MYHOUSE.WAD: The Creepiest DOOM Mod Ever Made

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today's video is brought to you by our friends over at expressvpn now today I want to talk about concealing my footprint my digital footprint you know anytime I connect to a shitty website on the internet usually I want to make sure that my IP address my public facing IP address is generally hidden away from whoever is operating that website but on a day like today where websites are banned behind ID locks and applications can suddenly be removed by government intervention it's actually important that you get a VPN just so you can mask your location and IP address and then get access to the entire world around you and I'm talking Beyond just watching the Netflix show that isn't available in your country by using a VPN service like expressvpn you basically have the ability to pick any server you want from any part of the world and pretend that you're a resident from that area and who's going to be wiser no one but you now of course ladies and gentlemen one of the other reasons I use 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and today's video is all about myhouse.wad you probably heard about this all over YouTube some speed runs popular videos have been made but ladies and gentlemen is a man who started with Creepypastas this is actually one of these uh video game uh videos where it's all about a creepy thing on the internet a creepy internet Campfire Story ladies and gentlemen this year uh two months ago released a mod known as my house.w.a.d which on the outside looks like a simple mod where you walk around somebody's house kill a few demons walk out of a gate and call it a day but it has sparked hours of gameplay it has multiple endings and it's probably one of the most elaborate and spooky do mods created not just from a gaming perspective but with the whole lore around it so ladies and Gentlemen let's start with part one the original Forum post so the way that this began was on September 2nd 2022 in a thread on called Doom pictures thread 2022 and as you scroll down people were sharing their various do maps you got a little bit of a cyberpunky map over here uh actually super icy cyberpunky map and then of course the more and more you scroll down one image stuck out the hardest this one right here by a forum member known as veg I haven't logged into the forums in over a decade but a close childhood friend of mine passed away recently and it decided to go through some of the Doom stuff we were making when we were kids the hardest part was recovering the wads from my old 3.5 inch floppy disks it took me a few hours but I managed to recover some files from the late 90s when we were making Maps most of it is completely forgettable but apparently my friend was making a my house map around 1999. in his honor I've been cleaning up his map for release and adding some Z Doom udmf features for the sake of convenience uh this is by the way a brand new Universal Doom map format I believe it's a new map format created for or do modders I haven't touched an editor for almost 15 years but boy is it a lot easier to make maps today than it was in the 90s so a few screenshots were the inside of a house of course you can see this uh this shot from the outside with the garage half open and that's pretty much where it came down to now an internet guy like me I looked up to veg and I realized that this guy joined up 2004. ladies and gentlemen so this guy has been around the internet for a fair bit the last time they ever visited was March 2nd so of course I had a few posts their earliest post ever was 2006 for instance the community is falling apart a doom what about friendship and love but of course after all these posts made in 2006-2006 the actual last post after literally not signing in for over 10 years this person posted on Doom pictures threat 2022 the post we had just seen so of course going up further and further and further ladies and gentlemen he released the mod on my house.wad excited to finally release this tribute map last August I lost a good childhood friend of mine and took it pretty hard when I was visiting my hometown for his funeral I connected with his parents who shared with me some of his old belongings and that's where the 3.5 inch floppy disk from high school had come out to Thomas and I were into amateur Doom mapping in the early 2000s but I had never really seen this map of his prior to uncovering it on one of the old floppy disks as a way of paying tribute to him and all the great memories we had together I took the plunge and installed Doom builder in order to polish up his map and add a few modern amenities just for convenience sake so again he hasn't touched an editor in 15 years their words and of course he said for this you need Doom 2 the watt you need gz Doom which is a special version of Doom a port that allows you to use upgraded Hardware rendering techniques and then it's got one map around 10 minutes of play time all difficulty settings are implemented jumping and crouching disabled free look is fine lots of Doom cute and of course mixing maps of your house was all the rage back in the day and where he said miss you Tom you can click on this hyperlink and find out this is actually an image of Tom and his friend Tom unfortunately has passed away and now one of the things uh I I kind of believed was who is Tom but actually looking at this individual right over here with the actual tie on one of the links that I found here was of Stephen Nelson age 35 formerly of Plano Illinois passed away on August 3rd 2022 in Oswego Illinois Stephen was born on March 13 1987 and of course the entire obituary is right over here but of course looking here we found another individual that is also recognizable if you're looking carefully that's tall now as you download this my house you can find out that there is more than just the actual game files my house.pk3 and myhouse.wad my house.wad is actually just the home section with that the further actual modifications done which are in the larger pack 3. the pac-3 is actually