Myocarditis paper

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you are very welcome to this video and I'm particularly pleased to welcome Dr Peter McCulla who is an internist a cardiologist and epidemiologist he's been a professor and a very very highly published doctor indeed and I'm also welcoming Nick holer who is a medical research gentleman thank you both for coming on thank you now the basic thing we want to talk talk about today and it's it really couldn't be more important I've got so many uh questions I want to know about this really uh but we want to look at this paper autopsy findings postmortem findings in cases of fatal covid-19 vaccine induced myocarditis so so Dr Mulla perhaps you could just start us off by you know telling us a little bit about what myocarditis is and and why you're concerned about it in this context please well myocarditis is is a is a medical problem that we've dealt with in cardiology for decades as long as I can remember and uh you know prior to covid the causes uh were kakaki virus adov virus occasionally an influenza virus um and then an idiopathic form called giant cell myocarditis giant cell was always the most worrisome and I'm in Dallas Texas and uh Dallas Texas LED one of the most important clinical trials in myocarditis years ago was called the myocarditis treatment trial and there every single patient had a biopsy done of the heart to try to diagnose uh you know exactly what was the cause of myocarditis and what we learned from the study is that broadly applied steroids didn't play a role and the most lethal form was indeed this giant cell which is special histopathology giant cell in fact is so important to diagnose that um you know we quickly moved towards transplant um and advanced circulatory support but prior to the pandemic myocarditis occurred at a rate of you know somewhere around four cases per million per year so in the United States that means maybe about 1,200 cases in the entire country per year prior to the pandemic I had only seen two in my entire practice one sadly passed away um but uh so we rarely encountered it let me tell you something else prior to the pandemic we had guidelines written in cardiology that it was so well known in myocarditis that exercise or The Surge of adrenaline could be a trigger for cardiac arrest we immediately took people with myocarditis out of sports or athletic competition that's actually in all the guidance so we knew myocarditis if it exist uh could be fatal uh largely during two times one during exercise and then also Al in the waking hours 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. in sleep because again there's a surge of adrenaline during the normal waking process MH and uh what what was it motivated you to write this paper looking specifically at covid-19 vaccines because surely we've had a pandemic isn't that going to account for these cases of myocarditis the viral infection itself you know there was a great concern Ralph baric published actually in the journal that I was the senior associate editor of many years American Journal of Cardiology he published back in the 1990s that human beta Corona viruses uh could actually cause myocarditis and animal models if actually the animals were exposed to enough of it he literally flooded the animals with beta coronav virus could cause to myocarditis so during 2020 there was a an incredible search for myocarditis uh there were studies in the US military the Israeli military and the most notable one is published by Daniels and colleagues uh and was published in jamama from the Big 10 athletic league now Nick is at the University of Michigan they're in the Big 10 League that's where I went to graduate school and let me tell you what they evaluated every athlete they had 30% of the students uh in 2020 got covid-19 so because they checked everybody and they searched thousands of athletes to see if they developed myocarditis and we're talking EKGs blood testing for chipon escalating Imaging up to cardiac MRI out of thousands of uh of possibilities of people who got sick with covid they came up with about 36 putative cases where there was some abnormality by uh by enzymes uh troponin or by Imaging and you know what not a single hospitalization or death two Valley and colleagues in Israel found no increase in myocarditis during 2020 above the Baseline rare cases but what happened was a false narrative came out of the hospitalized literature where people sick enough to be hospitalized with covid were having elevations in cardiac troponin in the ICU as would patients with pacal or hemophilus or other forms of of pneumonia or ICU illness none of those hospitalized cases were ever adjudicated to actually have myocarditis but it was the elevation of chonin so what came out of this was a false talking point that was carried forward by the American College of Cardiology and the government agencies that said that Co itself causes more myocarditis than the vaccines and nothing can be further from the truth my thinking is that with the vaccine the amount of Spike protein produced is