My Vegan Basement Food Storage Tour!

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maybe clean my entire pantry out over the course of two days so now per your request I've organized the basement all morning so that I can give you a basement or image it so here we go this is my playroom this is essentially the laundry room but it's a whole other kitchen it's where I do all of my canning and food science microgreens sprout fries drawing all of these things I'll show you around a little bit okay there's the pressure canner this is what I use for doing all of my caring obviously this is not an instant pot here's the dryer and the washing machine pretty standard I think you understand all that this is the freeze dryer that I used to make backpacking food and freeze-dried a bunch of basil that I grew and I still have a 100 year supply of freeze-dried basil I got this in pretty industrial size vacuum sealer for when I was doing the gravy and the cheese sauce mixing in this room you saw the video when we showed it this is what I did what i bought the vacuum sealer for but it's really handy for lots of other things like I do for freezing stuff which we'll get to in the freezer tour which is a topic for another video we did vacuum seal some clothing to mail which was pretty entertaining this here looks like a compost bin but I actually took dryer lint in here because it's really good tinder for camping to start fires with there's still some bad stuff they're doing definitely lots of mushroom powder in here we'll clean it up tomorrow it's true that this basement is obnoxiously large there is no person or family on earth that would need something this spacious this is the gym what can I tell you I felt this pull-up bar at a gas pipe it's pretty cool air by there [Music] adjustable dumbbells here various barbells doing literally we've got some practicing to do on the Indo board at max these are fun I have no idea what is this reach you can do whatever you want that's a yoga wheel I haven't done this in 15 years why is this working circus reeds this is the back wage that I landed trying to work on my posture because I get slashed over so I try to lay on this for like 20 minutes every other day that looks really uncomfortable it's miserable these are the bouncy place for the bar power Arrakis things of drink you can do everything squats chest the whole nine yards this is where I filmed there aints interviews breakers frigging knee was broken or Blake was guarding or something it's like come on man this is an awesome round machine this is the skier we're getting into the weeds here I said I wasn't gonna spend my shine in the gym there was that drum this I have some painful memories with this machine this is the food-grade mixer that I've told you about that I used to use I do not use it anymore to make the gravy and cheese sauce you measure everything put it in here I'd have a pedal and it would turn bad this is the basement food storage area the actual purpose of this video so these are the candies all the jars of beans that I make using the pressure canner in the laundry room there I don't keep dry beans in both in the pantry because I always just use them when they're already cooked so I'll just keep the canned beans in there that are ready to go jharkhand whatever you want to say these are the the backpacking food that I make in the freeze dryer so this is just like weightless all these are all different meals that I make and then freeze-dried and they're super great for backpacking you need them regular old meals during the week too of course really lightweight freeze-dried food that rehydrates really fast that's the point of those I use them mostly just for background this has all of the spices that I used for when I was making the cheese sauce and gravy I would not keep a gallon of turmeric in a bucket in my basement that's overkill by the way this is you see how this is all vacuum sealed that's because of the vacuum sealer that sucks out all the air the mylar lasts for probably 25 years whereas the plastic ones don't this bag here will taste the same 25 years from today as it would if I opened it right now in added water so I've got all kinds of herbs and spices that I would not we have garlic powder onion powder parsley sage rosemary Italian seasoning this is probably the most I would keep where you got down there dough these are Lacroix storage I've got my bags of starches and my buckets of starches I did not do hoarding when the whole pandemic started because I already had all this stuff this is how I always live and I know that this is not attainable for most people they don't have the spaces to do all this but for a lot of people you could probably find space to at least do several buckets like this of your drying starches and if you had six of these buckets full of Drive starches that's a long time of food these are oats and red lentils and green split peas and regular green lentils I have garbanzos Mayakoba beans kidney beans these are pinto beans black beans this is sweet potato that I had to charge this avaandjohn for my two years I used the jarred sweet potato for like making either a sweet potato pie or sometimes I'll make oak clusters I just bought a ton of sweet potatoes one year when they were on super sale and just candid all soybeans through the bag of basmati rice if I buy like two pound to ten pound bags of potatoes I'll throw one here so there's not so much