Mysteries Beneath the Ice: The Secrets of Antarctica

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this episode of the Y files is brought to you by Teemu Antarctica has been the source of high strangeness for a long time rumors of UFOs and alien bases go back to the 1930s Hitler wanted to build bases there some people think he did Operation high jump arrived in 1946 with a heavily armed US Navy Fleet their mission was to extend American sovereignty over Antarctica the mission was supposed to take 6 months instead it lasted 6 weeks the operation ended because of poor weather at least that's the official report eyewitnesses said aggressive flying disc-shaped craft chased the Navy out of the area in 1985 a Medevac flight was forced over a no fly zone near the South Pole the crew saw a giant hole in the ice as wide as a football field when the crew returned to base they were debriefed not by the Navy by men in suits one of the crewman said they they had the typical DC look in the 1990s Navy flight Crews reported silver discs zipping over mountain peaks at impossible speeds the crews were told to never speak of it in 2003 a Navy SEAL on a covert Mission found an ancient structure protruding through the ice it was made of something that wasn't quite metal but wasn't quite Stone it was warm to the touch and on that structure was a door in 2018 scientists in Antarctica launched weather balloons to study cosmic rays coming from space and hitting the Earth they found cosmic rays as expected but what they didn't expect the cosmic rays were coming from Something 2 miles underneath the ice there are witnesses who have seen things heard things and felt things that should not exist in Antarctica yet they do whatever is down there we're not supposed to know about it but one thing's for sure something very strange and very important is happening at the bottom of the [Music] world are you recording the light's not blinking okay okay okay here we go hello humans my name is Heckle fish morotti and this is my teu audition reel you may already know me as the host of the wi files what okay fine co-host at a wi files but my passion is in teu and the products they sell okay let's do this I want to be the first fish to let you in on a secret teu is having a sitewide sale with savings up to 90% off what a steal let's take a look at these beautiful amazing spectacular items provided by teu this two-in-one intelligent phototherapy machine is so easy to use even a human can do it I'm joking of course all you got to do is plug this baby into a USB socket and stick in your fins hands claws uh whatever appendage you got just stick it in there the LED does the rest with adjustable time settings you can get a hard nail in a matter of seconds nobody likes soft Nails am I right ladies this hot item can be yours for low l l l l L low price of $512 now look at this smart doorbell X9 I'm not sure what the X9 means but it's probably better than X8 this has everything you need Wi-Fi connection real time talking fast charging and it even sends notifications to your phone best of 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time app users click the link below and get the portable solar panel and wireless doorbell I'm Heckle fish and this was my timu audition please pick me I've dreamed of this since I was a guppy how was that um you know what let's do one more for safety everybody back to one [Music] in November 1995 a Navy flight engineer who wishes to be known as Brian was part of a US Navy C130 crew the plane flew low circles around Marie Birdland this was an area in the southwest part of Antarctica where 15 scientists set up camp the plane was dispatched from mcmo base a few hundred miles east of Camp the protocol is for scientists to radio every every day and Report their status McMurdo hadn't heard from the science team in a couple of days that was bad the scientists were from the National Science Foundation and their mission was routine study weather conditions take ice samples note Wildlife that sort of thing they had no reason to wander away from Camp even if they did they'd be dead within an hour anyway the C130 flew in Tighter and Tighter circles the crew could easily see the camp the weather was clear and visibility was good they could see the Huts fuel tanks some equipment snowmobiles were lined up everything seem to be in order a C130 Hercules is a 4 engine turbo prop it's big it's loud if there was a problem this is the point where people should be popping out of huts and waving their arms but nothing the rescue crew landed and took a look around 15 scientists were dropped off here about a week ago go they had enough supplies to last a month but nobody's here there's no tracks no signs of anything the crew checked the radio it was working fine they radio their commanding officer at McMurdo there were no people no bodies no signs of a struggle it's like they just vanished what did we do the orders came back they were obvious there's really nothing you can do fly one last search pattern and return to base so the C130 made a few wider circles to see if there's any sign of the science team there was nothing after an hour or so they flew back to McMurdo the missing scientists were a mystery but Antarctica is a dangerous place people do die there from time to time anything could have happened but over a week later the C130 crew gets an urgent command immediately returned to the Marie Birdland Camp the scientists somehow are back they just radioed in and they were in a panic they want to get out of there and