is unpredictable so with the infection you're going to get you're going to get the virus you're going to get a certain amount of Spike protein you're going to develop an immune response and that's going to be dampened down reasonably quickly but with the vaccine who knows how much Spike protein is going to be produced because you're going to get systemic absorption you could get SP huge amounts of Spike protein developing all around the body including in The myocardium is that part of the PA pathogenesis do you think I think so Bruce Patterson at incel DX has several per view Publications with the infection even severe cases he's able to find only the S1 segment of the spike protein presumably the F S2 segment is sacrificed at the A2 receptor and it has largely receptor mediated um catabolism but there is the S1 segment that's found in the human body with the uh with the vaccines the messenger RNA and adov viral DNA vaccines there's a full length Spike protein even with the novaa it's a full length SP Spike protein S1 and S2 that's been demonstrated by brogna and colleagues in Germany but more importantly the quantity which you pointed out and the only way we can really uh infer that is by the antibody Rises so the antibody Rises to the spike protein in the natural infection are just a fraction of what we see with vaccination M Nick how did you go about collecting the uh the data for this and the the the patients how were they selected so so we set out to search the peer viwed literature for all the published autopsy studies that include uh cases with covid-19 vaccines as a previous exposure um and specifically those that that were affected by myocarditis and so we found around uh over a thousand studies we looked through and uh we we searched through those and in the end we came up with 28 cases um and and among these 28 cases 26 of them there only the cardiovascular system was involved in two of these cases uh it was a consequence of multistem inflammatory syndrome um and we could talk about how how how the mechanisms behind that how those are differentiated um I mean with multi-stem inflammatory syndrome uh it it's possibly due to that system systematic circulation of Spike protein uh that that we've seen in a few studies um now also one concerning finding we had was that the mean age of death was 44 years old now that that's actually uh that's a bit inflated because we didn't include uh we didn't include the study by Gil which was two teenage boys diing their sleep we didn't include that study we didn't include those ages in the descriptive statistics because they just said teenage they didn't say the age didn't say so we didn't include the uh any estimated age estimat so if if we did if we included uh Teenage which was probably 15 14 years old uh the mean age of death among cases would be probably around 30 years old and that that's really concerning because you know the these aren't uh these aren't 90y olds on their deathbed with with uh five comorbidities uh so so yeah and most of the cases died within a week of vaccination so that that established the temporality of that so you're careful to exclude studies where the cause of death might have been something else you're fairly sure that the 28 cases you've got were very likely to be vaccine associated myocard itis deaths yeah that's correct and and actually in in in most of the cases around 18 cases uh there was the patients had no symptoms prior to death they they just died suddenly at home uh there was nothing suspected wrong uh they just died shortly after vaccination and and the autopsy findings uh presented uh interesting findings that that that no nothing else likely cause these death Dr Mulla medically how can it be that someone can be perfectly healthy one minute no symptoms sometimes no symptoms at all and yet yet be dead a few minutes later I mean what is going on here we have some Clues uh one there are two prospective cohort studies that evaluated people before the vaccine and then after one is been by man sui and colleagues from land and that was on shot number two ages 13 to 18 and in that study it was uh roughly 2.3% actually met a a definition of myocarditis a couple of the kids were hospitalized and then a paper by beran and colleagues from basil these were largely healthcare workers mainly mainly female nurses on shot number three and they just evaluated tronin alone the main cardiac biomarker and they found 2.8% had uh an elevation opponent after the shot so and and there may have been one or two cases where they would have met a a definition of myocarditis so we're talking about 2.5% of people actually probably do sustain some heart damage from these studies and of those over half are completely asymptomatic from a cardiac perspective so and there were two papers by Jenna shower in the journal Pediatrics that caught my attention she was uh recording children who develop myocarditis and a large fraction had no specific cardiac symptoms they had a sore arm they had fever but nothing that would localize to the heart and in uh our paper uh that you know