My VHS Collection (Why I Collect Old Tapes)

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I'm a '90s kid and my parents were teenagers in the late 80s and early '90s so naturally growing up we had a lot of VHS tapes in the house we were a movie Family that was our language that's how we spent our quality time together we had tons of tapes and it feels to me like every time I to this day pop a VHS tape in it it's like a time machine that takes me back to when I was a kid and even a teenager cuz even even though when I was a teenager everybody else had already you know shifted away from VHS to DVDs and we had DVDs in our house for sure but I kept hold of our VCR they used to be in the living room back in the day and I would still watch VHS tapes specifically there was a VHS tape of Back to the Future that I always had in that pretty much watched that movie every day I think for all of probably sophomore year and it got to the the point where the VCR had to be repaired or I really just cleaned I used to have to take like rubbing alcohol and Q-tips and just clean it like once a week and I loved it and when I got my own place grew up moved out I started to collect VHS tapes again and so I I would go to Goodwill or City Thrift or any sort of like thrift stores around even the library bookstore would have them and I just collected them for for for a few years there before Co and I I've amassed over 160 and I just figured it'd be fun to kind of go down that Nostalgia Lane for a bit with you guys and talk about some of the tapes in the collection like I said I have over 160 of them so I am not going to obviously go through all 160 right now um but I have a selection I I decided not to go just here's horror for this video and then in another video do whatever so I figured I would just do kind of a hodgepodge of of of tapes from different genres and figured I would start with what's in the backdrop over here so let me grab that well we'll start with the Kevin Smith section here I love the smell of Commerce in the morning so M rats marats marats Mor rats that's yeah that's my favorite movie of all time uh I agree with uh KP yfm Morning Show Detroit you'll laugh your ass off yeah I mean it's funny because I know Kevin Smith at least for a long time would joke about this movie because it was it was a bomb you know he came out with clerks he was an indie darling and then he comes out with this movie and it just completely does not do what he expected it to do but he even tells you that like it found its audience and you know that audience apparently was me as a child now this is a newer newer to me copy at least what's funny is this has no previews on it like when you pop it in like the movie just starts right up that kid is back on the escalator again leave it alone what but it's not the copy I had growing up this is a different one cuz I this I did not have the slip cover anymore from the one when I was a kid but the original tape is right here this is the original tape that I watched all the time growing up this is the one that got me into movies that this the whole reason I went to film school it's the whole reason my uh screenwriting Professor laughed at me when I said my favorite movie uh was was morat's I was going to propose to her where the universal tour you're kidding what part when Jaws pops out of the water that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard and I think another reason I really love VHS tapes is it just feels tangible there's a tangibility to it this analog format you put it in and you see it you know it's not this the most clear image I mean some movies are just straight up kind of awful to watch on VHS because of the crop that they would do back in the day formatting it to fit your uh to fit your TV but you know it's there's just something tangible about it it feels real like I don't know so many movies today just feel so digital and just squeaky clean and so to pop something in like this it just feels so tangible and real Dogma is is straight up it's super interesting because I did not really grow up religious um I didn't really start going to church until after I had my kid Christ didn't come to Earth to give us the Willies he came to help us out and you know I'm not really going to talk about religion that's not what we're here to talk about we're here to talk about movies but it's really interesting knowing Kevin Smith's background growing up uh Catholic and everything and then making this movie it is such a great movie and it's so um such an interesting combination cuz it cuz it goes there dramatically you know but it also is hilarious I mean it's it's got J and Silent Bob showing up thinking they're going to Shermer Illinois there is no Shermer in Illinois we could live like fat rats if we the blunt Connection in Shermer Illinois I mean literally look at this cast though man Ben affle Matt Damon Selma hyek it's my dream girl when I was when I was a kid Jason Lee is one of my favorite actors of all time as you can tell from all rats this is for Brody yeah Chris Rock in here George Carlin Alan Rickman I mean this is like Allstar caliber cast right here in this movie that like has this really important message that we all can play a purpose we all have a purpose in life and even you know even if you feel down even if you feel like you've lost your way like you have a purpose you have a place it's really really one of my favorites now this one's funny um cuz you would think I have clerks but I don't actually have clerks now this one Jan St Bob Strike Back is one that's funny I remember my aunt told me this is the only movie she's ever walked out of in the theater but I love this movie it's it's so stupid it's ridiculous but got to love it all right so next up we're going to talk about Halloween let's let's get into it I mean this is this is what we're looking at here um so so Halloween got the