My Very Honest Answers to Your SPICY Questions

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really I brought this upon myself over on Instagram I asked you to ask me all the spicy juicy difficult taboo questions that you can think of and you asked a lot of Juicy questions so I guess today we're just gonna go about our day here at this beautiful campsite and I'm gonna do my best to answer all of your spicy questions let's see it's gonna be fun have you gonna be fun hey yeah he's really looking forward to it okay get off yes good boy okay Shameless plug come join me over on Instagram at Ava zubeck that's my username for more behind the scenes content and writing and photography and stuff that just doesn't make it to YouTube okay so question number one why don't you shave or wear Cosmetics anymore I guess where Cosmetics you mean makeup so I don't shave all their makeup anymore because I feel like both of those things are just a total double standard and I'm not happy about it guys are not expected to shave or wear makeup so why should we why should we spend all that money on shaving products go through all that pain and discomfort of Shaving our entire bodies why should we put toxins and chemicals on our faces just because we're women it doesn't make sense so I'm not doing it I unsubscribed and a funny little story so this year I worked with a couple of like TV stations platforms and in the contracts that we signed I had to specify that I will not be wearing makeup and I will not be made to wear makeup yeah that's a funny little cute story anyway and a lot of people ask me like what if your boyfriend wanted you to shave I think he wouldn't be my boyfriend I'm sorry question number two do you ever meet people through dating apps that could be fun yeah it could be fun but I'll be completely honest with you I have never used a dating app not once not because I'm gonna post them but because I don't know I feel like I meet enough people as it is and also I'm just like not interested in you know dating I don't know I'm just just not my thing right now no dating apps for me Ella had a pregnancy scare nope all right I need to go and pay for um an extra day of camping because I didn't expect to stay here for two days but here we go next question yes good boy next question are you really traveling alone with your dog or do you have someone else with you people people somehow sometimes have a hard time believing that someone might be able to travel so much alone and film it all alone but it is absolutely doable this is my life this is just how I live my life and it's just me and milk most of the time unless I'm traveling with other people in which case you usually see that because they're in the video so no there is no camera crew with me there is no drone pilot with me there is no no one else it's just us plain and simple he is good boy look at that big Big Boy show us your beautiful collar isn't this super cute oh my God you're such a pretty boy look at you [Music] yes [Music] get on yes good boy good boy 15 bucks for one night [Music] why don't you hide your license plate on social media it's super risky um it's not actually risky so I don't know about license plates in other countries but polish license plates actually say pretty much nothing about you so the only thing that someone can gather from your license plate is what town that car is from but that's about it there's no other personal or private information linked to your license plate in Poland I know this because I called a couple of police stations to double check this foreign we're going to go on a little hike there's some waterfalls nearby which look quite nice got the ball got the treats got myself got the camera I got you guys that's what we need is there any chance that you might become a religious person or just join a religion so I grew up in Poland Poland is pretty Catholic by and large and you know my family is like mildly religious my grandparents go to church every other Sunday things like that and I was baptized I had my first communion but I was never religious ever for as long as I can remember so for the longest time I was kind of like a passive Christian in the sense that I just never went to church I didn't believe in God at least not the kind of Christian God and eventually a year ago I decided to formally leave the church so I committed apostasy as it's called I'm an apostate which sounds like extremely serious I actually had to go and see a priest and write a letter and handed my resignation from the church and you know like a bunch of people ask me well why didn't you just like not bother with all of that why didn't you just like continue being a passive Christian just wasn't enough for me you know the Catholic church in Poland stands against pretty much everything that I believe in personally and I just did not want to be a part of the statistics I did not want to support that institution by being part of their statistics it felt right to leave and it just really made me feel very liberated so I'm not religious and I do not see myself joining any religions I am probably a bit spiritual but not in any organized way as in I don't follow any single philosophy so how's that and that probably won't change let's go let's go ah good boy hey if you get on yes good boy yes good boy okay [Applause] we've arrived at the waterfall that's so pretty time for the next question do you have an Ernie fans page no I don't how old are you I'm 31. boy as a vegan do you have cheat days of eating animal products what a great question so I would consider myself to be veganish as a made-up word which means that I'm not like a million percent vegan but still my that diet is like 99 vegan and I'm vegan because of the animals because of the environment and because my health so do I have cheat days yes sometimes I do and usually only in two instances one on the rare occasion