I published with Nick huler at the University of Michigan uh what we found is that no one had an MRI ahead of time to diagnose this ahead of time so these cases turned out to be you know largely cardiac arrest and then the then the finding of myocarditis at autopsy mhm do you think it's possible possible that you could have two patients with the same degree of postvaccine myocarditis and one takes it easy and maybe does a bit of academic work for a few days but one decides to play a game of football or go for a run and because of the exercise it's quite possible that one could go into like something like a ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest and the other might as it were get away with it is is is that element of Ju Just sheer probability and bad luck in that do you think sometimes it it changes the probabilities remember exercise is the surge of adrenaline exercise shifts there there's one paper from Thailand that caught my attention by IDT and colleagues that found that polymorphisms in the scn5a sodium Channel were associated with cardiac arrest in the setting of vaccine M genetic variability really yes so there could be genetic variability and also uh papers that we find that the myocarditis is very patchy uh it's not very extensive uh it's typically not enough to cause heart failure just as a general uh rule it would take about 15% of The myocardium that we would see on MRI by late gum enhancement or would see by histopathology 15% of left ventricle before there would be left ventricular dysfunction in autopsies that we had reviewed there was small patches of inflammation but here's the concept as The myocardium is depolarized ing if the the wavefront of depolarization goes through an area where there is inflammation and edema there is slowed conduction and an opportunity for that wavefront to Circle back and then cause re-entry and when there's re-entry that is the most common mechanism for ventricular teoc cardia and in a young person the ventricular techic cardia is going to be fast many times it's going to cause a prein Sy snable uh symptoms and then will quickly degenerate to ventricular fibrillation because the VT so fast and that looks to me like what we're seeing on these athletes particularly those in Europe who die on the pitch and I suppose if you had an area of uh inflammation in the ventricular myocardium as well that itself could be a possible source of ectopic poai it can it can be ectopic F but it's it's unlikely to be primary VF the most likely mechanism is initially ventricular attack of cardia with rapid degradation to ventricular fibrillation and recently we've been made aware of a paper from Japan were exactly they caught that there so there was a young Japanese man uh the first author of this paper is um uh uh manato and a young man is on the SEC SEC day after he takes fizer he gets a fever he collapses and the paramedics uh retreat him and he's in a fast ventricular tardia degenerates the ventricular fibrillations they've actually caught the entire episode now uh another factor to consider in these fatal cases like the manado case and another Case by Choy is involvement of the conduction system so if the inflammation involves the conduction system we're talking the AV node the bundle of His the right and left bundle then it's far more likely to be fatal Choy basically you know recorded a who who literally died 7 hours into the hospital and when they did the autopsy the entire conduction system was destroyed with vaccine induc my carditis wow incredible yeah um now staggering I'm reading in this paper about 70% of the world's population have had uh one at least one covid vaccine and look looking back the incredulity is just huge that this could be done without proper cardiac uh studies a lot of people in my comments are really concerned that there's an epidemic of heart failure and other heart pathologist but probably particularly heart failure or increased cardiac arrests or increased coronary arterial atherosclerosis uh coming um is the are these fears in any way Justified I think they are but but but covid the respiratory illness and the vaccines need to be factored in and and important citations one is by X and colleagues from the US Veterans Administration clearly demonstrating after covid respiratory illness there's about a six- week period where older individuals are at increased risk for myocardial infarction stroke and cardiovascular death so it's a post viral risk probably related to you know ethos scerotic inflammation by the way very similar pattern after influenza same type of pattern so it's it's true now with the vaccines we're seeing this pattern of these vaccines uh and then Cardiac Arrest uh the vaccines there's about 800 papers in the peerreview literature you know implicating the vaccines with myocarditis our agencies came out pretty quickly uh in 2021 and said the vaccines caused myocarditis us FDA did I know believe it or not in the UK and Australia they came out pretty quickly with guidelines on how to diagnose vaccine and mtis what's incredible what's really