Mysterious Unlabeled VHS Tapes | Treasure Hunt!

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of brutal moose treasure hunt I am very excited I've wanted to make a show like this for quite some time but I'm only now feeling confident enough to make it so thank you so much for supporting me lately as I experiment with new video styles and topics if you've ever wondered how I find some of the cool things that I talk about on this channel treasure hunt is going to be your kind of show we are heading out to look for cool stuff that's really the only aim of this show today it's thrift stores but who knows where we might go next and at the end of the video we're actually gonna take a look at some of the treasures that I just so happened to pick up on our journey brand-new video formats let me know how you like it so [Music] right now we're headed out to a goodwill thrift store I'm not looking for anything specific today so I've assigned myself a budget of $25 for the day that's more than enough of a budget for a trip to Goodwill honestly I just wanted to give myself some wiggle room mat just in case something I wanted was a little bit overpriced here we are approaching the goodwill and well it is never a good sign when there's a giant inflatable gorilla out front we just so happen to swing by when there was a sale going on which means the store might be kind of busy and this is the first time I'm visiting this store as a goodwill but I've been in the building before way way back when it was a grocery store by the name of Food Lion I couldn't dig up a photo of what this grocery store looked like but I did find an article talking about how Food Lion closed a number of stores around here in 1994 and 1997 apparently the company blamed the closures on a hidden-camera expose that ABC aired in November of 1992 in which employees described unsanitary grocery store practices like using nail polish remover to remove expiration dates from dairy items repackaging expired meats with new expiration dates and listen to this one pouring bleach on expired meat fish to hide the stench so the food would sell yeah I just can't say that I'm exactly stoked to check out a food lion after reading that oh the show's producers spent more than 43 hours videotaping events at Food Lion in their quest for negative material ABC had to orchestrate events and selectively edit situations in order to create a story that would fit its preconceived point of view today the building lives on as a very large goodwill I feel like I don't see many Goodwill stores this large as with most thrift stores the bulk of what's here is clothing which I'm not super interested in today so I went straight for the furniture and junk section of the store marvel for a moment at this elaborate hillside snow globe actually I don't think there's any snow in it so it's more of an elaborate hillside water ball at one point it was also a functioning music box but not anymore I don't see a DVD section but I do see a single DVD what about Bob what about Bob has anyone seen this movie would you describe it as howling Lee funny let me know now so the goodwill was pretty busy not packed exactly but enough to make me a little uncomfortable also I'm still getting used to recording out in the wild it's a bit weird to be out in public walking around filming footage even if it's just on a phone as just a little weird but I think if I do it a little bit more I'll probably get used to it maybe anyway here are some terrifying of pigs you had to pick one to hunt your dreams for a year which would it be I wouldn't keep Boinky or punky I'm gonna go with punky the baby ones are just too creepy I have to admit I do kind of regret not picking up this next thing because it would have made for a good food video I think it's the USA burger press removable tray helps you lift burger patty out with ease top press brands USA impression for burger pride what are the odds that this thing even works like after you cook the meat wouldn't it just look like a shriveled up meat lump nearby I saw some ones homemade crafty decoration object it's kind of funny to me that you can just buy someone's old DIY projects off of a shelf now the electronics section was a bit of a disaster just a bunch of junk thrown onto a shelf I did notice this exit sign down here and I wasn't sure if it was an item for sale or if it was just something that maybe fell off the wall and got put onto a shelf turns out it is for sale it can be yours for just seven bucks actually kind of cool let's see here we got a bread maker and a professional drum machine I'm just not really feeling the store it's just a little too crowded it feels like I'm inconveniencing people if I take a moment to stop and look at something so onto the next one maybe I'll come back to this one someday when it's busy here's one last look at the savings ape the money monkey the price slash primate how about the save Billa gorilla I saw some interesting sites on my way to our next stop that I'm going to linger on for a moment this right here used to be a sonic drive-in restaurant one that I went to a number of times when it was open I think it was most recently a meat market but I'm not positive it's just a very interesting looking building much like a repurposed Pizza Hut building you can always spot an old sonic building I'm not really sure I approve of that paint job though not a fan I'm sad to see this bedroom shop closed I don't remember ever going there but I distinctly remember this sleepy old man in there logo rest easy old friend as we're driving to the next store I'd like to take a moment to say that the next episode I will be using a mounted dashcam for the driving segments my cameraman did a great job but handheld driving segments are always going to turn out a bit wobbly I so look forward to smoother shots in Episode two this next thrift store is in yet another familiar location for me once again it's a repurposed store I think I remember this one as a big Lots I'm pretty sure I will admit I was prejudging this store as we pulled up the strip mall that it's in is half abandoned and in pretty bad shape and I just didn't have a great feeling about it but it turns out I was just judging the book by its cover because inside was