowed okay power connected what's gonna happen look at that it works but this bent reset button that does not work i'm gonna plug the floppy emu into the lyran card that's in this machine and let's just see if it works at least the speaker works it does work it looks booty date code on the ics in here is early 1988 as well there's k for karateka when i was growing up i called it karateka i think a lot of people called that but i heard karateka karateka as another pronunciation there it is so machine number eight has a bad reset key and that's an n a bent keyboard looks like beat beat keyboard i forgot to mention the fake number four that i had on there it is now number eight all right machine number eight this one is strangely in really good shape when it comes to the case as in not a lot of yellowing but the keyboard on the other hand yeah it's yellow but it has oh then it's broken as well it's got the broken mount on this side got one key that's not as yellowed as the rest which is odd and actually the minus key on this side is also like that scratch on the apple logo case is a little scratched and dented on the side here it says number 18 which obviously is not correct because this is machine number nine this machine has date codes from the 90s making it the newest machine so far to be looked at we have one of the regular apple five and a quarter inch disk drive controllers although this has date codes from 1989. uh the only other one we've seen like this the one that had a ribbon cable on it had date codes of 1983. i forgot which machine that was in but yeah this is a late one apple was making them for quite a while and i forgot which slot it was in i think i just took it out of slot 3 maybe not slot 6. so someone might have just randomly inserted it into any available slots standard issue ram card and everything else looks ready for testing all right here we go look at that looks good on the monitor 11.7 volts on the 12 volt rail 5.01 volts on the 5 volt rail looks good minus 5.12 that's fine and minus 11.6 which is fine for the minus 12 volts and it passed the diagnostics without issue i plugged in the old apple disk drive here to the controller and we'll stick in petsky robots all right it's working and we have a sound that works as well so this disk controller gets a tick mark so machine number nine it totally works perfectly except for the broken keyboard mount all right machine number 10. this is one of the older classic style apple ii e's this one came missing its top cover it also had all the keys pillaged this one stem on the keyboard is broken but the rest are good this does have the enhanced sticker right here so i guess this is an enhanced machine if you're not totally sure if a machine is enhanced take a look at the cpu 65 sco2 that tells us right there this is the enhanced version of the machine but take a look at this mt ram everyone i think we know what that means this is uh the same kind that's on the commodore 64. eight chips for 64k notoriously unreliable and someone has gone ahead and replaced it uh with this fujitsu chip here in 1987. these chips have 85 date codes so had this empty ram already failed in 1987. we have two rom chips here cd and e and f and there's a video rom chip over here and i think i'm not sure if all three of these but at least some of these get replaced when you upgrade your apple to e to the enhanced version we have the good old classic disk drive this one has day codes from 1985 that kind of match the computer plus the old apple computer logo here all right power and video connected let's see what happens when we turn it on it seems to work let's see if i can get to diagnostics [Music] there we go and we have a ram failure our first machine that actually has a problem and i'm wondering if that's why this machine's been pillaged because this thing had an issue from the very start and someone decided instead of trying to fix it to pillage it for all of its parts specifically the keyboard parts to fix other machines in the lid i guess and whatever when the reality is it's a very simple fix now this diagnostic output here is telling us that it's the fourth bit over so data bit three because it's zero one two three that is bad when we look at the ram here on the motherboard it would be typical and i'm sure apple did this they laid this out in bit order so it would either be 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or it starts on this side 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. so that means the bad bit is either this chip that's already in a socket or the one right next to it so let me just pop this ram chip out and put a new one in i'll see if that fixes the diagnostic issue i'm just looking over to my right at the pile of chips i have there and i found this 41 256 chip here just sitting there this chip is obviously 256k by one bit but it should work in this machine putting this chip in here will not result in any kind of memory expansion for this machine but uh it should actually work all right the machine powered up let's go to the diagnostics nope still has the same bit error so i guess it's not a super so i guess it's not as easy as that to fix this it's just yet another dead mt ram chip 4.99 looks great 12.1 is fine minus 5.1 and minus 11.9 those are all looking good i'm just going to swap this memory chip back to the original one that was in here this fujitsu one i'm sorry i doubted you fujitsu chip especially when there are mt ram chips that are certainly bad right next to you since this machine will not