Indexing in PostgreSQL vs MySQL

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what's going on guys my name is jose and i wanted to do a quick video uh to discuss this topic which is very interesting to me and i think um anyone who works with databases should really understand the underlining uh data structure of how databases store stuff because it will really become really handy when you scale it will really become handy when you design your backend application how your queries uh actually access the path of uh your your path and then you're pulling the data how how the planner actually makes decision and all of this really comes down to indexes and in this video i want to discuss how specifically just postgres and how mysql specifically anodb as a database engine in mysql stores their indexes before we jump into that we need to understand the basic architecture of tables so if i create a beautiful table on my database what does that mean right a table has well it has columns and then and each column will have a specific data type which is integer string and then and number dates right jason i heard the uh is a good data type these days and you guys convinced me that's actually a good idea to to store json as a as a i just did it so yeah a table will have multiple columns and each column will have a specific size and that decide the row size and that row size will become either dynamic or static based on how you defined it right var char versus just normal text and so on and then and that the table is is huge that is structure just big and it's usually stored in disk and unless you can put it in memory which is awesome for fast access queries but usually it's in this because it's a blob huge of just plop right so now it comes to indexes index and i made a video about index check out this video right here to learn more about them but an index is is basically a date another data structure different than the table that tells us hey where exactly the rows i'm searching for are right and then the easiest way i understand the indexes is like you know these alphabetical uh dividers binder dividers which i say a b c d e e and tell z right and then you're searching for a specific like you know company or phone number right so if you're searching for a company uh zebra i don't know those companies so you will jump to the z divider and then start searching for that so you have a smaller subset so what the index does in this case is actually stores a pointer to the first row in in where the z starts essentially so that's essentially how the index is always like a pointer so the row the table the big stuff and there's the another data structure that you can have a quick and access index and it points to that not every database does that though how about we start with postgres every index you create in postgres does exactly that so if you create an index on column a it's going to create that data structure for you it's a beautiful data structure and each leaf each uh entry will be pointing directly to the table directly to a to a unique identifier in the in the in the table that's not the primary key necessarily that's just a row that is most of the time it's invisible and postcards i think it's called the topple id so that's that's the data structure so if you write an index it points to the row you might say what's the problem with that no really no no problem but just pay attention to that if i create another index postcard what is going to do it also still points to the table directly you see a pattern here right the more indexes you create all of these are actually pointing to the table which is pretty neat so and then that's what we that makes sense right if i'm searching something in this index i find it i jump to the table i pull if i need to jump to the table that's what's called index only scan versus an index scan right and then if i only need to jump a table um i know where to find my data so indexes and postgres all point to the table directly mysql and specifically anodb in mysql because mysql has other database engines that you can swizzle and can change which is something i love in my sequel and and mariadb something you don't see in other databases we can swizzle the database engine of a table to be something completely different my asm is a different database engine that it works exactly almost like like postgres it points directly to the table each index you create it pose to the table anodb which is the default mysql engine doesn't do that there is always a primary key in the table and when you create that primary key or if you don't anodb or mysql creates one for you and then that primary key index points to the table right but any secondary index you create or any other index you create does not point to the table directly it points to the primary key value which corresponds to the table multiple hops there's there's a design careful design choice for both and let's let's explore both of them so we know postgres every index point to the table directly mysql every index point to the primary key and the primary key is the only index that points to the table so now if i did an update in both databases and i updated a row right or deleted it all in postgres if i deleted a row right and and that row doesn't exist anymore i have to tell index number one index number two index number three index number four and example six that that row doesn't exist because guess what all of them actually are aware i are raw aware are aware of this table so there are dependencies so volska's when you update this it actually goes and updates all indexes that doesn't mean it's slow or bad it's just that's what it does right and mysql when you update a row or delete a row it just updates the primary key right because that's that's the only thing we need to do because these guys will still point to the pri of to the to the to the primary key indus and that's it they they don't have they are not aware that our row has been deleted right so that's as long as you don't touch a specific value like for for example if you updated another column in a row that the index which oh no on which this is created need to be aware right and that is in that case you will need to update that index anyway but only the index that you actually touch for the columns you touched right so that's that's how things work in general so hey guys hussein from editing and i forgot to mention one thing in my sequel remember every index points to the primary key and primary key point to the table so if you did a lot of updates on the primary key guess what will happen every single index will need to be updated so really careful while updating primary keys in my sequel so that's another kind of something to be aware of i'm not going to say limitation but just something to be getting aware of back to video in updates in my sequel versus postgres you can see that it's a little bit less scattered reads however if i read in in in postgres using an index i'm going to find the value i want and if i ask for a row that doesn't exist in an index it's not including the index i have to jump to the table and i can jump very quickly because i immediately look at the at the table i have the row that points to the table directly and i read it so reads are in postgres are extremely fast does not mean that reads on mysql or slows just just understand how they how things work right so now if i'm reading a particular table in my sequel and i'm using a specific index and i found what i'm looking for i cannot jump and i need another value to select from the table i cannot jump to the table directly i have to jump to the primary key index and then from the primary key index i get the row and then i jump to that there is an extra hop so reads are a little bit tiny bit slower sometimes it's unnoticeable but just understand if you're doing this a lot understand what's going on so if you're but but the beauty of this if you're selecting the primary key a lot in my sequel that's really beneficial because the primary key is almost always included with every index so that choice of what becomes the primary key in anodb becomes really critical and it can boost your performance in an in an amazing manner while impulse grace reads are fast right because and any heap value pulls like pulling from the heap or pulling from the table are also pretty extremely good because you're pulling to the table directly right obviously doing it over over doing it overdoing everything is just basically slower but that's just very some something that's very interesting to understand when you when you deal with these things right so postgres updating a lot of froze or deleting a lot of rows might trigger a lot of update to a lot of indexes so just pay attention to that when you do that and that's it that's what i wanted to talk about obviously i want to make this video short what do you guys think there is always a choice between postgres and mysql on any other database doesn't mean postgres is bad doesn't mean see my sequel is is good doesn't mean anything it really depends on what you're trying to do uber i believe one of their main concerns of moving from postgres to or to mysql is exactly that they had tons of indexes i was surprised like why do you have this much indexes like too much indexes too many indexes and as a result touching rows if they had to touch a lot of rows they've updated a lot of rows it just just thrashed all the indexes because it needs to update all the index you need to let everybody that points to the table know that something has changed right especially if you update if you insert if you update these these things are all scatting everywhere and postgres is like it's a little bit different when when it comes to updating versus deleting the they keep the rows alive for mvcc reasons all right guys going to give the video short i'm gonna see on the next one what do you think about these two beautiful databases what do you prefer let me know in the comment section below i'm gonna see you in the next one you guys awesome goodbye
Channel: Hussein Nasser
Views: 15,395
Rating: 4.8754325 out of 5
Keywords: hussein nasser, backend engineering, postgres, database indexing, mysql, mysql innodb, myisam vs innodb, mysql vs postgres, mariadb, databse engineering, database engineering, indexing in postgres, indexing in mysql, postgresql
Id: T9n_-_oLrbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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