that someone else is cooking for me and they make something that is not vegan mind you I still wouldn't have meat but I might have cheese for example and then two I would have an animal product if my body craves it really really powerfully so like if I know that it's a super strong craving my body is telling me to eat an animal product and I just can't like I can't get rid of that feeling by eating other things then I know that I should eat something that is an animal product one other thing about veganism crazy Beast he is wild one more thing about being vegan I feel like a lot of people think about veganism or vegetarianism and like absolute terms like you're either vegan or you're not I don't agree with that I feel like if we all learned to limit our consumption of animal products even if it's by 20 or 50 or 80 percent that's amazing that's so great that makes such a massive difference to the environment into the animals that live on this planet so you know don't get discouraged by labels [Music] okay do you want to go outside yes good boy back from our walk and this little boy definitely needs a nap meanwhile I'm gonna make some food for dinner [Music] thank you [Music] do you ever feel like you're cheating when you stay in an Airbnb yes great question and yes I do which is kind of weird so I spend about maybe 30 of my time in airbnbs simply because it makes me feel better because I mean this is not exactly a van right there's no shower head no toilet like no space to do anything so whenever I need to catch up on work like serious work or if I'm just feeling shitty or if it's cold or rainy I will just go and stay in an Airbnb because I found that that is the only way to make this lifestyle truly sustainable I mean I'm not on the road for like two months I'm on the road for two and a half years and I'm making videos the whole time and I'm traveling with a dog and I'm on my own so I just need to preserve my mental health and my comfort so I have decided not to feel bad about it anymore this is very recent by the way this is from like two weeks ago so yes I did feel bad about it but now I try not to this is looking really really really good and this is only the appetizer any type of travel YouTuber that gets on your nerves oh Saucy well no one like in particular not one person I guess I do have a bit of beef with like just channels that promote only luxury travel so I don't like that because for me travel is not just about luxury sure it can be here and there about luxury I love to stay at a nice hotel once in a while like I love to go and get a massage I love to go and go to a spa but I guess creating this image of travel as something that needs to cost a lot of money that needs to be in a five-star hotel that needs to be on a tropical island that needs to have a Scenic pool in it that needs to have that perfect instagramable shot of you in that location where it costs three grand to stay one night I don't like that because to me travel is really about like going out there and finding your voice and and exploring and finding your courage and I just don't think that you can do that staying in five star results all the time I think like I just love The Adventurous side of it and that's what I'll always continue to do and promote in a way you know so I feel like the channels that promote travel as like a luxury item really tend to focus a little bit too much on commodifying travel into something that is materialistic and that is only for like rich people whereas I really don't think that's what travel is about I think travel is about what's in here and not what's in here so that would be my only beef I guess do you have any plans to write a book yes I do yes I do yes [Music] how was your interaction with itchy boots normally would like to know more about it really I'm kidding she's great we had an amazing couple of days couple of meetups together she was actually the very first person the first of all of my friends to meet this little guy when he was really small so she is now the most special Auntie to vilk Auntie norly do you remember do you remember antenna really he's like what's going on are you planning to bring Wilk back to Europe and whether it's allowed yes it's allowed and yes of course he'll be coming back with me he's my buddy for life he's gonna come everywhere with me and if he can't come then either I won't go or he'll stay with friends does your motherly love for your dog not make you think again about having kids one day I think I've mentioned this before no I've never wanted to have kids and I still do not want to have kids in fact taking care of bug has made me realize that you know having a kid would be like this times a hundred twenty four seven at least you know with the vehicle I can leave them in a crate for a couple of hours and he'll be fine probably couldn't do that to a baby so no I still don't want to have kids do you sometimes regret having vilk I mean look at that face so the first couple of months I definitely second guessed myself quite a lot it's not that I regretted getting him it was more like what have I done and how the hell am I going to cope with this crazy ball of energy and this massive responsibility so and I know that this is not actually very unusual um I'm very lucky in that I have a couple of friends who also have young dogs and who went through the same process and this is the side of dog ownership That You Don't See on Instagram you know the questioning the doubt the moments of Crisis the not so much regret but just feeling ambivalent about it and this is something that really annoys me about a lot of social media you know like whenever I share some of these vulnerable moments like oh it's hard having a dog some people just automatically assume that I regret getting my dog I do not regret getting my dog I'm just saying that sometimes it's hard having a dog that is all so no I do not