successfully boot anything with bad ram and i'm going to fix that later not not right now i'm going to take this disk controller card out and we'll test it in the next working machine oh and i don't think i mentioned that the auxiliary ram card has been pillaged from this machine as well so that's kind of lame but the speaker works at least and the keyboard is not broken the mounts are good so this machine simply needs a new ram chip and then i'm sure it will work perfectly well ram chip and uh auxiliary card all right machine number 10 it has bad ram bit 3. that's it machine number 11 and it has a fake number 12 on the side which i'll peel right off 93 61 written there who knows what that means machine has yellowing in this part here not right here i guess where there was a stand or whatever keyboard is not broken it is missing a little sticker over the led or it's a light bulb actually to tell you whether it's enhanced or not but nothing is on the sides of the machine at all inside the computer we have the auxiliary ram card we have the old traditional power supply and we have one of the old 16 sector disk controller cards that is very stubbornly in the motherboard here this has date codes of 83 and 84 on it and actually this is not an enhanced machine because it's got a regular 6502 in here 1984 date code but take a look at the ram it's empty crap ram but it's got apple logos on all of them how funny and also what's kind of cool about this system is every single ic on the motherboard is in a socket i do not see a single one and i'm quite sure that every of the machines we've looked at so far although i haven't paid that close attention had most of the chips actually soldered onto the motherboard i think the roms were always in sockets but the ram was soldered cpu was always in a socket but maybe these large ics were soldered i don't remember exactly but this one will be easy to repair if it's got a fault okay i have the power and the video connected and to be honest i am have expecting this machine not to work because of this mt ram that's in here so what happens all right yep look at that the old apple ii um it's definitely not enhanced i think with this old apple ii rom here so if i hold down open apple closed apple control and reset it does this kind of weird thing which is not that dissimilar to the early apple 2cs i mean this is different um but those do this kind of randomly pattern that doesn't actually do anything it doesn't run a die not what kernel okay i was literally blabbering on about how this is not actually a diagnostic and i guess it is something i've personally never even used or seen an unenhanced apple 2e because it was only a few years after the 2e came out that apple started offering the upgrade kits and i think it was very trivial to upgrade most to ease i think there were certain motherboard revisions that could not be upgraded or at least not fully um so i don't know what the deal is i'm not sure what revision motherboard this is but this rom definitely points to the fact that it's not enhanced okay so this is the disc controller from the last machine that i couldn't test let's give this a test all right it's booting now even though this machine is not enhanced it does have 128k so pesky robot says 128 and it should totally work fine there we go the game loaded it up let's hit enter try to just start the game make sure it runs properly there we go looks like it's fine okay so i've gone over to wikipedia so we can take a look at what the different revisions and what enhanced means i've sort of been talking about that and if you're not that familiar with the 2e or apple 2s in general you might be confused as to what that even means so it looks like there are two revisions of the motherboard the rev a and the rev b looks like the primary difference between the rev and the rev b is it doesn't support double high res and double low res resolutions meaning it has identical graphics to the apple ii before it the revision b came out soon after when they figured out that they could actually add these extra modes which have been carried over of course into the 2c and the 2gs and it looks like apple offered a upgrade for the rev a motherboard storefb free of charge so i would imagine most of those rev a's are gone at this point you won't be able to see it in the camera i don't think but down here is a part number on the motherboard and it says dash b so i'm assuming that this is definitely a rev b motherboard in addition it says that the original 2e had a case that was very similar to the two plus with velcro strips to hold the lid down well this one does not have that this has this same clasp mechanism that all the two e's i've ever seen have so this is clearly a little bit later than the really early cases and here we can read about what the enhanced 2e was all about basically was apple's attempt to make the apple 2e more compatible with the apple 2c which did introduce some changes the change involved in new processor as i've mentioned already it's a 65c02 you get a new character rom with the mouse text which are some graphical characters and you get two new rom firmware chips and here it says that the character rom adds the 32 special mouse text characters and one of the really easy ways is what i already pointed out is an enhanced 2e starts up with apple 2e with slashes versus the original apple with the square brackets which is obviously what this machine is doing all right so we've definitely confirmed that this disk controller from the previous machine absolutely