SMILE! It’s a Saturday TEMU HAUL! | May 4, 2024

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hey everybody what's going on hello how are you doing this weekend I am on a break from work until 4: so I thought we would haul some Teemu stuff I hope you guys are having a great weekend or if it's not the weekend when you're watching this I hope you're having a great day let's get right into this bag and see what's going on the first thing in this bag is another T-shirt oh my word how many t-shirts does one human being need okay it came in a frosted fancy Teemu bag so that's cool now I do have another bag behind me in case this bag I don't know how long I'm going to try to make this video for but let's reach in here and do the feel test first and see what it feels like oh it's in a bag it feels like it's in a bag within a bag wow the number of bags we get uhoh a text I hope that's not from my boss I will check in a minute okay let's reach in here soft okay good yay all right this t-shirt says oh it's got a little piece of tissue paper in it to keep it from getting too moist this t-shirt um says Malibu Beach Pacific Coast Highway 73 USA I don't know what the 73 is all about but Malibu I went to college at Pepperdine University which is in Malibu right there on the beach so that brings back vond memories and why buy an official college t-shirt when you can just get a cheap one of t-u for I paid $640 9 for that and it is still now it's 5.88 but I did get price adjustments on it I paid 6.48 I can't see to save my life you guys 6.48 who's let me quickly quickly make sure this isn't my boss it's not it's anthropology I have so many stores texting me more stores than friends who text me okay so that was cool I love that t-shirt I love the gray I love the colors let's look at it one more time because we kind of rush through that I love the pink and the uh teal and on the gray looks beautiful looks fantastic and I'm sure I got it in a 2XL I'm sure I got it in a 2XL I got it in a 2XL because that's what I do all right the next thing in here if you are drinking do a shot or not then hydrate I got some fingernails they are really pretty they are these cat eye I don't know do they call them squoval I don't know what the color is but I I mean I don't know what the shape is but I love love love even though it's do it yourself I love the color of these these are beautiful I'm going to wear those next probably because these are a little bit although these are Olive in June got them from Walgreens and they will always remain My One True Love fingernails Olive and June are the best press on nails ever okay 1998 was what I paid for those um gradient cat eye whatever and they're now 152 so cool let me get all of my little stuff situated on my little table here and next in here we have something really strange I don't I don't know what's going on with Teemu showing me all these ovan themed products if you're new to my channel hi welcome to my channel and if you're returning thank you so much for returning and if you're returning you might remember that I H um hauled a a a uterus bro bro no it's not BR a uterus brooch in one of my other hauls well then Teemu started putting all kinds of uteruses in my feed so I also grabbed this uterus tote bag it even has everything labeled just in case you don't know what things are which yeah that's really educational but um there's the ovaries there are the Fallopian tubes there's the uterus wow okay so cheese I'm thinking that Teemu has a like a niche shopping Target of gynecologists or something that they're trying to get with this now this is a really I'm just going to say a crappy tote bag it's really cheap really cheap it costs about 25 cents probably it's really poor quality as far as a tote bag goes uh but this is makes the whole thing right there let me smile again she's me and my uterus I don't know I've got this I woke up with this don't you hate it okay it's bad enough to wake up with like a gigantic zit but then to point it out to people I don't know why we feel the need to point that out to people look at this huge zit I woke up with why why do that why call more attention to it because I hate it it's just making me self-conscious about the face okay uterus I paid for the uterus bag $4.89 and it is now $4.89 and so grab that if you want to I will try my best to link these orders in the description below but if for some reason teu doesn't let me just shout it out in the comments and I will grab that link for you the next thing in here is shaped like this and it is I can't wait till tomorrow you guys because I'm not working like I'm can I just whine a little more about the fact that I have to work on a Saturday I don't know I'm just I'm grumpy about it I had to work last weekend I'm tired of working I've worked some somebody counted them for me thank you in comments I've worked something like 13 days in a row come on okay these are some more little fingernails do another hydration shot and I don't know what they're supposed to be doing I they look different in the I liked the butterflies but I mean what is this one all about they got this mod