first one got Halloween 2 Halloween 2 got Halloween 3 this one's starting to come out of the case a little bit there Halloween 3 the uh controversial as it were Halloween 3 still love this movie um I remember growing up my my dad was like that one doesn't even have Michael in it it's still great it's still great and then Halloween 4 Halloween four and Halloween five another one that some people think is pretty silly but I think it's pretty cool um I will eventually probably do a ranking on on on these movies but I will say Obviously Halloween is arguably the best one of the best uh horror movies of all time so argue with your mama on that one but it is it is is I mean it's incredible come on John Carpenter's Halloween is the Pinnacle of slasher movies and this is one of the ones I was saying that it's hard cuz you know when you put this one on on VHS you really miss out on a lot of that stuff it was really hard to see like Michael driving the car or some of the Shadow stuff it's actually kind of hard to make out on VHS so while it's cool to have on VHS definitely uh it really isn't one that I throw on regular regular l ly on VHS um but this one Halloween 4 it this opening is like the most fall Vibes you will ever experience in your life is just putting this on it could be 100° outside in the middle of July but you put this on and I like to put it on on VHS and you just get that it's it's you get that kind of grain and that VHS Vibe going on with all that fall aesthetic oh it's it's perfection it's Perfection um what's funny is I don't have Halloween 6 on VHS which is controversially probably my favorite sequel or it's up there it it changes it's fun it's always fun when they have the uh the the behind the scenes featurettes on here stay tuned after the feature for a special message super cool so I have scream right here and it is Sensational to terrific entertainment clever hip and scary um absolutely absolutely love this movie I know some people um there are there are a fair amount of people that aren't super big fans of the screen movies um they think they're too meta there are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie I love them I think they're fantastic I don't think there is a bad screen movie I think they're all great but what's funny and these are fun to have on VHS cuz they're so 90s you know what I mean um but what's fun is is part two came out so soon after part one there's actually a preview for part two on the part one VHS coming soon to theaters Let's Get Down the business the way I see it someone's out to make a sequel you know cash in on all the movie murder hoopla so it's our job to observe the rules of the sequence again I'll probably do a ranking if if you guys want me to do rankings of like the big um horror franchises let me know because I will I will happily do that if that is something y'all are interested in all right so let's move on to the stuff that's not in the backdrop okay I kind of missed one that's in the backdrop you can't really tell I just actually found it because Halloween 5 had fallen behind there and when I went to go find it from behind the shelves um I actually found Legend now Legend is I mean it's it's so good Tim Curry oo so good in this and it just has this really kind of majestic feel that like on VHS does feel so it feels extra fantasy to me all right so next we're going to get into some drama now I'm only going to show you a couple cuz honestly I was looking at my collection and it's like 2third of it are just horror and comedy and then the rest of it is like a lot of kids movies and then some drama and then uh a lot of sports movies so we'll get into that maybe in another video um but we'll start out in our little drama section here with a movie called Riding in Cars with Boys now this is a movie that I don't hear a lot of people talk about but it is arguably I think Drew Barrymore's best performance in a movie ever and it is honestly a the performance of a career for Steve Z like it's this is definitely one that will make you cry but it's just such a great story about Parenthood and it's like so so so well acted Britney Murphy in this movie is in just incredible uh every like literally every character in this is such a standout like everyone does such a good job and you know it's it's it's definitely one of those movies that was a staple in my house growing up and if you guys love this movie let me know in the comments cuz literally nobody talk talks about this movie and it is it is one of my favorites of all time this is an all-timer right here all-timer performances through and through you got some Everly Brothers music in there to really really take it home you've got I mean there's a line in here that Steve Z says like when he has to leave right when Drew Barrymore tells him to leave and he he tells his son you're going to hear a lot of bad things about me but only two of the three things are going to be right so when you you hear something that's that's really really bad you try to think that that's the one time that that they're wrong okay one of the most heartbreaking moments in a movie and this is this is a staple this is a staple for sure all right and last but not least in in our little drama section here even though okay this is Forest gum obviously everyone knows everyone loves Forest gum I'm glad I have this one on VHS this is such a such such such a great movie um I would argue this and I tell people this when they ask me what my favorite movie is I go well my favorite movie is Metts but in my opinion the best movie ever made technically for me is Forest gum it is such a great story uh I mean like maybe the performance of a lifetime from Tom Hanks and I mean come on Lieutenant Dan in this as well like this this is one that like it it pushed the boundaries of tech technology at the time it's every single every single character in this is acted to Perfection