My Uncle Rob and Dad React To Driving 600HP Turbo Yukon! They Both Owned It..Can They Handle It Now?

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i think i'd blow this thing up in about a day so you hold the gas to break at the same time you know how to do a burnout but i'll try that guy's gonna call the police you think so guaranteed it just wants to you know it does it really does if you're going 100 or 120 miles an hour you need to feel like you're secure yeah that is the real uncle rob that is my dad the original owner and the second owner uncle dad and they weren't even gonna fight about who got the drive at first which was a little disappointing because i thought that would make this video funny you gonna arm wrestle for it i'd win but when did you buy this thing like fill the people in on the backstory 2003 i ordered it got it from a place up in grove city picked the color needed something different than the white one so we got red denver like those wheels those wheels are ugly yes they are very ugly that's all that came with it wanted to get roof lights but they don't do that anymore because your 95 had cab lights didn't it yeah you know you sold it to him and he didn't know that you painted part of it in the garage no it pulls me off let's go look at that yeah that wasn't a very good paint job but the paint wasn't good did it with a spray can it looked better when you did it it's been aging for yeah it doesn't have clear coat on it so that's why it doesn't look shiny it's a brake master thing still on here from the motor home towing days yep are you getting good use out of the harley pad on the seat belt yeah we left that there it's classic so i was trying to figure out exactly when i bought this because i think it was actually 2007. the end the end of those seven i think you bought the the oh eight suburban at the end of o7 because it was 108 right it was still new like new new what's different on the engine besides the stuff nothing absolutely nothing spark plugs who's gonna drive first i will go forward and right now the exhaust cutout is open so the exhaust is coming up before the muffler i can close it and it'll sound exactly like it did before but it's slower so we left it open yeah your neighbors don't care no it's really not that loud yeah move your seat around back to where you used to put it 12 years ago does it still feel familiar has it been too long to remember it it's been too long you think it'll come back to you you spent a lot of time in here 100 000 miles is how many hours it's a lot of hours all right you ready i'm ready okay let's go pretty cool you weren't expecting that were you because usually you can pull out of here and just floor and this thing is just and it just kind of goes up the hill yeah uh can't wait to get out on the road how much horsepower does this thing have it makes 5 30 at the wheel so it's a little over 600 at the crankshaft if you weren't ready for that were you sort of doing that i didn't go all the way as soon as i could i hate that that ac compressor rattling in there is extremely annoying but i wonder what uncle rob's thinking back there guys [Music] does it feel faster than your cayenne did i don't know i just think like with the cayenne like i could just dart around people with this thing i don't feel like i could dart to cayenne you got supreme confidence because you got great brakes great handling big fat tires with this thing it's straight line speed you can't do crazy did you do anything to the brakes of this yeah it's got good pads and rotors on it and they helped a lot from how it used to be the brakes were you think they're bad now they were terrible before this a regular transmission no it's sephora lady this is one from a 2500 truck so you can hold the gas in the brake at the same time you know how to do a burnout then but i'll try ready yep [Music] look at those does uncle rob approve that was pretty good it was pretty good she said do it right there when do you have a neighbor that's easy to pronounce this dude right there and points in front of their house so how was that burnout frank that was pretty good i wasn't sure how you'd handle it that guy's gonna call the police you think so fishing guaranteed okay we'd have to wait until they're done golfing did you put the ls in it's a turbo five three really yeah going to be fun it is the guy down the street you know him i don't care this guy down the street didn't look we're going back to the entrance right now yeah down that way's a little older he was staring at me carrying a kid but he didn't you know we didn't do anything down there yeah up around here no my kid's in the house is that your very first burnout maybe not my first but it's definitely the longest the first one you've done on purpose probably okay i never did one in the in the gt350 that was pretty good you wouldn't you could literally sit here with this thing and if a cop pulled up they would see the lines and see this and think who did this what does it mean it wasn't that guy i guess you need to do an acceleration from a stop and then um then you'll have the full experience and we can have michael rob do the same stuff acceleration from stop what do you mean like do what you did before but try not to do a burnout first like just kind of stop somewhere and then floor it but not on this road do you want to go you want to go faster than 40 miles an hour that's why four wheel drive is helpful because it doesn't do that just seems like you should slow down what this thing yeah it could be dangerous [Music] how was it good my career so uncle rob is gonna drive uncle rob awesome it's weird for me to refer to this thing as uncle rob because