My Vietnam War Helmet Collection

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hello it is rocking military antiques here it's been a very long time I uh took a bit of a break from militaria which is why in this video most of the things I'll be showing if you watched me before will be new I've only kept like two things uh two helmets that is from before so they'll be in here but not quite yet um depending on how I'm feeling I'm probably going to get back into posting more military stuff um got a package coming in so next video will probably be about my World War II German collection for a little bit of a spoiler there but let's get to it so this is the first helmet I was going to show off um it's later pretty good at conditioning here stuff like that I got this one for about a hundred bucks which is pretty good and you can notice graffti which I'm going to get to in a second but of course missing the nape strap that's a constant theme I don't think I have a single nape strap they're just always gone but I don't really care cuz they're not really that important obviously um story goes with this one is that it was found at a veteran estate which is you know a common story try not to trust them too much but this one seems to have been together a while so I don't mind liner dated 67 uh I can't quite remember what the covers dated but it's an earlier one uh maybe 65 but for the starters on the graffiti we've got couple of cartoonish looking eyes if my camera would focus maybe that's as good as it's going to get oh great well cartoonish looking eyes right there you've got a p symbol on the side this kind of threw me off when I was looking to buy it cuz typically you know it's it's kind of a red flag when you see such stereotypical stuff like that on there it kind of makes me think that this might have been done postwar by the veteran this stuff but who knows now my favorite one my favorite part is the lions tigers and bears oh my on the back cuz that's from Wizard of Oz and who hasn't seen The Wizard of Oz uh nothing on this side but I do really like that graffiti on the back there that's mainly why I picked it up I just think it's creative next helmet by the way I've got about 11 of these technically I have 12 but one of them's junk uh so I don't really show it off next one here I've got a I believe this is also a 65 cover Airborne helmet you can see by the straps here um I've been looking to get a replacement liner cuz this one is an 80s liner which I did not recognize when I saw it online where I bought it but you know any Airborne liner is probably better than none uh obviously chin straps really good condition there's some this cover is really beat by the way and this one I always try to watch out for fake aged covers cuz you know you come across them a lot if you're buying this type of stuff but uh this one looks good to me cuz it's a lot less worn on the inside and um you can kind of see this helmet is also like obviously it's an Airborne helmet because of these it's got some tape with a name on the back but I'm probably not going to take the whole cover off for this uh you can see the remains of some friction tape in here which is pretty common with the uh airborne troops put friction tape in just so the liner doesn't slip out stuff like that and the clubs graffiti on the sides makes me think that this is from the I believe it's the 237th infantry Brigade because if you watched Band of Brothers and stuff like that you know that the uh 506 had the spade and they had you know all four suits they had Hearts Spades uh clubs and diamonds but these guys would just be the clubs so not a bad helmet harder to get airborne shells than liners from what I can tell so I've got one set myself up this one I really like I believe this one's a later is cover I think it's 67 but this one has graffiti which I love most of them have graffiti um cuz I've kind of been picking choosing which what I get you got the main graffiti on the front Val Anna and I'm pretty sure pretty convinced that these two are a pair the band and the even though they have separate names I'm thinking this is a sweetheart name but they both have the two little lines coming off of the words cuz Anna's right here again you can see the two little lines coming off of it as well as what I'm assuming is this last name first name I could have it backwards obviously but first name I'm assuming is Val and last I'm assuming is poco which is across the sides and back of the helmet obviously can't be too sure if the liner came with it because there's no name but it definitely saw use cuz the front of it is super stained and cracked up from sweat I don't believe there's anything written on this no uh original chin straps and this one is an earlier cover so it has you know the the lower Loops to you know that didn't allow for a lot of room on the chin straps and this guy decided not to cut holes he just said screw it and bunched up the cover around him and uh interestingly you know he has the the text side of the band facing outwards which I've seen a couple times so not really too odd let me see if I can reach over and grab this one this one's more one of my more beat up ones you can see the cover kind of fraying at the front here which I love uh this one has graffiti as well but it's kind of all messed up um I believe that says H as in h u l e but I I can't be sure the only other graffiti find on here is this right up here which is completely gone I can't read it um Korean War cuz you can see the green on the uh chin strap Bales there for the uh for the shell that is the cover is an early twill one I believe it's 64 um more stuff colored out in here which I'm not sure if the green marker was supposed to highlight it at some point or it was meant to be covered up I'm not sure this one's a pretty nice set this this one has the uh holes cut for the Bales I believe right there I like it I especially like in the cover and uh shell have been together a long time cuz the cover is like really hesitant to even come off the shell so I haven't I haven't taken it off I don't know what's underneath it uh I don't want to push it nothing like that so I'll put this one off to the side next one's a pretty salty one another twill cover so pretty early uh we got more n chin straps a band with Woods written on it which you'll tell pretty quickly that this is a put together shell because you have Woods out here then you have somewhere on here yeah there it is you have oh man you can barely see it but there's a name written on the sweatband right there and then there's a name written on the liner itself somewhere which I can't remember where no actual graffiti on this one it's pretty standard but I picked it up because I thought it looked really nice and like you know worn which I like a lot I like more worn and beat up helmets over