it's super quotable it's there's action there's drama there's comedy and it's weird that when you look this up it's categorized as a comedy romance and it has those but it it has like kind of everything it's I mean it's to me this is literally this is a perfect movie all right next up we're going to get into some 80s stuff I have have a fair amount of 80s stuff so I'm going to kind of take it little by little here but I was just going to show you some of my favorite stuff that I have from the'80s on VHS now got to talk about Bill and's excellent adventure guys come on Bill and's Excellent Adventure it's a freaking classic that's where I get my whole sign off from at the end of every video be excellent to each other this is one that I you know I grew up watching this and Bogus Journey I'm kind of more partial to Bogus Journey To be honest with you but I do love both of them and I think that Alex witer and C re it's I mean come on you got George Carlin as Rufus I mean this is like it's a it's a banger it's a banger of a movie it's hilarious it's fun we're having a good time Bill strange things are a foot at the Circle K it's it's one of those Goodtime movies and and these are Goodtime characters and I mean who doesn't love Bill and T's Excellent Adventure I mean come on if you don't like Bill and T's Excellent Adventure I don't even know what to tell you man I don't even know what to tell you you don't like you just can't be fun at parties if you don't like Bill and T's Excellent Adventure or maybe you just don't like silly movies but I love silly movies speaking of silly just kidding this is uh better off dead John qak no one really talks about this movie but this is one of my favorite 80s movies by far it has this like heightened sense of reality to it it's it's very uh like I said heightened it feels not really like reality but you're have it's really I mean it's about as much fun as you can have in a movie that's about a guy who's trying to kill himself every two seconds um but it's one that if you haven't seen this movie I highly highly recommend you watch this movie it is easily I don't know about easily but it is arguably my favorite John qac moment in a movie but definitely check this one out if you haven't definitely check this one out if you have it and if you have share your love in the comments All right you got to talk about the Pinnacle of teen movies The Pinnacle you got to talk about The Breakfast Club I mean this is one that you know I think it says 1985 and I think okay so this VHS is actually from 1990 so it's still older than me but um yeah I mean it's I mean literally written directed by John Hughes like like my parents were teenagers in the 80s like this is like this is the Pinnacle of the Teen Movie It Again perfectly cast everybody does such a great job and I somehow managed to marry a woman who is an exact combination of Molly ring and Ali shidi in this movie so living the dream over here but I mean it's another one that I would probably categorize as a perfect movie it it has like a great message about how we're all you know more likee than we think we have more in common and how hard life can be and especially when you're at that young age where you're kind of going through it you're you're changing a lot the future is heading right at you and you got to figure a lot out about your life and you're in high school and you're all it's all tribal right you're all in your own little your own little uh groups and uh I mean what can I say about The Breakfast Club that hasn't already been said I mean it's it's the one you know it's the Teen Movie now speaking of that back to the future I was talking about earlier this isn't the one because this is an actually unopened copy from 1995 an unopened copy of Back to the Future yeah this one um this is another one I would say is a perfect movie I mean it it just is it's a movie for all ages a wonderful Fantasy A delectable comedy according to the uh quotes on on the back here it I mean it's it's it's the one that I watched every day all of sophomore year in high school it's it's the movie I mean it's like perfectly like again perfectly cast even though like it started out with was it Eric STL instead of Michael J fox and wasn't Jeff gold booom or somebody even in talks or or yeah in talks or even audition for Doc Brown but I mean come on Michael J fox Christopher Lloyd chrisen Glover Leah Thompson directed by Robert zus who I think is like before he got into all the Beowolf stuff was and I think is one of the most underrated directors of all time I I love zamus and this movie again it's a perfect movie it's got a perfect story it's so iconic the design of everything is Iconic the character outfits to the DeLorean to the clock tower the art design and costuming on this movie the soundtrack and score to this movie it I mean it's just again I mean like there's there's absolutely zero faults with this movie it is man this is definitely a top five movie of all time I think for me for sure for sure so now we're going to Pivot to some kind of family kids movies from my childhood that uh I love and that I'm happy to have on VHS here one of them is a movie called good boy now this is a movie that again it's another one I don't really hear people talk about too much but I mean it it it's basically a movie about how dogs are aliens from another planet and a representative from that planet voiced by Matthew bradrick uh comes down gets adopted by this boy who who just wants a dog so bad gets named Hubble and uh he finds out that uh dogs don't run the planet and so they have to try to work with this group of other uh dogs here that our main character walks in order to try to convince the greater Dane when she comes to visit that the dogs are running the planet it is super super funny it's just a good time just a good time check it out if you haven't and if you have again let me