My VCT Team Skins & Cards Tier List!

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today we're going to rank all of the team skins that have come out from the team capture some of them are completely garbage so let's dive into it we'll start off with one that's completely garbage Sentinels here is their classic skin you can see that uh they've got uh what looks pretty horrific this this doesn't work like I don't know what their logo is on here this is their little uh you know thing that dangles off it I forget the word for this I'm sure chat will remind me now um and then this is their player card and this is their spray now the sprays it should be said the sprays in all of the little uh gun buddies you know are are kind of like eh they aren't the main part of it right it's we're really going to be talking about this the kind of uh you know the kind of team team whatever they've come up with here uh for the player card and obviously the skin itself now the the Skins are all kind of the same uh but obviously you can see that they are different in some way for Sentinels I'm not a massive fan now a quick look at the SC card here you can see this is the card up in big essentially you might because this is the first one we're doing you might think oh that looks okay but as you can kind of see compared to some of the other ones next to it it's not very good so on my tier list of between buying this and prefer the default I think I'm actually foren going to put them in prefer the default I think uh yeah I don't think uh they they are very good okay next up is eg I'm sure many of you will be buying this skin of course and uh for EG the skin itself not too bad I would say you know it's it's okay uh and actually the spray I think could be kind of cool as well the card we'll get into so EG's card here again kind of mid I get it you're from Seattle we get it again not the best in the world but okay and so for EG I think the skin is the thing that saves it I'm going to put them in decent I think again don't buy this don't buy it don't support EG but I am going to put it incent okay okay 100 thieves some people will like this skin I'm not one of them it's okay and uh their card down here as well we'll get into I'm also not a massive fan so yeah the 100 thieves card I get it you know it a theve funny right you're taking you're stealing RR and you've replaced it with a bag of L I guess it's a I mean I guess you know it's it's okay it's a bit funny it's a bit playful but I don't know I I feel like it's kind of difficult to really you know it's kind it's kind of hard to tell all of that from the card uh but it's okay the card is okay the the skin I can see some people liking it I don't hate it I'm going to put them I think in the low part of decent okay levia 10an uh again I I kind of dig the skin it's okay the colors work I think fairly well and I think their little gun buddy again levian just have a cool logo basically if you have a cool logo your gun budy will be cool and so Levan kind of win on that front as well and their spray again is kind of cool CU their logo is cool but now let's get into the card because Lev's card here is absolutely badass I mean this is a crazy crazy card right and again levian they have an advantage cuz they have a cool name and a cool logo and this just looks cool I'm going to be putting in buy now will I buy the levia 10an one I might you know I really might I'm going to be putting it and buying it and I actually might buy it is the thing like I actually might because I do think it is kind of cool okay the loud one obviously loud have a lot of fans and again I think you know they have a distinctive color here you know the the bright green looks kind of cool I kind of dig this one too uh so yeah it's kind of nice uh in general and uh again obviously louder just working with a triangle so not the best spray or gun buddy but let's get into the card you might look at this and think it's kind of simplistic and you know whatever but again I kind of I kind of like it I kind of like it and I should say the smaller little icons is by the way that you'll see like you know on the right hand side of like the the homepage or whatever um the homepage is that what is that there the right word for it will just kind of be wherever the logo is for most of them I'm pretty sure so for instance on the levia 10 guy it'll be like here uh I think and then for loud it'll be this um and so yeah but I kind of like the card I like the card even though it's kind of a bit playful I like the guy here with the little L thing I you know I I kind of dig it so for loud I'm going to put them in pretty good I I'm not going to buy it I'm not a loud fan but I think if you are a loud fan you got you got a pretty good deal as a loud fan okay the Furia one and this is the thing as well teams that play in Black you know they're just getting a tough deal to be honest because why would you buy that you know why would you buy that and then for their card as well we'll get into it the spray is actually kind of cool though so the Furia card is kind of cool to be honest uh you know I I don't mind it it's not the best I think of all of them but it's also not terrible either it's it's it's a decent card so I'm going to put fua I think in mid in a bad way though okay crew there aren't a ton of pink skins in the game so they just again have the advantage of playing in pink and so people will like that I'm sure but for Cruz card I'm not really a fan to be honest I don't really get what's going on I think the card is bad enough that I'm going to put them in mid in a bad way as well mibr kind of interesting I guess kind of like interesting in an ugly way in my opinion but I kind of like ugly skins so this one yeah the problem for MBR is their player card I don't