My Vermont Farm is Now a Tropical Jungle

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I've got to admit I kind of barely recognize this place I mean just looking around it's like the farm has grown into a jungle so for like the last week or so I've been out in California I just got back late last night I guess technically early this morning and right now my mind is just boggled by the fact that like everything has grown an insane amount but the Farms yours must be done oh look who's here it's the two that I love the most I'm missed you both hey hey no jumping good to see you Hi how are my dogs how are my dogs good to see you both all right we got Farm chores to do let's go guys come on I mean would you guys look at this the grass weeds have just like gone crazy in the last week so while I've been gone we've had a lot of rain and it's been pretty darn warm and so yes the farm is feeling like a tropical climate right now I mean sheesh would you guys look at this this is insane I'm gonna do a quick check of some things but this morning might also be the moment when I let my goslings out and start integrating them into the wild so stay tuned for that so in general I try to actively avoid ever leaving the farm and that really goes double for leaving the farm during the summer time but unfortunately I actually had to leave the farm last week and so that's how I find myself in this weird situation where I've got to dig out of some stuff and get kind of reacquainted and Abby Doug we're going to take you up to the top of the pasture today come on I got to admit it's kind of nice to be back on the farm bike a week off is a long time you know but like I said that trip was very necessary just very hard timing my gosh would you guys look at the permaculture Orchard it's insane how much growth we got going on right now I think I just swallowed a bug come on AB let's go let's go I think I see Belinda Carlisle I'm pretty sure I have a Belinda Carlisle signing you know of all the famous people sightings I had in Los Angeles last week I didn't see anybody of the caliber of balloon the Carlisle or Bonnie McMurray how's it going sweetie yeah hi poop you on the booper Snoop looks like they still got plenty of grass in their Paddock but I'll probably move them tomorrow down to the next pasture gosh would you look at all this grass up here I'm probably gonna have to come out here and brush hog because it just grows so quick and it grows so thick you know it's kind of funny you can see the exact path that my farm sitter took on the ATV here but the rest of this pasture has really grown out in a significant way good morning chickens good morning Coos how's everybody doing this morning huh I must say it is actually really nice to see everybody out here so they've spent the last week in this area actually looks like they still got plenty of grass to graze so I might not even move them today good morning Anna Green Gables how are you chewing on that there could hey Macho Man I hear you've been putting in some work so apparently Annabelle who's sitting back there she's gone into heat and so macho man has started to do his job how's it going Joey Ramone and Hey look it's the folds newest member you guys look at just how much bigger she's gotten in the span of about a week so I don't know if you guys know this but we did name her I don't think I mentioned it in a previous video but her name is going to be or I should say her name is Beatrix Potter you know since this is the year that I'm releasing my first book particularly a book written for children a couple of different viewers suggested that I go with Beatrix Potter because we were looking for a b name and honestly that felt perfect to me and so yes little Beatrix Potter is out here in the pasture with everybody else her mom's actually over there eating grass but she's got all of her aunties here hanging out with her she's got her good friend Abby hanging out here with her as well it's actually funny watching the two of them become friends I was gonna try to come over and brush Beatrix but I don't know she seems a little skittish this morning yeah she suddenly got shy on me you know it's funny for a good long while she was actually letting me brush her for the first I don't know a week or so of her life but then I leave for a week and now she barely knows me C'est La Vie says the old folks it goes to show you never can tell I did want to take a minute and show you guys that this this right here is the cover of the new Toby dog book The pre-sales are going to start in a few short weeks and then it'll be available for sale officially and for reading in September if you want all the latest information as well as some information on how you can score some free copies of the book as well as maybe get like a early release version for review purposes be sure to sign up for our mailing list down below for the longtime viewers of our Channel you guys know just how long we've been working on this one and so I'm super excited to show you and yes the illustrations look amazing and I'm so excited about how the cover turned out too actually next week I've got to go into the recording studio to record the audio version of the book it's going to be like a full production you know I was originally planning on doing like all the voices and everything and reading it entirely myself but I got to admit as I was doing some of the sample runs and practice sessions I got to the conclusion that what this really needed was actually a couple of actors and so it's going to be me narrating and reading most of the book but then you know in terms of the voices of a lot of the