MySQL vs PostgreSQL

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as Engineers there are so many different databases that we could potentially work with but the big question that many of us have is which database or in particular with this video which relational database should you work with right now interestingly enough out of the top five most popular databases that exist in the world today MySQL and postgres are among them right someone's going to show my notion make this really simple so then what do they have in common what are the similarities is number one they're both relational database Management Systems right so what does that mean it means that they provide tables of rows and columns to organize and store data in a structured manner right secondly what else do they have in common is that they both use SQL right so SQL stands for structured query language now what this does is that this allows developers to perform various operations like querying updating and managing data using simply SQL statements next is that they both offer replication and clustering I should put this in their own bullet points so replication and clustering these features allow users to create multiple copies of database right distribute the loads across multiple servers and Ensure High availability and performance so next are data types so MySQL and postgres they both provide a wide range of data types to accommodate various data requirements including um numeric Text data time Boolean you name it right what does flexibility does is it actually allows developers to store and manipulate different types of data pretty efficiently now last but not least are extensions and plugins which enable users to pretty much extend and extend and the functionality of the databases by adding additional features and capabilities now though they are similar they are still vastly different in their own way so let's go over the differences between postgres and MySQL and let's first go over my sequel let's make this a little bold my SQL has been around for a long time for a while to be honest so my SQL was created by I believe a Swedish company right in 1995 and then it was later required by another company in 2008 and then in 2010 it was acquired by Oracle and ever since then right and it's open source as well and so when it comes to my sequel what I want to talk about first is on performance so why why is this such a big deal it's a big deal because speed is everything right speeds depending on your project speed is very important and so MySQL is often recognized actually for its speed right it's particularly fast for read heavy operations which makes it a good fit for products where data retrieval is pretty much the main focus secondly is scalability so MySQL is also known for its scalability whether you're working with a small project or a large system where there's heavy traffic right MySQL can handle it efficiently next another difference is that it's easy to use and a word will be Simplicity right very easy use so MySQL tends to be easier to set up and manage than postgres that tends to make it a popular choice for startups and developers who want a straightforward effective relational database management system to work with without needing a deep dive into complex configurations so when it comes to ease of use MySQL tends to be the more popular choice because of that now another difference between postgres and MySQL is their storage engines so the difference between postscripts and MySQL my sequel they support plugable storage engines and what do I mean by this like um I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right enodb which is asset compliance and my Isam which is not acid compliant this allows users to choose the storage type that best fits their use case right unlike postgres which is completely as compliant my sequel only is with you know DB now one interest thing that I saw after speaking with a ton of different developers at these open source database conferences a lot of them actually brought up the licensing right a bunch of them brought up that when you're using something like my sequel based on your specific needs or use cases you might need to get like something like a a paid commercial license and so there is a free version of my sweet goal which does fall under the GPL V2 license and this license comes with a set of rules and conditions that you must abide by now in contrast postgres uses what's known as the postgres SQL like license and this license is a lot more flexible right it basically lets you do whatever you want with it including putting into your own product and your only obligation is to keep within that license and so this freedom and flexibility and Licensing has actually been a significant factor for many teams who've decided to switch from my sequel to postgres simply because of the licensing right so that's another thing to note as well if you're deciding between postgres and my sequel so now let's go focus on postgres all right postgres originated from the postgres project I believe it was originally called Ingress at first after University of California Berkeley and the first version of pulse grass was released in 1996. by the way making it one of the oldest open source relational databases systems that exist today now one of the first things that makes postgres different than my sequel is I would say SQL compliance I think that's a good way to define it right so what do I mean by this is that postgres compared to my sequel postgres has a high level compliance with SQL itself what do I mean by this is that postgres allows you to handle more advanced complex queries right and pretty much supports Advanced SQL features like um window functions table inheritance and more right so that is very important especially for larger industry standards a lot for larger companies that need to use a more complex relational database second postgres is actually fully acid compliant I think that's a good way to say it compliance let's say compliance right full asset compliance and so if you don't know what acid stands for it stands for atomicity consistency isolation and durability and now why is it so important these are a set of properties that ensure reliable processing of database transactions right so postgres robust acid compliance what it does is that it pretty much ensures the data integrity and the reliable execution of transactions even when something goes wrong you know and you still know oh that you did this still get right so next is extends disability I think it's all that right so postgres is highly customizable right and extensible and still with extensibility so what is great about this is that you can add new data types right custom functions and even include new programming languages right and this flexibility makes postgres adapt well to a ton of different projects which is huge for a company where you have a bunch of different teams working on punches different projects and postgres allows you that flexibility right which is great now I know that I said a similarity between both postgres and MySQL are data types right so they both support a wide variety of data types but postgres supports a wider variety of data types than my sequel for example including arrays H store key for for key value Pairs and special data types like geometric and network and data at Network address types actually and so what this does is that this actually allows for greater data complexity which is huge for Teamster there's a lot more and I don't want to make this list too long last but not least is because of this MVC see so postgres uses multi-version currency control and VCC and what this does is that it actually allows you to have multiple transactions occur concurrently without reading or writing conflicts which is huge so this especially is useful for databases with high transaction rates and very useful for that right so MySQL and postgres both have their own strengths and similarities But ultimately ultimately the choice between my SQL and postgres Depends entirely on the specific requirements of your project right now I think it's also really important to note that selecting the right database is a critical decision that can significantly impact your application's performance and development experience as well so carefully evaluate your requirements and make an appointment choice to ensure the success of your project when it comes to choosing between my SQL and postgres there you go thank you I'll see you all next video if there's anything I missed please let me know in the comment section below love you all see you guys later
Channel: Airbyte
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Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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