My Twitch Chat Plays Hollow Knight

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so i have been setting this up in the background if you know twitch plays pokemon or anything like that it's basically going to be like that but yeah i didn't feel like playing holiday today so instead you're all going to play it for me by using the twitch chat i'm sure it's gonna go amazingly well we're gonna get like very far into the game and not be stuck in king's pass the whole time totally i'm gonna try and get this set up right as i click new game so that you can't screw up my menu oh i think you skipped the cutscene i think it's good chat let the cutscene play chat why there we go all right this is completely up to you chat i'm not doing anything uh i don't know who pressed inventory but that's not gonna get you anywhere pausing is also not going to get you anywhere they'll look down oh we're going we're going who's pressing left stop trolling oh the crawl that got you there y'all are really getting destroyed by this crawling don't change the controls i will be forced to fix them look out there's a crawling shut i have the power to blacklist command oh my god you're going go up oh my gosh you actually made it to that platform are you trying to get the geo rock oh nice you're gonna die this crawler though like you're gonna die to it the first death yeah get the geo i'm sure that's gonna help you oh never mind cut the grass yes i've taught you well oh nice nice crawling kill get the shade get the shade so how this works is if you press left or right you're gonna keep walking that direction oh the upswing that was some skilled movement right there there is also a stop button to stop all movement and rip murdered by the shade and then you know all the buttons are just like they work as you would expect up and down will actually continue to be held as well similar to left and right which will allow you to do like pogos and stuff should we try to coordinate teams uh not sure that's gonna happen i think the teams are people trying to play the game and people trying to inventory and escape for some reason all right i was gonna set a timer before but we'll do it now it'll mostly be accurate go forth chat you can do it you can make it out of king's pass i believe it's a speed right now whoever's keeps pausing that's not helping and i'm going to blacklist the command look out for the crawling oh nice all right we're blacklisting it give me a second whoever keeps pressing pause you've ruined it and i'm i'm turning off inventory too for now i'll turn it on when we get to like a charm or something if we do that's the only way it would be useful really oh you're getting some crawling kills chad you know you can heal right with a a is heal there you go oh yes upswing it nice heal again heal again no someone ruined it that's probably gonna happen a lot oh my god dodging the shade the dodges oh chat is awesome at this game look at that all right now you just have to get up like a few platforms it's as simple as that there's nothing in your way to kill you you just gotta get the platforms oh all right those first two platforms have been stood on many times never made it to that like that top one over there though the higher up one what's the knight doing oh oh i always get excited when you like start going the right way okay it was looking good for a second there oh oh not far enough the knight is very confused i should have just yeah i should have just put like casual play through first play and like pretend like i'm playing be like oh how do i get to these stupid platforms why is the start of this game so difficult isn't this supposed to be the tutorial area why do i have to do like intense platforming to get anywhere we're playing as a game journalist okay current goal make it to that like second square platform because we haven't done that yet oh you did it you did it see i just have to set goals and then you immediately reach them all right new new goal get to that third up platform up there that's our new goal we have to set our goals very low you have a feeling that franchi pressing random keys would be more effective i mean that's basically what's happening anyways we're going back to the start yeah so if we don't get anywhere in like a certain amount of time i have some other ideas we can do but i want to give this a good amount of time and see if we can maybe at least make it out of here or just how far we can get in king's past not sure why everyone so much people are swinging it's not really gonna do anything is it just out of anger like even if we make it past this spot we're just gonna die later on i feel like so i don't know how it's ever gonna oh my god nope someone pressed the left and ruined it come on we can at least make it around this spot okay come on what is even happening are some people just trying to purposely ruin it or i think people are trying to go back to the geo rocks and other people are trying to actually go so it's just getting us nowhere oh jump left oh that was some excitement right there the true 45 hour speed run now this would be like a thousand hours this would just never happen all right chad let's go left let's get the geo rock go left for the rock yeah get the grass get the rock yes okay we can stop going left now we're too far left yeah there you go can i like direct