know what you think about that one down in the comments all right now this this tape is a little worse for wear or at least the slip cover is Small Soldiers yeah this is definitely one that I I loved growing up if you know it's the most probably '90s boy movie you could imagine and it's uh directed by Joe Dante which I just learned the director of Gremlins and the howling and the BS among others and uh but that makes sense little little kind of creatures running around so that tracks um yeah this is like just one where it's like you ask any Millennial guy about this movie and they're going to say it rules like this is like Banger of a movie even more of a banger now that I know that Joe Dante directed it that's awesome so uh check that one out if you haven't for sure now next up we have the page master page master now this one might might be able to credit this one for me getting into horror movies when I was when I was younger um but yeah I mean this is one where a kind of fearful how do they describe it yeah timid Richard Tyler played mccol culen finds refuge in a library and ends up becoming animated and going on an adventure through the library with V with books that are based on various different genres of literature and they have to find their way to the exit sign and it's just so good I mean gu uh Bishop from parent to parent magazine said it's a hit it's The Wizard of Oz for the 9s I don't know if I'd say that but I would say it is one of my favorite movies from the 9s and it has a feel to it it's so nostalgic for me you got Christopher Lloyd again I am the page master Keeper of the books and guardian of the written word it just is a great combination I mean it literally go you go through the genres you got action you got horror you got fantasy and it specifically that that jacel and Hyde scene in the in in the horror section was pivotal pivotal for me uh getting into horror when I was younger for sure for sure love love love this movie all right what we got next we got Matilda so this is one that I would consider this an all-timer for me there's something about the vibe of this movie I think Danny DeVito did such a good job with this movie he directed it in it he played the dad in it and he does the voiceover and that voiceover has such like that voiceover almost feels like home to me that's that might sound kind of weird to say but like there's a vibe to this movie that just feels so cozy to me and Matilda found to her great surprise that life would be fun and she decided to have as much of it as possible and you know it's that combination of his voice over with the score with the uh just the acting in it is so good and um I mean just it has a vibe to it that just makes me feel so nostalgic everything time I put it on and I like the new one the new musical on Netflix I thought it was good but this one will always hold a special place in my heart for sure and it's fun to have this fun to have this on VHS from 96 got the big clamshell case for it it's uh yeah mhm man it's hard to say like put into words when when movies are just like ingrained in your brain like that you you know what I mean and this is one of those movies that is for sure ingrained deep deep deep in my brain and from the soundtrack to the acting of Miss honey and trunch and uh obviously Danny DeVito and uh and and R pman but it is it just means a lot to me it's one those it's like one of those movies that just means a lot to me and um I'll always love this movie and it's one that I'm going to share with my kids and everything and you just it it just it's one of those movies you know it's just one of those okay so I was looking at my movies and I realized that I'm a really big Adam Sandler fan and I feel like that's pretty obvious uh being a millennial guy that I would be an Adam Sandler fan but I didn't realize I had all of these all of these on VHS so we can kind of run through them not in any uh particular order all right so now 51st dates everybody loves 51st dates it is pretty iconic I would say it's probably one of his more iconic uh movies even though kind of in that it was after that 90s run because it's like what 2004 2003 yeah 2004 I believe um which is kind of wild that this is on VHS this is probably towards the end end of the VHS era um but but you know this movie you love this movie it's it's heartwarming it's hilarious oh that's fun look at that previously uh previously viewed movie from uh from Hollywood Video if you can see that from Hollywood Video that's fun yeah Adam Sandler and Drew Barry more got to love Adam Sandler and drewberry more we'll get back to that here in a minute but yeah I mean Sean Aston this movie is also this it might be his best role you know everybody loves Lord of the Rings but dude him as her brother in this movie is one of the best comedic performances of all time I think oh man so good got the Beach Boys I mean everybody loves this movie everybody should love this movie for sure now next up let's talk about the water boy got the water boy that's a good one it's a banger it's hilarious uh you know it you love it it's the water boy come on I mean it's you could argue it's it's the beginning of him I mean of course SNL was really the beginning of him doing the silly voices but this is this was the beginning of him doing the silly voices in a movie and and in the leading role Now That's What I Call high quality a I think you got a direct line from this to huie Halloween which I love Hub Halloween but uh the voice can be a bit much sometimes you know like in uh that's my boy or whatever it's like we can comment down on The Voice a little bit but I mean he does it he does it to perfection in this one it's a great one I'm a fan I like all this stuff except for I haven't seen the ridiculous six or Jack and Jill or I haven't seen Spaceman yet if you've seen Spaceman let me know how that one is that one actually looks really