what's been worked on and where there's been a lot of additions to the original uh work found in the 90s so of course there's an entire Journal attached over here written by the actual creator of this mod and as you read through this again you might want to pay attention because things do get kind of supernaturally this is where it kind of becomes a story that's more of an ARG more of a creepypasta this is where I mentioned the Creepypasta and it's not necessarily related entirely to the game that's not to disregard the entire Journal itself obviously if you want to read through this you can I just don't think it personally really adds a whole heck of a lot to the entire story in fact by the time we get to the end of it Beyond just these two obituaries one of them we're about to read which should absolutely spoil or raise some questions in your eyes about the entire surrounding nature of the story uh I don't necessarily believe all of that really adds to it I think the game can speak on its own especially considering the atmosphere that we're about to see that said though there are a few sketches there are actually a few photos that do lead a bit more Credence uh or or actually help flesh out I guess you could say the world building of this wad a little bit more it's an insane to say that we're talking about World building exteriors exterior stuff when it comes to a Doom wad to begin with clearly there's a lot of effort not just in the in in the game part but also the the story that surrounds it whether that's designed to add a creepy Flair or whether that's designed to um I guess you could say just add more meat if you will to the to the story behind posting it of course there's also photos over here uh you know uploaded from the actual creator of the mod you've got a gas station a known stop for directions you've got images of the house one that will be very recognizable as we play through this and some photos from high school and then of course as you go through over here ladies and gentlemen you've got shots of the bedroom more shots of the high school and uh that's pretty much it here's a better shot of the home you can see that this is the kitchen area living a dining room and then a staircase headed to the bottom and inside here contains an actual image of Thomas allord which actually we just saw earlier on died in his home on August 3rd 2022 in Oswego Illinois so how is it that Tom and both Stephen have actually died anyways we're getting way too hard with the story okay they've given us everything over here screenshot wise they're given screenshots of the actual mod and then of course a Sketchbook containing what a card key and then of course uh whatever appears to be this two-headed dog which we'll find out as we play and and then of course a shot of the exterior of that house so that said I've kept you here on the hook long enough let's get into the video game okay so let's guide you through how this mod worked works okay so let's load it up into gz Doom so here initially I'm going to walk you through all four endings so ending a is the front gate this is the easiest one to find within a few minutes so you spawn in front of the house you can move inside through the garage into the living room kitchen area kill some low-level enemies and then eventually over here you can find out that in the top floor we'll call this floor two and then or sorry uh the second story and then if you go down the stairs into the rec area it'll be the first floor that's how I'll kind of refer to these so in the second floor you can kill a few enemies and towards the bedroom the master bedroom you can find a yellow key you might be able to pick up a shotgun off some of the stronger Marines and if you go to the first floor you can then use that yellow key and then go all the way to the bathroom on the first floor by the far end and open up the uh red uh find the red key now if you notice according to the photos the layout's kind of looking very similar now this moment in time you can open up the Boiler Room kill a few more enemies walk back up to the garage and enter back out now if you walk around the yard you'll notice very quickly that enemies have respawned on both floors go back inside shoot them up again and you'll notice some new paintings on the wall now this is where you'll notice that the house is evolving it's changing it's a more labyrinthine you'll notice that there's paintings all over the wall if you look behind you there's a set of empty paintings empty points that all denote eight items that you need to actually pick up and grab using the ret key you can go to the laundry room open the door get the blue key open the front gate and Escape now this moment you load up underhall which is an actual official Doom map and this is where you can even pick up the super shotgun and you can use it and only get it in this level be mindful and bring it back after beating the underhall to respawn into the my house map this is ending one the front gate ending the ending that anybody is going to pick up but this is not where the game shines the next ending is the breaker box or I guess the bad ending the one ending I discovered on my first actual blind playthrough to understand and you start off with the garage kill the same enemies on the first entry grab the yellow key in the upstairs bathroom then grab the red key and then do a walk around to spawn the enemies again go inside and exercise all the enemies once again and then go to the second floor bathroom where we found the key just to find a tougher enemy and a yellow skull you take that yellow skull go to the first floor bathroom and pick up a Red Skull then you use the Red Skull and go all the way to the laundry room to discover that now there is an attic you go up there and find a blue skull and then you go back to the first two floors and notice how you cannot escape the house since every exit has been removed once again the layout of the house is constantly evolving go to the second floor and if you notice near the laundry room some new doors have actually spawned in this new door takes