a neat and clean thrift store that I actually found more inviting than the goodwill we were just at it also wasn't as busy which clearly helped once again I walked straight past the clothing and went to the back wall where the books and miscellaneous items are I was briefly tempted by this pair of matching CD and cassette holders I'm in need of storage options for both formats and I love the fake woodgrain now but since I'm planning on moving soon I probably should not be picking up any large items today okay we're going third-person now so don't freak out I really wanted to check out this mini foosball table it was pretty cool I just don't look the players directly in the eyes and right below that was an entire sink so if you're in the DFW area and you're looking for a new sink consider Halton thrift you should also come here if you're interested in Easy Bake Ovens I mean look at how many there are they were all over the place now I have no idea what this terrifying creature was doing here but I made sure to snap a picture of me sticking my hands down its throat rounding the corner here we find ourselves in the stuffed animal and novelty mug section ooh here's a good one clear screen I mean do they really think someone's gonna come by and want to rub this on their expensive laptop screen another big win for this thrift store is its miscellaneous wood section I feel like all thrift stores should have a section for miscellaneous wooden objects finally we reached the media section which is obviously my favorite place in a thrift store it was a little chaotic over here it was like kind of organized in a way didn't help that we were right next to the picture frame section so everything just felt super cluttered and tossed about first thing that I dug out was an Adventures of mary-kate and Ashley VHS [Music] these were a childhood staple actually picked up one of these tapes a couple years ago and washed it with the intent of doing a retrospective on the series but it turns out that I'm just a little too old to watch little girls play pretend even in the name of nostalgia watching it at my age felt a little creepy I kept digging around these VHS tapes for a while there were actually three rows of tapes so it felt like you could just keep digging back further and further finally I strike gold what we've got here is a strange unlabeled VHS tape or so I thought nestled inside a RadioShack super tape box sits a strangely labeled VHS tape the sticker on the bottom is a Memorex sticker and the one on the front is a blank kid's classics label so who knows what's on here from there I just kept finding blank tape after blank tape which is super exciting for me you know a little while back I was actually planning on doing an entire series based around discovering what's on unlabeled VHS tapes but they're a little bit harder to find than you might imagine I'm not really sure the goodwill stocks these opened blank VHS tapes I think there might be a store policy against it I'm not totally sure but I've never seen one I had a goodwill and these eBay listings where they'll sell tapes as blanks can get pretty expensive so it's nice to find them out in the wild nine times out of ten these tapes are someone that's recording a movie playing on TV but even then sometimes you get lucky with some interesting commercial breaks I like to call these kinds of unlabeled tapes mystery tapes that was gonna be the name the show now a few these tapes did come with some clues one was labeled Love Bug and pick pick no Cola pick no coal which I don't know what that is and I don't know what that is I'm assuming it's Pinocchio but I know what that is this tape here has Doris Day on it so probably an old film of hers I'm not sure now this last one actually tells you what's on it it is a home video from 2004 looks like Bo is gonna do a how to make slime experiment that seems pretty informative I love finding abandoned home videos it's equal parts creepy and fascinating to me but unfortunately my legal contacts say I can't broadcast this kind of found footage I'll still watch it in report back though now there were a couple of other things besides mystery tapes that I ended up walking away with I also picked up a cassette called hooked on classics too which might seem a bit random but I was pretty sure I had the first tape and had no idea there was a second so I grabbed it I also picked up this Wheel of Fortune game for PC because I'm pretty sure I don't have this version yet those two things plus the eight mystery tapes I purchased ended up costing me $4.99 and I'm headed home staying well under my original budget of $25 an ounce time for part two of the show I really want treasure hunt to be more than just a thrifting or a shopping show and I think coming home and examining some of the items that I pick up is gonna be a fun way to make sure every episode feels a little bit different than the one before it today I'm gonna focus on the pile of mystery tapes that I got I'm sure I'll play will a fortune on my stream at some point and as for hooked on classics too it turns out that I don't have the first tape but I think I've got one from the same series called hooked on swing I really like hooked on swing so I imagine I like hooked on classics as well let's start checking out these tapes I'm gonna start with the ones that are more clearly labeled and move on to the tapes that are complete mysteries I'm saving that how to make slime tape for last well I know I can't actually show what's on it but I still want to keep it a surprise for myself the first tape we're gonna check out is the one labeled pick no coal and Love Bug and just based on the label I'm gonna take a guess that it is just someone recording movies off of their TV [Music] aha so it is Pinocchio not only that but it's some bizarre live-action Pinocchio that was made in 1976 it stars sandy Duncan who unsurprisingly also starred as Peter Pan in the 1979 production of the Broadway musical while that performance netted her some Tony Award nominations I don't think Pinocchio fared as well today was a special day I had something very important to do though I because today the offense today in school I get really weird vibes from Geppetto man he's kind of creeping me out so if