works perfectly so i'm going to draw a tick mark on it and then we have this card which is similar to this one i've been testing with although although this one has the 16 sector sticker on it and that has to do with the prompts that are on here there are different versions and the older apple disk operating system used 13 sectors so you needed different problems let's plug this floppy drive into this controller and see if it works yep sweet no problems there with this controller either as far as i'm aware one of the other enhancements with the newer rom is lowercase support in applesoft basic so if i type list here in lowercase it should say syntax error and it does you gotta have caps lock on and that's just a side effect of applesoft basic originally on the two plus and earlier did not support lowercase letters quick check of the voltage rails 5.07 12.28 minus 5.18 and minus 12.16 all fine and this disk controller obviously works perfectly apple 2e number 11 not enhanced but otherwise perfect 12. this one's got some missing keys on it right here seems to have a missing foot on it has the fake number of 15 on the side here all right inside there are keys looks like uh all three of the missing keys are right here it has an enhanced sticker so that means it should have the updated rom and cpu the cpu says 6503 so i'm assuming that's that's the enhanced version log standard auxiliary ram card it has the um same floppy controller as the last machine which is the type of the ribbon cables wow these slots are really gripping the cards there we go yep so it's this type so the yelled 13 sector version 1978 copyright this has ics on here okay 84 83 so this card seems weirdly older than this machine does here's a date code right here 8428 this computer though all the ics in here are 1986. and guess what mt ram and it is soldered onto the motherboard rude as i mentioned for the last one which had everything in sockets this thing has a lot less sockets in it including the mt ram which is surely to cause a problem and take a look the aftermarket power supply that's been replaced with the upside down power switch and all so i'm definitely half expecting this machine to not work because specifically the ram the mt ram but stranger things have happened with mt ram all right here we go okay yep so it's definitely enhanced it's got the slashes there let's run the diagnostics let's just take a quick look at the voltages 5.02 sounds delicious 11.94 that's great system okay so all this ram is fine very shocking minus 5.11 and we got minus 12.04 all looking good so these power supplies aftermarket ones do seem to work pretty well and the case design allows me to look inside and i can see that there is not a reefer to be seen in there the disc drive is plugged in i am just going to put a tiny bit of deoxide on the slot connector here i just didn't like how hard it was to take in and out of the slot it feels like it's almost damaging the contacts or something all right here we go all looks good game is running fine so even mt ram can't hurt the reliability of apple 2 ease so the disc controller that obviously works gets a tick mark so machine number 12 this machine works perfectly it does have mt ram but that works and it's missing keys but i have them so i wrote that on the note number 13. that's what this machine is it's marked with a number 10 which is fake the computer definitely has what is known as a patina it's uh it's a little yellow the whole thing it's a bit more creamy color than it should be but the keyboard is complete it has the enhanced little sticker on there so let's crack it open inside the computer everything is run-of-the-mill auxiliary ram card it's definitely enhanced it's got the 65 co2 processor and it has the standard issue disk controller and it's in slot six slightly unusual is that the auxiliary ram card here has this ic in a socket it definitely hasn't been reworked it's just like that from the factory apple might have been using commodore's methodology which basically is uh if you don't have the chip ready when you're building that card why don't you stick a socket and then install it later power and video is connected let's turn it on of course it works i mean am i surprised these computers are so reliable diagnostics system okay i'm booting up petsky robots let's see if it runs it looks like it's already loading without any issue voltage check we have a nice 5 bolt rail we have a working game 12.24 that's fine minus 5.09 is fine and minus 11.93 is fine as well this is one fully functional disk controller there we go machine number 13. it's a okay and here is machine number 14 which interestingly enough has the fake 14 label on the side which i'll take off nothing much to report other than some yellowing the clover park branding is right on the top all the keys are there the space bar is a little yellow it does not have the enhanced sticker on it so i wonder what we're gonna see inside and indeed just like the other one this has a 6502 so this would be non-enhanced and all the chips are in sockets including the ram which unlike the other machine this is fujitsu branded ram here 8264-15s and the date code on the ram is 1984. does that match the rest of the machine it does indeed this machine all seems to be 1984. but this controller that was in here is one of the older type here it's all socketed so that's kind of nice someone was a bit rude ripping the floppy drive cable off of there though it's got a little bent pin action nothing special about the ram card i mean everything