you to a rec room with a fireplace and has one item that you can get a soda can that picks that actually denotes I want pop when you pick it up now at this moment in the living room if you've noticed that set of paintings I brought up again it'll actually have the can of pop denoted on there you got to find eight key items before you get to the ending of the game in order to trigger an actual good ending now it's kind of like you me Nikki if you remember me playing that years ago on my channel where the entire world was labyrinthine there were some static locations but you had to find a few items in order to get the proper good ending of the game and ending very depressing that is but of course ladies and gentlemen eventually I bumbled around only to end up at the boiler room and noticing this little outline on the wall going near it I fell down a rabbit hole and entered the other main area of the game the brutalist apartment now immediately you're gonna notice that this game is filled with liminal spaces It invokes Horror and to be honest the game really digs into it because if you use some of the cheats like no clip it'll actually no clip you into the back rooms where an enemy is waiting for you to kill you and send you all the way back to the beginning now I want to start off by mentioning even the cheats here give you some hints now there's no real like loss into using the cheats and if you want to use them in order to help the exploration of the world I highly do recommend it but of course on your first playthrough you should probably try to go through it as honest as you can the cheats however do give you hints when you use them about the actual game's lore so for instance if you use ID clip it'll tell you be careful not to clip out a reality in the wrong areas and of course idkfa which is of course you know it's not about the it's about the journey not the destination idfa if you find yourself exploring another map bring a super shotgun back with you ID Chopper says leave the entrance to the bathroom unsullied for a big [ __ ] reward iddqd god mode my reflection winked at me I covered the mirror in the Attic just to be safe and if you use the same cheat of God mode to turn it off there's no good outcome from a house fire idb hold says the living room painting holds a clue if you find all the artifacts idmus this isn't the D running you know let it play out so of course these cheats if you use them give you hints about the actual location and the more and more you see this play through the more it's going to actually make sense okay so once I enter the brutalist apartments one of the things you'll notice is the music has actually changed too when I was first playing this it sounded like a lot of the Silent Hill 2 ambient mixes that I constantly listen to on YouTube while I'm editing but I'll get into all the audio quickly at the end of this video because it plays a really really important role as well but going back to the game right over here inside the apartments you'll notice the layout is actually similar to the original house except no furniture you get a cute dog and across the house you'll notice other apartments some put the lights on and some with people actually spying on you creepy so of course this whole section reminds me of the hotels from the back rooms and I wanted to point out the connection because if you watch through this whole video you're going to be noticing a whole heck of a lot of liminal spaces that are triggering all the synapses in your head so what happens in this area the brutalist apartments is a lot of warping there's actually two apartments it's the same layout except the scale of the apartment is actually larger in one and with the larger layout you also have a two-headed dog which we've seen in some of the sketchbooks earlier you'll have to run away from this dog you can kill it if you have the cheats enabled but you'll notice about everything in this map is supposed to be killed there's actually a lot of moments where you're supposed to be running away um so just keep that in mind falling out of the open Windows here takes you to street level which basically brings you to the stairway that has three warps one where you open the door and connect to another staircase one where it takes you to this Heaven location where nothing happens and the other that drops you into this Acid Trip hallway that warps you back to the original House so again at this moment I found out when I went back to the original house there were some new rooms on the second floor so it took me to a luxury apartment where I picked up an item that said this kid needs a milkshake and then of course the rec room where you picked up the pop these are all key items that you need to grab onto and then I found something on the first floor by the pool table a shelf I pushed it aside went in and found a breaker box that when I touched it all hell broke loose [Music] foreign people just screaming demons ghosts popped up new enemies that I hadn't noticed in the original game sky was all red and when I went upstairs the house appeared to be burned down patches of wall completely gone and the house was infested entirely with demons now up here you find a couple items that don't serve any purpose if anything these items just give you a very Grim reminder of what happened around this house words like prompts like Innocence Lost so to speak and then of course you go back to those brutalist apartments where I eventually found another way down after a few more drops it took me around half an hour of Discovery the warps and and transitions really do throw you for a loop now once I re-sanded this tunnel I found a breaker box and it took me to an abandoned parking lot working my way up through the only staircase brought me to this airport completely empty another liminal space and then of course according to the departure screen it was past 9 am 9pm the flights had ranged all the way from Beijing to Puerto Vallarta with one labeled home and it's interesting to know that the word canceled has been misspelled every single time it's been written