you don't mind Papa I don't think I'll go that's right if you don't mind I think you go yeah and I can't pop up because you said I couldn't go to school that a spelling-book you close your eyes and I come behind you what do you hand out and put him down what do you feel but even creepier our Fox and cat they've both got that terrifying Mike Myers makeup quality to them how would you like to bring home to your Papa not fine I didn't watch this whole thing obviously I just kind of scanned through it and kept an eye out for any interesting oddities what I found is that the music is actually kind of catchy [Music] [Music] and the visuals are just really really creepy at times and someone about Pinocchio being portrayed by a human adult just doesn't play well at times I mean if this was a stage show it would probably be fine because you watch that at a distance but we're getting up close and personal with this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's also kind of funny that the only costume change for Pinocchio becoming human is that she takes off the orange tights and white gloves conscious looks like she washed off a bad spray tan [Music] oh the kissed oh they kissed um I mean I knew it was gonna happen at some point but that didn't make it any more comfortable to watch check this out this Disney logo in number here are four people wanting to subscribe to Disney Channel but we're actually watching is a spring preview of the network which must have been pretty new at the time you're watching the Disney Channel's free preview now through Monday next join me getting those pretty ponies in my little pony tails after that is more cartoon fun with Donald's quack attack followed by the Care Bears today on the Disney Channel [Music] in between shows you get these extended clips from various people begging you to subscribe to Disney Channel which I just find fascinating hi I'm Don an operator here at the Disney Channel that's right but you must call now if you do call now you must call now new Disney Channel subscribers will receive a coupon for this colorful 10-inch beauty and the beast' wall clock created exclusively for the Disney Channel you'll not only receive this wonderful gift but your home will be filled 24-hours a day with the magic the Wonder and the special quality you'll find only on the Disney Channel but you must call now on the tape is an episode of My Little Pony tales which [Music] well I skipped but here's how that section finished up very first up then let's try the ice cream shop and who were considered the most incorrigible of all criminals people think of the movie that made me laugh when I first saw it it kind of seems like the My Little Ponies went to prison and who were considered the most incorrigible anyway the rest of the tape is just love bug no fun commercials or anything just love bug all right let's give tape to a try judging by the label I think it's safe to assume that this is a recording of send me no flowers starring Doris Day and Sarah Plain and Tall whatever that is [Music] March Paul Lynde Trisha Barry Dave Willa and even if you don't laugh yourself silly maybe it's because you're not feeling so hot this will cheer you up here it comes send me no flowers send me no flowers is a comedy starring Doris Day Rock Hudson and Tony Randall while scanning through it I couldn't help but stop at this golf cart scene this is great I love how they used to film these old driving scenes it just looks so weird I'd love to film a cheesy chase scene like this someday when it comes to these taped movies or musicals I'm just not really that interested in watching them I mean you can buy a DVD of send me no flowers presumably you don't need to find it on a mysterious VHS tape what I am interested in though are the old commercial breaks it's funny that all it takes is for some time to pass before I'm suddenly getting all invested in H&R Block commercials that's rapid refund from H&R Block I mean look at that logo screen that is on point you got to check out this really funny pregnancy's test commercial introducing new epp the most trusted name and home pregnancy test is now even easier new EPT a faster easier way to get them baby it seemed like at the end of the commercial they were trying to include positive reactions from the soon-to-be father but they ended it on cool bones I circuitcity oh my god I loved Circuit City last time I was in a Circuit City was during their bankruptcy sales where I picked up a heavily discounted copy of left for dead I still think their building design is just so cool Barry Sarah Plain and Tall is a movie based on a children's book can't say that I'm super interested in this setting Farms wagons if it's not Oregon Trail - it just doesn't seem like it's gonna be that interesting alright to wrap this tape up I present to you a commercial for an adult phone line [Music] hi I'm Lori call me talk to us one-on-one call one 909 I know one-on-one its new its live and it's one-on-one just two dollars a minute call now all right tape number three [Music] ah bummer this is an old Shirley Temple film from 1933 though I appreciate and respect that time period of film I can't say that I'm super interested in it and I get burned by these kinds of movies when looking for DVDs all the time for instance here's one that looks like I mean I was so excited to come across it because it looks like the cover of a hilariously low-budget b-movie right nope despite the only copyright on the box being from the year 2000 it's a film from 1963 bait-and-switch I guess you could argue that for some of these I could just google the title of the film before buying the piece of media but where's the fun in that well this looks like it's gonna be another dud I don't think anyone ever really believes in ghosts or ghost stories this tape is a short compilation of a few old cartoons like a hunting we will go featuring Casper the Friendly Ghost now this tape is a little odd I actually think this one might have been sold in stores for one there's no commercials or TV overlays on the video or anything like that another giveaway look at the spools of magnetic tape see how little there is in there compared to the last tape we saw that makes me feel like this tape was specifically