they want to get out right now Antarctica is one of Earth's most isolated and unexplored places over 98% is buried beneath ice sheets that are two and sometimes even 3 miles thick despite extreme weather and limited access discoveries are being made in Antarctica that hint at extr terrestrial activity advanced technology and lost civilizations hidden under the miles of ice recent satellite images reveal several pyramid and pyramid-like structures poking through the icy landscape the official explanation is that these are natural rock formations but there's one Pyramid built with precise geometry with each side lining up perfectly with true north south south east and west something like this wouldn't occur in nature this looks like intelligent design one enormous 1.2 M wide pyramid was found and it could be the oldest on Earth suggesting all others were styled after it is this another hint that an ancient race built these monuments to generate energy and this takes us back to the story of Tesla trying to create free Unlimited wireless energy with his Gord Cliff Tower experiments he attempted to use technology that may have been used in the Great Pyramid of Giza long ago Tesla pyramid link below human according to the Knights Templar the true purpose of each pyramid is to store an ark just like the Ark of the Covenant they claimed there were 10 of these arcs scattered around the world that when connected generated unlimited energy for everyone on Earth Knight's Templar link below 90 million years ago Antarctica was a rainforest we have core samples to prove it that's not controversial geologists claim Antarctica has been frozen and uninhabited for over 12 million years so who's building pyramids beneath hundreds or thousands of feet of ice well nobody but what if Antarctica had a warmer climate more recently than 12 million years ago much more recently the Pinkerton map drawn in 1818 was the most accurate in the world well almost if you look at the southern hemisphere on the Pinkerton map nothing exists just open sea now that makes sense Antarctica wasn't discovered until 1820 it wasn't confirmed to be a land mass until 1840 but older Maps show Antarctica not as a giant Frozen continent but as a land free of ice a land where plants and animals lived and these maps go back to the 1500s in 1513 the per Reese map was compiled P Reese per Reese what I say the perir Reese map shows the coastline of Antarctica and the animals living there the oranus Phineas map is dated 1531 the entire continent of Antarctica is there and there's no indication of ice at all it shows mountain ranges that we know are there the Pires map only shows the coastline of Antarctica but the oranus map shows interior features of the continent and now because of satellite imagery we know those features are there they're just covered under miles of ice if you sailed to Antarctica during the 1500s when these two maps were drawn you'd find exactly what you'd find now nothing a frozen Wasteland but that's not what the map show why because these maps are based on much older Maps but how old is the big question and it's a question that mainstream scientists don't want to answer because the last time parts of the coast of antartic Arctica were free of ice was at least 6,000 years ago the human race was not supposed to be sailing the globe back then but the arantius Phineas map shows the entire continent free of ice how could this be because it's based on a map that was drawn not 6,000 years ago but 12,000 years ago and the reason Antarctica wasn't covered in ice well it wasn't at the South Pole Charles hapgood was a Harvard educated historian and Explorer his radical theories about Earth's geologic history made him famous and controversial hap good believed that Antarctica had a temperate climate not too long ago and living there was an advanced ancient civilization atlis don't get ahead of me sorry sorry I'm excited go ahead so there's a civilization living on Antarctica but it's not at the South Pole Cole at least most of it isn't remember Antarctica is a huge continent there's plenty of land for a civilization to exist as long as the continent's not too far south which it wasn't but suddenly a crustal displacement violently relocated Antarctica into frigid polar latitudes 12,000 years ago hap could believed evidence indicated that por of the planet's surface could shift dramatically along the molten inner layers this could conceivably transform entire continents virtually overnight hapg good also used the oranus Phineas map to help support his theory not only is Antarctica free of ice it's not in the right place Antarctica has shifted 1,000 Mi away from the South Pole that's a polar shift of 7 and 1/ 12° hap good said the shift could have happened in less than a week maybe even in a single day if hap Good's theory is correct the destruction would have been catastrophic if Antarctica suddenly traveled a th000 miles toward the South Pole any civilization would be destroyed and the layers of ice would start building immediately the crust floats on the mantle and tectonic plates are always in motion they move away from each other they collide with each other but this process takes ions of years what could possibly cause the Earth's pole to shift 7 and a 12° in a single day well in 1974 Italian Naval engineer Flavio barbiero published a civilization under the ice he proposed that the remains of A Lost Civilization May lie under the ice of Antarctica he says that Antarctica had a temperate climate home to a thriving civilization then