you're uncle rob yeah so it was kind of weird for me like the first you know a couple months of recalling this thing uncle rob yeah you got to get it all back to where you where you got it yeah i'm trying to is it still a familiar zone for you or is too much time passed nah it's still pretty good right now we're almost out of gas i think it doesn't work it's full yeah when i put the new gas tank in it i did something wrong oh my gosh if you're gonna do a burnout better make sure you're starting in the stream because you're not gonna end up on the street definitely not has you ever done a burnout you think yeah maybe maybe that's the broken ac compressor pulley from race week you interrupted the church bells how does that feel amazing i think i'd blow this thing up in about a day you think you'd blow it up in a couple of days because you want to do that all the time all the time it just wants to you know it does it really does it's going to spin again so just be prepared for that i don't want to go to the hospital did you hear a chirp the tires on the shift yeah the brakes aren't bad either i upgraded them yeah drive the same all the other ways it seems tighter not as not as loose as it was i didn't change anything seems to be better than it had been around 80. yeah what's going through your head right want my now back no it'd be kind of fun to put a turbo charger on the if we can figure out something whatever's going on with that transmission like i said i'd be happy to put enough l80 in it get rid of that whatever it is that thing can be tuned to not be stupid anymore well me it's not good knows all i mean she's like wow this is really bad i like it it's just annoying like if you're if i'm over 40 and punch it it's fine it takes off but come on neighbors love us well i am not dead that's a win we're losing some rubber on those tires here's where the whole time you just think i bought those tires i did actually they last forever though don't they not unless you're doing that yeah that's true the denali is way more comfortable than the yukon yeah well that's a no-brainer this would be the the thumbnail that would be so funny yeah do like a step brother's thing though how do they how do the stepbrothers pose well yeah google it so they can do it would be so funny she doesn't want to do it i'm the older but i'm uh like this something like that yeah that's so funny also what are your thoughts i want one would you rather have this in its current form than the one you're currently driving um that's actually a really hard question considering you experienced the transmission yeah it would be nice to have a transmission that actually got up and went like this one does but uh once i get that corrected probably not what about you what are you what do you what did you think was going to be like going into this do you have any idea i expected it to be really powerful just because you built it you've done it and i've seen all your videos so i expected it to be powerful but i don't know i didn't know what it would feel like so my expectations were it was going to be powerful and fast it's just not doesn't handle the way i'd like it to handle so you can't keep going fast if you're going if you're going 120 miles an hour you need to feel like you're secure yeah i mean i just like a wider space so that when the back end comes out you can do a little correction to straighten it you can just let it skate a little bit do a little do a little skating around it could be fun the brakes are literally steaming you can see steam coming out of the wheel well this one yeah you can smell the pads these brakes are way better than your brakes are warped i'm not surprised you can feel it they weren't like that initially but they're definitely so these different rotors so they're drilled yeah the different rotors the ebc ebc pads and rotors the same ones i use on the escalade so this is what you put on my escalade that's what i would use yeah we need to get you to move back for a few weeks well i could just take your car with me that's possible what are you gonna leave me with this okay okay so if you want if you want turbo on that this will be your loaner what's the hardest part about turbo in this thing um the headlight yeah i guess probably the transmission swap was the most involving process of this particular one but your escalade doesn't need a transmission swap to handle being turboed which makes it a lot easier do i need twins or just one twins would look cooler but i'll say i keep trying to ask you guys on top of questions then you veer off somewhere else like talking about roof shingles or something sorry man so get us back on topic i don't know what do you what do you have to say about your own personal experiences or expectations for this thing that people are watching this video wondering if they want to do this everyone should do it like there's no reason not to do it i mean other than cost if you want a fast powerful big useful suv you should do it i never drove the supercharged escalade so i don't know what that was like how does that compare to this um it was a little bit faster but it was like it was a lot more solid like this is very you know floaty that thing was more stable and secure uncle rob was newer uncle rob is ready for the dirt track do you did you ever think that five years ago when you were like don't do anything to that escalade that you would sit here and drive your old work truck with 600 horsepower and think this is cool everybody should do this never thought of that how could i i don't know it was out of the realm of possibility you never no one ever really even thought about this until you started doing what you did