chat to go somewhere i mean i made us go to that geo rock so that worked okay go in here and then hold right against the wall and don't jump and then we're gonna be like oh okay keep going jump jump jump you got to jump like two seconds early jump everyone snap jump everyone stay up jump and then stop no it was too early left jump stop oh that was actually it actually happened but it didn't go far enough left okay chad how long do we want to give this before i move on to other things i don't think we're ever gonna get past this drum what if the mosquito kills us it doesn't matter making it past these platforms is like the equivalent of completing pantheon 5 hitless oh oh oh i thought that was that was looking so good okay chad i'm going to give you an hour to get through this and then we're moving on oh oh yo chat go go no you missed the platform that was so close though that was so close okay this doesn't look like any of your playthroughs i've seen that comment none of you none of you were stuck in the first jump of king's fast for 40 minutes i'm sorry that's not what happened i don't think you're getting a dirt mouth you're not making it has this first jump i would have like a tiny bit of faith if you made it past this jump at this point but i don't think it's happening i think the knight gave up they're just standing still and swinging their nail and time whoops almost time good attempt chat you didn't get anywhere you got the geo rocks congrats okay this file has every ability unlocked okay so now you should be able to crystal dash double jump dash dream nail see how far you can get now okay now you could actually get through your secret tunnel with a double jump you could actually get through here but you kind of need to be away from the wall a bit is this an attempt to get the crawler no don't do it i mean you got the crawling but you're not getting any soul what the heck you crystal dashed on the wall there you should have just jumped what are you doing oh oh yeah let's go this is the route get fury you actually already have fury so there's nothing in there just go up the right side that's probably the easiest way actually there's spikes up here but you can like see dash off the wall and get over them maybe maybe that would be a good strat oh the lower the lower oh come on you got this you can get up that wall you can do a chat no where are you going oh my gosh you were on the wall you're on the higher wall i love that this tiny little lip on the wall is this big of a problem you had it again you had the wall coin no don't fall down oh my gosh who would win the savior of hollow nest or this one wall then every oh oh chad you were up there yes no chat you have every ability you have to be able to make it out of here we could also go like back left and try and go the normal way if this wall this single wall is too much trouble the normal way is way harder but we have double jump yeah try it try it we're down here just try it let's try going left and like double jump up i think it might be easier because we're really struggling with that wall you could go to howling cliffs but good luck getting up that wall that's even harder that's probably the hardest way to go yes oh you had it you had it chat there is a there's a battle going on between people wanting to go to the cliffs and people wanting to go this way chat you have to all decide on one thing okay fine go to cliffs and die fine we'll do that no i like i have like some influence like i can say let's go somewhere and it kind of happens oh my god the crawl is still there good luck with that chat yes c dash into the wall that's gonna save you oh my gosh you made it you had it people aren't spamming jump enough every time we like reach a wall nobody jumps jump you're right there jump no you were set up oh that was if people were mastering jump what did i say everyone had to match jump more that's a shame that's apparently like a twitch thing oh you timed the jump again oh the platform new platform reached come on this is super doable yes c dash c c c dash no oh my god no we were up there see every time we see that or at the bottom i don't know how this happens but whenever we make it up nobody's pressing it nice just chilling in the treasure chest this one stupid wall is causing such a problem why do they have to like add this lip to the wall no chat stop scaring me like that and rip the turmoil of chat just see dashing back and forth what are you doing oh oh all right i'll give you until 40 minutes oh okay never mind immediately bailed it's weird i feel like we were getting up there pretty consistently but just not happening now 40 minutes all right you had your chance all abilities did not help like at all let's see how you all fare in the god home mode probably equally as bad okay chat you're hopeless don't screw with me stop nope who did left no stop pressing left it overrides my direction chad i'm trying to get you charmed okay chat choose your builds choose your builds that's not how you do it hive blood so you got compass already the compass high blood nope never mind not high blood spores room okay never mind but if you hold like oh that's a good charm yes there you go soul eater soul catcher spell twister never mind shape of one okay one more one more over charm hive good luck over charming okay you know what that's a good