cut to hold these cartoons and that's it but again that's just a guess well the only thing interesting about this one is that it's a VHS recording of someone watching a pay-per-view a version of Jimmy Neutron you gotta wonder what the story was behind that like was the family copying the movie to VHS for one of their kids maybe they were gonna give it to a friend because they wanted the movie maybe someone was making a bunch of Jimmy Neutron bootlegs and selling them off you just never know oh wait I guess we do know there are more movies on this so maybe it's someone's pay-per-view archive tape the next film is Orange County starring a young Jack Black I've never seen it but man that movie poster looks familiar now this is shaping up to be a nice family-friendly laughs packed VHS tape and then we take a hard turn into a CBS documentary about 9/11 responders Jules and Gideon didn't mean to make a documentary about 9/11 we wanted to make a documentary about a firefighter can't say that a documentary like that should share a tape with Jack Black and Jimmy Neutron but hey that's what taping your TV was all about man variety [Music] is a ESA darlin Oh moist ah I lost all my citizens from this illness every Augustus tape number six is in Spanish last movie until somebody stole okay then windy he's a judge and he judges people using his judging powers and the only other thing on here is a show called Laura it looks like it might be a kind of Jerry Springer Maury kind of show um not really sure and just like that we're on to tape number seven and yes I did save this tape for seventh because of the mysterious 777 on the front [Music] it turns out that that 777 stands for L petrol yarrow was 777 a show that ran in 1978 I don't know Spanish so let's just check out the IMDB description follow diogenes as he goes about his day as a police officer he's prone to do things the right way surrounded by a pretty much corrupt and citizen distant Police Department and always resolves his duties with a personal method well he just sounds like a real stand-up guy that I'm not gonna watch final tape it's finally time for Bo's slime experiment like I said before I can't actually show anything that's on this tape unfortunately if I'd known that when I started making this video I wouldn't have mentioned the tape at all I feel kind of bad that I can't show it off but rest easy knowing you're not missing anything this tape was a real snoozer it was just a stationary camera recording individual science experiments being performed in a second-grade classroom you can't even tell what anyone is saying honestly you learn more by watching my science experiment video and with that we have finished up with the mystery tapes I don't think any of these VHS 'iz were a smash hit home run but that's just how it goes sometimes it takes real luck to find that diamond in the rough but the journey is still fun regardless before I let you go this would be a great time to let you know that this video was sponsored by Experian it's time to pay the bills bills like water gas electric internet so many bills but if you have to pay anyway why not improve your credit scores along the way with Experian boost Experian boost works by giving you credit for the utility bills that you're already paying water gas electric internet so maybe bill the higher credit score you can establish credit and get access to preferred credit options and while it used to take months to improve your credit scores with boost you can improve them instantly most people see an increase in greater than 10 points all right write this one down grandpa Experion boost can potentially help you establish or increase your access to credit it's safe secure are you writing this down I told you to write it down okay better it's safe secure a hundred percent free no credit card required boost your FICO score instantly for free boost is only available at Experian comm slash brutal moose or click on the link in the description box thanks so much for giving this first episode of treasure hunt a chance I would love to know how you feel about it if you didn't like it what would you change what could I do differently to make this an enjoyable video format if you liked it where would you like to see me go next what kind of treasures would you like to see me hunt down let me know thank you guys again so much for watching and I will be back again soon with something different [Music] [Music]
Channel: brutalmoose
Views: 372,353
Rating: 4.939209 out of 5
Keywords: brutalmoose, hidden block, shopping, thrifting, thrift shop, thrift store, retail, retail therapy, thrift with me, thrift haul, goodwill, Unlabeled VHS, VHS, found footage, vhs review, tv review, movie review, thrift review, treasure hunt, brutalmoose treasure hunt, thrift, 90s, 80s, vintage commercials, old commercials, 90s commercials, disney channel, driving, relaxing, overview, mystery tapes, mystery, secret
Id: RyH4DQ82kgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
Reddit Comments

Two videos in a week! What kind of wizardy is this, Ian?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alkaline1303 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies



πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nicknin10do πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was pretty sweet episode, I would like to see more

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Buderus69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I for one am enjoying this experimental content. Moose/thrifting/mysterious VHS tapes, what's not to love?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seacookie89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a weird Brutalfoods video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/__Phasewave__ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really hoping he makes more of this series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chocalicorn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not gonna lie, I love all of his content, but this series is gold. I can’t wait for episode 2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Craigson26 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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