one right here like they have no consistent style it would be fine if it was this one this one this one and this one but then they had to throw in this like Mod Squad orange yellow and whatever that totally doesn't match the rest of them and yeah that one's going to really bug me it's going to bug me and I'm sure these were expensive CU these are handmade hopefully not by small children in a factory somewhere cuz I don't want to hear about that in my comments please 221 is what I paid for those and they are now 276 and yeah in my defense like the picture I'm always like in my defense oh yeah you can see the orange yellow in the picture okay then I'm just a just call myself some names and move on okay put the trash we'll just put the trash right here and I'm at the point where I've gotten so many nails you guys that I cannot have any more of these little files and cuticle pushers I just throw them away I know that sounds horrible but unless this one is a plastic cuticle Pusher actually never mind I'm going to keep that one but every set of nails comes with that and you guys know I've got 200 sets of nails so that's a lot of little tiny nail files to have in your possession the next thing is a little box it's an unboxing and it is more fingernails oh no if this is a drinking game we're all drunk now these have different cats on them they look awfully [Music] small they are cute as all get out though I got them in a medium but they look really small but they're shiny and different color they're cute cute cute those are cute and those were oh my God I went nuts in this order $3.98 is what I paid for those and they're they're 319 now okay trash pile let's take a monster break I'm drinking a Monster can you tell am I talking a little too fast I thought I would switch up the background sign with the cat this time grumpy grandpa doesn't care he's like laid back back he's like whatever okay the next thing in here I really just wanted a cheap one of these to travel with should I say it ready let's all say it together if you're new to my channel hi I'm going to Japan in a few weeks so I know that the voltage is different over there and I didn't want to bring my good so I use one of these uh it's a hair dryer but it's a round brush to dry my hair but I don't want to take it to Japan because I it's like they don't make it anymore like and it's perfect the kind that I like I know like these seem like they're a dime a dozen but they're not so the one that I love is a Revlon one wait this was supposed to come with extra this is way too big this was supposed to come with extra heads okay it comes with a smaller one look at this box you guys like somebody just chewed on it before they put it in my bag come on all right well this would be the size that I want right here and I really don't care if it spins and it's got a spinning to spin it and rotate it and I don't don't care about that what I want is a cool setting because I like to blast it and it does have a cold setting so I like to curl it to get this which isn't that hard I like to curl it with heat and then blasted it the last minute with cold to lock it in but anyway let me try to get this well ultimately what I would want to do is take this thing off there should be a little release I'm gonna break it before I even get a chance to use it okay you know what you know what I will figure this out later I want to put this this is the size that I want not this honking gigantic size although I don't know I look forward to trying it it does come with an instruction manual for your hot air brush and good I'm kind of EXC I'm tentatively excited about that and how I didn't pay a lot for that well yes I did I paid $23.49 for that and it is discontinued but they have another one for $30.98 and then they have another one for $47.48 shipped from a local Warehouse shut up anyway um yeah you just just really can't get them that cheap on here here's one for $ 44.8 forget it okay mine is sold out so if I would have known it was sold out I wouldn't spent all that time talking about it because I know that's a bummer why show something that nobody else can buy hey look at this thing I got that nobody else can buy all right what else is in this bag everybody get your little shot glasses ready these are some more nails now I picked medium but they look small I think I need to just admit to myself that I wear a large nail but they are white shiny with little black cats doing various things some of them have the tail some of them have the ears and the Peeping up out of the nail some of them have both they're really cute they're really cute I got some good Nails in this haul you dies now if they fit that's another it's a whole other you know can of worms or something I don't know what what I'm trying to say what did I pay for those I don't know they're not in this order this is what I'm doing when I'm looking at my phone I paid 3.98 for those and they are now three where are my glasses why am I trying to see things with no glasses ah they're 359 yeah I'm checking myself out my monitor okay breakout breakout what did I do last night it's time for me to change