HBM45 - table underside - scraping and measuring

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this is the one of the ways on the on the side of the table after a cross scrape here also it means one script that way and the other script that way um more or less the same as i did on the other side it's in overall flatness quite okay but as you see here when you come to the surface of course rough still so i have to go deeper down also this side with a kind of a ridge um if we see here it if you move here on each side of this especially on this side there is a distinct high level and in general on this side also one low here and this needs to go of course it's also actually evident if you see here i've stoned it so you see some high spots here in general the other side is higher but this was quite rough in comparison with the other side really i must say so uh not very satisfactory yet it's quite a lot of tweaking i guess and if i shall take it down to the same level as the other side which is two three four hundreds lower i will need some well i estimate or guesstimate at least 20 passes at least 15 passes using a toothbrush to clean meticulously here because one speck of dirt will flow your measurement i put under a one hundredth of a millimeter shim you can easily hear that so even the tiniest speck must be taken away otherwise you will get that clunk feeling or sound scrape a little bit on the table as you can see on this side i have one two three four five six cross passes and now it begins to even out with regards to to spotting um the area that is low over at the end here is still low but not so much it actually corresponds with the depth of the call it the valley here then this machining full yeah some somehow they managed to make a valley a stripe actually along the length of the machine there i know the table sits flat because i checked it lengthwise and the blue spots here they corresponding in height it's not a zero on the blue spot here i can go down the valley you can see that it's about two three hundredths slow there creeping up again well this is low actually but here i am almost up to zero again so um going a bit down here i'm actually a bit plus zero here but a bit plus here so i know that the table is sitting flat now on these uh parallels so i can zero here on in on one of the blue spots here and i can measure that i'm low here by well say two hundredths of a millimeter and going up again here zero and the same repeats itself over here almost and up again and uh over here the very far end here uh the same reading minus but more all over so two hundreds so i have still 200 to go really before i'm really done with that and get this to cover so the tens cross grapes that is a little bit more i'm down to one minus and that corresponds to the to the groove here while the other the blue spots are about zero or maybe half just above so all together even within the total it's covering quite well except for the outer let's say [Music] five centimeters which is still only one hundredths of a millimeter shy i'm tempted to leave it soon just um having mark that i know that i'm within uh well i'm very close and now the rest is also the ridge is still there but it's now everything is now within uh plus minus 100 so that's four tenths uh for the majority is closer also but to get this is four tenths so the dovetail ways were of course great measured and tested and together with the table and used all the different available methods previously discussed and now all that is left is to mount the table and test it in situ so to speak um this will be another video or two
Channel: Jan Sverre Haugjord
Views: 277
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uKtt1X-V6jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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