really get it I don't really know what it's meant to be I guess you are playing as a child and grow up to be an mibr player what an unfortunate reality I think the skin is ugly and I don't like the player card but the skin is kind of ugly in a good way so I'm going to put them in mid in a bad way as well okay Cloud n um the skin I actually think looks okay it doesn't look too bad overall the skin uh just here but we'll get into the player card now cuz Cloud n's player card very simple guess what the Cloud9 did they had it in the clouds and they kind of Drew a nine do you see that get it cuz they're called Cloud n it's like too simple but it's not bad like it's so simple it's like yeah obviously it's going to look okay and the skin is okay as well so I I'm going to put them at the top of ah I'm going to put them at the top of mid in a bad way but they actually I could understand if you wanted to put them in decent but they're definitely not higher than decent okay NRG same kind of problem as Furia you play in Black and White H that's just not going to go that well I think overall and the spray is okay now that card is like somewhat interesting I I guess it's it's not a bad card I don't I don't hate it I don't dislike it I think it's just like yeah it's okay so for NRG I think the skin again is is really br bringing them down unfortunately I I don't mind the card but the skin is kind of rough so I'll put them at like the top of mid in a bad way and then finally G2 here um again the dark skin I'm not really a fan of you know I've already got a black classic everyone does but the card is absolute fire as you can see on your screen right here um so it's kind of a weird one where they have a really good card but maybe not the best skin so vetu the skin is good enough that I'm going to put them in pretty good okay on to Ema na'vi uh again they do play in Black somewhat but the yellow I think is different enough that it kind of makes it interesting navi's player card I think it's kind of like Cloud9 right kind of simple it's so it it's not like horrific but to me just probably a bit too simple uh in all honesty uh for me to really like it and so I put Cloud9 down there for that reason so I guess I'll put Navi right by Cloud9 okay fanatic obviously fanatic as well have the benefit of playing in an interesting color orange uh so again I I kind of like the skin cuz orange quite cool now the player card for fanatic here not a massive fan of it to be honest I don't I don't I don't I don't know it's okay I'm not a massive fan so for fanatic the skin I think is going to get them into decent but the card eh they could have done better with the card okay King core just different shades of blue not super interesting in my opinion here for the skin in terms of the player card again maybe a little too I feel like they could have done a bit more here just a guy some blue smoke I get it the blue wall get it wall blue wall yeah that's nice but just a guy walking with some spray paint he painted a the wall blue H so Ki cor again maybe I'm a little harsh here it's not bad it's not bad it it's it's not bad I'll put him I'll put him at the bottom a decent it's all okay and if you like comment it's okay okay BBL uh the kind of golden skin seems I the logo here seems to blend in with it maybe not great I don't know if that will actually come across on the skin or not but at least here it doesn't look amazing but the gold skin isn't maybe the end of the world okay bbl's card I kind of dig to be honest I think this is a pretty sick card uh so yeah I'm I'm a fan of the BBL card and kind of overall aesthetic so I'll be putting BBL into the pretty good category up there with loud if I'll put him above loud I put them at the top of the pretty good for now okay foot skin eh it's okay again really nothing uh too crazy but I do think that foot's card goes kind of really hard again uh very different than a lot of other ones uh kind of weird will stand out for sure I I'm kind of I I really like this and so foot will also go into the pretty good category probably just below BBL I would say then again that card I I do really like so I yeah yeah they they're definitely up there okay Giants yeah just a blue skin whatever right and uh the spray as well it's okay and the card here for Giants is okay again it's it's not awful I'm not a huge fan of it but it you you get it he's a giant you get it it's it's it's okay it's decent okay team Heretics this skin isn't really for me I suppose you might like this skin but I I don't and team Heretics player card what is going on I have no idea what this is I honestly have no idea and so they're going to go in the prefer default not as bad as s but still not great okay Team Liquid Team Liquid yeah it's blue cool whatever the player card though I do think is quite nice you know the water the little horse guy here you know the little valerant flag I do think this is quite a good player card you know kind of funny kind of good so the skin is okay but I do like the player card so I'll put them in pretty good okay koi purple skin I like purple so I like the purple skin but the player card for koi is insane it's insanely good Coy's skin is yeah just really really quite good I'm going to put Coy in the buying this I do like purple and I do like that card quite a lot will I actually buy it again maybe okay Vitality ah too too black for me here really yellow is okay but again just a bit too dark for me and the player card here a little too Marvel from like 2012 for me really this player card but it's fine so Vitality I'll put in the ah I'm really not a Marvel fan so I'm going to put them in mid in a bad way gentl mates I really wish they would have gone more for the kind of pink and the neon green this is too black like with the colors they've