pillow I try to change pillow cases every I don't know three nights or so I'm kind of neurotic about that okay the next thing I got was um it says for leaf clover car key holder chain car key chain or whatever I thought this would be a jazzy purse charm or keychain which is what they they want you to do with it but I think it looks Nifty and wait that's the wrong side is this black yeah so it's got black on this side it's got diamonds on this diamonds we wish it's got little you know sparkly on this side and then it's got a solid one up here little Clover and and I would want to take this off and just hang the charm off my purse and make my purse look like it costs more than eight bucks maybe I paid 3.98 where's my magnifying glass I forgot I have a magnifying glass to go around my neck oh Lord I don't know where I put that thing 3.98 and it's still $3.98 for that purse charm keychain whatever it is bag ornament as they call it whatever it is you want it can it can be okay the next thing in here is just a fun funky little ring how we doing on time 16 minutes all right right we're cruising cruising on a Sunday [Music] afternoon okay uh I don't know they didn't let you pick a size and I have a really sad feeling it's not going to fit on anything oh I could cram it down on there if I wanted to and then I could totally free oh it fits on leave me Al alone I'm engaged to a purple people eater that's really pretty hi I'm engaged my fiance we're just wearing this ring temporarily until we can afford a real one so I was engaged I've been engaged three times in my life and I'm done being engaged and the third one wait one two Okay the third one was a struggling artist and he did when he proposed kind of gave me a little flimsy like ring that he had just picked up somewhere to hold the place until he could afford a diamond one and I thought it was so romantic and now I kind of want to go back and smack myself he turned out to be kind of an abusive jerk not in a trauma inducing way he just was really condescending and I don't know he just always treated me like I was an idiot and like he thought I was an idiot and stuff and my brother came out to meet him and my brother who likes everybody CU my brother's just like a good time beer drinking party having guy it's hard to meet my brother and not you know like have him not like you well my brother came out my brother was was like uh-uh I don't want to see you with this guy this guy is horrible and when if my brother didn't like him that was what I finally needed I mean my friends had told me they didn't like him my priest had told me that he didn't like him and so still I was like no but I love him but then when my brother said he didn't like him that's when I was kind of like okay well something must be wrong with him okay some more well here's a little you know another one and these are ye okay these are year of the dragon nails and wow those are kind of cool they're different aren't they I kind of wish they were all okay look at me with my nail fantasies but I do kind of wish they were all red with gold accents and keep the dragons instead of this like why do we want to mix in these pinks and these whites and all this stuff like I should design nails for a living I don't know how to do it though I don't know the first thing about fingernails okay I paid $369 for those and they're now 258 and if you're wondering why I have my phone in my hand it's just to look at the prices not to not to talk to friends although I should uhoh I don't know where my other phone is why do you have two phones one one phone is a work [Music] phone and the other phone is my personal hoopie Samsung Galaxy S8 I bought a Samsung Galaxy s23 22 whatever the new one is I bought it and I just have to switch the SIM cards and get it all hooked up and oh gosh I'm just to I don't know I need to devote to you know I need to do it tomorrow and switch to my new phone before before it's an old phone by the time I get my new phone hooked up they're going to have moved on to Samsung Galaxy S35 or something and mine's going to be considered a hoopie okay these are those little bumpity bump well I don't hair things that you clip in your hair while you dry your hair to give your hair some lift and so if I were I could yeah I'm using my monitor as the mirror and it's not working out at all it's not working out at all okay well anyway ideally you would be in a real mirror and you would clip this thing I don't know you guys I'm not a hair stylist I'll figure it out you would clip it or something stick it in here or whatever and then dry it and then take this out and then yeah then it would be like this for the rest and then you could have a perfect rectangle like I do okay I paid um $3.98 for a set of eight that's crazy that seems expensive I know we've seen them cheaper than that 3.98 for eight pieces of volume clips and they're still 3.98 you can get them in pink purple or blue and here's what they they're suitable for both long and short hair and here's an example of what a competent person looks like with them in their hair like that so it just takes a little practice okay that seems like a lot of money to pay for these things though I'm positive you can get them cheaper in fact let's do the little trick where you click on the thing you well you find a picture of them like that you click on the picture and then you click this little camera right here and it will show you all the other ones and as you can see there's 104 for two pieces $1. 