Childhood Inspired Mystery Box | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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so I'm making chassis tawa which is  pretty much barbecue fork and tube   noodles and then I'm gonna make  a pork broth with some spinach I'm making curried shrimp roti sliced avocados and   a pepper chutney definitely  reminds me of my twin sister you have 30 minutes you know you know what's  going on I'm making some homemade gnocchi and   I have some a breaded veal cutlet reminds  me of my mom 15:8 we call him like breaded   veal that's one of our staples as we were kids I  wish I had a mom like that I ate instant noodles   that's why I rate good old mac and cheese  cheese was a staple at home was it Corona   my mom raised me single mom I didn't have a  lot of money I don't want a mac and cheese   oh so yeah today I'm making a fancy one so how  are you gonna be elevating your mac and cheese   I'm gonna pay homage to my roots and show how  far I've come since then well you got in there   Bailey I got bay leaf to touch tarragon salt  pepper and some bacon that's not thank you got some good play to that thank you should just   check on the seasoning huh absolutely  hey Mike this looks delicious potatoes those are incredible thank you very nice what  are you making here hi so I've got a braised   goat wow I just said the pressure could drop  now I've never used a pressure cooker before   uh yeah just once or twice Wow you think this is  a little tough why were you I would throw back   yep that worries me alright thanks s thanks  for the heads up there 20 minutes left yep   20 minutes left do you have any flour uh yes  some right there right there all right stop   this is a typical Chinese kitchen and then  I see you know pressure cookers not used a   lot trying to see what's in the ball my grandma  always does pork and spinach drops fine I never   had for my special sponsors that's a very unusual  combination for Chinese draw always does it and I   love it make sure you have my chopsticks ready  okay thank you [Music] I'm putting the liver   through the shinhwa's so that way it's not grainy  and so when it comes out it's a nice smooth pate   instead of grainy liver pieces apples going toast  the onions to give a bit of sweetness to chop it   over you got it okay and I'm finishing off with  a sherry vinegar and some sherry wine Wow and   the port yeah I like that lots of alcohol it's  not the Homewood see what are you making here   I am making curried shrimp with roti have you  cooked with shrimp before yes that's delicious   wow that is hot yeah I didn't put that much in  it Oh 10-minute time check 10 minutes remaining   I gotta get some color in here I'm gonna get my  gnocchi in and into the pan there's a few things   that could go really wrong here how is Pinos  milky wait for a bit more sauce but I think   he's doing well I can't wait for you guys to try  marinas dish it looks like a very small portion so   I hope I'm going first laughter I'm just cutting  now and then I got to boil it oh man yeah I got a   lot to do in a little bit of time five minutes  left you have five minutes remaining come on okay because it is fairly simple it all comes  together and then it's just really a couple of   it of blowtorch and after that and I'm really  comfortable Oh [Music] one the home cooks have   just moments to spare in a mystery box inspired  by their childhood photos finishing touches should   be going on the plates wiping down and final  checking eight seven six five four three two [Applause] I'm really happy with how my dish  turned I'm actually if one's like super-powered   and just super confident with my dish the  judges will now take one last look at the   dishes before selecting the three best for tasting  it looks good I actually see myself wearing that   in a restaurant the winner of this mystery box  will receive a huge advantage in the upcoming   elimination challenge that will determine who  makes it into the top ten of MasterChef Canada   they should call me for the top three because  the sauce is super tasty and the goat is nice   and tender today you were inspired by your  childhood memories and there were some great   results the first dish we want to see was made by  a home cook who wanted to honor their background   they made the kind of hearty comfort food  that leaves people wanting more [Music] Pino please bring your dish up it's  a tribute to my mom my memory as a   kid and it looks perfect and I'm sure it  tastes even better you know tell me what   the dish is growing up we had so many  veal cutlets watch my mom make gnocchi   she made everything from scratch for Italian  always made a lot of pastas and that's one of   my favorite things watching her make the  veal scaloppini lightly breaded pan-fried   [Music] nice to cook peas the  veal scaloppini season to the   teeth well done Pinot thank you very much [Music] are we gonna be short and sweet I wish I  had your mother too thank you very much   chef the second person who made  it into the top three showcased   perfectly cooked protein with  gorgeous aromatic sides [Music] marita please bring your plate up while  I cook this dish I put a lot of love into   it I really thought of my family curry  and seafood is what I grew up on and it   reminded me of my sister cuz she cooks like  Katrina daddy and Grandma also like my mom   the avocado I guess is designed to cool  everything down a bit yes nice and creamy and it works this is to date the  best nurse I've had it's really   it's incredible you can have this in the  restaurant anywhere I want the recipe I think I should do this so right way for the roti   right yes it's nicely done no folks  allowed no Forks allow that's right I'm in love and you Shep it's such a big  compliment the third dish was exactly what we   have been waiting for from this home cook it shows  where they're from and what they have learned and   we hope it's the beginning of more great things  from this person please step forward Eric this   is absolutely the dish that I'm most proud of  it represents my background shows my scale and   he did it on as my grandpa fantastically Eric  what's the inspiration this is a classic dish   my grandpa always made for me and he's mostly my  inspiration such a suit on again which is Chinese   barbecue pork soup noodles grandpa taught you  well it did all this from scratch in one hour yeah   [Music] Oh sec bull say my side it's the kind  of broth that my mother would say would warm   the cockles of your heart this you learn from your  grandfather you say yeah barbecue pork recipe says   when you see your grandfather next I'd like you to  tell him that he should be very very proud of his   grandson thank you so much that well that's Thank  You chef yep we need a moment to consult [Music] it's great to see some dynamic fresh  flavors everything just hit that mark   was balanced miss technique I would put  them both dishes as equal so we all agree   [Music] three outstanding dishes inspired by  your childhood memories I want to be Canada's   first master chef every dish that I put out  helps me progress to that but only one can win   this Mystery Box challenge I know this is the  top dish it has the flavor it has a technical   difficulty and it has innovation the winner of  this challenge the cook that right now has the   competitive advantage I know I did really well  is it good enough to win I think so is Eric so   much yes I won the most important challenge  in this competition yet so I'm pretty stoked
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 3,639,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Childhood recipes, Claudio Aprile, Eric's win, Grandfather's dish, Michael Bonacini, Mystery Box Challenge, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world
Id: jPMkIi3sJ_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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