Mysterious ABANDONED Rotating House In The Canadian Woods

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hey welcome back explorers today we're at a  pretty interesting location here I've been   wanting to come here for for quite some time we  got here behind me is a rotating house this place   is just unbelievable it's some kind of rotating  building I'm not 100% sure if it's a house um   it could be a greenhouse rotating Greenhouse um  I'm really not sure 100% there is Rumors in the   area that this place used to be an old grow  operation like for marijuana back in the day   back in the ' 60s and70s but I can't confirm  that but this place is just such a cool spot   there's tractors there's trucks all kinds of  stuff to look at here an Explorer's dream for   sure so we're going to explore this whole place  today I'm going to get some Drone footage of this   place I can't believe this whole thing just spins  around in a circle it's unreal it sits on a track   system kind of like a train track it's got the  wheels and the tracks going all the way around   I would love to hear from you guys what you  think this place is but I'm I'm thinking this   is an old abandoned rotating house but I hope you  guys are ready I'm ready to go so excited let's [Music] go [Music] look at [Music] that oh wow look at this this is incredible look at all the stuff here all kinds of cars and stuff wow this is incredible yes it's totally on a  track system just like a train track wow this is something else I hear [Applause] [Music] something oh it's just water tripping wow this place was definitely  built to last that's for sure   like look at the size of the eyebeams here and the concrete yeah you could  tell they didn't finish this place like they got all the junction boxes here  all the conduit going up but they didn't finish [Music] it yeah it's definitely like  a commercial building feel in   here but just picture this place like  fully insulated with some walls some lighting like there's trees growing in here now [Applause] there's a table saw looks like somebody had a fire in here looks like they burnt a bunch of stuff in here it's all black in here [Applause] oh so there's totally a deep I'm what I'm thinking this is is a   maybe it's a the septic tank I get  this goes way down here [Applause] I don't think there's a basement I think it's  this is just dug out for a septic tank and there's   probably weeping tiles like tile bed that goes  outside so the sewage drains in the ground but I'm   definitely going to cover this back up because I  wouldn't want another Explorer to come in here in fall like this place is pretty big I say this  is probably 60 ft in [Applause] diameter but   the walls are quite high as well like  that's probably I'm thinking probably   10t walls here but it's pretty big  we got a ladder here I'm just going   to see if I [Applause] can get up it  without dying here I am all alone here   so I'd rather not injure myself when I'm by  myself that could be a big problem look at this those are the tracks and the wheels this place is definitely  built to last this place is like   this structure here isn't going anywhere anytime soon there's no really wood here that's  going to Decay it's mostly just concrete and [Music] steel look at this this is like a giant Dolly  I have a dolly at home with I'm thinking this   is for a welder the tanks would sit here  you could see the indent here the tanks   would sit here the chain will go around the  tanks and this is like a a dolly for a big welder this place [Applause]  looks kind of looks like a UFO as well let's go on the roof let's check it out this   is a very old Generator I'm  thinking this is from the ' 50s the 60s this is where you plug  it all your saws and drills into back when this was built they  didn't have battery operated hand tool so I'm thinking this place has  been abandoned for quite some time here they do got a bit of insulation you  could see right there that's some Styrofoam insulation but this is all  plexiglass I think it's not glass w I do feel pretty safe up here this is a steel roof   I don't think it's going anywhere  like I said before there's no wood here but this is yeah they were having a fire campfire down here all these screws and Hardware they use  is all stainless steel stainless steel is   quite expensive especially these uh this  Hardware here so back when this was built   it probably cost a lot of money just to  build this structure alone not including   what they were going to do inside here I  think this was a house and this would turn   with the sun to kind of give you some  free heat just shining through like a greenhouse there's all kinds of stuff here like  what are these things H some kind of it's not a fruit it's just like a something   from a tree I never seen one  before I wouldn't need it but look at this old truck this looks like a Dodge look at this thing still an engine in it GMC this is a GMC look at this thing this looks like a Volkswagen or a Ford you know what this could be a Ford look at this thing there's an old snow bile sitting  there too all kinds of stuff in here oh wow can see the old welding  mask fire extinguisher all kinds of   stuff saws tools this place this whole roof just collapsed we got this old tractor here this an old Case tractor there's another tractor here [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's it for today's video guys I  really hope you enjoyed this one super   cool location like I said before I've been  wanting to come here for quite some time and   finally today was a perfect day to drive out  here and explore this place so I really hope   you enjoyed it and please let me know in  the comments what you think this place is   I think it's a house or who knows what this  is let me know what you think I would love to   hear your comments but I'll definitely see  you guys in the next explore see you next time
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 687,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, urban exploration, abandoned, short film, documentary, abandoned mansion, abandoned houses, abandoned rotating house, revolving house, mysterious, mystery
Id: 3Eieu3ly2LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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