incredible though is is after our agencies told us that the vaccines cause myocarditis and we know with myocarditis athletes cannot exercise then the athletic leagues many of them including the US NFL and others they mandated the vaccines with no safety it's interesting so during covid the respiratory illness there was lots of safety there was myocarditis screening programs going on nobody could find you know basically any significant cases but when the vaccines come out and the agencies say they cause myocarditis then suddenly there's no safety screening or any other you know measures the athletes take the vaccine and then we see what happens and it's quite possible that many of these cardiac arrests that have been so well publicized are caused by this and if these people had been advised that there was an element of risk here and to rest for a period of time after the vaccine it's not inconceivable that these death could have been prevented that's true but I tell you the case that comes to my attention is Oscar Cabrera adamus adamus is a Dominican player he's playing in the the Spanish leagues doesn't want to take the vaccines he tweets this out he's forced to take it in 2021 he has a cardiac arrest on the court it's it's filmed he gets CPR he gets defibrillation he survives he appropriately you know is taken out of competition he's you know supposedly treated apparently treated and he's trying to return to competition and it's now 2 years later in 2023 and he dies on a medical stress test dies on AIC and I supervise stress tests as a cardiologist I've never had a death I mean we've had VT we even had VF but we can always shock and resuscitate and so the adamus case of myocarditis from the vaccine in 2021 in cardiac arrest in 2023 does give us great concern that uh there could be inflam or scar formation and then this stochastic risk later on in life of cardiac arrest mhm so if the vaccine had caused some physical scarring in the heart and we know that the myocytes don't efficiently regenerate that scarring could be there forever and could cause problems uh years or even decades down the line it could and you know it may not be deductible by amri or even autopsy because they can be very small patches and then we also have this uh report that's so interesting by nakahara and colleagues regarding abnormalities in card cardiac positron emission tomography there are about 700 vaccinated 300 unvaccinated getting pet scans for other reasons but they had very good cardiac imaging and it was striking where virtually every vaccinated person uh The myocardium shifted from preferring free fatty acids to preferring glucose as a metabolic substrate uh and it's tagged with 18 floral dioxid glucose now when I order a cardiac pet and practice I'm looking for an es schic zone of myocardium here the entire left ventricle actually took on in almost every vaccinated person the appearance of an esic left ventricle whereas those unvaccinated had normal pet scans no fdg uptake and I looked at the paper carefully and the only thing that makes sense to me Dr Campbell is that there may be microthrombi or just you know RBC uh hemaglutination which is well described with the spike protein and in the small capillaries of the heart to create these metabolic changes so I and this was seen even out to 6 months after the vaccine so we have to posit that it may not be all myocarditis it may be a form of a metabolic cardiomyopathy or other abnormalities but it appears to be common and and we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg MH now most of the deaths in this study I believe occurred 3 to six days I think three days was the the medium and six days was the mean was that right Nick the deaths was shortly after uh yeah three was the median six 6.2 I believe was yeah okay so does that mean that the rate of deaths is going to go down quite dramatically as As Time increases from from the vaccine in terms of these sudden cardiac deaths yeah we don't know Dr Campbell it may be selection bias meaning the dust that occurred Rel relatively close to the vaccine it came to the attention of the family and the medical examiners and that you know a death that occurred 6 or N9 months later no one may connect it and it actually may not come to autopsy yeah yeah now one of the things I found really convincing about this paper was the uh the microscopy so here we have evidence of uh the spike protein in cardiac tissue uh Dr Mulla what are we looking at here please and what are these red blotches but the you know these are um basically uh histopathologic sections of The myocardium now this is from a paper by from Germany by B and colleagues now these are young people with myocarditis in German hospitals who are actually surviving myocarditis here these are survivors but we use this uh image to show you the red staining is actually the spike protein and uh now in a recent paper by crosson and colleagues they've also demonstrated ated messenger RNA in The myocardium by uh a genetic uh identification technique so I anticipate that there's messenger RNA right in