clutter that this is not long-term the potatoes don't store for long so all of these buckets here this was all microgreens seed this is not my starches this is PC they make really nice microgreens I can show you them really quick when I show you the grow room which is another part of the basement these are the starches short grain brown rice green split peas in a bucket sweet curls I buy the whole the big 12 or 13 pound box of sweet oh yeah that's a bucket plus there's still a bunch in this bag takes me probably a year or more to go through that much soy girl they don't go bad red lentils this is my dehydrated veggie blend that I buy it stuff I love this is gold pinto beans do like it flower that I had bought from Costco I've had this for a couple years now this was like the bread flour but I don't use a lot of white flour ever I was experimenting with bread I don't I probably would never rebuy this and then I had a bucket for red beans when I was doing a lot of stuff with red beans which I'm not into regular green lentils rolled oats need two buckets a 25 pound bag roll dough takes up more than one of the buckets so I have two buckets for oats and then the last one is garbanzos so there are some beans that I do keep in the book it's just not every single one of them 13 beans soup I've had that for a long time and I made it this week so it didn't really go bad like the beans didn't lose their proper form or anything and by the way any of these buckets and fancy lids and stuff it's all in the gear link down below in the description box this is just some more extra food so like if I buy a bunch of cumin seed I'll put the rest and I'll vacuum because that vacuum sealer can also vacuum things into our jar so this lid is vacuum down here and that will extend the life if I really wanted to extend the life of the seed I'd also keep it in the freezer but I haven't had any issue once you get the air out it does a pretty good job I've got four of these I don't usually keep four extra bottles of kirklands the Costco no salt seasoning but that's how much I have right now apparently these are soy beans so if I want to make yogurt I love this brown rice ramen from Costco and you know how Costco like goes out of stock on things and then they don't get it back for a long time at ever so I have like five bags of this that I like always keep a lot of this brown rice noodles because I just think they're super tasty some olives tomato paste I had a lot of canned beans then I started jarring them I like to still use the canned beans I was talking about this in the pantry tour because the textures not quite as mushy and then some more diced tomatoes and tomato sauce that I have more PC and that's pretty much the food storage area any questions all on my both stuff I get from Winco obviously other places have both but Winco allows you to pre-order and buy them in the 25 pound bags we can do a longer video on the grow room and the microgreens stuff but I'll show you what I've got going on many of you remember that I talked about how I soul microgreens to chefs and local restaurants well that's not a very good business right now as you can imagine I have a lot more space for growing microgreens than I need right now so these are the peas that I showed you those speckled Peas this is what they look like after about 10 days I just cut them off like this snip snip snip and I use them for my smoothies they're nice and sweet very nutrient dense and I could just reveal them under life like this I don't have to rely on my grocery store for anything it's just water and then these like cocoa pads that I grow them on breeds and I are experimenting with growing food on this track so having more space and then doing whole heads of lettuce we're not we don't have any right now we're gonna start that experiment again this is the water that I used for the microgreens the dehumidifier when I was growing if I had like 15 trays of microgreens going in here for restaurants it gets very humid in here because the plants are constantly perspiring so this keeps the humidity down in here my a little fermentation fridge that I made and I do it in this little fermenting fridge because I don't do it with salt so I try to keep it really constant temperature to make sure that all the right things are growing what you're wondering what's behind this massive wall of curtain come on let me show you come in to the swag room this is the coolest living room you've ever seen what's nice about this I love this room this is our guest book why are there no signature you don't have guests they're not allowed right now here are our paint nite pictures that we did I wonder which one's yours a beautiful sunset everything in here has a story here's Reed's multi-record disc changer one guitar [Music] sounds like kids who's ready for your band this is our mermaid fin blanket that's Phil and that's the swag room you may leave I hope you enjoy this obnoxious basement tour check out next week's video we're gonna do the freezer to or maybe the refrigerator to our along with it thanks for watching this one see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Well Your World
Views: 21,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant based, sos free, vegan, whole food, health, lifestyle, gluten free, pantry tour, oil free
Id: 8ex6NSlq-_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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