build you did good chat that's a good build oh you're gonna do some bindings okay chat feeling confident never mind all right good luck pantheon one oh the shade saw why are you sea dashing heel heel heel hey aaa no okay i like the i like to just don't move and just do up swings and then someone always has to ruin it okay this fight might be too hard for uh for twitch plays let's go let's go here let's find some easier fights maybe we'll find one you can actually do god damn it chad stop i'm trying to help you come on chad you just gotta spam x just spam nail good hit good hits three hits do some spells oh that missed the c dash damage interesting choice and dead you can do this fight chat i believe in you nothing is hitting at all you're kind of just getting bullied not a very good attempt thorns would be great well you chose this build for a reason i assume okay maybe i don't believe in you at all i take back my believing oh that was good the slug slug strats the shriek you just got three hits of shriek that's huge it was too late though okay i'll just give you good charms i'll take your charm sorry we want lots of health so maybe joni's there you got this chat you got this chat this is a much better build for you it's a build entirely based around taking a ton of damage oh the dodge how would you dodge that what impressive getting a lot of thorn hits thorns is really uh the charm of the game right here healing's not gonna do anything chat you can't heal oh let's go that's all you needed chat actually accomplished something oh mike i left inventory unlocked don't press i stop pressing i big hits thorns is really good for the uh twitch plays built not good enough though nope cat who's doing this who's doing this stop okay the dodge missed the dive though unfortunate get some thorn hits oh the wall off the wall swing yo that was looking like you were actually a player for a second there come on you got this chat this is a good run still got six health oh the the clank be careful though you can't just damage tank everything eventually it's not going to work good dive hit oh no she's got to be almost dead be careful just get another hidden oh no wrong way the c dash interesting maneuver there it worked out though okay i said it was a good maneuver but that doesn't mean spam it constantly it's usually a terrible idea come on chat come on chat be careful don't do that who did that oh that was some big damage and the sea dash into the thorns okay stop stop using that oh my gosh how did you lift that and you're dead the sea dash hit that actually like launched her across the room oh three hits a shriek this is good this is good come on that's huge damage no it's falling apart no you just shot two fireballs in the wall oh that was going well [Music] i don't know how you live that long there whoops well have fun on ascendant [Music] [Music] okay i take responsibility for that one chat who's okay that was actually not my fault someone was pressing down i'm pretty sure chat actually chose to send it seems to be going pretty well [Music] weaver links are getting some damage in [Music] good hit by grim childs oh but you're down to one hp you're gonna heal you're gonna want to heal wait i disabled healing didn't i i disabled healing still sorry chat i'm sabotaging i sabotaged it i mean if you just dodged the entire time eventually your friends will kill hornet right the thing is the dodging part doesn't seem to be going so well oh the dive i think you got every hit there well we can beat hornet at least yeah let's go chat let's go two bosses down yeah just spam d-dive okay okay first try that's three bosses dude this build is unbeatable chat you're so good you're so good chat easy that's five bosses okay this guy you got this guy this guy isn't even a boss this build is too good it is entirely built around just frantically mashing buttons and bumping into things oh the parry you really parried that's amazing chat you really got a parry through twitch delay who picked ascended who did that well this is what happens oh the shriek though the streak hits if you actually get this chat never mind okay oh the the shade soul i don't know who's trying to dream now but oh my gosh that was cheating come on easy boss okay chad you're you're beating these bosses too easily we need to do a harder one these ones are too easy what are you doing you're gonna get hit frame one well enjoy the damage i don't know why you're standing there [Music] just constant two damage noise okay we just had to humble you a bit chat oh you gotta dive you got one d dark hidden oh have fun with this one chat [Applause] the first one so it's too good oh there you go at least he got one two that's two [Music] oh good fireball three four keep going chat just spam those spam the spells eight nine can you get to ten one more how'd you live that how would you live that you got to 10 i don't even know how you got that that was amazing oh the shriek spam yes keep it up keep doing that oh no you got moved someone dashed that was the strat dude chad actually doing like optimal strategies for bosses somehow i'm impressed okay gotta get back closer though you can't just do that that far to the left come on she's almost dead she's definitely almost dead dash shriek no that was so close how are you live how are you live you saved yourself no okay maybe