the entire continent was suddenly thrown to the South Pole due to a Major Impact event younger trius here we come yeah it seems like every episode of the wi files ends up here if there was a giant asteroid impact between 12 and 13,000 years ago it could have caused a shift in the Earth's crust we know something about 12,800 years ago suddenly caused the Earth to warm not warming melted the Earth's ice sheets and sea levels Rose hundreds of feet what if another result of this impact was a shifting in the Earth's poles of 7 and 1/ 12° then suddenly the oranus Phineas map makes perfect sense but that leaves the biggest question of all yeah but who you the map right clearly whatever civilization drew the map was highly Advanced the oranus map shows features that you could really only see from the air Atlantis this is the story of Atlantis all of this does fit nicely with the story of Atlantis the island nation the advanced people the sudden cataclysm every chronological event lines up perfectly so what happened to the civilization when miles of ice started piling on top of their cities where did they go well they didn't go anywhere they're still down there Brian's C130 Rescue Team mobilized out of murto base and was on the ground at Marie Birdland base in less than 2 hours when the plane landed the crew saw that the scientists had haphazardly packed all their gear on pallets and were eager to get the hell out of there the science team boarded the aircraft in absolute silence the crew asked them what was wrong are they okay is there anything they could do to help the scientists just stared in silence almost catatonic they were clearly in shock the crew offered them food and hot coffee Silence from wheels up to wheels down is 2 hours and nobody uttered a word when the C130 landed at mcmo the scientists were told they were going on another plane for some reason they didn't want to move or couldn't someone had to go into the plane physically unbuckle and remove each scientist from their seat these people clearly saw something and were suffering from PTSD they walked like zombies to the other plane and they were gone their research gear was placed in an empty storage facility and locked the rescue crew was told not to go in there the equipment was quarantined the gear would stay locked and guarded until transported to a different location nobody knew it then but that gear would eventually be taken to right Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio if you know your UFO lore you know that one of the places recovered craft go is Right Patterson rright Patterson was also the headquarters of project Bluebook the Air Force UFO Investigation Unit anyway the C130 rescue crew was called into the Commander's office inside the office were two men in plain clothes who had just arrived from Washington DC Men In Black yep they told the crew that they would never speak of this incident not the missing scientists not the equipment not the location of their Camp nothing none of this ever happened the crew flight engineer was fine with this this wasn't his first keep your mouth shut meeting he had this very same meeting in this very same room about 10 years earlier but that first meeting wasn't about people and equipment on the ground it was a meeting about what Brian saw in the sky in 2003 a Navy SEAL team was dispatched from McMurdo base to the beardmore glacier region officially they were doing routine reconnaissance unofficially it was an extraction operation the team was to find a scientist gather his research and return him to base the Seal team Commander was code named Spartan one it was made very clear to him and his team that the research was extremely important and had to be protected at all costs now of course Spartan one agreed but this was an odd request as far as they knew this researcher was just some scientists taking pictures of a glacier and that was true but it was much more than [Music] that as the Seal team approached their destination they saw the top of a black octagon it was protruding about 18 ft above the melting ice and snow [Music] Spartan one approached and saw a huge door it was 23 ft high and had markings that he thought looked like a star map also engraved in the door was a triangle with two lines crossing through the center this is a symbol that's popped up in various places around the world throughout history journalist Linda Molton how who interviewed Spartan one and other Witnesses showed him the picture of a coin found in Mexico City in 1993 it had the same markings have you ever seen anything like that that was on the outside of the door of the structure the top right hand corner of the door Spartan 1 gently pushed on the door it was over 20 ft tall and 18 ft thick it opened easily it was perfectly balanced the Seal team entered the building the external temperature was 40° below zero inside the building the temperature varied between 68 and 72° the door gently closed behind them leaving the team in Eerie silence and the room was huge it covered 9 Acres almost 400,000 square ft the room was as long as 7 football Fields it took Spartan one and his team quite a while to walk the length of the hallway the walls were generating a soft lime green light though they couldn't see how it was if the light was coming from the walls themselves and on the walls were rows and rows of carved characters Spartan 1 said they reminded him of Egyptian hieroglyphics or am Mayan glyphs but they definitely weren't either the Seal team found their scientists taking pictures and samples