My Trip to Jordan | Petra at Night, Bubble Tents, Dead Sea, Wadi Rum Desert

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- Hi everyone, I'm in Jordan. (bright upbeat music) I am so excited to be here in Jordan. I got here last night, it almost doesn't feel real. I'm in Amman, which is the capital city. And I'm going to be traveling through the country on a tour with TBA Escapes. And if you haven't heard of TBA Escapes you've maybe heard of The Blonde Abroad. She's a really popular travel blogger and Kiersten who is The Blonde Abroad, started her own tour company that specializes in luxury tours for women. They do trips all over the world. I've looked at some of the other ones they have like South Africa. This tour that I'm on right now is the inaugural Jordan tour that they are starting with the company. And Kiersten very, very kindly invited me to come on it. I've wanted to come to Jordan for a long time. So to be able to come here on a tour especially a tour full of other women and not only is Kiersten on this tour leading it but she also has a local female guide here, who's going to be showing us around. I think that's a really cool experience. The itinerary you guys, is so cool. There are so many amazing things happening. I cannot wait to share with all of you. (bright upbeat music) This morning we drove about an hour and a half out of Amman, and we are hiking through Wadi Mujib, which is a slot canyon. Wadi means valley. And it's located near the Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on Earth. (bright upbeat music) We are taking a sunrise dip in the Dead Sea this morning. The Dead Sea is 1200 feet below sea level. And the salt content of the water is so high that you actually just float when you go in, like you're a bully, you just sit there and bop around, it's crazy. And it leaves us like kind of oily feeling residue on your skin. Also, if you have any cuts, it really, really stings. Like the salt gets in them. They say that you shouldn't shave before you go in the Dead Sea in any kind of cut that you have. It's gonna feel like hydrogen peroxide on them. It's not so bad that you shouldn't go in but like you definitely once you get in, it starts to sting a little bit. (bright upbeat music) We've driven out to Wadi Rum. We are glamping in bubble tents. A lot of movies have been filmed out here. They say that it looks like Mars like astronauts have come out here and said that this is what the surface of Mars looks like. Like "The Martian" was filmed out here. So here is the bubble tent to where you walk up these steps and then you have to push kind of hard to get the door open because it's all like it's constantly being inflated. So it's important that you keep the door shut and it's like a dual door system to get in. And here is the bubble tent bed. It's amazing view. You even have a bathroom and shower back here. So, so cool. (bright upbeat music) Today, we're going out on a safari of the Wadi Rum Desert. We're going to be stopping by Bedouin Camps. I think we're going in like the back of an open truck. So it's going to be like a really rugged, authentic experience. (bright upbeat music) After our desert safari, we headed to the ancient city of Petra to visit the Treasury at night. And this experience is only available three nights a week and it starts by hiking a mile and a half through the desert on a pathway lit by 1500 candles. And when you reach the Treasury there is a night show with music and lights. (bright upbeat music) Today, we're exploring Petra. And I didn't realize how enormous this ancient city is. I thought it was just going to be like the Treasury that you see behind me which is the very popular Instagram spot, but it's enormous. We're gonna be walking miles through these canyons through the desert to see everything, and it's gonna be pretty cool. Petra is often referred to as the Rose City due to the beautiful rosy sandstone that it's carved from. And it's estimated to be over 2000 years old and the Treasury gets its name from the original belief that it held a treasure but it turned out to be a mausoleum. And while it's definitely the most popular site in the city, Petra has over 800 individual monuments, including buildings, tombs and temples. (bright upbeat music) We climbed up a thousand steps to get to the monastery, it is here behind me, it's beautiful. It's also not as crowded up here because a lot of people don't make the hike. It's hot guys but it's fun. (bright upbeat music) Good morning from Aqaba. We have made it to the Red Sea, which the Red Sea and the Dead Sea are easy to confuse. The Red Sea is not the one that you floated. And today we are going out on a private boat for the day and scuba diving, which I'm so excited about because the Red Sea is supposed to have some of the best diving in the world. (bright upbeat music) On our last day in Jordan, we drove North to Jerash, which has been nicknamed the Pompeii of the East because it is the most well-preserved Roman city outside of Italy. And it dates back over 6,500 years and once housed 20,000 people. (bright upbeat music) Well guys, that is a wrap on the Jordan adventure. Jordan surpassed my expectations in every way. I never realized how much diversity and variety there is in this country in terms of things to do like there's all of the cultural and historical things but then there's so much adventure like the hiking through the slot canyons and the desert safari in the backs of the trucks, scuba diving in the Red Sea and floating in the Dead Sea. I've heard people say, while I'm here that Jordan has a little bit of everything and it's so true that you can really have a really well-rounded experience here. If somebody were to ask me, like what are the best countries you've traveled to Jordan is going to be up high on that list because you can just do so much here which is interesting because a year ago, or like before I really learned anything about the Middle East. I didn't think that there would be like so much to do here. I had the time of my life. Thank you so much to TBA Escapes for hosting me on this tour. I could not recommend the experience enough. I'm going to link them down below. And also I think they're always in the works of like planning new destinations and new types of tours. So I would keep an eye on their announcements as well if there are other destinations you'd be interested in visiting. If you wanna see more on this trip I'm going to have a blog post which will be linked down below. And also I'm sure I have a ton of Instagram photos and stories up on my page and that will be linked down below as well. I hope you guys enjoyed coming along on this adventure with me and I will see you in the next one. Bye. (bright upbeat music)
Channel: Allison Anderson
Views: 248,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo travel, why i started solo traveling, solo female traveler, travel hacks, starting solo travel, travel blogger, top travel destinations, why i solo travel, female travel, seattle blogger, allison anderson, amarixe, best things about solo travel, desert safari, middle east, solo travel middle east, jordan, petra, bubble tents, wadi rum, dead sea, red sea, scuba diving, jordan tour, petra at night, tba escapes, the blonde abroad, tba escapes tour, israel, jordan vlog
Id: Pxt7_VQAiig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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