this one's a bit harder than i thought zero has such little health though like you don't have to do super good oh the dodges the pro dodges look at these oh my gosh how are you dodging these and then you just walk off someone press right i think the problem here is a lot with an aerial fighter like having a boss above you is a big problem because you can't just like spam nail oh the four hit shriek yo come on chat you got this that's so much damage don't walk off the cliff don't walk off the cliff who dashed at that moment that was a sabotage oh god dude don't stay in the corner like this that's a bad idea how'd you not get hit there okay galilean just like walked up and poked you okay maybe this one's also a bit hard we're running out of ideas of bosses that we can do realistically second phase second phase only got five health though for help three health two health oh keep diving keep diving keep diving he'll he'll heal we can't heal just spam spells just spam spells oh yo corner strat's working out for you there this is your best shot yet six health come on chat this is the run nice spelled the wrong way that's not good that was good that was good oh he's got to be so close to dead he let's go let's go chat one two three four five six seven eight bosses okay chat we're gonna take a break from this and i'm gonna go try and beat p5 while you're messing with me okay no this overrides my movement entirely dude i can't even like what i can't even move it just beats out my movement i literally can't move why does it not care about my direction i'm pressing it too i'm pressing left too it doesn't listen to what i do it though i guess keyboard has priority over controller oh my gosh okay let's get my inputs chat inputs back on okay they should be on chat who did that oh my gosh chat stop making me go left someone someone do stop somebody stop oh my gosh i tried to shriek and someone must have pressed down when i tried to shriek you wasted my spell oh my gosh chat stop going that way yes i'm not letting you walk me off oh no there's no way i survived this well that was short-lived okay you know what i have a solution i have a solution i'm turning off movement this is [ __ ] i tried to pogo okay now everyone's just spamming dash okay every time i try to do a nail it's the wrong way every time i tried to dive i can't do horizontal swings because up and down still override my neutral swings so i'm just stuck to whatever people last set me too don't see dash this would even worse chat you can help me you have the option to help me okay you can help me do good instead of trying to screw me every time bam see look teamwork yes let's go that was a bit of a waste chat but uh it's fine okay okay we're doing good we're doing good no i've tried to dream dale i didn't want to dream gate who pressed down we can do this together okay yeah nice nice wait i want i want soul no i want soul i want soul no i don't care about the map oh god everyone's gonna spam that now stop spamming back i'm staying off the ground dude you can't press the map if i don't touch the ground oh god i don't have a map for this area give me that oh thank you chad that was a good hit whoever did that shade so good job let's go i'll let you get us to the next area i'm just gonna chill oh wait you can't walk left never mind you can dash though yeah there you go nope chat what are you doing no what are you doing what are you doing i know i don't have a map what i was in a dive animation that was incredible i don't know what happened there but i was floating chat we did it we did it we did it we did it i don't know how i beat gorba i didn't think i was going to be able to no i was trying to heal what the heck we're breaking the game dude you can like heal map we're inventing new tech let's go let's go all right you can read the map all you want now chad no way chat don't make me lose to this prick this guy's not even a real boss you better not make me lose to this guy no no no no no no no no no the ultimate disrespect heal heal map new tech no at least let me check the map before i dive well we got a lot further than i thought we would okay chat what do you want to do in this room is there anything you want to do here oh who's that who's that over there you wanna you wanna go sit down and listen oh swinging the nail you don't get to leave chat you have to face your decision this is this is why i brought you here today if you sit i will let you leave okay you can walk out of here if you get if you manage to sit down that's the only way though if you go if you do anything else i'm gonna bring you back here all you have to do is sit it's that simple nope you don't get to leave through there you were right there all you have to do is press up hey let's go chad gg oh i need to fulfill my promise we're out of here you can just hear the spiderman pizza theme playing oh gosh chat don't don't have commands no stop you're typing in my no yes i got it no you're full screening stop okay go you keep you're messing with my computer i have a virus go this is it this is the wrong jump ah you gotta deliver the pizza to elderbug
Channel: Skurry
Views: 260,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, twitch plays, skurry, chat
Id: x05F-xJAK-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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