characters I've got a couple of great folks lined up like to read and be Toby dog and Pablo Barn cat and little Barn cat and the such how's it going chickens how are you doing yeah chickens are due to move as well so probably what I'll do is later today I'll move the cattle out of this yard and move them into the next Paddock tonight I'll move the chickens right here to where the cattle are yeah I'm also gonna have to replace the fly traps as well as you can see this is about a week's worth of flies on here and I'm there what I've got to say as I've been keeping up with the fly trapping it has made a massive difference and I haven't had the infestations like I had last year and so for all those wondering how do you control your flies naturally with your cattle the combination of chickens and trapping really does seem to work for me all right a quick check of the waterer says that everything is nice and full and where it should be that's a good sign yeah so this hydrant runs all the way down to the bottom you guys saw me turn it on when I first started to this video and so yeah it takes I don't know maybe about 10-15 minutes to fill up if it's entirely empty I run it twice a day and that leaves me everything I need for water for my whole cattle herd up here here you can see the difference in grazing this side the cattle had access to this entire time this side has been untouched and yeah it looks like a jungle doesn't it howdy Ariel how's it going sweetie wanna come and say hello more Jocelyn with Annabelle so Annabelle's the one who's in heat right now and so I've noticed her uh jostling and jousting with all the animals has increased like whenever one of the cows goes into heat seems like the jostling and jousting always increases and so you got to be extra careful in the situations when you have that with your herd and particularly with Macho Man around I need to number one make sure he doesn't see me as competition and number two not see me as a potential relationship that would not be good oh would you look at that so Joey Ramone is actually Annabelle's son and you can see the two of them nuzzling and boxing out a little bit too you know at this point you know Joey's a little bit over a year old he is you know seeming like a much more mature member of the herd and so if she gets pregnant in this cycle he kind of gets totally kicked to the curb by her and so I don't know maybe that's what's happening now maybe she's already pregnant and she knows it and I don't she's like you're too big to be my kid anymore you got that and in case anybody's wondering I'm not worried about Joey Ramone impregnating her because he was castrated back in the winter and so he is actually a steer not a bull like Macho Man thank you she doesn't want to have anything to do with me come here Matrix I'm just crouched down here reading very patiently to see if she comes over here Beatrix come here oh look at your scratch yourself everything she does is adorable and how are things doing with my Cluckers huh everybody good hey Barbara your hair is looking great right there I have to fill up your water bucket and you guys look like you need some food yeah we got a lot of rain last night the weather has actually been crazy crazy humid and it's hot I mean it's like 5 30 in the morning right now and it's I don't know 68 degrees 69 degrees and just really thick humid weather but I'm really not complaining because we can always use the rain it's been so dry earlier this spring yeah it was a really dry spring and so we can definitely use the rain right now it makes it for less than ideal hanging out on the farm conditions all right let's see what we got for eggs this morning ooh already got a bunch so these are probably from yesterday so these eggs I probably won't eat or sell but they're going to end up going in the incubator because we're getting into the time where I'm going to start hatching my own chicken eggs most of these girls are about a year and a half to two years old some of them are even older than that so that means it's time to add some replacement chickens to the farm I actually have an order of chicks also coming from a hatchery I think next week they're from my friends over at Murray McMurray they're a great hatcheries check them out and so those new chicks plus these chicks will end up being hatched out what I'll do like I did two years ago is I'm going to hatch out a whole bunch of chicks The Roosters that I end up getting I will call and they will become meat for my wife and me just basically our own food and then the hens will start laying by next spring and they will become The Replacements I might thin this flock out a little bit too and some of the older hens that I'm not incredibly emotionally attached to might end up as stewing birds as well quite honestly that's just part of the life cycle but don't worry Carmen's not going anywhere Barbara's not going anywhere like my OG chicken crew is gonna pretty pretty much stay here in perpetuity I'm talking about the generation that was hatched from that first group of chickens those gals who are hybrids might end up going to the freezer hey Abby dog come here come on sweetie all right we need to have a little conversation so I'm Gonna Leave You up here with the cattle and the chickens this morning your job is to be the guard dog and make sure nothing happens so you are in charge this week is also the last week of training for Abby to make sure she's ready to stay up here full time I've been doing this a lot over the last month of leaving her up here unsupervised and she's doing really well I probably even could have let her stay up here all last week