regret him he has changed my life there are difficult moments but I love him two minutes he gives me such a massive dopamine kick every single day and even though there are moments where I just want to like ah there's so many more moments where I'm just like he's amazing he's such a good boy and I love him I love working with him I love looking at him I love watching him sleep I love taking videos of him just he's my man hey sweet cheeks you want to come outside all right come on back up good boy little yeah round little sit good boy yes middle [ __ ] foreign [Music] yes good boy down that's a smart ball like stay you look like a sphinx that's a good boy that's a good day [Music] it's so dark so quickly these days it's easy to forget just how much the summer spoiled us with all the daylight and no good stock at 7pm by the way this is like my favorite luxury it is the best tomato sauce I have ever had in my entire life if you're in the US you gotta try this stuff I could like literally eat it out with a spoon it's not good and it's got Truffle in it so delicious [Music] um touch yes that's yes [Music] so that's pretty much a wrap on today it's now a very cold and very dark so I've put on the diesel heater so it's nice and balmy inside and I still have a few questions that I want to answer itself I'll just get changed into my pajamas and I'll be right with you I hear that quick pajama break just turned into a very long break I got up on work I'm all done back to this video quick question first what's the most disappointing place you have been Yellowstone National Park it was so disappointing I was expecting something really spectacular like colorful and and amazing and it was just it was just a huge parking lot loads of people loads of cars like boardwalks and just piles of Rock it was not fun it was really disappointing sorry the Bison were cool though all right I'm gonna head to bed upstairs this is another question that came up pretty often is there a setup actually comfortable well it definitely doesn't beat a real bed and it's probably not something you could live in for a decade but it's not too bad well I asked you guys for spicy questions and you gave me spicy questions some of them were too spicy for YouTube like I would get banned at least censored there's kids here watching this stuff you guys will you and Mike get back together so Mike is my ex-boyfriend we went out for two years he's also a travel YouTuber and it was great while it lasted but I think our paths diverged for a reason that is not one of those things that you can compromise on like there's a lot of things in relationships that you can work out but some things you just can't like there's no negotiation so I don't think so but we're friends and we have loads of respect for each other so that's good if I fall in love along the way and decide to stay somewhere and God knows Chile or Costa Rica cool so be it but I am not going out of my way for boys at this stage of my life so I just want to talk about one thing that has been kind of like brewing in my mind for a short little while and so for the like for most of my life I believed that being single is a bad thing and that if you're single you must be unhappy and if you say that you're happy then you must be lying you know there's definitely that like stigma attached to being single and happy and recently I just realized how untrue that is because I've been really quite content being single not in a romantic relationship and instead working on friendships so really focusing on building and developing and nurturing my friendships even with people who are like thousands of miles away and that's been so rewarding like and I felt so nice and understood and it's just been freaking great friendships are way underrated and romantic relationships are way overrated in comparison to friendships so it's been actually really great and there's a couple more questions that I would love to answer including one about my family um but I am so tired my brain is like switching off right now so I'm gonna go to sleep and I will answer those last questions while we make coffee tomorrow good night good night View night [Music] in case you're curious about just how cold it is because I probably look like I'm freezing to death I just spilled this water here on this bench about an hour ago maybe half and it's frozen it is frozen okay a couple last questions this morning this Frosty morning you never talk about your parents I'm interested only if you're comfortable sharing sure so my mom was a single mom my dad I was living abroad most of my life so uh we didn't really have much contact and my grandparents really helped raise me so um I'm just really close with them honestly like I'm pretty close with my mom I would say and but really close to my grandparents I try and spend as much time as possible with them we talk on a weekly basis and you know I just really love them they're they're great we're really close we've we haven't we weren't always that close but now we are and I love that so yeah I also add that all of my grandparents watch my YouTube channel and they follow me on Instagram [Music] so cold but we're about to leave so that's good okay last round will you tell us about the divorce in the book it's a long story have you ever thought about shaving your head yes pretty much every week I really hope I get to do it one day has anyone ever said anything to you about your scent after not showering for days I mean like you don't shower for a week you wedding and doing sports all the time but no it's just it's not really really thing I don't know why people think it's a thing why are people so goddamn interested in the state of your body hair Madness I completely agree yes it's time to go [Music]
Channel: Eva zu Beck
Views: 1,163,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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