the only flight on time here is the one that leads all the way to Dallas what the significance here is I don't know I think it's just designed to be creepy there's a gift shop with nothing the bathrooms were empty except for a female bathroom where you had a hell Zone in and of course if you remember that cheat we talked about earlier that hinted at a big [ __ ] reward it's The BFG 9 thousand I never got it for my playthroughs but uh you can if you try really hard I think there's a certain way of navigating and triggering the encounter where you can pick up the BFG and then just you know use it as a kill all weapon eventually I went all the way to gate four where the plane was uh there I went in found it empty there were oxygen masks hanging all over the aisle basically denoting a depressurized plane I head to the front pulled something in the cabin and triggered an alarm turned down the aisle ran down shot a couple ghosts and then eventually I jumped out onto the ground and at this moment I spawned in the upstairs bedroom in the house and I found that it was actually burned down and nature was trying to reclaim I leave the house I turn around and I notice a for sale sign and then of course I take the exit and it takes me to the under Halls now this is from what I understand the bad ending it happened because I flipped a breaker box remember nothing good comes out of a house fire so of course ladies and gentlemen now it's time for me to go and get that lovely good ending okay and this is where things get really cryptic like we're talking Silent Hill resident evil no no no no I'm joking PT levels of cryptic remember that game from hideo Kojima the game where you had to do like everything imaginable in order to trigger any changes in the loops this game's design actually mirrors PT quite a lot you have to do a lot of cryptic [ __ ] to actually make some progress and if you make some few mistakes you will never get that good ending so make sure you make a lot of saves before you continue through otherwise you're going to be pulling your hair out so to get the good ending I went to the garage I picked up the chainsaw to make my life a whole lot easier I cleared the house of all the enemies grabbed the keys walked out and circled the property and killed everything in the house once again then I went to the attic and this time I pulled down the mirror with the curtain remember that iddqd cheat yeah I I you gotta really read the cheats in order to uh in order to understand what you want to do what you want to be doing in the story so this moment I grabbed the blue skull I head to the top floor powder room because you remove the curtain you actually jump through this window and then you enter the mirror house a brand new area we didn't see before the mirror house is an exact replica of the original house except completely mirrored as you can imagine but going to the attic allows you to grab a new item this bomb looking thing that says Christmas makes me happy going back to the going to the back of the attic showed a baby bottle and a crib with the description it wasn't meant to be I'm assuming a child couldn't be born or the dream of parenting was gone one or the other jumping back through the same window brings you back to the house with a breadcrumb trail of ball pit balls I guess leading you all the way down to the first four bedroom that has a tunnel connecting through the floorboards jumping out of this tunnel takes you to a ball pit that's part of a daycare I mean you got Shrek on the wall there's a play map that every kid has seen literally awaiting you and in this location you got two items that you need to grab crayons that prompt adult coloring books in a baseball prompting autograph by JJ Hardy so once you get these items new door spawns in one of the back rooms that'll take you to the outside where you have a boss battle with Shrek actually I had to put this footage into the editing software raise the gamma levels to make sure that Shrek wasn't wearing a bra and panties I literally thought that Shrek was dressed like he was on the streets for a minute and thank God he wasn't like that okay I don't know why I thought that maybe the darkened silhouette got me a little bit hot and bothered just wanted to mention that for the video so after this I guess boss fight he drops a gate key but before you leave look around the area for a swing set that has a kits toy that prompts shugs so of course you go through this gate now and you end up back of the house go upstairs to the rec room get that soda pop go to the high-end apartment and pick up that milkshake these are all key items you need them now of course at this point you'll notice you only need three more so now here's where the other cryptic stuff begins find every sink in the house turn it on and eventually you should be able to flood the bathtub in the upstairs bathroom once you flood it you can jump and go to the bottom and if you're on a VM like me you'll notice there's a traversal stutter this is kind of denoting a a teleportation a silent teleport which this map heavily relies on to make these Maps seem Dynamic so once you go to the bottom of the bathtub you come back up you'll notice oh [ __ ] the house is flooded so now you work your way down the staircase and eventually to the first floor you look back walk through the water and you'll realize you are now in this pool section so again another I guess reference to the back room's lore but now this moment you'll notice my frame rate drops hard I'm running it in a virtual machine I don't know why it was late at night I figured I'd just isolate gz Doom into its own Windows Virtual Machine wasn't really a smart idea later on in the video I do in fact dig out the save file and just run it natively under Linux anyways but uh yeah if you're worrying about the low frame rate it's not YouTube bugging out it's me so of course this is a tough location and I think the low frame rate explains well because it's not just enemies that this game is spawning at an unhealthy rate it's actually the map size itself is so massive that uh trying