199$ 2.99 like come on I I should have done that I'm trying to get in the habit of doing that before I buy anything on Teemu to find the cheapest one okay so put this in its little bag and this will go under my bathroom sink and I will probably never use them and I'm so late for work in the mornings I never have time to just screw around with any kind of hairstyle if I can just get it dry and get out the the door I'm happy okay this is a I like these little beads and this is a little pink necklace with a little I don't know if it's a real Freshwater Pearl or a faux Pearl elegant Freshwater Pearl Necklace 224 it looks really small though like for a child uh let me look at the materials and see if that's real the main material bead Freshwater Pearl yeah all right that is a Freshwater Pearl okay so I don't know even with the extender if that's going to fit oh the all the reviews say my daughter loves it okay yeah I like it okay cool and it Stacks nicely with this I got this uh chain right here from Bobble bar it came in the mail yesterday and then this is my these are all my little crystals that I wear just for you know power I don't know I love those I love that moldavite this is a moldavite and a techtite and a Herkimer diamond stack of crystals right here and I just always kind of keep that on okay so I don't always keep it on but I when I do wear it I usually keep it on for a long time I usually wear it when in times of turmoil to kind of stabilize me now these I got early do another we're all under the table by now if you're doing this as a drinking game this is do it yourself Christmas cats and I am not going to lose them and I'm going to put them somewhere there's Santa here's how they would look you know if you were looking at them I'm going to put them somewhere and then one thing okay here we go again but the one thing is they're not very christmy colored I mean yeah the one has candy canes on it and stuff but the rest are not very christmy like I could almost wear those like now and if it weren't for the candy cane one they would just look like I had cat fingernails on all right so this was a glorious glorious makes me happy fingernail haul and I love this necklace and I'm excited to try out the oh I paid $16 68 for those and they're now 118 Christmas press on nails and that is all in this bag and this order so I'm going to do this bag behind me because we're only at 27 minutes and I know people like the long hauls but let me first get this trash and put it in this bag if you don't mind so yeah I broke up with um fiance number three he married a immediately he married like within like this always happens when I break up like if you want to get married you just date me because when I like he I broke up with that guy and then within like a month he was dating this chick with um purple hair not there's anything wrong with purple hair but she had I just you know that's kind of how purple she had really purple hair like the color of this ring and they went to Tokyo for their honeymoon oops so that's and then I don't know what happened to them who knows who knows what happened to that guy hold on a second we had a little oh no did my fill light go out hold one second please okay let's try this again although it is kind of peaceful in the dark isn't it it overheated or something now don't start a fire okay let's try it oh now it's on now it's on okay it's not very bright though is it oh well I have another fill light I always have a backup fill light aha I don't know what that did but that just fixed it okay all right look at my nose turning red in flustra okay get this bag out of here and move on to this bag now this bag let me call this order up so I can tell y'all prices and stuff like that oh I love that Malibu t-shirt too I like I like that haul it was a nice little Haul full of things I liked let me quickly grab this is the rest of this Mickey Mouse t-shirt I I mean I looked at a picture of a t-shirt when I said that this is the rest of this Mickey Mouse order when I say Mickey Mouse order here's what happened if you caught my last haul I showed you a Mickey Mouse pan vase a vase in the shape of a Mickey Mouse hand well Teemu then filled up my my feed with a bunch of Disney stuff and I did not put this in my cart but I might have AC accidentally clicked it while I was scrolling that's the only thing because I don't I'm not like I don't buy Mickey Mouse stuff as a like generally I just don't I don't have that kind of I have enough stuff you know I don't want a bunch of Mickey Mouse stuff everywhere maybe you know if I go to Disney World or Disneyland I'll get in the spirit and I'll buy buy some souvenirs but other than that I don't really buy Mickey Mouse stuff but this is a I don't know it came