The myocardium producing the spike protein right there and we're seeing these red stains as a result and what do we know about these patients previous medical history I mean do we know if they've had Co is there a differential diagnosis here between CID infection and vaccine induced Spike protein uh in our uh there was actually none none tested positive for the covid-19 virus uh at least at the time of death so we can so the balance of probability is that this protein is is vaccine induced yeah yeah yep and the the the blue there that they're all cardiac muscle cells Dr M that's cardiac muscle cells and there's one more paper to quote I want to make sure this is um there is a paper of covid deaths where people have died of covid and they had an autopsy and of Interest the hearts were examined in covid deaths not a single case of myocarditis or evidence of myocarditis with Co alone so I think this is pretty important we can get you the citation on this so uh this is these are interesting observations it appears as if covid-19 illness SARS kov to infection actually doesn't cause serious myocarditis despite all the concerns in 2020 but the big threat is covid-19 vaccination mhm and also um the these are just the uh the blown up views of those pictures um but um also the uh inflammatory cardiomyopathy the inflammation of the heart muscle is shown here with CD4 which are uh T helper cells um so I'm assuming that the blue here again are the cardiac myocytes the the heart muscle and the red here is this the staining of the uh lymphocytes the the T helper cells right the red and actually the little dark dots now um oh yeah the dark dots that are not you know clearly nuclei of the cardiomyocytes these are inflammatory cells uh now the important Point here is is don't forget CD4 you mentioned T helper cells that they they are actually in the business of trying to present antigens to B cells and then B cells transform to plasma cells and produce antibodies so these this is a natural inflammatory response to a foreign protein in the heart the foreign protein is the spike protein inflammation in the heart should not occur and anytime there's inflammation there is an opportunity for heterogen heterogeneous conduction through this Zone and anytime we have that there's a risk for arhythmia I think there's a much bigger risk of arhythmia than there is for heart failure I've only had in my practice I've only seen two cases of vaccine induced heart failure one man previously had heart failure he had an icdn prior bypass surgery he took one dose of fiser and he went into cardiogenic shock and within 8 hours was on um mechanical ventilator um ECMO support needed a heart transplant it was a very clear-cut case and then recently I saw a case where a man took a total of three shots and after the third shot he went into hard fail with a low ejection fraction uh and has probably missed myocarditis but uh most of what I'm seeing in the literature is just like this the these are boys with chest pain no heart failure but they're at risk for cardiac arrest so I suppose we should be grateful that it's affecting small areas of The myocardium rather than large areas of The myocardium but you've already pointed out the severe risks Associated even with very small areas of The myocardium now some some cardiologists think that the vaccine can induce inflammation in the coronary arteries accelerating the furring up of these arteries accelerating the development of the coronary arterial atherosclerosis what's your thinking on that please I published a paper from our group in Dallas Zang was the first author and we think the culprit there is the spike protein the spike protein clearly injures endothel cells it clearly causes hemog glutation recent paper from David shime former NIH researcher has shown that unequivocally and that it actually induces thrombosis so I think the spike protein uh is playing a role in episodic aosc orotic events in people with atherosclerosis uh as well as uh es schic stroke and other atic events do you think it could actually increase the deposition of aoma or is it more the BL clotting associated with the aoma no I think plaque rupture is clearly in play the Zang paper suggested that and the other issue regarding the endothelial damage and these episodic events it's my clinical impression that the risks are relatively equal for covid infection and the vaccine now we've got some sort of uh there's a model here that you've basically uh sketched out which I did find remarkably useful do you want to sort of just um tell us what the main parts of this model are please Dr Mulla we tried to piece this together clinically what's going on so we start in the upper leftand corner and say listen people take an injection it's now known that there's biodistribution throughout the body Crossing and colleagues showing messenger RNA in human myocardium B the slides we reviewed shows Spike protein from the messeng RNA is physically in the heart so there's I don't think there's any debate here that the vaccine does go to the heart Spike protein is produced