to the escalade right yeah i mean you know how many there are a couple i guess if you actually do some searches you can find some bigger vehicles but um as far as someone who's driven this for whatever 07 so that's what 14 years i basically drove it never would have imagined this thing going like it was going earlier today it's incredible it's fun it's a blast your memories are driving this are fresher than mine because i've had seven cars since then how many cars have i had since then i'd bourbon i'm confident i'm confident that you never baby this thing any more than i mean i know i didn't baby it when i was on the interstates i was doing 80 minimum this way i drove first five six seven hours in a row as long as i could keep it going i get i went that's what i that's just you know how you get when you're doing highway driving 80 feels like you're doing 40. after a while you feel like you're making time if you're doing 80. yeah because you're driving for five or six hours you're chopping out you know 10 minutes off every hour or something that adds up but it would really be fun actually to be on the highway like the turnpike doing like 80 or some jerk in a whatever comes up behind you and wants you to get out of their way and then just punch it yeah but this thing is totally in disguise nobody would look at this and say to themselves well i mean that picture that thing's fast so what are you gonna do to this thing now leave it the way it is for a while yeah it's gonna need a camshaft before you turn the boost off because this is only 10 pounds this turbo could make you know 150 horsepower more than this with a couple changes so the stock horsepower on this is what 300 like 305 or something like that in the stock horsepower on the 6.2 like your dad's in mine 450 so a turbo charger you could get that up to 600 easy without doing any major mods nope would you put new wheels and tires on it and get rid of the running boards this i think i have to leave it exactly the way it is because it is what it is i'll have different set of wheels for it eventually because all three of my suburbans are interchangeable wheels but these are like the default just because it's supposed to be stock and boring looking whenever you did the first acceleration burnout you're kind of like all over the place at any point did your like butt pucker like oh crap i'm gonna put this thing in the trees because i knew what to expect watching him did it do that to you were you prepared for that um i didn't realize i was burning rubber until i looked in the mirror and saw all the smoke and then then i realized that i was actually burning rubber and then it started to skate out on me a little bit so then i kind of backed off we'll have to see if that matches the video was it funny watching your old truck do a huge burnout yeah it was actually i mean it's pretty amazing to think of i mean otherwise i would have thought there was a problem with this thing like holy blew up oh um something i would like to add and i haven't said anything until the camera was on on purpose you said you have a two-wheel drive denali now yes did you ever have to use four-wheel drive in this in the winter never ever ever he already knows um why was it on four-wheel drive the entire time yeah this does not have two-wheel drive it's automatic it's in four high all the time it has is that why i got such crappy gas mileage i don't know well it's like automatic so it's like all-wheel drive see you have four low neutral and automatic so if it was slipping the front wheels turned on so if you thought you were in two-wheel drive and you got yourself out of a snow pile it was in four-wheel drive because we put this thing on the dyno and the front wheels were trying to turn i know i remember that so this is the future documentation of what is now i guess your future race car so to speak this is my daily driver how do we open that it's the first time i've ever opened it what was that i don't want some kind of rubber stopper yeah there's not a whole lot going on in here ready for turbos lots of room yes engine bay pretty much like the other escalade engine bay very similar yeah so do you want to explain why you always have suburbans i need to find a picture of it but suburbans weren't the original suv in the family not for you no for the entire stapleton family international harvester travel law that's what we had originally when you were growing up when i find a picture of it when i get a picture of it i'll send it to you so maybe i need to have a international harvester travel all it always used to overheat going to buffalo one time and there was a noise coming out of it i had to crawl in the back and listen to it well well grandma was driving she's like 14 years old i'm back there by the wheel well listening like mom i think it's a wheel it's probably like a bearing or something turns out it was a bearing really bad yeah so why do you have these now what do you like why are they your work vehicle you know i know but explain to that's the answer look in the back work stuff work stuff what do those do that's a helium leak detector used extensively in the automotive industry to test air conditioning components compressors condensers all the lines fuel rails fuel pumps headlights anything that's hermetically sealed on your car that has tight enough spec will be helium leak tested with something similar to that i've been selling them for 30 years so you need to be able to haul them around in the back because you never know when somebody's going to call you when you're out in the middle of michigan saying hey dave you still got those leak detectors can i see one we might need to buy it so you just