in this box and it says Disney authorized multifunction I don't even know what it is besides a head it's sold out though but here's another one multifunction cute personal ized storage jar so it looks like there's a little hole right here and you can put things in it but what I'm going to do is not open it and save it for a giveaway box or give it to charity or something probably save it for a giveaway box because it is nice it's a nice Mickey Mouse head it's just I didn't 719 is what another seller is selling it for and I accidentally paid oh I can't even look at that does it say $1599 yes it does I paid $15.99 on accident for that thing which is irritating is all get out okay the next thing in this bag is not in this oh yes it is oh no it's not no it's not in this order but someday we'll find it and it is just a purse charm so many purse charms but you guys know I have so many purses this is a purse charm what time is it okay and what I like about it it's got all the different Hello Kitty shades of Hello Kitty on it it it's all you know um diverse and all that but I I what I can't figure out is it's a per it's a purse charm but I mean how do you get it on your purse I mean this is the one end and then the bottom has a little tassel on it but it doesn't and the back has I don't even know what that says hand oh it says handmade okay I don't know I don't know how you get it on a bag unless you're supposed to just tie it or something which I I have no idea I'll figure that out and when we find that I will tell you how much it costs in fact I like so not in the right order at all I might not be able to do prices but speaking of Hello Kitty here is another Hello Kitty purse charm that I like a lot because it's blinging and it is sparkly [Music] cheese cheese wait let me fix some things fix try to put that down going to put this over here cheee I don't know we might not have a thumbnail pick for this video I say that every video that thing I paid what it's not in this order okay to hell with this order then oh there it is I paid $33.99 for that and it's now $ 12259 oh let's take a monster break okay um all right these are I don't know why I needed these needed I don't need anything I don't know why I wanted these they are weighted boxing gloves so you can use them to work out I don't plan on boxing anytime soon in a ring okay these were $269 and they are 10 oz wow I have boxing gloves now okay let's see wait a minute why don't I get them both out before I put one on okay camera is so close to my face oh I'm getting a little bit greasy all right oh yeah get this out of here too okay this one goes on this hand oh wait that's why you need another person to help you put boxing gloves on I don't think I can hold on okay they've got velcro I don't think I can put both of them on cuz one of them will wow all right oh wait let me take off the my engagement ring oh my gosh it's tight what is that oh don't break a nail [Applause] cool cheese cheese me and Percy Percy and me where is Percy back there oh my gosh chonker so I you know I had chuner make me a um hold on a minute how about this can I just cover up that spot on my face before I do this Cheez people are like what is that it's hard to compose a good picture I just want to cover that up with some concealer it's bothering me Jee I don't know would this make a good pow pow pow pow pow pow all right so anyway they're weighted though you guys so even if you just sit here and do this you're working out your arms cuz they're weighted boxing gloves and I'm I'm pretty sure all all boxing gloves are weighted right or not I don't know but so these are weighted 10 oz or you could pick another you could pick another weight too they're pretty though they're pink they're cute and yeah I'm going to walk around and punch things with them I think that's a good I might take them to my office and get a punching bag while I'm there so you can get um 10 Oz or you can get 12 oz and I I didn't get 12 oz because the 12 oz ones were 25 bucks and I didn't want boxing gloves that bad so I just paid 20 for them but um hold on a second let me see something so yeah so you could use those to just get your frustrations out or you could use those to actually work out with Swing Your Arms Around get healthy okay I found what I'm looking for I've got to do something it's making me nuts I'm sorry if you're new to my channel sometimes we take little breaks and we touch up Cosmetics might as well get this one too I don't know what know what happened in my sleep last night but of course that's really white doesn't do anything except make them glow and you know I might as well get the middle of my red nose while I'm at it it's stuffed up I need suda fed oh for this stuff which is um Physicians Formula butter butter glow concealer all you need is like the tiniest little dab of it and it really really spreads a long way all right whatever I tried I tried my best and that's all you can do right just try your best okay boxing gloves okay so there's those and let me check in see if anything else from this order is in here probably but okay let me look and find out what other