but since I wasn't on Farm it was just my farm sitter I didn't necessarily want to create a situation where there'd be problems to solve and so like I said this week we'll be doing some final trial runs just making sure she's fully reacclimated because she had like a week off last week but then by the end of this week she'll be up here but I do have to finish building her doghouse for up here as well you know in terms of water she'll just basically drink the same water as the cattle right from there clean fresh trough the only thing she'll really need is like a dog house so that in case it rains or she wants to get out of the sun she has a place to like shelter down so I'm working on my final steps on that plan and so that'll be ready very very soon and I don't know probably in a week or two you'll see video about Abby staying up here for the first time it's another big step on the farm look ABS your job's gonna be to stay here okay I'll come back and visit you in a little bit I know I know I know I think you're going to do a wonderful job up here with the cattle and like I said I'll be back up around lunch time to check on you and move the cattle so there's that too I mean isn't this precious my little girl is growing up all right I'll see you in a bit Abby dog [Music] foreign [Music] but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to mow the permaculture Orchard this year because we only have the two heifers out here in the pasture they have not even remotely been able to keep up with the grass and I thought that the geese might be able to help but really there's just too much space for them and so I'm gonna need to start mowing this pasture because it's getting so thick and so tall you know this really does have me realizing at some point I'm probably going to need another animal to come in through here to graze whether it be more cattle or if I added something like sheep like that would be where they could work through things but the other thing I will say is would you look at these trees I mean you got a chestnut tree in the foreground there you got a mulberry tree in the background some of these trees are looking pretty crazy right now and so I'm very excited with how much things have grown in the permaculture Orchard it's just that it's growing quicker than I can keep up with well well well if it isn't Moon frere that's Alfred's truck that's a whole bunch of Stone from Alfred but what I don't see is Alfred so I'm not quite sure what this Myster series about I don't know where he went we'll solve this mystery later we got more Farm chores to do [Music] [Music] hey buddy boy you've been patiently waiting good boy All Right Toby we do have to tackle this weed problem while I do have some weed whacker work I need to do today I'm going to be a little bit lazy and Outsource this portion of the weed whacking work to some friends that I have yes as you guys can see here the oak grass that I planted has been completely decimated at this point and it is time to let loose the goose yes my new flock is getting quite chaotic they've also grown quite a bit as you guys can see I mean we have some that look like full-grown geese at this point then we have others that are a little bit on the small side but I think they're going to do okay if I let them loose and so today with Abby up on the top of the pasture I'm gonna let the geese just wander free range all through this lower pasture and watch they're gonna go crazy here in a second for all the fresh stuff as long as they can figure out how this fence works I guess the cacophony there was something crazy that just happened good what is it Toby what is it what is it something's got your tackles up I know that I wonder if it was Alfred maybe good morning Pablo Barn cat how's it going pal so my buddy Alfred he just dumped a whole pile of stone over there so what's going on well that's a pile of custom split gauged wall Stone from the Vermont Heritage Granite Company about half of what I need down here on this job and we're getting ready to build a little retaining wall on the downhill side of the new barn here so but you will be able to watch Alfred's progress you should actually check out his channel I'll leave a link down for it below and find out what Vermont Heritage Granite company's doing yeah we're we're doing yeah it's really good to see Alfred again I'm a person who lives in so much routine in terms of my day in and day out and so little changes and I spend so much time right here on the farm that when I go away for a week and break routine it just totally messes everything up by the way one of the projects I'm going to try to tackle probably today if it doesn't start pouring rain too soon is finishing off this thing this is actually going to be a new seed structure and shelter for the goslings so the way it's going to work is I'm going to put uh some tarps down on this back side pick this up and walk with it move around as you may recall I was originally building this structure as a shade structure for the cattle but I got like halfway into building it and came to the conclusion that it was nowhere near sturdy enough to put up with the beating that the cattle will do but I think it's going to make for a perfect shelter for the goslings speaking of the goslings Toby dog looks like you've got some monsters wandering around here huh they're all over the place oh wait a minute I don't want that hey stay out of that Greenhouse you guys please no no no no no no no no you guys are going the wrong way I don't want you in here hey out you're causing problems little ones [Music] what are you doing you're going the wrong way this is the