of the structure they asked them how big this place was he pointed to a ramp at the end of the room the ramp extended down into the rest of the building he said in total it covered 62 acres that's over 2.7 million square ft it was huge and mostly under the ice and this was only one of several structures in the area now this was 2003 at this time this giant door was the only way into the structure but in the years since other entrances have been found but the only way to access them is by submarine Subs have been going 2 miles under the ice to enter the structures and unlike that top room the facility's lower levels are occupied and they're not occupied by [Music] humans Brian's odd rescue mission of the disappearing scientists wasn't his first experience with Antarctica's High strangeness in the early 1980s his C130 crew flew lots of missions over Antarctica these were usually trips to resupply research stations and transport cargo and Personnel mostly routine stuff he called them milk runs then one Mission changed everything Brian received word his crew was to prepare for the Emergency transport of an injured scientist at Davis station on the opposite side of Antarctica after taking on additional medical staff at mcmo station they set course for the trans Antarctic mountains approaching the South Pole Brian noticed his Navigator plotting an unusual course he was heading straight over a remote Camp labeled air sampling station it was a no-fly zone so off limits to planes but with a life on the line the crew violated the no-fly zone as the plane gained altitude Brian saw something he would never forget [Music] left Center Line all right we uh at33 good correction you're right on center line engineer has the leading plan there was a 300 ft wide hole carved in the ice there were tracks all over the air area and tracks extending down inside the hole there was clearly a lot of activity around this air sampling station Brian and his crew didn't understand why there was so much secrecy over an ice hole in the middle of nowhere you stay away from that aaring ice hole you are sping a sneaky bastage Johnny dangerously yeah I got it after delivering their patients safely to McMurdo the crew was summoned to the Commander's office I was summoned to the Commander's office is once human once enough with the Johnny dangerously references okay in the room was an officer they'd never seen before also present were two men dressed in suits Men In Black yep again yep the new officer asked about the decision to violate the no-fly zone the crew explained they had no choice the patient would have died if they had to fly all the way around then the officer just started slowly pacing back and forth for thinking to himself finally he looked at the men in suits who stepped forward they said okay gentlemen what you saw you did not see you were not over that area you will never go over that area you will never ever talk about this ever again understood the crew agreed Brian's been retired from the Navy for a few years and even though he's never signed a non-disclosure agreement he's still not comfortable giving his full name smart he was with the Navy for years and flew hundreds of missions in Antarctica he saw silver UFOs on many occasions as did other flight Crews it was such a common occurrence that it became routine banter at the mes Hall Brian didn't think much of the incident until a few months later he was assigned to fly a group of scientists to the Dome at the South Pole the Dome was decommissioned in 2010 but at the time there were other buildings inside the Dome obviously offices and Labs but there was also a galley Brian was in The Galley one day and overheard some civilians talking about the infamous air sampling station you know the one in the noly zone with parking ice hole a giant hole in the ice yes the civilians were saying that they were going back out there to meet some visitors Brian heard other Crews saying similar things they were taking people to the hole at the South Pole to talk with visitors finally Brian asked what they meant by visit visitors what do you mean by visitors and he said well my impression was that they weren't human I said human you know I said what are you talking about he says it seemed to me they were talking about like an extraterrestrial or an alien because they didn't refer to them as a person it was a visitor the rumors had been circulating for years that 300t hole in the ice is an entrance to a base a base where humans and aliens are cooperating on some type of project what the project is or was we don't know this was the 1990s but now we have Google Earth the military is doing their best to cover up their activity in Antarctica but there are some photographs that they just can't explain in 2007 a very suspicious image appeared on Google Earth it's a cave entrance that seems to have stairs leading to it the ground around the entrance is discolored as if Machinery or equipment was moving in and out the opening is about 250 ft wide a few months after the image was released it disappeared from Google Earth then sometime around 2019 or 2020 the cave entrance reappeared but this time it doesn't look much like an entrance in fact even though this photo is 10 years newer the resolution is worse we see better detail in the older image that's suspicious and feels like a coverup and speaking of coverups a very interesting story appeared in the Free Republic news on April 13th 2002 the headline read us denies spectacular ruins in Antarctica captured on video who what well here's