orders we have in this bag because I thought I had it in the bag in terms of what orders were what oh I haven't gotten that order yet oh there are two t-shirts in there somewhere huh okay this is a unicorn a it's cute that I paid um she's discontinued never mind she's not that cute just in case I paid um oh my God I ordered a 40 I'm sorry oh my gosh I ordered a 46 cat t hour oo 139 she's I paid $ 13.99 for this discontinued unicorn in a tutu and she's really cute she got little like pearls and stuff all around her waist and neck no okay I don't know I have no idea Chee okay so that's bad then there's more stuff and I don't know where it came from I don't know what order it's from I don't this is why like pros and cons of taking stuff out and labeling them with prices before doing a review the pro the cons are like nobody gets to see my surprise reaction okay that Hello Kitty was $498 this thing that we don't quite know how to hang that thing up and it's now $3.49 and it yeah it says bag charm for backpacks oh here's how they have it hanging up well mine is broken did I cut mine on accident oh my God what if I accidentally cut it while I was opening up the bag oopsy be careful when you're opening up these little plastic bags oh well I can make it I can tie it in a little knot and glue the knot with super nail glue or that glue 300 here it's just going to have to be like this I guess okay there now it now it hangs I don't know that thing is frustrating me it's frustrating me what are we doing on time 45 minutes we might not even finish this then I got a Hello Kitty notebook look this is the old school one when I was a kid Hello Kitty just looked like this with the red bow and the blue little overalls or whatever and I think that's why I felt nostalgic and I'm like I want a Hello Kitty notebook cuz I don't have enough notebooks in my life life and it is wrapped in plastic because of course it is I paid $6.98 for it and I just want to see what the inside looks like okay the inside of it looks like this do they all look like it some of the pages look like this so they have different pages on the inside which is cute and that and then here's a little opening page very cute I like it okay and that is now is it sold out no it's now $6.98 it's still 6.98 who's texting me let me check my sorry I'm I usually don't check texts but okay this is my brother okay the next thing in here is feels like a purse feels like a studded a studded purse oh it's cute oh it's really cute I like the sides it's got a little handle like this and it's got studs over here it's got a pocket on the back you unzip it with this big thing right here and it's got a little um inflatable thing inside to help it hold it shape I love it when they do that okay A little pillow in there then the inside is the one thing is that okay it's got a little zippered pocket on the inside and then it's got slip pockets on this side but the opening is pretty small it's cute though for just throwing on and running out and looking cute and yeah I like it I like it I like it and it's really Spark sparkly this little thing right here look at how sparkly that thing is woo okay put that right there and I don't know I don't know why she swallowed a fly there is that it lightweight fashion cross body really I paid $16 for that well first of all it looks a lot bigger in the picture $609 really yes it's still 1609 and it looks big in the picture looks really big in the picture and you can get it in white you can get it in red which is really stunning for $609 okay okay then there is another Hello Kitty thing which I I don't know you guys I don't know I don't know why it's a Hello Kitty brush with there's like a sticker and a little sticker and then it's one of and then there's a mirror wow cool and then you just pop out this brush is what I needed right now and it's a nice brush for your purse good I love this now I don't know how you put I don't know what you do with these things like where you put them I guess you just put them anywhere especially the little bow right there I have no idea but I bet we can find out Hello Kitty folding brush $3.99 and it is sold out but here is one for $2.47 and okay here's how they did it in the picture they put it like that with the I probably will not put any of that stuff I'll put the stickers on it I probably won't mess around with the bow 247 okay cool all right the next thing in here is I got a new uh little ring light although I didn't realize it shoot I didn't realize it did that I thought it used oh you hopefully you charge it and it does not have to stay plugged in because I wanted a good solid portable fill light to travel with but this has a lot going on so I don't know what I might have to do what I might could do but it's it's a good it's a nice F light it's just not really what I was looking for I will use it though and it was $12 I paid $12.48 for it and it's discontinued now but there's another one for $4.98 there's one for 1145 local Warehouse I was going to throw that one in my cart what I want what I really really want is here's one for $10.98 oh know so I use I have this one I'll