the heart may actually preferentially take up messeng RNA because myocardial blood flow increases during exertion and this may preferentially affect athletes myocardial blood flow can increase roughly two to four times with exertion people working out M um the risk factors for myocarditis are interesting it's it's men uh Peak ages 18 to 94 90% of cases are men and that was true before covid and the pandemic myocarditis is always much higher in men than women uh boys greater than girls and it must be related in some way to Androgen you know receptors or other factors no one actually knows the genetic predisposition I put this down there the scn5a mutation um uh has been described by ITT hot Lots meaning some lots have a much greater uh risk of serious Adverse Events that's been described by schmelling and colleagues cumulative Spike protein exposure may play a role there's enough cases now where people develop it on the third fourth fifth even sixth shot there's a fatal case of an older man recently on the sixth shot parisite uptake of messenger RNA has been demonstrated by avolio in colleagues the symptoms are about over half according to the two papers I quoted have few or no symptoms so they actually don't know that they're having heart damage 43% symptomatic with chest pain effort intolerance palpitations near Syncopy passing out fever malays those come to attention uh there's our diagnosis down the middle we if they're hospitalized EKG you know I measure chonin BMP st2 gtin 3 those are are markers since 2013 those are our markers in the ACC ha guidelines we monitor for cardiac arhythmia standard of care image for LV dysfunction by Echo and then cardiac MRI and then when we see a large area in this case a large area of Lake gatal linium enhancement look where it is Dr Campbell it's in typically the lateral wall and the outer part of the lateral wall almost every time it's interesting and it's contiguous with the parac cardium so probably the best term to use is a myopericarditis in almost all these cases the pericardium is involved uh if we detect it there should be no exercise we have medications for LV dysfunction a standard of care in my practice now is we have found in the Japanese have reported this good use of cortical steroids so we use predisone over the course of 3 months culine mandatory for a year non-steroidal anti-inflammatories additionally for pain if there's leano dysfunction we use evidence-based beta blockers ACE inhibitors and the appropriate drugs large areas of Lake gatum enhancement like this one shown on MRI more than 15% of The ventricle may need an ICD because otherwise what will happen is up top there is the rapid ventricular tacac cardia and what you're seeing at the top or right is VT that's rapid enough that would cause someone to pass out on the plane field and if not properly defibrillated it generates to the Rhythm below that ventricular fibrillation next is a syy and that's what we're terming sudden adult death syndrome you know we do think this could explain the large number of deaths in people after vaccination with no other explanation but clinically when someone went into that ventricular tachic cardia on the top they would faint yes and they would remain unconscious while they went into this ventricular fibrillation that would become finer and finer until eventually we just had a AN asystolic line and no possibility of uh resuscitation at that stage right but if you notice the fainting notice some of the athletes particularly you can see this in the uh soccer players you call them football players the soccer players in Europe when you get to you can see their body when they do hit the turf they're Ty typically is some convulsive action you'll see some legs convulsive action a little bit that's actually ventricular tacac cardio there is a little bit of profusion to the brain the brain is getting enoic and then once it's ventricular fibrillation it's they're completely flaccid mhm and do we know that if this form of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tardia is this as amable to defibrillation as say myocardial infarction induced VT or or VF there's a paper by po creus as first author I'm senior author where we we analyze this from the best we could detect in in about a thousand European athletes and the answer is yes it's amenable to defibrillation uh in our analysis about 40 cases could actually be resuscitated on the field and this is with without paramedics being there there's coaches and other people so if we get the defibrator pads on this can be uh defibrillated um I've interviewed personally and examined pilot snow in the United States he had a vaccine related Cardiac Arrest about 2 months after taking the Jansen vaccine cardiac arrest in Dallas Fort Worth airport and uh fortunately the miracle of his case is they called 911 and the paramedics happened to be at the gate next door just by chance so they ran over to the jetway and it took three efforts at defibrillation but he was defibrillated he was in VF and uh he came back no neurologic damage he has an ICD in uh