Myford Super 7 - saddle - glideway material application - part 2 - scraping and alignment

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so this is final product I've relieved it here as you see I put a little bit the blue blue on this not to see the difference so that it is not touching here so that there's really relief and as you can see that the coverage is ok and now also the with the use of this tool you can see how its blunting of the high spots that is the better we're using it's dead of scraping like that so and essentially what I've done is I will glue the turquoise on after prepping it I mean with cleaning properly with brake cleaner with pulling the oil out with the torch with heat with scratching the surface I don't use the two-component not exactly long curing but at least three hours it's what I what I got the two component epoxy pinned it down I mean with them weighted down so that it should be firmly in place of course the best would have been to put it in place but since these are a little bit wider I wanted to have full contact pressing down afterwards of course as a lot of residue glue which I have to take off had to take off which also meant that I had to repaint which is not a big deal anyway you and then of course the next thing would be to scrape it I scraped it and found it it was high here so I stepped scripted that means I scraped first it was also the highest here in this direction and in this direction so had to step it first or if actually first this direction so I took say you do a line here took this five times four times three times two times one time and this I left alone then I do the same here just take a look for like that took that photo no three times two times one times and left that alone then of course what you have to do is that you have to alter the direction so we take the first scrape here in that direction and then you alternate take one plus two whoops one plus two plus three and four and five and the same when you go this way like that and then of course doing it testing it very sweeping until I got the correct bearing and we find that and then I made the relief in the middle here which is deeper than this so this will rest on four pads not wobble about the finished outside or that in there I have to turn it don't take this one so under measure the plan dental to get this level all to the reference plane here what will be obvious is that the scraping marks here are deeper see how it fluctuates [Music] two or three hundred so a millimeter or these two so here I am a little bit into the scraping process might actually zoom in cold today it's a little bit of an area over here where it doesn't cover and then I put the relief in here also and then corrected there so I got the correct towing and toe in ankle so that it's when you when you face that toes in with about 1,000 sore let's say one hundredth of a millimeter that is 2,000 talked smoothly in so you get a hollow shaped on what you put your face so this is my very awkward setup from measuring the toe in and to be able to measure without having a faceplate available I have mounted and a square here and normal machinist square just talked down the disciple here and then measure against the flat of this little bit awkward but it functions and then I put all groups in of course I had to read with the holes and after the because I forgot to - well the glue entered there so I had to read every hole but lastly put all groups in and the main kind of a scooping tool so very high-tech okay doesn't take long so if you need to hear ozone then cut the pulse over there I'm satisfied I'll do the same on the this wood turk white the rear seam here I think so every every and I did it also on the same that goes here of course you so scraping the gibb the front cab gluing it up and you can use the same technique as you use on pieces that they shall Center 30% in and it's not that bad coverage Scheider it's a little bit more than we'll use it every surface that writes on the bed will be targeted and now of course the accuracies is it's okay after all this work so essentially after step scraping it and now finished scraping I have if I zero the indicator over here maybe half a song or something here which is okay deviation you see is of course the scraping marks so it's essentially zero over the entire length if we move it to the other side okay so this is low but it is fairly consistent scraped the rear here a little bit like that and then measure against the flat of this so over distance over 15 or 12 centimeters own it went for hundreds which might be a little bit too much so I might take it a little bit down here again with the scraping but you get the point I open with okay coverage okay so far so good runs freely up and down I went this is just shut up they will type still fitted but then you hold the old halter and then I just fitted some you felts
Channel: Jan Sverre Haugjord
Views: 10,197
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Id: UFi85Fq5KNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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