have to have one with you so i do this one fell out of the back of my porch and rolled down the highway so you had a brief hiatus from suburban work truck and you had a cayenne yep how did how do you like going back to something that's big enough to throw tons of stuff in love the utility of this miss the performance and the handling of the kind of that's why we're going to turbo charge this right yeah turbo it and lower it with better brakes and you'd be amazed at how much better it handles once it's lowered plus like the porsche cayenne turbo with 22 inch wheels or were they maybe they're 21's if they weren't brand new and you're driving in the winter with all season radials on the highway they had no traction the wheelbase was too short and it would just hydroplane little tiny cars would pass me and snowstorms going 65 miles an hour i'd have to slow down and keep going slower to not hydroplane did you use this for the same thing that he does did you ever carry these around back there see both the same thing more than one used to pick people up at the airport with their luggage and that was always convenient to have one of these because you could put anything in them you could pretty much pick up and take out like take a crew of people out for lunch and had no problem with space it's like a mobile office which is basically what it is you know you use it for that you remember when you made that piece of wood to go in the center console so you could write on it while you were driving yeah i wonder what happened yeah i don't know did you ever get a piece of wood for the center console i might even have it really it's possible and yours well did you look inside yeah it's not it's not in there you know what i'm talking about though it was like radius to the shape of the center console yeah yeah i know exactly what you're talking about because when i cleaned it out i might have actually put it in my box of everything gets dumped in here i know that video has been long awaited pretty cool and we'll definitely have to do that again more often as uncle rob expands in phases and it might even be cool to have them drive the escalade too definitely my dad but i'll have to turn it down so he doesn't um you know he won't be ready for that definitely not so yeah but you may have seen the shirts for wearing um you can go to stapleton and get the uncle rob yukon shirt on there check it out that's the one we are uh we're still in pennsylvania right now but we have all the merch with us we weren't planning on being gone this long we weren't even planning on coming here so if you've ordered something since like june 22nd i think is when we left um we're shipping it now i actually ordered plastic baggies and label paper to use the house printer so we can ship merge from here because that was never our plan but we're making it work because that's what we do he's happy to be here have some extra room he learned how to swim yeah he did good boy cool check it out and if you thought this was cool send it to a friend hit the subscribe button leave a comment anything like that that all helps things grow and since you know we're kind of in a transition period right now in terms of what kind of content we're making things have been slow so everything helps i'm glad you guys are here the next video is actually logan learning how to drive this so yeah if you're wondering what this car is that gets explained in the next video too so you're going to want to watch that isn't that right yes huh i thought you're going to say something else oh no i need to film this i need to trust it okay so this hesitation thing he's talking about is like seriously bad watch this what is that that is the weirdest thing it's not like so try one of these and i'll hold this okay how do you where do you want me to hold this where are we gonna let that you know it's on you let logan hold it yeah okay so what am i so now put it in me uh manuel manuel and now you got the shifter here yeah tried that not much good it has nothing to do with the shifting of the gears it's like starting yeah it's like this is this is broken this is this truck is broken yeah but once you get out of that it's fine like when i'm driving down the highway if i'm on a highway doing 60 and i punch it it takes off but there's not as much torque on it when you're already in motion it has something to do with being stopped does it do it in reverse no well i can't tell you that i've tried it probably wouldn't because there's all there's a different the force and the weight and stuff is now reversed and so whatever undone like it's like there's something undone there and it's not connected in the right geometry and then it kicks itself into place once you start rolling it's definitely shaking from the back that's i almost think that's like a transmission clutch confusion thing because i don't if it was the rear end the rear end would be having issues all the time it's not normal how do you live with this well just
Channel: Stapleton42
Views: 275,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lsxcalade, escalade, turbo, twin turbo, pfi speed, hondaru, stapleton42, Mitchell stapleton, 427, lsx, dyno, 2000 hp, street outlaws, cleetus, leroy, ruby, turbski, bald eagles, 4x4, rowdessy, big turbo, suburban, yukon, denali, 1320video, dale jr, do it for dale, Brent pfi, 2.0, rmrw, drag week, boost, v8, ls1, esv, boom tube, nascar, daytona, Alex bowman, Blake wilkey, suck it, mcfarland, dale truck, monte carlo, first gen monte, ls swap, pro touring, lsa supercharged, iroc x pipe, dr gas, rippin
Id: wVktrpa_4GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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