to navigate it is is genuinely confusing so again eventually you'll find some shower rooms and you want to eventually get your way to this pool area now in this pool towards the deep end there are five holes you go into the center one work your way through the water until you reach this Heaven section now here you'll find some walkways that are levitated into the air you walk halfway down turn right and walk all the way in this hidden path this invisible like walkway and you pick up a neck you pick up a key item a ring that says I do so of course you work your way back down this hallway and you enter the brutalist apartments again so here if you navigate enough avoid the big dog you'll find the dog bowl you'll find the pumpkin Rick item yeah that's a real item and with the so with some Parkour you'll find the cat food once you find all these three items now you can find that breaker box again jump down a few rabbit holes and work your way to the airport again once you're at the airport you fight the evil bathroom encounter that I missed initially I did not get the BFG 9000 on unfortunately but I did go all the way to the airplane gate four uh you know flick the alert jumped out the back and this time I ended up back in the house except it wasn't actually burned now you can actually leave the house and it won't despawn on you so what do you do next well again in cryptic fashion you go all the way to the back uh yard you can touch the fence interact with it until you eventually find a secret door it'll open up you enter it and you'll get to a new section that I'm going to call the highway now the highway is dark it's going to lag it's going to be confusing but you want to walk down until you eventually find a empty car with the radio running you might recognize the music again we'll get to it a bit too but uh this is where you go down a clearing until you eventually find an empty gas station now again the frame rate is so low here that I just switched it out completely and now it's running super smooth okay I should have done that in the beginning but hey we live in we learn right so of course in this gas station uh the music is relaxing um nobody's there but in the back you'll find a bathroom and a storage room you go to the storage room you pick up a Atari controller and over here it literally will say now it's my turn or it's my turn then you go to the bathroom and then you turn around and Bam you're back in the house so ladies and gentlemen you go out back through the same exit and then of course you go through the highway to the gas station this time you make a hard right then another hard ride head down until you find a clearing in the side of the road that takes you to a campfire now over here you'll find a tree that has the Engravings s and a and you can get one of the endings here if you choose to walk through nothing will happen and this is just one of the endings this isn't a good ending no in order to get the good ending there's something more cryptic you don't walk through here you just unlock the door you head all the way back to the gas station and then you see the car which at this point is just a flashlight you walk all the way down the highway until you see this fence head under the clearing and you'll be back home now if you're pretty astute you'll notice the house is actually mirrored so what do you do you avoid the Demonic presence go to the bathroom upstairs jump through the mirror and get it in a normal house now everything here is Uber [ __ ] okay so you better have a [ __ ] ton of ammo if you want to actually fight these guys Pro tip just have god mode you'll have a great time letting your catharsis go but what you'll want to do is avoid every goddamn demon Force run all the way to the back through the actual entrance which should now be completely open jump through get to the Forest Clearing again sorry the highway once you're in the highway you go down eventually until you get to the gas station again except over at the gas station ladies and gentlemen it's really bad because at this point the game spawns literally every single enemy I think it logistically can in the actual engine your goal here is either fight which I think you can do with the BFG 9000 or run all the way to the hard right to that Forest Clearing where eventually you'll find the campfire again run through the uh open tree and Bam ladies and gentlemen you have gotten the ending a secret is revealed now at this point a dog will be there you'll find sna carved into the sand below and this is the actual ending to the game you might be like damn Buddha it is cryptic and you're right it is but this game really does reward exploration and that's pretty much the key of it nothing in this game is something that you'll be very keen on missing so you'll just really have to experiment and play around with it until you eventually do get to this ending but from what I know there's like four other endings that I haven't even heard about so there is a lot of secrets to discover out of it so let's go back to the map now to understand I threw this map into something known as Slade which allowed me to open up the pk3 file and see how confusing the map actually was and one thing is certain the map is not designed by somebody new to to mapping tools this is probably one of the most intricately designed Doom maps that I've ever seen it's not just a multiple amount of maps it is a singular map with a very clever use of invisible teleportations that allow the entire house to have the illusion of it manipulating constantly so to understand you've got line portals and GZ Dooms engine you've got silent teleports and you've got seamless transitions between multiple areas that effectively give you the idea of an evolving home and of course ladies and gentlemen there are literally a crap ton of permutations that exist in about every area that this map potentially gives you so when it comes to enemy placements and layouts and how those enemies persist well after you kill them it's all the same map and it's all loaded at the same time and there's so many different zones