one downside of having goslings everywhere come on hang on hang on calm yourself calm yourself Toby are you gonna give this one a talking tube yeah here you go there's all your brothers and sisters and Toby we're gonna have to keep this door shut actually both before I do didn't want to show you guys yeah our gardening experiment is booming at this point we got some cabbages forming down here the buckwheat is going Buck Wild got some oat grass popping up more buckwheat and then I feel like the crown jewel Are the pumpkins like if you look right here I think I'm gonna have some pumpkins forming they just got through their flowering and so should have a bunch of pumpkins and so so far this has actually been a pretty successful food situation that we have coming here Toby dog likes sleeping in here as well so unfortunately I'm gonna have to block his access while I have all those goslings running around come on Joey dog we gotta lock this up Molly was terrified of the flock of goslings they actually split up I think there's a bunch of them over there and we got this Bunch over here I think I still have about 50 goslings around here so yeah they're doing good but I'm sure they're gonna want me to feed them pretty soon Toby can you be like a babysitter for me and just watch out for these guys yeah a few minutes later did you look at poor Toby dog that dog has the patience of his seat with all these ghastly just climbing around and he's just kind of like yeah I'm just doing my thing so now this is going to be really the start of them transitioning to a fully pasture-based diet I do need to give them some greens just to get him going here so for roughly the next week they'll still be living in the brooder house but then coming out during the day for next week I'll put them out to the pasture full time there is enough of them and our weather is going to be warm enough that I'm not too worried about cold or chill just because they're getting to the point where they're mature enough where that shouldn't be a problem oh did you guys look at that Wu-Tang Killer Bees they gonna swarm huh I wonder what's going on there I doubt I'm gonna have time to do it before the rain starts today but I really do need to suit up into my beekeeper costume and check on my hives there's a whole story about that but I don't even want to get into it right now oh look at that our catnip patch is starting to Blossom you can see it's starting to come up you know I did super super simple broadcast planting to get stuff going here my Lord I'm gonna have to come through here and clear this out today that's definitely on my agenda wow would you look at how weedy this has all gotten these weeds are good because I really wanted the organic material to come up and these very various plants actually introduce different things into the soil and draw stuff up from deep in the ground but yeah I got to clear it out in particular I don't want things like this thistle to flower but if I let it grow to a certain extent that's actually not a bad thing so we're going to do that all right let's check in with our weird chickens huh hey there Captain Janeway how are you doing yeah you're doing that well huh good to hear how are you guys doing on food well it looks like you got plenty of food as I've said before as you guys keep sending me stickers for the weird chicken house I will continue to include them like the range from Santa Margarita California and no I did not visit Santa Margarita last week Keep Portland Weird I thought it was supposed to be Keep Austin Weird I've also seen keep Vermont weird I'm actually a fan of keeping all places weird so yeah I thought this was a particularly clever sticker it's Pond tone it's different like Pond tones like this one is rainbow trout it's nothing quite like a good graphic designer joke so thanks again to everybody who's been sending me these stickers I'm really enjoying how this is starting to look and I feel like it really fits the whole weird chicken aesthetic speaking of which Allison is officially named the weird chickens at least the new ones so our white fluffy girl that we have right here her name is bet because Allison feels like she looks like Bette Midler somehow apparently it's a Hocus Pocus reference that I don't even get our rooster his name is gonna be Mr Frizzle so Rosie's daughter that you see right there her name's gonna be rosette which is very appropriate because her mom is Rosie and then the little lavender gal that you see right over there her name is going to be lavender Brown R.I.P Queen so yes the weird chickens have new names and uh I don't know I might have to get the goslings in here too because the grass is growing really hot out of the way little one scoot good if I spend about a half an hour a day doing that this should be cleaned up pretty quickly it's just you don't stay on top of it it builds up pretty darn fast all right you're going too slow and everybody else is way out there yeah you can see most of the goslings have made it out to the good grass all right go join your brothers and sisters you're getting lost there in the Sea of Grass Slowpoke you'll do okay though all right now you're reunited now I gotta admit this is exactly what I always dreamed of when I thought about having ducks and geese on the farm out in some sort of free range situation it's essentially a duck and Goose habitat that we have here on the farm here's the other part of our duck and Goose habitat hey are you trying to join the adults little one I don't think this is where you're supposed to be Hey Ron Swanson how's it going I'm gonna go do the duck and Goose chores and then you're still