looks pretty much of uh mill inside this machine power and videos hooked up is it going to fly or is it going to fry here we go it works apple ii i'll plug my disk drive into the controller that came with this computer i haven't mentioned this but always make sure you have the pin one lined up properly and you do not have this connector offset by one pin either direction there's 12 volts on these pins and it can easily fry your disk drive damaging components in there this was a bit hard to get out so i am just going to put some deoxide on here just as a lubricant move the disc into the appropriate disk drive here we go it's booting row it did not boot there let's try again let's just sort of put the disc in yeah not reading i think we have our first fault in the in one of the disk drive circuits i'm going to take this known good card and we're going to substitute this one and it's booting so definitely there is a problem with this card how convenient apple for socketing all the ics for me so i'm going to put an f in the corner up here for fault obviously we have a seemingly functional machine i'm going to go to that fake diagnostic mode here kernel okay whatever that means checking in voltage rails 4.97 12.25 minus 5.06 minus 11.9 all looking good machine number 14 is a-okay and i did write not enhanced just so i could tell even though the sticker here the lack of sticker accurately represents it's not enhanced all right machine number 15 one to go after this it's 93.75 written on the side in green marker the case overall is pretty evenly yellowed it definitely is yellow though it's yellower than it should be but this one is actually in really good shape has a fake number 13 on the side according to this it's also unenhanced and yes indeed it's got a regular 6502 it's got the all the socketed chips as we've been seeing on the unenhanced versions and it has ti ram 220 nanoseconds so kind of slow a regular old ram card it does not have a floppy controller in here and everything else um what's this a little bit of weird kind of powder in there maybe there was a bug living in here or something on the back of the machine i know you can't really see it it's got all of the slot covers except for one over here where i suppose the disk drive controller was or the ribbon cable for the drives they fed through there and connected it to that internal controller most likely it's old enough it would have had a card like this okay power and video is hooked up here we go no sound no sound but it did start up let's go to that pseudo pseudo-diagnostic mode where we don't even hear that screeching noise it normally makes speaker is plugged into the motherboard all right hooked up a speaker how do we restart this diagnostic i guess i gotta do the whole sequence hey we got sound there i really do have to wonder what is the deal with all these bad speakers i'm just gonna pull the speaker out let's take a look at it all right so this is the speaker that's inside the machine oh um look at that it's got like a dent in it or something and it's so close to the voice coil that whatever that is that poked it probably poked right through the paper and might have broken the voice coil i connected the disc controller let's boot this up and we'll go to pesky robots to attach the music so i can push around on this and see if we can get it working the game is obviously loading so this machine is functional other than the speaker all right so no sound right spoke around here a little bit that is definitely not working like it is fully soldered on properly there is no bad connection here it's just i think whatever hit this must have broken the voice coil obviously i pulled off the dust cap there yeah i'm not sure it just does not seem to work anymore so this speaker seems a little bit larger than the typical pc speaker which is usually this size right here so if anyone knows a good source of these i suppose i just need to look on ebay and see if i can get these cheap but i'll have to get some more of these obviously to fix the speakers up on all these machines where it's non-functional i have gone ahead and removed the speaker from the cable the original cable so i'll just tuck that right here so for when i get the replacement speakers i'll quickly be able to reattach it and reinstall it in the machine so see number 15 not enhanced but otherwise okay well except it has a bad speaker i mean should i put okay if the machine works but okay whatever it's too late now and here it is the last machine this is number 16. it's wobbly because it's missing a foot obviously on the bottom it's got all the keys according to this it's not enhanced a little bit of writing on the side here nothing major and let's take a look inside the machine is definitely a non-enhanced machine does have a disc controller just sort of stuck in here and it's actually one of the lyran cards it's not one of the regular disc controllers early motherboard but it's still a rev b it's got ti rams similar to that last one we looked at everything's in the socket auxiliary ram cart is installed i mean it's pretty much identical to the last machine to be honest oh it's really noisy right now i apologize for that the furnace is running the laundry is going i have the dryer going and yeah unfortunately down here in the basement i am close to those things i don't have a separate space in the house to work on this all right power and video is hooked up everything looks good in here will it work will this final machine work look at that booted right up no issues let's