Mysterious Creatures That Appeared Out Of Nowhere

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[Music] finding a new or unusual creature is always incredibly exciting and if that creature happens to be absolutely gigantic all the better some of these animals are so incredibly massive they may make you feel small in comparison in this video we'll show you ten massive creatures that seem to appear out of nowhere to ensure that you stay up to date with the latest videos from the riches make sure you join our notification squad and take this time to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already globster we love a strange creature with an even stranger name and this one certainly fits that bill they're known as globsters or blobs and they caused quite a stir whenever they wash up on one of our beaches people usually assume that these rare and bizarre looking things are new species never before seen but they're actually fairly common they're sea creatures that have begun to decompose and find their way onto the shore usually such animals sink to the bottom of the ocean which is why encountering one is so unusual in fact it's estimated that only about 10% of whales and dolphins that pass away at sea end up on the beaches where we can see them this 50 foot long lobster washed up on the shore in Indonesia in 2017 and scientists believe it's the body of some sort of whale what appears to be long white hairs are actually decomposing muscle fibers it was initially thought to be a giant squid but officials have now determined that it's actually a whale of some kind it appears to have possessed baleen which is how some whales filter out their food from the ocean water local fisherman happened upon the creature washed up on the beach and we imagine any fish they caught that day seemed quite small in comparison giant squid giant squids have always captured our imaginations in no small part because we so rarely encounter them it wasn't even until 2012 that we had any video at all of a live giant squid they generally live so deep in the ocean and we know so little about them that it's always a shock to run into one the people visiting Toyama Bay in Japan got quite a present on Christmas Eve 2015 when they were treated to the site of a giant squid although giant squid can grow up to 43 feet long it's estimated that this one was closer to about 12 feet in length the creature swam underneath fishing boats and close to the surface of the water for all to Steve it was captured on video and one local dive shop owner Akina boo Kimura was even brave enough to enter the water with it Kimura says that his curiosity about the massive speak feature was greater than his fear of it at this point the squid had been in the area for several hours and Kimura decided to guide it back out towards open water the squid appeared to be in excellent health and ultimately disappeared into the deep gorillas in the 1930s the Ringling Brothers Circus was failing and it seemed that nothing short of a miracle would save them from bankruptcy luckily when they least expected it they encountered a miracle in the form of an incredibly massive lowland gorilla for the gorilla who would someday be billed as gargantuan life was difficult he was orphaned as a baby and taken in by missionaries who then sold him to a sea captain during his oversea journey one drunken sailor to acid on his face while gargantuan recovered his face was permanently disfigured and he appeared to wear a perpetual scowl making him appear ferocious he understandably developed a fear of humans and the captain surrendered him to Gertrude Linz who is known to take in injured animals she nursed him back to health and raised him as her child as only a mother would do she then sold him to the circus gargantuan is credited with single-handedly saving the failing circus as people flocked to see the huge creature at the time of his passing he weighed about 650 pounds while lowland gorillas in the wild max out at about 500 pounds spider for those of us with arachnophobia tendencies spiders of any size can be absolutely terrifying huntsman spiders get their name from their predation methods and the speed at which they take down their prey male huntsman spiders can have a leg span of up to a foot which is enough to send a shiver down your spine Betty's barnyard rescue and animal sanctuary in queensland australia had a surprise visitor one day when a group of children saw this enormous spider just hanging out in the barn among the livestock although the sanctuary isn't intended for eight-legged creatures Betty resisted the urge to burn down the entire barn and salt the earth to prevent anything like this from happening ever again she named the spider Charlotte after the titular character in Charlotte's Web and described her as beautiful and calm with nerves of pure steel Betty managed to convince Charlotte to hop onto a broom and then transported her out of the barn Betty seemed amused at how much attention her images of Charlotte garnered when she posted them online she assured people that Charlotte was magnificent but we are pretty sure she actually meant to say terrifying nightmare creature great white shark few creatures inspire the terror that great white sharks do these ocean-dwelling apex predators have a reputation for chomping on anything and everything that looks good to them while that may not be surprising to encounter sharks in the ocean shark expert Mauricio Hoyos Padilla got the shock of his life when he encountered what is thought to be the largest great white shark ever found she's called deep blue presumably because she appeared out of nowhere in the deep blue sea she was spotted off the coast of Mexico's Guadalupe Island it's thought that she may have been pregnant when she made her film debut which if so means that there might be other sharks just as large as her after reaching maturity sharks grow more slowly but they never completely stop growing judging by her size deep blue is about 50 years old and is estimated to be about 20 feet in length with great whites being on the vulnerable