there I'll bring you back to your brothers and sisters okay age of I'm a puddle duck how are you doing you know Jim I'm a puddle duck actually is going to have a strong solid supporting actress role in the new Toby dog book you see when Toby dog first came to to the farm back in the winter of 2019 into 2020. that's really when the whole story takes place and so I don't know it seems appropriate that Jemima Puddle Duck is going to play a role I gotta admit even as I'm mentioning this to you guys like I want to tell you the whole gosh darn story because I think it's a good one I don't want to ruin it though so but yes Jemima Puddle Duck does feature prominently in the Toby dog book wow would you look at that you know the weather has been so abundant for insects and plants that doesn't look like the ducks and geese are even touching their food at this point they're happy to just get it from the pasture like my farm sitter gave them their full ration of food yesterday probably right around this time and to have I don't know half of it still there that right there is a good sign gosh would you guys look at all these trees so exciting to see just how big everything's getting and how Lush and green it is like we're in Full Tilt Boogie growth mode right now and I'm here for it there's shelter to a new spot how about right there for now yeah when it comes to ducks and geese in terms of what they need for shelter it's not much more than that that is if you have a security Force like Toby dog and Abby dog oh this little one's trying to sneak through and Ron Swanson escaped Ron Swanson get back in there come on come on around Swan so let's go thank you Ronnie and you Troublemaker I'm going to reunite you with the rest of your flock now you guys might be wondering why I don't just put the young ones with the older ones and there's actually two reasons one the younger ones will get beat up because whenever you introduce new geese to each other they always sort of battle for hierarchy but then number two it actually helps me observe the goslings better and I can see who I might want to keep and hold on to for breeding purposes for next year and so as I think about how I mix and match my flock it's important to like be able to observe like that and so I'm gonna keep the younger ones on this lower pasture most of the summer the older ones will stay out there come winter time though after I do my call I'll mix them all together all the remainers now this one what's this one doing in with the weird chickens oh so you think you're a weird chicken huh there you go did you topple yourself over can you go don't trip yourself on the weed whacker it looks like the Scapes are coming out on the garlic that's a good sign resta Allison's Garden is doing really well as well if you guys want to see Allison do a garden tour in the next couple of videos let me know down in the comments and also let me know what you'd want to hear about if she did give you a garden tour I'd be very curious so how are my Piggly wigglys doing huh how are you doing girls oh my gosh you have gotten so big since I last saw you it's actually incredible just how quickly they've grown in a week you know I didn't really notice it much day in and day out but wow they're easily I don't know 120 140 pounds how are you doing there Phil leotardo Artie Buco Paulie Germany definitely gonna have to weed whack this fence line too this morning that's probably the most urgent priority because I don't want them getting out but first let's feed them I actually have this mixture that was going to be used by a local Brewer friend but unfortunately they had an infestation of beetles and so while it's not good for making beer you can easily feed it to pigs come on you guys don't crowd me though please fresh slop so I'm debating whether or not to move them actually you know there's some parts like over here where they've really done a number on it and so it makes sense to move them and there's other parts over there where they've like barely touched it so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do what do you think girls do you want fresh pasture or are you happy here I mean I could probably leave you here for another month and you'd still have plenty of space they have done a very good job of making that corner way down there sort of their poop Zone and so I don't know if I just keep putting straw down on it that should be fine if you guys notice this though but it looks like they have built their own little pond so we got like some really heavy rains here and they've been wallowing like right in that one spot yeah you guys are making a mess huh well you guys enjoy the fresh greens while you're busy eating I'm going to be fence line trimming start by taking this off so I don't zap myself okay it's not about 30 minutes later and everything is nice and trimmed to reconnect the electricity just like that now my pigs won't Escape I've actually been finding that keeping the pigs in here has been very easy the pig chores have been very easy finding the feed has been pretty easy and even if I haven't kind of hit that 90 goal of recycled food that I was hoping for I'm still hovering somewhere around 70 or so which is pretty good and yes coming through here with the weed whacker like once a week is pretty much the only major chore I have I don't know it takes me about a half an hour or so to go through just make sure there's no brush or weeds growing up too closely against the fence I usually do like a quick daily visual check but the once a week clearing is always really important too so that the weeds don't get too high and short up the fence I'm finding