let's do the fake diagnostic all right so either control is bad or reset is bad okay the whole keyboard is not working very well so like that's the p key that doesn't work you know one of the things i haven't done on these machines is really test keyboards and unfortunately the switches that these machines use are susceptible to issues with dust and whatever so it can cause issues so is the control key no control is working fine because i can go backwards with that key combo i'm just making sure that the keyboard connector is connected all the way oh i'm actually noticing something a little interesting here i just shut the power off the apple ii uses little standoffs to hold the motherboard in and there's one right here but these ones are broken and missing uh that one has gone all together so the motherboard is kind of flopping around in here it's held on with a couple screws by the slots here so it's not like going to fall out and that one is there but on this side of the motherboard it yeah it's no longer connected to anything anyhow the keyboard cable seems to be connected properly let's turn it back on so no reset that just implies that the reset switch itself is bad here no big deal i could still go to that diagnostic mode if you have a bad reset key just hold down open apple closed apple and turn the power on holding down those two keys when you power on the computer is essentially exactly the same as pressing control reset on the apple ii pushing control reset is the same as power cycling now you ask it doesn't reboot if you just hit control reset why is there a difference between power cycling well that's because the apple ii when you hit control reset it looks for a very specific byte of memory to be written to a specific value and that's done when you first power on the machine that memory location is initialized when you hit control reset the machine doesn't erase the ram it just checks that little location and if it sees that byte it just thinks you're doing a soft reset right it just drops back to basic if you power off the computer and power back on that little location in memory is going to become corrupted and then that will cause the machine to not see what it expects so it initiates a full reboot but it is also why sometimes you turn the machine off and on quickly that it doesn't fully reset and you'll see some text on the screen and that is specifically because some types of memory decay very slowly and if it decays so slowly that that memory location is still correct the computer thinks you just hit control reset and you'll see some garbage on screen because some of the memory has probably eroded and you'll see a little corruption here and there but yeah that's why power cycling it off quickly doesn't always result in a power cycle all right well let's take this disc controller that i know works and let's uh plug this into slot six see if we get pet ski robots that is a working machine pet ski robots fired right up all right so the lyron card i have it connected to the floppy emu i stuck it into slot seven so when we power the machine up it should go right to total recall it didn't let's try again no let's try a different slot all right into slot 6 which we know works because we were just using it no interesting yeah this keyboard is not working well at all i can't i can't push the p key so i can't even type pr number six now what i haven't done is use a layering card on one of the unenhanced machines yet so i'm going to take one that i know fully works let's try this one and just double check that this isn't a problem perhaps with the unenhanced rom like i don't know if you need the um enhanced uh apple 2e to actually use these cards that might be the case all right here we go again yeah it's not working so i guess um these lyran cards require an enhanced 2e to work now it's possible that pr number six might have worked but i can't do it because the p key doesn't work let me grab one of the other machines that's the unenhanced version and then i'll manually test that out before i take this machine off the bench though number 16 it works but it's got bad keys right number 15 with the uh bad speaker just make sure it still works it definitely does let's plug in the known tested layering card into slot six and let's just see what happens okay exactly the same pr number six there we go okay look at that it's actually booting so this is my tested card i will have to swap to the one that was in that other machine let's just see if that one does work this is the card from machine number 16. pr number six there we go it's booting we'll just load karateka as a test all right karatika is working fine there it is of course we have no sound because the speaker is bad all right so this lyran card works great so i'm looking for schematics for this disk controller card so i can just figure out what's wrong with this now obviously there are regular ics on here so i could just swap everything out one by one especially because i have like a working card oh here we go on react with micro disk interface card close up of proms oh wait a second no this is not helpful i wanted schematics not this are there really no schematics let's look at two and two plus under schematic apple ii schematics over here on unfortunately i'm pretty sure this is for the the is this the disc controller okay here it is i found the schematics for the interface card and the problem we're having is it doesn't seem to be able to read anything right it was trying to seek when when they powered on the computer