and warps what appears to be and constantly evolving and looping house is really just a carefully designed do map that just has you going between multiple States uh of the same exact house now of course if you use the in-game auto mapping tool you'll probably find out that it's pretty useless because the entire Auto map is set to like full black so even if you use this as a way to locate you can you literally have to go with landmarks and you have to just explore and note things down for yourself now when I looked in the actual files that were part of this mod pack one of them was the actual Journal which if you read through can get kind of paranormally at times it can it can have a lot of paranormal-ish events it it's basically a log of the individual like creating the actual like mod pack day by day and this is where like you can kind of see the ideas of like Creepypastas kind of come into unfortunately I don't really think the journal is all that important I read through a good portion of it and I didn't really find it to be that important to the overall game I think if you're going to get anything worthwhile out of it it's probably the game itself not necessarily the journal section now of course ladies and ladies and gentlemen if you look further into it a few other people that have analyzed this have compared it directly to a book known as the house of leaves which is a documentary novel that effectively focuses on a constantly changing Labyrinth of a home in fact it's even referenced that the actual like House of the end uh where you see the sale sign Davidson Realty for sale the actual name of the family in that book from what I understand is Davidson so again cute references all around the music from what I've been able to understand is actually an MP3 uh version of like a distorted version of a song called Running From Evil this individual is leilan Kirby also known as the caretaker who's been working in ambient music Scapes for quite a long time and their works are quite inspiring the track that was used in this running from Evil from what I understand really does hit on the notes of dementia which do cover a uh basically you'll hear the same song throughout the the track the same piece but obviously the Distortion gets heavier to signify um you know obviously your mind losing the ability to recall or or whatnot so it's it's an interesting piece and of course it's not the only song that was used I think the music it's self just serves its purpose there are moments in time where the sound design gets so good that there are moments where as I was explaining the pool room section the pool section of the house it was constantly getting louder and louder and louder and I wasn't really thinking dementia I was just thinking like the ghosts around me were hunting me down it actually was one of the scariest moments in the entire playthrough for me as I was playing this mod and playing it at two in the morning and listening to that alone definitely made me stay up the rest of the night I'm not even kidding with you it's horror like that little touches like that that do so good that I I just have to like mention it the actual music that was playing in the radio of the car which is apparently known as the most mysterious song on the internet uh apparently it's a recording from the 1980s and nobody really knows anything about this song entirely so looking into like the history behind it obviously that first obituary that I showed you was a bit of a a spoiler there was supposed to be a QR code that you could scan that would give you that obituary and apparently if Steve was to actually have programmed this in the memory of Tom according to these obituaries it seems like both Steve and Tom had both died so realistically how the [ __ ] did Steve programmed this game uh again I don't know if the story was entirely true I have no idea to confirm the debts of Steve and Tom or any of these people whether they actually exist if anything looking at some of these photos they kind of have some photoshop tinge to them as well so it's really hard for me to confirm anything obviously another thing that I can't confirm is the actual you know development of this too for somebody that wasn't like keen on developing maps for 15 plus years and just magically got a doom like map modding Tool uh they created what is in fact one of the more intricate maps that we've seen in Doom modding his history so realistically it seems like somebody created an interesting story a story about lost grief and and really coping with loss and grief coping with death coping with a lot of negative uh trauma that they have dealt with and they've created a video game adaptation of this book all in all all I can really say is this just seems like a very very talented map maker that just decided to create this over the course of what I have to imagine has been years months where they've created an intricate well-designed technical map for Doom with an interesting story about you know an individual that has passed away dealing with honoring them but ultimately creating a game that is a video game adaptation of an amazing book that deals with themes about loss that deals with themes about grief uh you know various various heavy heavy heavy things and they've created a video game version of what is coping and I think that's impressive ladies and gentlemen I think that's absolutely goddamn brilliant to see my house has been called one of the most most uh you know creepy one of the most like uh you know scariest Doom Maps one of the most depressing Doom maps in some cases but I think it's just one of the most impressive Doom maps in terms of what the community is able to come up with this is a game that is as old as me if not older and this community is so alive that they've taken it to the absolute technical edges and created a goddamn Masterpiece out of it ladies and gentlemen hopefully you enjoyed today's video uh if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 388,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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