the uh newer looking like NOS one stuff like that put this one down here as well another pretty beat looking one this one is a canvas style cover but it's is still quite early um on a World War II schlutter shell rear seam though we've got I didn't want to mess with the chin straps you know making them like extending them or anything to Loop them around the back I just take it how they come uh so let leave them like that 73 dated sweatband and it looks relatively new so I'm pretty sure that was swapped out but other than that uh it's a pretty good lid swivel Bales obviously you know rear seam thought this one looks pretty nice and salty as well so I picked it up um you can obviously tell the difference here with you know the Siz of the shells the World War II shells were a little larger than the Vietnam arade shells so this one definitely looks a lot taller than the other ones and I believe schutter shells were even bigger than the mord ones so this one's a special one this one's probably my favorite uh this is a uh World War II shell I believe it's a front seene mord but we have a pretty good liner in here I think this is a 70 dated sweatband um but the real you know the real treasure here is the cover because you know it's seen some wear and all that and the writing looks old and Faded enough to convince me that it's real um there's a lot of graffiti on here there's like a lot of it's illegible you can see a bunch of stuff written down the uh seam of the cover there you have kiss my ass written right there which is a classic an arrow pointed home with the P sign right there which is you know again I don't know how I managed to get my hands on two of those uh the clearest of the graffiti is on the back which reads Every Man's war is here and I'm not quite sure what that means but you know it it looks cool so this as far as I can tell is the only surface of the entire helmet that does not have something on it cuz oh no I think there's something right there but there's there's a ton of stuff across the top sides everything a lot of it is unfortunately too faded to read like I said but was more than happy to pick this up I thought there was a lot less graffiti on it I got it on eBay and then when it showed up I was pleasantly surprised so next up this one's one of my original ones well I mean like they're all original helmets but this one I've had for a long time and was in my other videos um this right here graffitied with the guy's name this is a later cover I believe and this is definitely a put together cuz you know I've got the I mean a lot of people had the black liners and all that but the dates are all over the place which is typically a bad sign so cover with the cut for the Bales uh this is also a late World War II shell but I believe this one is mord uh it has the World War II straps with the Vietnam to Korea or Korea to Vietnam Hardware so I'm guessing it just broke off or rusted or something andless repl placed instead of scrapping the whole chin strap but I heard somewhere from a buddy that this serial number underneath the name is a World War II um National Guard serial number so this guy might be like a lifer or something like that and you know he was in there and stayed in up until you know they issued these Mitchell covers this one's also pretty be but I'm pretty sure this one's just wear from you know it being as old as it is oh wow this one's the last one with a cover on it this one's pretty bland looking not especially salty it's got a name on the uh band here which I believe is on both sides of it it's a lot more faded on this side but we've got a Korean War shell or at least Korean or chin straps because of the green pretty good condition and a nice looking liner which I might have a name nope sorry I'm thinking of a different one I guess but you know I'll dated around the same time this one also has a cut no it doesn't my bad and that one's pretty easy to you know pass over we have this next one which from what I can tell is a uh like inter War type thing like between Korea and Vietnam CU you've got the green hardware and stuff but it still has been repainted so I think it might have been made inter a war but repainted for Vietnam something of the like uh both of these things are repainted you can tell that has multiple coats of paint on it um Korean War liner because it's got the uh this is actually the only helmet I have I think with a nape strap in it which is funny there is a there was a name written here somewhere there's lettering some places oh it's behind that which is really hard to see but I took it off at some point to look at it and uh oh and there's another one so another put together I forgot about that this was the one with two names but it is a second Lieutenant's helmet and the reflective kind of paint if you can see it you know threw me off at first because you're not really you know it's probably not a good idea to have anything reflective on your helmet especially if you're an officer but uh I was told it looked good by a couple of friends so you know why not it isn't really cost me that much either and the last one is this helmet I've had forever this is a really beat up M1 helmet you can already probably see some of the graffiti but this is a Vietnam made former Navy fire helmet you can kind of see it in here the red paint underneath and there's more you can see on the top of the shell on the inside this is an Air Force helmet belonging to a staff sergeant Parker uh he's got graffiti all over this thing I'm not sure exactly what that is but you've got lightning bolts uh this are the symbol of a band called the Blue Oyster Cult which I had no idea what it was and his name written inside the shell which is pretty common of this type of thing they'll write the name in the side of the shell uh the only thing is 926 tactical Fighter Group which is what that 926 TFG means was not called that until 1976 so this is a post-war um helmet like well you know at least he wrote that in there postwar which is cool I mean I still still like graffiti it kind of surprised me that you know even right after Vietnam or something they didn't tighten up their restrictions with riding stuff on you know your helmets cuz that obviously was a way of showing you know disdain for what you were doing and the military didn't really like that but uh that's the last one I've got them all stacked up right here well most of them at least and the rest of them were laying right up there with a bunch of my other helmets and all that but uh yep I'll get that all set back up uh and when that package comes in I'll do a video on My World War II German
Channel: Rockingham Military Antiques
Views: 2,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 33yVl__n3aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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