good got Billy Madison this is another Banger right here really really good one really really good one um classic classic classic Adam Sandler right here this is one that this is definitely one that we watched a lot in my house growing up for sure yeah it looks like this tape is from 1995 how fun yeah now this is a hilarious one it's classic Adam Sandler he uh love this the scene with Steve Bushi when he uh crosses Billy Madison off the list so good now Happy Gilmore Happy Gilmore that's one that uh this was this was probably the staple in my house growing up I would say this one right here was um I think it was the first one I saw and it is also what got me into Leonard skinnard because Tuesday's Gone is in the soundtrack to This this you have to clarify that it's the funniest golf comedy since catty Shack how many golf comedies can there be but this is one of the funniest movies ever made it's so good and it's got that classic Adam Sandler the lovable kind of doofus a little bit you know and it it's just you know it's one of his his best movies to this day definitely that's your home are you too good for your home answer me now all right let's get over to this one we got Big Daddy now this is one that was another staple in my house growing up for sure and it um it's definitely one that tugs out the heartstrings you know but I want my own ass I want my own ass yeah you got you got Cole sprous Dylan sprous in this doing the classic uh Mary Kate and Ashley thing where in Full House where they just switch in and out uh no this is this is such a good one this one is definitely one that tugs at your heartstrings you got John Stewart in there when he was still acting before he became the The Daily Show John Stewart you got you know the typical you know uh Adam Sandler crew in this one and it uh it is it's one of those really heartwarming movies that I'll put on just to tug at the heartstrings while also getting a getting a good laugh getting a good laugh all right so now let's move on to Mr Deeds now Mr Deeds I'm not going to talk too much about cuz if I'm being completely honest didn't watch this one a lot it's good it's another heartwarming one you know this small town guy gets all this money and gets to go basically it it almost feels a little bit like Tom Hank is Big right where he's just like oh I get to just go and live this different life now um but it's good got to love John Toro and Monona ryer in anything so it's good but it wasn't it definitely was not a staple in my house growing up um but now we got to end it with my favorite Adam Sandler movie I don't know if this is going to be controversial or not but it's the Wedding Singer The Wedding Singer is one of my favorite movies of all time now it's funny because this movie you know came out in the 90s but takes place in 1985 which 1985 is like one of the most iconic years in movies right um Breakfast Club fright night uh just huge year Back to the Future huge year for movies huge year for movies and music and uh but this is like probably my favorite romantic comedy that's ever existed again you got Adam Sandler and Drew Barry more I think a lot of people would probably say they like 51st dates more but to me this just like strikes a cord with me I just feel it it just feel the chemistry between them is so great that was the most beautiful song I got a confession to make that song was about you the music is so good it plays up the 80s thing there's multiple songs in the movie that I think are just great standout songs and I know that like Adam Sandler had kind of proven on SNL and in other ways that he he was a great musician but I think this kind of cemented it for me that like man this if he wanted to like he could just do music and and have a successful career especially with the song I want to grow old with you I mean I absolutely just love this movie I mean it is again it has that nostalgic feel to it but there's there are so many songs there's so many songs in this movie that are that are so good throughout it whether it's really funny songs or but even the funny ones have like like kind of an emotional depth to them honestly I want to grow old with you is one of my favorite songs of all time like it it it is it is a it is means a lot to me so I think that's about it that's I think that's all I'm going to cover for today um I know I didn't go too deep on a lot of that I mean we're just trying to get through a lot trying to show you what all I have in the collection and give you a little bit of backstory on how I uh interacted with these movies growing up um still have a lot more to get to we didn't even really touch on anything sci-fi I have a whole horror section all over here there's I we didn't even get into a lot of the '90s Teen comedies that I have that I love um so yeah I absolutely am excited to keep going with this if you guys like this type of content please let me know um if there's anything you think I could do to improve it let me know and uh again all the movies I talked about today please let me know in the comments like if you love those movies or or or any memories that those movies bring up for you um yeah so I think that's it and until next time be excellent to each other
Channel: Izzy Alive
Views: 1,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vhs, vhscollection, vhs tapes, vhstapes, physical media, adam sandler, happy gilmore, billy madison, waterboy, big daddy, the wedding singer, drew berrymore, 50 first dates, halloween, halloween on vhs, halloween franchise, scream franchise, riding in cars with boys, bill and ted, excellent adventure, retro, forrest gump, kevin smith, mallrats, dogma, jay and silent bob, john cusack, better off dead, the breakfast club, 80s, 90s, 80s movies, 90smovies, throwback, nostalgia, good boy
Id: eyS98gA0pkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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