and he survived vaccine induced Cardiac Arrest mhh now a lot of people have asked me they say well if someone collapses if someone goes into one of these abnormal rhythms it's very obvious there's a problem with the heart and we've started looking at the heart but do you think it's possible because of the systemic distribution of the vaccine and therefore the systemic distribution of the spike protein there could be similar other inflammatory processes going on in other parts of the body as well well as the heart it's just that we haven't picked them up yet thinking maybe particularly about the uh the liver perhaps the kidneys and and of course the ovaries intestines of of a lot of concern yeah I'll let Nick answer that because we have a larger study uh this is the myocarditis substat of a larger autopsy study Nick do you want to take that on about kind of multi-organ system involvement sure sure yeah so so the other paper we or the other study we conducted um still hasn't been published it's on the pre-print server of zenodo but in that paper we actually looked at all the autopsy case studies or case series uh that include covid-19 vaccines as a previous exposure and so in in that study we actually found yes the cardiovascular system was was the most frequently implicated among the cases among the 325 autopsy cases that were included uh but that was followed by hematological System cases respiratory system and multi-stem involvement um so so so in that study uh it was kind of 50% or so was cardiovascular but the rest was was distributed uh throughout the body um now um Dr MAA you want to talk about the mechanisms behind any possible hematological right so the the hematological Fatal syndromes that are in the the larger studies on the European commission's anoto server uh include uh fatal uh pulmonary embolism Veno Venus thrombo embolism I think people would accept that but also vaccine induced thrombocytopenic thr uh pereria in in in other words the the platelets aren't working the blood doesn't clot properly and you kind of get bruises all over the place as a result of that yeah well you know interesting it happened largely with the adenoviral vaccines astroica and Jansen so there's actually abnormal clotting and bleeding at the same time the final mechanism of death in those cases is typically intracranial hemorrhage and thrombosis but I suppose if someone's blood was clotting it would be using up the clotting factors and the blood would be having difficulty to clot after that a bit bit like a sepsis really perhaps right right and U you know one of the things that we found in both studies that was necessary is we we actually extract all of the autopsy data into evidence tables and then we had to independently re review it with u you know experts who in cardiac pathology for the following reasons Dr Campbell at the time the papers were published some of these known mechan some of these mechanisms we know now they weren't known back then so you know some of the earliest autopsies were done in Germany so a patient would take a vaccine and die of a pulmon embolism and and the conclusion at the time is well it wasn't related to the vaccine because they simply didn't know didn't yeah yeah but so we know now so this this idea I think this is going to be true for a long time that that we really you can't just read the conclusions of the authors we have to independently review the information ourselves with contemporary understanding well the the review process yeah we we had a fair review process three reviewers we had a method for tie Breakers uh we did everything the right way so you know it this idea when we do a review like this we want to make sure there's no bias so in selection of the papers we followed you know standard uh methods Prisma search sessions Nick produced a Prisma flow diagram and then on the adjudication and review we we followed again standard methods to make sure it was it was rigorous now in the overall autopsy study we found that 73.9% of cases the vaccine was either directly the cause of death or significantly contributed to death in the myocarditis paper that we're reviewing um that's fully published it was all the cases were due to the vaccine because you know they were they were um a priority thought to be cardiac myocarditis MH this graphic here that's showing that uh most of the Fatal events occurred 3 days after the vaccine going up to 36 days after the vaccine um does this mean that people that were vaccinated a year ago can pretty well relax about this we simp we simply don't know Dr Campbell this is just you know the days after the vaccine where the autopsies were performed you know in United States medical examiners don't order autopsies on all unexplained deaths it's it's really a judgment call and I think here the proximity to the the vaccine is what's driving this mhmh so so ni Nick you use you use something called The Bradford Hill criteria and adjudication by expert cardiologists um because all the people watching this or a lot of people are going to say look this is a correlation it doesn't