got this is too dark this is too boring uh so they definitely could have done more I think with what they had and their player card here again is okay the only thing that really makes me hate this card is their their logo with this horrific double font with two of the worst fonts I've ever seen you won't catch me ever looking at this thing or ever wanting to buy it so I think they could have done more with the skin uh cuz they have a better color scheme the most but I also think that I hate their logo so much I'm going to have to put put them in made in a bad way okay onto Pacific finally dfm classic dfm it's awful and also their card is also awful unironically awful and so dfm you're going to the bottom of the list classic dfm geni n it's okay uh I don't hate it it's a bit kind of like is it Sentinels of light it's a bit Sentinels of light for me geni but it's okay and that card I think is kind of decent as well to be hon honest uh not my favorite of all the animal ones um but not not the worst either so I'll put geni in decent I think I think it's not too bad overall okay DRX the skin not really for me to be honest not the worst here of all of them but just it's h it's whatever the card is kind of cool though I do like it of all of the people in a cityscape Skins which of there are quite a few this one is probably the best one of all of them in my opinion so I think I'm going to put DRX at the bottom of pretty good I'm not a massive fan of their skin but I do quite like uh the player card okay Global now if it's just I don't know if this is just me but I think that their skin is probably the worst looking one it looks kind of spline esque which I kind of hate but also kind of love now for the player card though they they they they have a lion dressed in a jacket which is kind of sick particularly if you're like a f or something um why they went for that I have no idea whatsoever so their skin is like awful but kind of good cuz it's so bad and then the and then that's kind of good player card as well am I buying this maybe I'm going to put it the pretty good I don't think I'm quite buying it okay paper x it's pink that's pretty good people like pink and again their logo will be pretty good I think as a spray and the paperex card I think as well is also pretty good right kind of cool kind of different kind of unique just a good card so paperex obviously have a lot of fans and you can be pretty happy cuz I think paperex have a pretty good card in skin and rrq I kind of dig the orange again kind of like their color in general maybe a bit too gray and black for me but not bad but RR Q's player card is kind of bizarre and kind of cool kind of sick it's like I said this earlier to the chat that if Sentinels like look it's like Sentinels looked at ru's card but then got like a 5-year-old to do the version of that so RQ I kind of dig the orange kind of dig that card I might I'm kind of in between buying it I might have to become an RQ fan this season okay Talon it's red it's okay it's not awful but their card is kind of sick the card goes pretty hard this Phoenix thing is it a phoenix don't know but if it is this is quite a cool card so Talon I'm going to put you in pretty good Zeta division they play in white and black and thus they have a terrible skin but perhaps even worse this is the worst card of them all this is horrific I could do a 20 minute rent about how bad this is I have no idea what it means either the letters in the background so I have no idea of the meaning of it it also looks dog what are they doing and so Zeta I'm going to make you a new row and call it who did this and I'm going to put Zeta division in that new row okay T1 yeah it's fine it's a fine skin again not really for me but it is what it is that card is kind of cool though again kind of a bit weird kind of a bit mysterious kind of old school I like how the bow kind of comes out of it here as well so a pretty nice card so again T1 I think I'm going to put them at the bottom of oh are they at the top of decent no I like that card enough put him in pretty good okay bleed again a bit too black for my lecking again not the end of the world and the spray probably not the best that card as well is a bit kind of like eh whatever it's like that um music video from one of the league CH uh world songs I don't I can't remember which song it is but you know the one where they climb the mountain just looks like they would just like you know let's just copy that and put it on a put it on a card so bleed I I'll put them like mid in a bad way at the bottom and then finally team secret uh why team secret after the Ascension team I don't know uh clearly a bit of disrespect maybe just got it in on time uh and it's yeah it's not a great great skin and team Secrets logo though could be a decent spray the card though I I'm just not a massive fan it's like I don't know why it works for louds but it doesn't for this I don't know maybe maybe it's cuz whatever this is what what animal even is this a penguin whatever this is pel I actually have no idea what animal is that yeah it does look like a battle pass card that's what I'd say team secret are going to go into they're going to go into mid in a bad way as well and that is my rankings of all of them I guess this season I'm a Lev Koy an RQ fan
Channel: Thinking Man's Valorant
Views: 51,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Pros, Guides, Guide, Ranked, Ladder, FPS, Shooter, Riot, Tips, Tricks, Tips & Tricks, Pro, Vod, Review, VCT, Team, Thinking, Game, Sense, Gamesense, VOD, Learn, Gain, Analysis, Brain, Understand, Win, Ability, Grow, Value, Think, Man, Valo, Highlight, Highlights, Fun, New, TMV
Id: Sy8549kt02I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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