just take it off for a minute and show you guys so this is one I use when I'm out and about and this light is really bright and you can control how bright it is and you can do it you can have it as um white blue or yellow and right now I just use it see this little circle I clip this circle around the lens so I can know where to look when I'm making these videos so I can talk directly at the lens that's what I use it for I don't use it for the light cuz I've got this big fill light right here that I use but anyway that was a lot of talking so I'm looking for something like that one again the little one I got it off Amazon but I just don't here's an empty bag and they just threw one in for the heck of it I just can't find it on Amazon anymore I got it a long time ago and I can't find it okay there is a t-shirt in another frosted bag and this t-shirt says doing on time 55 minutes you guys the last time I tried okay so my last video this one says I saw I saw a haul in it with Mima wearing something like this it said fun fact I don't care and it made me laugh I don't think it was this exact t-shirt but it said it and it made me it made me laugh and so when I saw the T-shirt it made me laugh again and I bought the T-shirt I bought the T-shirt I need a t-shirt that says I bought the t-shirt and that t-shirt was um I don't know it was like six bucks or something here it is fun fact I don't care it's $4.88 $488 okay and on that note we are at an hour and there's still a ton of stuff in here so I'm going to save the rest of this bag for yeah I mean there's a lot of there one two three I no there's only five more things in here we can do it fast this pin says every day is Halloween and that is for my mood bag next is another purse I don't it's nice I don't know I want to not buy purses anymore I'm done buying purses for like a really long time time I'm soon I'm going to I'm just done I'm sick of um acquiring things to be honest and I don't know why I keep buying purses I really do have a purse problem I'm looking for my scissors so my last video it took forever to upload right and it usually doesn't and then on YouTube's end it took an hour longer than an hour to process and then it also has to run copyright checks it took three or 4 hours I don't know after 3 hours of waiting for YouTube to run copyright checks I gave up and went to bed which is why the my last video got uploaded in the morning the next day because I just went to bed I couldn't wait anymore I was exhausted it was a work night I was just had just been sitting there so this video I don't know when it's going to get uploaded it depends on how fast YouTube is uploading things and I really I can't get this open it's got it really tightly wrapped in plastic and it is offwhite with black trim with a Sacred Heart around it on it and it looks kind of Granny like what in what is this it's got a zipper that goes all the way way around oh oh you just unzip that to expand it a little I guess it's got a pocket on the back it's got this textured material right here it's smooth everywhere else and I I do like the black stitching and then inside it looks like it has got it's got a strap it's got two compartments inside with a zipper divider then it's got typical inside zip pocket and inside slip Pockets so it's nice I don't I don't know I don't know it was a maybe it was Ultra Ultra Ultra cheap or something which is still no reason to buy something we should start doing videos like called why I didn't buy this and just show pictures of stuff we didn't buy it was 1489 and I don't know it's still 1489 I'm just kind of mystified like it's cute I just don't know why I don't know what about it made me go oh I gotta buy that you know okay maybe it was the heart this is a hair topper by something I can't pronounce my beauty my style a hair topper oh dear $23 was I just like out of my mind $23.48 okay I'm in business with this I was not playing topper with bangs human oh it's real human hair like I didn't buy this just to goop around in I really was like thinking of wearing this it looks pretty close to my hair the colors it's almost exactly the color of my hair except the blond is a little okay whoa o it's creepy I don't like real human hair I know is a big deal to have like if you're wearing a wig or whatever ever but it still creeps me out a little bit okay let's oh no it just has one comb it just has two Combs and then you it's a Topper so you literally just put it on top of your head no it totally doesn't match then you me and Elvis and Elvis and I I don't know I don't know what what is it supposed to do where are the bangs something is wrong wait do I have it on backwards I might have it on backwards no it's not Bang it says human hair topper with bangs but it's the same length all the way around it though the only thing I can see is this I'm bummed this was expensive well whatever you know what it would work for though is if I put um I just had my hat cuz I was going to wear the hat today there's a hat hey everybody look it would look good with a hat okay it could be another wig of Shame I'm just a little bit I'm just a little bit