equal causality how do we move from correlation to causality in in this study right well well so the Bradford Hill criteria includes a few different categories includes strength consistency specificity temporality so so we'll start with we'll start with strength of the evidence so I mean the evidence is pretty strong we we have biopsies autopsies that are showing uh Spike protein directly within the affected tissues uh and there's there's hundreds and hundreds of studies that support the idea that that vaccines can cause certain syndromes such as myocarditis so so I mean there's a really large amount of strength to to the association and the consistency scene well there's a high really high degree of consistency um yeah there there 28 cases of fatal myocarditis that that we found but um overall there's thousands if not tens of thousands of cases of myocarditis from the vaccine um so and every study has the same findings over and over again consistency so that's important specificity um yeah it's very specific uh we found Spike protein uh inside the cardiomyocytes and those with with covid-19 vaccine induced myocarditis um temporality as this this graphic here shows um there's a very strong temporal correlation between the covid-19 vaccines U and death from myocarditis um I mean especially since the mean age of death was around Le less than a week um and and biological plausibility again that goes back into you know is it plausible is this C can the covid-19 vaccines is there a mechanism that can cause the death and uh we talked about that earlier there there's many many different possible reasons that could contribute to death and coherence is the is the data coherent uh you know are there major differences between these uh you know does it make sense and yes yes um we see very consistent findings uh with with each case um and that was outlined um that's what we looked at previously so all in all um The Bradford Hill criteria seems to have met the criteria for causality for covid-19 vaccines contributing to death uh um but uh we can't we can't 100% say yeah there's a causal link um we just can't say that as researchers until we have a massive amount of evidence but we we can say there's a there's a very high likel Dr McCulla would it be inappropriate to speculate the proportion of the excess debts that we're currently suffering from at the moment are attributable to this or is completely unreasonable question we need a lot more studies you know I think what's really needed which would be very helpful for temporal Association is I think all countries should merge the vaccine Administration data and the death data and you know a lot of countries have this it's simply merging and if we saw spikes uh temporally associated with when when people took the vaccines we could we could zero in on these deaths Dr kemell you know in the United States our CDC V system indicates that we've had about 18,000 th000 Americans uh who have died and people report them to vars I've made these reports as a doctor I made a vars report today um so I'm very familiar on how to do it 18,000 where we think the vaccine caused the death okay so it's so this is highly selected for we we think causality is there do you know of those 18,000 plus do you know 1150 occurred on the same day they took the shot sometime right in the vaccine Center and then another 1 1200 is the next day afterwards so even if we draw a very close time stamp here we're looking at 30 days here I can tell you if this was a drug trial and I was chairing the data safety monitor board which I've done about two dozen times in my career we would say listen anything within 30 days any event is attributed to the experimental product period it's just a regulatory standard and yet strange that this isn't been done um I don't should we make a comment on why this isn't being done have we any ideas why this data is not being taken up and waved strongly by governments and Regulatory bodies around the world or do you want to pass on that one it's impossible to sign assign motive but none of the Regulatory Agencies have done a detailed evaluation of death after the vaccine there's been no investigation uh by any Yeah country clearly we're calling for that now I mean this this should be done as a matter of urgency gentlemen thank you very much for that fascinating Insight we'll publish this with all the links um I'm afraid I can't guarantee how this will be accepted by uh various uh video platforms but uh the attempt will be a noble one so uh for your time and and all the huge amount of work and and and what you're doing generally in promoting health and well-being and bringing to light things that otherwise will be hidden uh on on behalf of many many people thank you for what you're doing thank you thank you for having us
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 414,333
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Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: 5BhC0BCYQwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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