My Whole Family Eats with Their Hands

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hello everyone my name is libby and i live in a family where everyone eats with their hands this may seem terribly strange to some but until recently i thought that eating with hands is normal for many people however after one incident i realized that this is not the case but i'll start with a little story about my family my parents are from india and it was customary for them to eat with their hands but when they moved to seattle they didn't change their habits moreover when i was born they taught me to eat with my hands from an early age my parents showed their example on how to do it correctly as a child i loved it because i felt special since i had been studying at home for a long time due to poor health no one saw me eating with my hands my parents told me it was nothing special and i believed them but everything changed when i received an invitation to study at a private school i made great strides in distance learning and the teachers were delighted with my progress but i could not even think that i would be invited to study at an elite private school my parents were incredibly happy about it i was terrified that i wouldn't be able to make friends with anyone but to my surprise i quickly found friends at school and i even managed to fall in love with my classmate adam i was in seventh heaven with happiness when adam invited me and a few of his friends to a restaurant for his birthday i put on my prettiest dress and went to the party hoping that adam would like me when we sat down at the table i started eating with my hands out of habit not thinking that it looked strange noticing the surprise looks from everyone i just smiled i was handed a fork and knife but i refused them and continued to take food with my hands then the waiter came up to us and asked if we were all right he asked me to take the cutlery but i refused i didn't understand why i couldn't eat the way i was comfortable and used to a few minutes later the administrator came up to us and said that our table confused many visitors he asked us to leave i didn't like it so much that i began to argue with him defending my opinion as a result it came to the point that the security literally pushed us out of the restaurant the mood of everyone was just disgusted and adam didn't want to even look in my direction we walked home in silence i felt just awful because i ruined the party for a boy i really liked when i went home in tears i ran to my room i didn't want to talk to anyone i thought that this evening would be special for me but in the end it turned out to be a real disaster surely adam would no longer want to talk to me and would consider me an idiot at that moment i realized how stupid i looked at the restaurant everyone had cutlery in their hands and i alone did not behave as expected i felt incredibly ashamed and sad at the same time all my life i thought that eating with my hands was normal but in the end everything turned out differently because of this incident i had absolutely no desire to appear at school i went there thinking about how everyone would laugh at me and call me names but something happened that i did not expect at all adam came up to me and asked how i was doing i was shocked at first and didn't even know how to answer and then i began to justify myself to him and apologize for a long time adam said that he was willing to help me learn how to use cutlery so that such incidents would not happen to me again i admired his gentlemanliness and it seems i fell in love with him even more adam explained to me that eating with your hands is not only uncivilized but also unhygienic when we were in the dining room he handed me forks and spoons and i tried to learn to eat with them although i was incredibly uncomfortable and it was unusual however i tried for adam's sake perhaps not all was lost and he might even have liked me but all of my dreams were shattered when i happened to witness a conversation between adam and his mom it turned out that she was the owner of that restaurant and on the same evening she was reported to about the unacceptable behavior of the guests in her establishment from their conversation i realized that it was on her tip that adam was still communicating with me and trying to teach me how to use cutlery but this surprised me not so much as the fact that adam was ashamed to be with me all this time it bothered him that our classmates took a dim view of us knowing about the situation in the restaurant to this his mother said that cave people need to be taught culture otherwise they will still frighten everyone with their behavior and she did not want a repetition of that situation in her decent establishment adam agreed with her and they left my heart sank into my heels and a huge disappointment overtook me not only did adam communicate with me only because his mother asked him to but they also considered my family to be cavemen when i got home i burst into tears my heart was broken and torn to pieces i didn't think people could be so hypocritical and cruel adam seemed to me a handsome prince on a white horse but in the end he turned out to be a real monster this was not the end of my misfortunes that day in the evening my mother came to my room she being in a panic said that dad was admitted to the hospital with an intestinal infection the news hit me so hard that i literally froze when we arrived at the hospital dad literally was like a ghost he felt terrible and spoke poorly the doctor explained that he was severely dehydrated unfortunately the forecasts were disappointing he also warned us that the disease is contagious and perhaps my mother and i could also be carriers of the infection we were strongly advised to stay here to get all the tests and to get checked out of course my mother and i agreed i had hoped that this infection had passed us by but i was wrong as a result the test showed that both my mother and i had the same intestinal infection as my father we were immediately placed in a ward isolated from all other patients we didn't understand how this could have happened however we quickly got an answer to our question when my dad asked for help he managed to tell doctors that he usually eats food with his hands most likely at some point he washed them poorly and the harmful bacteria enter the body along with his food and if mom and i were feeling good then dad got worse and worse every day the doctor warned us that we could prepare for the worst because the disease had already progressed all my thoughts about school about adam and my own shame instantly became so insignificant i was very worried about my father and hoped that he would be able to recover my mother lost all of her joy she was constantly crying and couldn't calm down for several days we waited for at least some news and then one day a doctor came to our room he looked very agitated and worried we were already afraid that he was going to tell us the bad news but the doctor made us happy saying that my father was on the mend you can't imagine the weight that fell off my shoulders i'd never been so happy as i was at that moment however we'd not been allowed to see him saying that now my father needs rest having come to our senses a little my mother and i began to discuss that we still have to learn how to eat with spoons and forks a repeat of this situation was very dangerous for our family a few days later we were finally allowed to see my father he like us was transferred from isolation to a regular ward i was a little horrified when i saw him he was pale very thin and weak but i was incredibly glad that he was still alive a week later we were discharged and i immediately went to school i was afraid that they would continue to take a dim view of me but fortunately this did not happen probably many people had already forgotten about the incident that happened in the restaurant adam came up to me and asked me how i was feeling i replied that his hypocritical and soulless majesty did not need to bother communicating with the caveman i will never forget his shocked face at that moment i was very glad that i was able to put him in his place and no longer feel like a narrow-minded girl compared to him how would you feel if you saw a girl eating with her hands write your opinions in the comments if you liked the video please click on the thumbs up button and share it with your friends
Channel: Meet My Story
Views: 142,008
Rating: 4.8312979 out of 5
Keywords: life stories, personal stories, story, experience, animation, short film, stories, animated stories, real life, Eat with hands, not normal, family, India, from India, private school, fell in love, classmate, traditions, wild, infection, got sick
Id: BbzwcQ3Vv_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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