with this card it did like attempt to boot like we heard the head seek but the read signal from the disk drive which comes in right here read data goes into this 74 ls 174 so i suppose for reading and writing it really is these three ics right here so it's the ls323 the ls 174 and it's this prom here the p6 one so the candidate problem chips is that one right there this prom right there p6 and this chip here which is the ls-373 i'm going to start this diagnostic process by just removing these ics and i will deoxide the sockets and reinsert them here's machine number 15. pop this in again alright here we go look at that it's booting that was it it was just a bad connection in one of those sockets amazing amazing pet robots boot it right up start game and i know i've been calling it pets robots the entire time it's like attack of the ascii robots or the apple robots but obviously this is pets robots right it's a support to the apple it does say apple robots right there actually all right well that's this card is uh is fixed that's all it was so a little 99 ipa will take this sharpie right off there it is gone and the f is replaced with a check mark and the thing is when i think about it maybe i should have just tried to push these chips into the board a little bit better instead of the deoxide that might have fixed the problem as well but i think the deoxy it's probably a little bit of a longer term fix the sockets that i saw underneath there they're just not good quality okay all 16 machines have been tested and i am simply amazed that only one machine has any kind of actual digital fault and that's the one that has a bad ram chip every single other one has fully working logic boards there's probably like five or six that have bad speakers don't remember the exact count there so i'll need to find a source for those and all of the cards that were in all the machines work well i haven't tested these serial cards but i assume those are all working all the disk controllers are working the machines came with a total of seven lyran cards or lyrin or however you say it these are the smart port cards for the apple 2e or the 2 plus and all of these are tested and work of course at the beginning i was confused and thought they didn't work because i didn't really fully understand how they work but now i know they only work with smart port devices like the floppy emu and not floppy drives and they do not auto boot in non-enhanced apple ii's which i assume includes the apple ii plus so the two plus and the non-enhanced 2e you have to manually start the cards up to get them booting otherwise in the later ones it will simply auto boot and then next up for cards there were four of these types of this controller cards these are the older type that have uh the ribbon cable connections so we had four of those and then there were a total of four of the same card but with the db-19 connector on it so that's a total of 15 disk controllers if you count these two types together so one machine was missing the disk controller and there was at least two machines i think that did not have the ram card might have been one but it might have been two but almost all of them had the auxiliary ram card which brings the machine up to 128k and when i booted up petsky robots they all worked all the ones that were included at least and then finally there were five apple super serial cards and like i mentioned these are pretty good cards in that uh you could use these with adt pro and what makes them a little bit better than the older serial cards for the apple ii there was another older version is that these have configurable baud rates and they support up to if i recall nineteen thousand two hundred bits per second so that means that transferring disk images it's uh relatively fast and with that that's going to be it for this video really shows how incredibly reliable apple ii computers are i just can't believe that all of these machines pretty much work perfectly other than the odd problem which i will have to get back to in a future video for fixing there's the ram error and there's that power supply that wasn't working all of the other problems with these machines like the bad speakers or the key switches that aren't working because they're probably dirty inside just require taking apart keyboards or swapping speakers so pretty simple stuff there i really like to thank aj again up in seattle for donating these machines to me and for now i'm going to be putting these apple tvs into cold storage so to speak because i have tons of other projects i need to get to first before i'll revisit those apple ii's although maybe i'll get to those repairs of those two machines sooner than later i'd also like to thank as usual all of my patrons their names are scrolling up the screen right now a huge thank you to all of them for supporting the channel and everything that i do here if you want to become a supporter yourself you can do so at the link in the description if you like this video i'd appreciate i'd appreciate a thumbs up put your comments down below subscribe all that usual youtube stuff and there is adrian's digital basement to my second channel if you haven't seen that already don't forget to check that out and i think this has gone on for long enough so i would like to thank you very much for watching stay healthy stay safe and i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Adrian's Digital Basement
Views: 56,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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