what happened a TV crew for a production company called Atlantis TV went to Antarctica they were investigating a massive archaeological dig rumored to be happening 2 mil beneath the ice well the crew disappeared I saw that coming but Navy Rescuers found their camp and some of their equipment among the items found was a videotape two Navy officers showed the footage to scientists when they return to McMurdo base what they saw on the tape was now here's the quote they said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn't go into a secret US military Expedition apparently discovered an ancient pyramid Temple complex 2 miles beneath the ice so pyramids are showing up again by the way the US military blocked the tape from being released Atlanta TV sued to get their property back they didn't win as far as I can tell they went out of business a few years ago other odd images have been spotted on Google Earth like this one of what appears to be an alien face that's like the face on Ms it reminds me of that too then there's this photo of what looks like a spaceship that crash landed people have mentioned the shape of it looks similar to omua mua muaa om mua mua was first spotted in October 2017 it's the first known Interstellar object to pass through our solar system its name means Scout or messenger in Hawaiian what made omua mua strange were its shape and the way it moved it was about 400 ft long and 60 ft wide this cigar-like shape is unlike any other space object we've ever seen and somehow when omua left our solar system it accelerated this shouldn't have happened there are rumors that a secret mission went to UAM mua and said said it was a derelict spacecraft if that's true then it could be a probe one of many flying around our galaxy perhaps from an alien race looking for planets with life or planets to conquer well there's always that risk aliens will discover our planet rich in resources and want it for themselves but according to Witnesses documents and images of Antarctica the aliens are already here and they have been for a very very long time [Music] there are so many stories rumors and legends about Antarctica that it's impossible to cover them all in one video if you want me to go into detail on any of today's stories or any others let me know there is a lot of material out there now today we focused on the younger dras impact Theory which moved Antarctica to a different position we covered the caves and a few photo anomalies we talked about the Navy SEAL who actually entered an alien facility and we talked talked about Brian the Navy pilot who saw UFOs and and the giant fargan icehole right the 300t wide hole in the ice fine what's true and what isn't well Brian's story is tricky there is no photograph that we know of of that hole in the ice as far as I can find there are no other whistleblowers whoever the missing scientists were they're not talking now Brian sounds sincere but still I'd take his story with a grain of salt but Brian's reports of UFOs zipping around Antarctica are confirmed by multiple Witnesses UFOs are down there I have no doubt about that but the photos of the pyramids are also tricky some look like nothing more than pointy rocks but there are a few that definitely look man-made or alien-made right now I'd be interested to know if they have eight sides like the Pyramid of Giza but I couldn't tell from the photographs the face I'm convinced that's just paradia paradia is when our brains see objects in random patterns but I have to admit that definitely looks like an alien face I don't think it is but I'd love to be wrong now according to mainstream science the crash landed spaceship is a boulder that rolled down a hill or a piece of ice or rock that slid down a hill now at first this sounds ridiculous but we rarely see the full image in the full image like this one from Forbes you can actually see the outcropping where the boulder came from so this one's probably debunked next the Navy SEAL who found and entered the alien structure again he's the only one telling the story he won't give his name or what Seal Team he's with so again all we have to go on is his word now by the way a lot of today's information comes from a documentary by Linda Molton how it's called Antarctica alien Secrets beneath the ice you can rent it on Amazon for 4 bucks and it's worth every penny in the documentary The whistleblowers go into much more detail they make sketches about what they saw they talk about the Stargates all over the planet that can take you someplace instantly some Stargates can take you to other planets instantly anyway I link to her doc below now as you know I'm normally very skeptical of stories where we only have one witness but Antarctica is a strange place and I'm sure things are happening down there that are being hidden from the public now the only way to access Antarctica is with permission from one of 12 government signatories of the Antarctic treaty signed in 1959 this treaty divides the continent into zones administered by the various governments it's a continent larger than the United States and you're not allowed to go there now there will be people in the comments saying of course you can go there you can take cruises there you can even arrange to stay at one of the outposts all that's true but these are designated areas let's say you had the resources to fly a plane to where the hole is supposed to be you can't thousands of square miles around it is a no-fly zone you cannot explore Antarctica on your own now the official reason for this is that