species list scientists hope that other sharks will enjoy the longevity that deep blue certainly has you don't get to be as big as the creatures on our list without consuming a lot of food but some huge sharks actually eat very tiny sea creatures there are three types of sharks that are classified as filter feeders what are they keep watching for the answer turtle being as notoriously slow if they are we don't tend to think of turtles as surprising creatures the beachgoers were shocked when an enormous leatherback turtle made an appearance on a Florida beach this colossal turtle emerged from the sea in which must have been quite the sight video clips of the turtle quickly circulated around the Internet and many people couldn't believe that what they were seeing was actually a turtle due to its massive size turtles venture onto the shore in order to look for spots to nest and lay their eggs because the turtle appeared and left so quickly well quickly for a turtle we aren't certain exactly how large this particular turtle was thankfully the humans in the video were respectful and resisted the urge to tamper with a turtle however leatherback turtles are the largest turtles on earth and can grow up to seven feet long and weigh up to 2,000 pounds snake construction workers got quite a shock when they found a humongous snake slithering around on their jobsite in Malaysia the reticulated python measured 26.2 feet and was captured by the proper authorities she was longer than five grand pianos and almost as long as an adulterer raft standing on the head of another giraffe most reticulated pythons don't get over 20 feet in the wild many are only about ten feet in length she was also longer than Medusa the world's longest captive snake according to the Guinness Book of World Record Medusa was enormous as well but was almost a foot shorter than this newly discovered Python this snake caused quite a stir when she made her appearance and it took authorities about half an hour to safely capture the 550 pound and sadly the Python passed away just three days after she was discovered blue whales blue whales are the largest animals on earth and can grow up to a hundred feet long and weigh up to 200 tons the tongue of a single blue whale can weigh as much as an entire elephant so with that in mind what could be bigger than a blue whale to blue whales diana showed the co-founder and research coordinator of the blue ocean society for marine conservation had no idea what a whale of a time she was in forth during one work day she was working aboard the Granite State which was sailing off of rye harbor in New England when she spotted not one but two blue whales the blue whales are incredibly rare in New England so their appearance was quite unexpected even more astounding was the fact that the two whales appear to be traveling together this was a lucky day for Shoals at the blue ocean Society for marine conservation photographs the whales as part of its routine research so they can better learn how to protect them Kennedy stated that seeing to blue whales together is simply unheard of she noted that in the past two decades of observing whales off the coast of New Hampshire the organization has only noted a single blue whale every five to ten years orcas seeing an albino animal in the wild is always a surprise not only are they rare in the first place but they are often an easy target for predators so they tend not to survive too long on their own female orcas can grow up to 23 feet in length and weigh up to 6,000 pounds the males are generally larger and can grow up to 26 feet long and weigh 12,000 pounds seeing an albino Orca is quite a sight but imagine seeing five of them at once but these white orcas have been spotted in the waters off of brushes curl Islands the lone adult whale known as iceberg has been seen in the company of for juvenile whales only one in about 10,000 orcas are born this color and it's a huge disadvantage their traditional primarily black coloring helps them absorb heat and camouflage them from predators the all white mammals will have an increased sensitivity to sun I may not be able to communicate as effectively with other orcas scientists fear that inbreeding is to blame for the unusual coloration as their numbers are threatened limiting their options when searching for a mate giraffe we all remember the seemingly endless wait for April the giraffe to deliver her baby at her home in upstate New York while it seemed as if April was just messing with us at some point not all giraffes need to be such show-offs during their pregnancy baby giraffes are about six feet tall and can weigh up to 150 pounds so these babies are quite enormous by human standards the much more subtle female giraffe Capell a quietly went into labor one morning at her home at the Denver Zoo and delivered an adorable baby that was named Dobby one especially surprising aspect of cappellas pregnancy was that she was actually on birth control at the time that she became pregnant with Dobby actually the fact that giraffes can use birth control at all was pretty surprising to us keep AILA's keepers had begun to suspect that she was pregnant but the demure giraffe refused to consent to an ultrasound so do you know three types of sharks are filter feeders these huge sharks are the whale shark megamouth shark and the basking shark if you happen to be surprised by any of these sea creatures don't worry they don't pose a threat to humans we can only imagine how thrilling it was to be the first person to catch a glimpse of these incredible creatures well except for Charlotte the giant spider we're kind of super glad we missed out on that one thanks for watching our video and make sure to like it before you go bye for now
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 475,431
Rating: 4.74577 out of 5
Keywords: blue whale, orca, gorilla, snake, spider, giraffe, globster, giant squid, great white shark, turtle, animals, giant, massive, creatures
Id: RfcIWpsgJ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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