this Summer that this tool right here has become one of the most indispensable devices I'm using It's actually an electric weed whacker from DeWalt I've messed around with the gas powered ones before and I'm really not a fan I find this one to be very lightweight and easy to use still messing around with fill filters or gasoline or priming or any of that nonsense I literally take the same exact battery I use for all of my other power tools and just slap it in and then at the push of a button it's going I also got this special like little plastic dealy that works with the dewalts it has a combination of both the string and this like plastic Blade the two of those working together really make it nice for trying to cut down any brush that I might have to deal with if you're curious about where to find a good deal on this as well as where to find the blade I'll leave a link down below and you can check it out and yes it is an affiliate link so I do get a tiny bit of commission from the retailer but more and more I am finding that this tool right here is indispensable for keeping up with the crazy growth of Summer hey Toby dog you want to see what Abby dog has been up to so now while I could ordinarily just ride my bike up to the top of the pasture to check on Abby dog I worry that sometimes that like lets her know I'm watching her and so today what we're going to do is try to spy on her stealth Style [Applause] all right gosh whenever I look at the farm it always amazes me just absolutely how green and Luscious everything looks this time of year all right so here we have the pasture let's see if we can find our Abby Doug my first place that I'm gonna check is over by the cattle it's Abby usually likes to go over there oh wait is that an Abbey dog right down there I think I spotted her already yep there she is so she's actually watching over by this fence corner I think she likes it probably because it gives her a good vantage point to the rest of the farm I mean so you can see her right there and her view is basically all the way out here so she's watching the rest of the farm that's not a bad thing I mean realistically speaking a threat's gonna probably come from that way but she's got good instincts because she's looking up like that let's get a little closer to her huh Abby's always very curious about the Drone she's not really freaked out by it though she doesn't I don't think see it as a threat I mean ever since she was a puppy she's been watching me fly it so it's not like it's something new or crazy look at her beautiful Windswept hair she's just like hi drone how are you doing oh whoa whoa whoa what do we got going on over here the cattle usually never a fan of the Drone oh look a little Beatrix she's terrified this is the first time Beatrix has ever seen the Drone so that's understandable oh sorry B didn't mean to scare you yeah the whole herd's like yeah we don't want to be anywhere near that drone thing we're going to go over here yeah they generally don't like the Drone and then as far as the chickens go you'll notice that all the chickens are now hiding underneath the house that's because as soon as they see the Drone they see it as a predator you've got the roosters kind of on the Outer Perimeter watching things but for the most part most of the chickens are either in the house or underneath it you can see the spots where they basically grazed so there's just like a strip right along that fence line then it came down further lower and then you can see where they're situated right now and the part that they've really beaten down but then if we give it a couple of weeks it'll probably look exactly like all of this stuff over here all right let's see if we can find our Abbey dog again I don't know where she went yup yeah she's still over by the fence yeah I've noticed that's her post I think I actually did you see this rock I think I'm going to build her house set up at least temporarily right there first off because I think she likes being able to see the farm from where she is up on the top of the hill but I don't know maybe there's some wisdom in having a mobile fence and having her close to that fence we'll see oh Mr Toby dog come here got a surprise for you pal that's right time for a brushing oh my goodness do you guys look at this so much Toby dog that needs to be de-shedified you know I take Toby and Abby to the groomer twice a year and then I try to brush them a couple times a week with Abby dog it ends up being like once a week with Toby dog I usually do it every other day and my Lord would you look at this this is why it's necessary yes but you like it this is our hangout time isn't it pal well it is really good to be back here on the farm I have missed everything terribly and I'm happy to be back and doing my thing and I really appreciate you guys watching so be sure to hit that subscribe button so you can watch our next videos and we'll be back again real soon have a great day everybody laughs [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gold Shaw Farm
Views: 105,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold shaw farm, duck farm, goose farm, vermont farm, farm vlog, sustainable farming, homestead vlog, farm dog, farmcore, farm dogs, livestock guardian dog breeds, livestock guardian dog, livestock guard dog, abby dog, gold shaw farm abby, gold shaw farm youtube, abby breeder, abby dog died, abby dog breeder, gold shaw farm abby drama, gold shaw farm abby breeder, food forest, nature living, rural life, rural living, vermont
Id: Wp18Rmgr1Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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