human activity would disrupt the ecosystem now that's a convenient excuse most of the surface is dead there is no ecosystem besides I don't care about the surface I want to know what's underneath the ice they're not going to tell us the Antarctic treaty was signed in December 1959 at the height of the Cold War and it's never been broken now I've heard that World War II will not come from a conflict near Russia or from something happening in the Middle East World War III will occur when someone breaks the Antarctic treaty and if any of these whistleblowers are telling the truth the United States already has broken the treaty they claim major archaeological projects are underway right now miles below the ice but maybe the treaty hasn't been broken maybe all the governments are working together to uncover something or they're working with as Brian claims several species of aliens right now now could there be ancient civilizations buried under the ice Frozen in Time like the city of Pompei sure but until we're allowed to dig we'll never know but could there be an active civilization beneath the ice scientifically speaking absolutely there could Antarctica is the most volcanically active place on Earth geothermal heat could provide fresh water and a very comfortable climate for Life intelligent life and not in small Pockets there are Caverns beneath the ice that are said to be larger than Manhattan Island now we'll never know until we're allowed to dig which we'll never be allowed to do but here's a small wrinkle global warming here we go again with the global warming myth it's not a myth the Earth is warming whether it's because of human activity or just part of the Earth's natural cycle we don't know but the Earth is warming how dare you so whether by pollution an asteroid impact or a massive solar event there is a chance the Earth could warm quickly like during the younger dras then Antarctica would be free of ice as it once was then the entire Earth would experience another cataclysmic flood and if there is a civilization beneath Antarctica it would be revealed now if this Global disaster happens I guess there is a bright side civilization will continue it just won't be ours thank you so much for hanging out with us today my name is AJ that's Heckle fish don't try to catch me with a hook human a fisherman caught me on a hook once once this has been the wi files and if you had fun or learn anything do him a favor subscribe like comment share when you do that it's like giving him a shiatsu massage he loves it like most topics we cover on the channel today's is recommended by you so if there's a story you'd like to see or learn more about go to the Y tips there's so much more about the South Pole that we need to get into oh don't forget that the Y files is also a podcast I post episodes twice a week diving deeper into the Intriguing stories from the channel there are also exclusive episodes with content to hot for the channel check out the wi files operation podcast wherever you listen to podcasts now if you need more wi files in your life and most people do check out our Discord there are thousands of people on there 24/7 and 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squeezy stuffed animal heck ofish tof fish he heck ofish talking heck ofish I'm running out of breath trying to sell the heck ofish talking squeezy doll and those are the plugs until next time be safe be kind and know that you are [Music] appreciated oh oh oh yeah I played Bia scaria 51 a secret code inside the Bible said I was I love my UFOs and paranormal fun as well as music so singing the [Music] likea but then another conspiracy theory becomes the truth my friends and it never ends no it never [Music] ends I feel the crap cat I got stuck inside M's hole with MK truck I be an only true away did Stanley curi fake the moon landing alone on a film said I with the shadow people there through R well aliens just fought the smiling man I'm told and his name was cold and I can't believe I'm dancing with the fish fish On th night wedn J the night all I ever wanted was to just hear the truth so the one Su Fe off through the [Music] night the MTH man SIDS and the solar St still come to have got the the secret City Underground mysterious number stations planet to project St and where the dark Watchers found a simulation don't you worry the black KN s told me so I can't believe I'm dancing with the fish fish thday night they J the night all I ever wanted was to just hear the truth so the Fe all through the night fish on thday night Wednesday J and me all through the night all I ever wanted was to do hear the truth so the one B time beat all through the love love love Dan love dance good to dance good loves to dance good loves to dance on the dance ball because she is a camel and camels love to dance when the feeling is right on wasting time love good [Music] love
Channel: The Why Files
Views: 3,918,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graham hancock, terrifying discovery, interesting facts, scientists announced, discovery channel, terrifying discoveries, mysterious discoveries, amazing discoveries, antarctica documentary, this discovery in africa scares scientists, scientists terrifying new discovery under antarcticas ice, history channel, the unxplained, william shatner, ufo videos, ancient aliens, history channel best shows, history channel full episodes, ancient aliens scenes, arctic circle
Id: IQz7innxnms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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