nervous because it's not on very well those a little tiny comb like really you need bobby pins or something okay yeah that looks I look much better with that thing on okay 2348 and it's now $18.89 how could that be and I didn't get a price adjustment oh I picked 12 in hair length oh the color I picked is 2114 oh my gosh it's no I picked 10 in yeah and it's 2114 okay 10 in and I paid 23 48 I still didn't get a price adjustment on it though oh look price adjustment look I spoke too soon there it is right there that's hilarious two give me my $2.34 all right so we got hair all right I gotta go I got to go back to work I'm G to go back to work like this then we got another t-shirt it does have a piece of tissue paper in here but it does feel a little clammy but it is soft and it says um underestimate me that'll be fun I kind of don't like the way they just kind of hyphenated under than estimate me but sure I I think I was mad at somebody that day when I bought that t-shirt I was feeling bitter and I wanted to express myself in a t-shirt I got a little robot pin isn't that awesome that's one of my favorite pins I know where that pin is I just saw it that pin is right here and I paid well it is $249 and they have a bunch of different robots you can choose from I pick the coolest one I think okay so there's that then we got this is going to be my favorite pen that I'm totally going to wear which is a sparkly smiley f that's just awesome is what that is I can't that's the most one of the most awesome things I now officially own Believe It or Not smiley face cheese that looks dumb here I need to take it out oh look what I did I ripped it open let me take it out of the little bag why am I sliding over to the side get all of this me and grumpy Grandpa blocking poor grumpy grandpa so he doesn't get his moment in the sun where' I put my scissors this time okay hey everybody I should get some hey everybody merch cheese smile where is that smiley face cuz I know everybody's going to want that everybody's G to want that it's right here okay here's some stop it Teemu popping up stuff while I'm trying to work okay um fun fact I don't care purple t-shirt 487 oh yeah okay 488 I already said that underestimate me that'll be fun $5.99 and it's now 748 smiley face pin is $224 and I paid 224 for it then there should be one more thing in here A B this be I paid $219 for it and it's now sold out with there's like a million luxury be brooches so even though this one is sold out there's a lot of other ones I liked the colors on this one and I will just show it to you really quickly looks like that it even asg's trying to be all Gucci but yeah okay and then I think that was the last thing here is a necklace here is a piece of tissue paper there is nothing else in here I'm going to take this into my hair stylist and tell her this is how blonde I want my hair just like this this is what I want my hair to look like I'm going to take this right totally you think I'm going to take it right into her and say look here it is this is the hair I want right here I like it I think it looks summery okay this is I bought a bubble we're all about the bubble initials these days and I got this necklace in silver with the letter e on it for my name which is Aaron if you're new here and if you're still here if you haven't left in disgust by now oh my gosh well it's for child I mean this is so small with no extender this will not fit around my neck will it fit around any human beings oh CU it's all tangled up right here in a knot okay that'll be fun to get out but otherwise I was going to say is it an anklet or what but it is a very sturdy solid e if I could just you know get the chain untangled and I don't know what order that was in you guys I give what I do want to know is that per White purse um I do want to try to find that really quickly and find what here's the E here's the purse okay the E necklace I paid 224 for that and it is still 224 and then the White purse I paid $469 for that and quilted cross body and it's still 1469 and that is it for that that Halloween pin it's Halloween every day is Halloween I paid 148 for that and it's 149 now and that my friends is mahal at one 11 oh I should stop it now for good luck I love you guys and appreciate you guys so much thank thank you so much for watching I hope you have the best weekend ever and now we say how do I stop this
Channel: Heyyy Everybody
Views: 11,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Temu, Temu haul, temu unboxing, temu finds, temu review, temu reviews, temu style, haul, unboxing, finds, review, reviews, style, deals, bargains, bargain hunting, coupons, coupon code, discount code, promo code, cheap, inexpensive, affordable, jewelry, accessories, clothes, home decor, decor, hair style, hair, nails, nail art, plushies, toys, hello kitty, Disney, purses, bags, wigs, sports, boxing, heyyy everybody, hey everybody, hey everyone, vlog, today, 2024, fashion, App
Id: ppRNz5Z083c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 32sec (4292 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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